Imagens das páginas

Acts 1866, 56.

Appropriation in support of.

tendent in respect of expenses, rendering accounts, and how paid.

§ 5. There is appropriated for the support- including board, instruction, clothing, and medical attendance. - of each pupil, the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars per annum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, payable quarterly; and the sum of five thousand dollars per annum, payable quarterly in advance, for the general support of the institution payment of salaries, purchase of books, furniture, maps, apparatus, and for improvements, contingent expenses, &c. It shall be the duty of the superintendent to require each parent or guardian to pay whatever sum per annum, in his judgment, after due inquiry, he or she may be able to pay towards the support of his or her child or ward in the institution. From the entirely indigent nothing shall be required.

§ 6. It shall be the duty of the superintendent to keep, Duty of Superin- or cause to be kept, a detailed account of all the supplies purchased or expenses incurred, except salaries. He shall render a weekly or monthly account of the same to the secretary, or to an auditor appointed for the purpose, who shall audit the same; whereupon, the secretary shall draw a warrant for its payment upon the treasurer. The executive committee may advance the superintendent such weekly or monthly sums as may be necessary to meet current expenses.

to make quarterly

§7. The superintendent shall make to the Auditor of the Superintendent State a quarterly return of all the expenditures and income. returns to Audit of the institution of every kind, with proper vouchers, which To be audited it shall be his duty to audit, and certify a general statement thereof to the Legislature biennially.


certified to Legislature.

Accounts of expenditures to be kept by secretary

and treasurer.

§ 8. The secretary and treasurer shall keep full and independent accounts of the income and expenditures of the institution, which they shall compare once a year. The treasurer shall lay before the board his report, audited and certified by the secretary. He shall make no disbursements, except upon the warrant of the secretary.

9. It shall be the duty of the commissioners to make a Commissioners to biennial report to the Legislature, accompanied by a cataports of pupils. logue of the pupils, and a report from the treasurer for each

make biennial re

Duty of board of commissioners.


SIC. The board of commissioners shall hold at least two meetings in each year, at stated periods; and the necessary

traveling expenses of the commissioners living out of the county where the institution is located, shall be paid by the board on presentation. The president of the board shall have authority to call a meeting of the board at any time. Three of the members shall be appointed an executive committee, during the intervals of the meetings of the board, two of whom shall form a quorum, who shall keep, through the secretary of the institution, a record of their acts and doings, to be presented at the next meeting of the board for their approval or disapproval.

11. The superintendent shall appoint the teachers and other subordinate officers, by and with the approval and consent of the board. The board shall fix the salaries of all the officers. They shall regulate the character and age of the pupils to be received, and they shall divide them into classes according to intellect, and regulate the time of each class in the institution.

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§ 12. The board shall appoint a treasurer, who shall not Board to appoint be a member of the board, and a secretary, each of whom shall receive adequate salaries.

§ 13. When a pupil is removed from the institution without the consent of the superintendent, or if with his consent, is permitted to be taken home on a visit, and shall not be duly returned within the period of four months, such pupil and his or her parents or guardian shall forfeit any claim to public support at home, under the provisions of existing laws in behalf of idiots.

14. The superintendent of the institution be, and he is directed to continue, as a teacher in said institution, one or more practical mechanics, whose duty it shall be to instruct such of the inmates as are susceptible in the mechanical arts. That all such articles as may be manufactured in the institution shall be sold by the superintendent, and the proceeds, as far as necessary, applied to the payment of the salaries of such mechanical teachers as may be employed, and the cost of materials used in manufacturing; and the residue, if any, deducted from the appropriation for the general support of the institution. The superintendent shall include in his quarterly return of expenditures to the Auditor all moneys received and expended by virtue of the provisions of this section.

Acts 1867-'8, 45.

Pupils removed

when claim for support forfeited.

Acts 1866, 56.

Mechanics to be

employed to in

struct inmates.

