After Fundamentalism: The Future of Evangelical Theology

Harper & Row, 1983 - 225 páginas
The Enlightenment of the eighteenth century brought into existence modern learning and modern attitudes; at the same time, it created the most serious challenge to Christianity since the early days of the Church. Liberal Christianity was created to formulate a way of living with the aftermath of the Enlightenment, but made the fateful mistake of surrendering the substance of Christianity as historically understood. At the same time, orthodoxy, evangelicalism, and fundamentalism have struggled to respond properly to the Enlightenment. Now Bernard Ramm's groundbreaking After Fundamentalism offers a way of doing theology -- using Karl Barth's methodology as a model -- that allows a Christian to both be a child of the Enlightenment and maintain the historic substance of Christianity. After Fundamentalism reconciles the great gains of the Enlightenment with authentic Christianity to show how a Christian can -- without compromising his or her beliefs -- live fully as a modern person in the modern world. --

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