Those members who voted in the negative are Messrs. Waite, A message from the Senate, by Mr. Clark, their Secretary, as follows: MR. SPEAKER: The Senate have considered the joint resolution from the House of Representatives, granting the use of the Representatives' Hall to the principal of the Hartford Asylum for the deaf and dumb; And have adopted the same in concurrence. The Senate have appointed as a committee, on their part, on the joint resolution providing for a Committee of Inquiry, Senator Reed, of Washington. On motion of Mr. Skinner, of Derby, the House adjourned. AFTERNOON. Engrossed bill entitled H. 10. An act relating to jailors' fees; Mr. Morrison, of Starksboro, from the Committee on Corporations to whom was referred House bill entitled ; H. 12. An act to incorporate the Rochester Cemetery Association; Reported in favor of its passage, whereupon the same was; Ordered to be engrossed, and read the third time. Mr. Skinner, of Derby, from the Committee on Corporations to whom was referred House bill entitled H. 51. An act to incorporate the Pittsford Marble Company; Reported in favor of its passage, and thereupon said bill was Ordered to be engrossed and read, the third time. Mr. White, from the Committee on Corporations to whom was referred House bill entitled H. 45. An act to incorporate the village of Fairhaven ; Reported in favor of its passage, when amended in section one, line fourteen, by striking therefrom the word "any"; also in section five, line ten, by inserting after the word village," the words, at least ten days previous to said time of meeting; also by adding thereto the following: ee Sec. 12. At the first meeting of the legal voters of said village of Fairhaven, to be holden as provided in section ten of this act, the justices warning such meeting shall insert in such warning an article as follows: To see if the legal voters of the village of Fairhaven will accept and approve of the act of incorporation of said village. And if a majority of the legal voters present at such meeting are in favor thereof, then this act shall be in full force; otherwise void and of no effect whatever; The House agreeing so to amend, the bill as amended was Ordered to be engrossed and read the third time. Mr. Prout, from the Committee on the Judiciary to whom was referred House bill entitled H. 39. An act to legalize the grand list of the town of Ira; Reported in favor of its passage; and thereupon said bill was Ordered to be engrossed, and read the third time. Mr. Nicholson, from the Committee on the Judiciary to whom was referred House bill entitled H. 17. An act to more fully define the duties of county grand jurors; And Mr. Park, from the Committee on Banks to whom was referred House bill entitled H. 47. An act in amendment of section three, chapter seventy-nine, of the General Statutes, regulating the rate of interest in certain cases; Reported adversely to the passage of the same; and thereupon the engrossment and third reading of said bills were severally refused. Mr. Henry, from the Committee on Manufactures to whom was referred House bill entitled H. 21. An act to incorporate the Bennington Manufacturing Company; Reported in favor of its passage when amended by striking therefrom section seven, and inserting in lieu thereof the following: Sec. 7. This corporation shall not contract debts to an amount exceeding three-fourths of the capital stock actually paid in; and if the indebtedness of the company shall, at any time, exceed the amount aforesaid, the directors and stockholders shall be personally holden for such excess to the creditors of the corporation; The House agreeing so to amend, the bill, as amended, was Ordered to be engrossed, and read the third time. Mr. Barlow, from the Committee on Roads to whom was referred Senate bill entitled S. 11. An act to incorporate the Mount Mansfield Railroad Company; Reported in favor of its passage; whereupon said bill was read the third time and passed in concurrence. The motion of Mr. Robinson, of Highgate, was then taken up as a special order, to wit: ୧୧ That Mr. Rufus Hamilton be admitted to take his seat in the House as the representative of the town of Montgomery, without producing his credentials." The question being put by the Chair, Mr. Waite moved that the said motion, and the subject thereof, be referred to the Committee on Elections; Which motion was disagreed to. The question recurring, Will the House admit Rufus Hamilton to take his seat in the House, as the representative of the town of Montgomery, without producing his credentials? it was decided in the affirmative. Whereupon the said Rufus Hamilton, appearing at the bar of the House, received the oaths of office, and took his seat. A message from his Excellency, the Governor, by Mr. Gay, Secretary of Civil and Military Affairs, as follows: MR. SPEAKER: I am directed by the Governor to deliver to the House of Representatives a communication in writing, with accompanying documents. The Speaker laid before the House a communication from his Excellency, the Governor, as follows: STATE OF VERMONT, Executive Chamber, Montpelier, Oct. 25, 1865. HON. JOHN W. STEWART, Speaker of the House of Representatives; ‚ SIR: I have the honor to transmit herewith a communication from the provisional governor of Alabama, dated Montgomery, October 4, 1865, and covering copies of certain ordinances passed by the convention of that state, changing its constitution and organic laws. Agron 11 PAUL DILLINGHAM. Which communication, with the accompanying documents, were referred to the Committee under the Fourth Joint Rule. On motion of Mr. Hebard, the House adjourned.h THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1865. Reading of the Scriptures and prayer by Rev. Mr. Woodman, the representative of the town of Wheelock. Journal of yesterday read and approved. A message from the Senate, by Mr. Lamson, their Assistant Secretary, as follows: MR. SPEAKER: I am directed to inform the House that the Senate have considered House bill entitled H. 48. An act to amend chapter twenty, section thirtyeight, of the General Statutes, relating to compensation to be allowed Vermont Asylum for the Insane; And have passed the same in concurrence. The Senate have considered joint resolution from the House, authorizing the Adjutant and Inspector General to procure copies of certain books of Vermont regiments; And have adopted the same in concurrence, with a proposal of amendment, In the adoption of which the concurrence of the House is requested. The Senate have adopted a joint resolution providing for a Joint Assembly, In the adoption of which the concurrence of the House is requested. The Senate have passed a bill entitled S. 5. An act to incorporate the Wilmington Cornet Band; In the passage of which the concurrence of the House is requested. A resolution from the Senate as follows: Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives, That the two Houses meet in Joint Assembly, on Thursday, October 26, at three o'clock in the afternoon, to hear the report of the committee appointed to canvass the votes for county and probate officers, and, if necessary, to complete the election of such officers; Was read and adopted in concurrence. Mr. Burt introduced a bill entitled H. 61. An act to incorporate the Swanton Falls Manufacturing Company; |