King Lear: A Tragedy in Five ActsG.H. Davidson - 67 páginas |
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Albany art thou Burgundy Captain CORDELIA and ARANTHE Corn Crosses dark daughter dear dear father death disguise dispatch dost thou dress DUKE OF BURGUNDY Duke of Cornwall Earl of Gloster Enter EDGAR Enter EDMUND Enter GLOSTER Enter OSWALD Exeunt Exit eyes father flesh-coloured arms follow fortune foul fiend give Glost Gloster's Castle gods Goneril grace Guards hand head hear heav'n honour hovel i'th ingratitude injur'd Kent knave Kneels letter lord madam Maid Methinks nature Officer pardon Physician poor poor Tom pray Regan robe and cap royal sandals SCENE Servants Shakspeare shew sight sister slave Soldiers speak sword tell tempest THEATRES ROYAL thee thine thou art thou dost thou hast thou shalt thunder traitor Trumpet sounds tunic and cap Twas weep Whilst wilt winds wretched