and let no man's contrition be less than his crime.S. Cyprian. LXIII. It is manifest, that all government of action is to be gotten by knowledge, and knowledge, best, by gathering many knowledges, which is reading.-Sir P. Sidney. LXVI. Wine wine in a morning, When by noon we're at height. Fill them up now he shines: The higher he rises; The more he refines, For wine and wit fall As their maker declines. LXV. Tom Brown. God Almighty, to show us that he made all of nothing, hath left a certain inclination in his creatures, whereby they tend naturally to nothing; that is to say, to change and corruption: unless they be upheld by his power, who having all in himself, abideth alone the unchangeable and free from all passions.-Sir P. Sidney. LXVI. As long as you are engaged in the world, you must comply with its maxims; because nothing is more unprofitable, than the wisdom of those persons who set up for reformers of the age. 'Tis a part a man cannot 4 act long, without offending his friends and rendering himself ridiculous.-St. Evremond. LXVII. It would be an unspeakable advantage, both to the public and private, if men would consider that great truth, that no man is wise or safe, but he that is honest; all I have designed is peace to my country, and may England enjoy that blessing when I shall have no more proportion in it than what my ashes make.Sir W. Raleigh. LXVIII. Hope with a goodly prospect feeds the eye, LXIX. Dryden. If we do not weigh and consider to what end this life is given us, and thereupon order and dispose it right, pretend what we will to the arithmetic, we do not, we cannot so much as number our days in the narrowest and most limited signification-Clarendon. We that good shall antedate; LXXI, Marvell. If our wit and eloquence, our knowledge or inventions, would deserve to live longer than the ancient have done, yet our languages would not: there is no hope of their lasting long, nor of any thing in them; they change every hundred years, so as to be hardly known for the same or any thing of the former styles to be endured by the latter; so as they can no more last like the ancient, than excellent carvings in wood like those of marble or brass.-Sir. W. Temple. LXXII. O kiss! which dost those ruddy gems impart, Or gems, or fruits, of new-found Paradise: Breathing all bliss and sweet'ning to the heart; Teaching dumb lips a nobler exercise. O kiss! which souls, ev'n souls, together ties How fain would I paint thee to all men's eyes. But my heart burns, I cannot silent be. Then since (dear life,) you fain would have me peace, LXXIII. My brain, methinks, is like an hour-glass, Filling up time; but then are turned, and turn'd And less to put in act. LXXIV. Ben. Johnson. Who can tell whether learning may not even weaken invention, in a man that has great advantages from na ture, and birth; whether the weight and number of so many men's thoughts and notions may not suppress his own, or hinder the motion and agitation of them, from which all invention arises; as heaping on wood, or too many sticks, or too close together, suppresses, and sometimes quite extinguishes a little spark, that would otherwise have grown up to a noble flame —Sir W. Temple. LXXV. Inconstancy's the plague that first or last LXXVI. Otway's Orphan. Politics resemble religion; attempting to divest either of ceremony is the most certain method of bringing cither into contempt. The weak must have their inducements to admiration as well as the wise; and it is the business of a sensible government to impress all ranks with a sense of subordination, whether this be effected by a diamond buckle, or a virtuous edict, a sumptuary law, or a glass necklace.-Goldsmith. LXXVII. Ridicule is the itch of our age and climate; and has over-run both the court and the stage; enters a House of Lords and Commons as boldly as a coffee-house; debates of council as well as private conversation: and I have known, in my life-time more than one or two ministers of state, that would rather have said a witty thing than have done a wise one, and made the company laugh, rather than the kingdom rejoice.-Sir P. Temple. LXXVIII. Whilst we do speak, our fire Doth into ice expire; Flames turn to frost; and ere we can Know how our cheek turns pale and wan, Springs there where jet did grow, Our fading spring is in dull winter lost. LXXIX. Mayne. It is a very poor, though common, pretence to merit, to make it appear by the faults of other men: a mean wit or beauty may pass in a room, where the rest of the company are allowed to have none: it is something to sparkle among diamonds; but to shine among pebbles is neither credit nor value worth the pretending.Sir W. Temple. LXXX. Those who live magnificently, for the most part, are the real poor: they endeavour to get money on all hands, with disquiet and trouble, to maintain the plea. sures of others; and whilst they lavish their plenty, which strangers enjoy more than themselves, they are at home, sensible of their wants, with their wives and children, both by the importunity of unmerciful duns, and by the miserable state of their affairs, which they see going to rack.-St. Evremond. LXXXI. Ambition, like love can abide no lingering; and even urgeth on his own successes, hating nothing but what may stop them.-Sir P. Sidney. LXXXII. I had a friend that lov'd me: I was his soul: he liv'd not but in me: We were so close within each other's breast, |