SIXTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. (Referred to on Page 228 of the Journal.) In compliance with the provisions of its charter, the officers of the National Life Insurance Company have the honor to submit the sixteenth annual report of the affairs of the Company, showing its condition October 31, 1865: STATE OF VERMONT, At Montpelier, in said county, on the sixth day of Nevember, WASHINGTON COUNTY, ss. 1865, personally appeared before me JULIUS Y. DEWEY and GEORGE W. REED, President and Secretary of the National Life Insurance Company, and made oath that the foregoing report, signed by them respectively, shows the true condition of the affairs of said Company on the 31st day of October, 1865. ASAHEL PECK, Judge of the Supreme Court. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON MILEAGE AND DEBENTURES. (Referred to on Page 203 of the Journal.) To the House of Representatives now in session: The Committee on Mileage and Debentures, to whom was referred the mileage of members, having had the same under consideration, respectfully submit the following report: |