Acts 1865, 139.

§ 15. It shall be the duty of the superintendent of the Acts 1866, 57; institution to keep a separate account of all sums received Superintendent from parents or friends of pupils. Amounts received from parents or friends of pupils shall not be deducted from the annual allowance of the State made for the board, clothing, and maintenance of each pupil.

to keep accounts

of sums received

from parents,

&c., of pupils

not to be deduct

ed from annual


16. In the purchase of supplies, the superintendent shall advertise for sealed proposals for the supplies necessary for the proper management of the said institution, and for purchase of let the contract for said supplies to the lowest and best bidder. *

Sealed proposals


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Acts 1865, 4.

What fees the several clerks


10. Fees of Arbitrators.

II. Fees of Notaries Public.

12. Attorneys' fees, jury fee, and tax on petitions, &c.

13. Fees of Assistant Secretary of State.

14. Chain-carriers and Markers.

15. Fees of Examiners.

16. Fees of Witnesses and Commissioners.

17. Fees of Appraisers, Viewers, and Processioners.

18. How fee bills to be made out.

19. When fees due, and when distrainable.

20. Illegal fee bills and charges.


§ 1. That hereafter the clerks of the Court of Appeals, specified services circuit courts, equity courts, and county courts (so far as the

shall receive for

*This entire chapter is repealed by an act of the session of 1872-'3, chapter 958, entitled "An act concerning the various charitable institutions of this Commonwealth," published at foot of chapter on Lunatics.

same will apply), shall receive the following fees for the ser

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Provided, That all of the witnesses living in the same

county ordered to be summoned at the same time shall be included in one subpoena, and the fee therefor shall not be increased.

For each warrant of arrest of a witness,

For entering and filing officer's return thereof,

For each order of arrest,

For each copy thereof,

For entering and filing officer's return thereof,

For each order of delivery,

For each copy thereof,

For entering and filing officer's return thereof,

For docketing an action, motion, or proceeding, at each term,

For entering appearance of each party or parties to a cause, to be charged but once,






30 20




For filing a petition, or any other pleading,


For filing an amended pleading, but not to be taxed as



For each order of court, the entire entry to be but one order,


For each copy thereof, when ordered,


[blocks in formation]

For each trial, including all the services incident there





For taxing costs of each party or parties, at each term when judgment for costs is rendered, or on final judgment, on a paper filed or to be filed with the action,


For a copy of taxation of costs, if called for,
For issuing an execution, including indorsements and
return thereof, to be charged when issued,
For a copy of any execution, and indorsements, -
For recording each award of arbitrators, or judgment
in equity, or for a copy of either, for each twenty
words, or fraction thereof,

$0 20

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

For entering attendance of witnesses, and giving a certificate thereof, and swearing witnesses,


For each bond required to be taken by the clerk, in cluding the administration of an oath to the securities, and the certificate thereof,

For each copy thereof, when ordered,

For filing each appeal,

For each summons thereon,

For each copy thereof,

For filing return thereof,

For entering satisfaction, or release or discharge of a
judgment, in whole or in part, in court or on an
order-book, to be paid by the party procuring the
same, and when made by the clerk,

For administering an oath, and certificate thereof,
For filing an attachment granted by a justice of the
peace or county judge,

For copying a surveyor's report, for every twenty
words, or fraction thereof,

[blocks in formation]


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For copying a plat, for each tract presented therein, For filing papers in any cause, for each party, exclusive of process, pleading, depositions, or papers referred to in the pleadings, to be charged as costs. once to each party,


For filing a deposition to be charged but once in each case, and all those contained in one envelop to be counted as one,


For affixing seal of office and certificate of same, except in cases exempt from charge,

For each writ of possession,


[ocr errors]

For each official certificate,

For issuing a writ of idiocy or lunacy,
For recording each inquisition under same,
For each copy of such inquisition, when ordered,
For copying a record, for every twenty words,

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