REGULATIONS IN THE DEPARTMENT OF THE CLERK. JOHN, H. FLAGG, Clerk. J. G. HOUGHTON. Second Assistant Clerk. ALBERT CLARKÉ, First Assistant Clerk. | DANIEL W. DIXON, Third Assistant Clerk. To insure a systematic and correct performance of duties in this department, the Clerk of the House of Representatives establishes the following regulations : DUTIES OF ASSISTANTS. FIRST ASSISTANT CLERK.-It is his special duty :-1. To officiate at the reading desk when required by the Clerk, and in case of his absence to perform his duty generally 2. To file all bills, resolutions, petitions, remonstrances, reports, communications, &c.. disposed of by the Speaker. 3. To distribute to the proper committee or officer all bills, petitions and other papers referred. SECOND ASSISTANT CLERK.-It is his special duty :-1. To make copies of all resolutions, instructing Committees. 2. To make all proper entries in the Senate and House bill books, and send to the printers all bills to be printed. 3. To deliver all messages to the Senate. THIRD ASSISTANT CLERK.-It it is his special duty:-1. To engross all bills and resolutions ordered to be engrosselt. 2. By direction of the Clerk to aid in the performance of the general duties of the department, or to perform any services appertaining to the duties of the other Assistants that may be necessary. GENERAL REGULATIONS. 1. Each Assistant will, when not engaged in the performance of his own special duties, render such assistance to the Clerk and to his associate Assistants as may be in his power or the pressure of duties in a particular department may render necessary. Each will, when not engaged in a special duty, attend punctually to all calls for information which may be made by members or reporters, and is expected to render members all proper clerical assistance which may be requested, the performance of which will not interfere with his regular duties, to furnish members with any information in his power relative to any bill or paper referred or on file, and at all times to maintain towards members, reporters, and associate Assistants perfect courtesy of demeanor. 2. The hours of service each day are from 8 o'clock in the morning till adjournment, and, with the exception of a suitable time for dinner, until all the duties of the day have been fully performed, saving a suitable time, also, for supper. 3. Each Assistant will remain at his post at the Clerk's table during the session, unless called therefrom in the regular performance of his duties. The following acts will be considered breaches of duty, on the part of any officer in the Clerk's department, and will be noticed accordingly: 1. Want of punctuality. 2. Willful neglect of any of the above prescribed duties. 3. Absence from the desk without good reason. 4. Interference with legislation. No journal, record or paper of any kind must be taken from the desk, unless by express permission of the Clerk, and it is desired that no unnecessary interruption be made him while engaged in making the journal. HOUSE OF REPResentatives, Montpelier, October 12, 1865. JOHN H. FLAGG, Clerk. MANUAL OF THE LEGISLATURE OF VERMONT, FOR THE YEAR 1865. The "term" of senators and representatives means the term of service in both Houses. As to other officers, "term" means the number of years served by each in such office. none u Barnard, July 26, 1804, physician epis meth u unita u William W. Henry, Waterbury, cong n Granth'm,N. H.,Sept., 19'03, physician Sudbury, March 3, 1816, marble d'ler Thetford, Nov. 24, 1814, attorney Grafton, Jan. 28, 1830, Windham, Sept. 10, 1822, 4 3 1 u farmer farmer C. W. Merrill, Montpelier, cong n RECAPITULATION OF THE SENATE. Occupation.-Farmers 12; attorneys 7; physicians 3; merchants 5; clergymen 2; marble dealers 2; manufacturers 2; teacher 1; mechanic 1; students 3. Nativities-Vermont 26; New Hampshire 1; Massachusetts 1; New York 1. Religious Preferences.-Congregationalist 19; Episcopal 3; Methodist 1; Baptist 1; Universalist 5; Unitarian 1; no preference 4. CHITTENDEN COUNTY. When and where born. Occupation. Term. Huntington, Oct. 16, 1824, So. Hero, March 12, 1832, lumber dealer 2 2 2 1 1 1 farmer 2 farmer farmer 2 2 33, farmer 1 farmer 2 physician 1 farmer 3 |