Imagens das páginas

Yet he tryumpht as whole and sound,
His purpose whole to make:
Right many yet (if time would serue)
To bring vnto the stake.

And once again, if Fortune stood,
He might haue vp the masse:
(But see how now the Lord of Hostes
Hath made his foe like grasse)

Who bragd and boasted in his greace,
To washe the tile anew:
And faind an end to his deuise,
Whiche yet he neuer knew.

And so the rest with cheerful sound,
At eu'ry newes that came,

Sang, as the prouerb olde hath been,
Laudes ante victoriam,

Sith monstrous corps, with delicates,
So monstrously was blowen:

Whose monstrous minde, with poys'ning woords,
In graue is overthrowen.

But what, did he repent of all

His blooddy sinful race?

And learn by Gods woord to amend,

His life so voyd of grace?

Nay sure, til time of present death,
He chaunged not his minde:
But, as he liu'd a foe to Christe,
So dyed moste wilful blinde.

Oh, yet though he had liu'd so il,
Gods mercy is not bace:

To suche as think that Jhesus Christe
Can all their sinnes deface.

But as this* Eresichthon liu'd,

In spite and rage to spoil:

So, in his end, of mightie Ioue
He took a deadly foil.

Not that he died, but that in death

His helth he did' denie:

For sure non mori turpe est,

Sed turpiter mori.

• Erisichthon was King of Thessalia, who despised Ceres, and cut down her woods; at last, being stroken with a meruailous hunger, was compeld to eat his own fleshe.

And yet though Erisichthons end
Hapt not vnto this foe:

To eat his fleshe, sith Bonners mates
In stie did fat him so.

Yet viler end had he, no dout,
Then Eresichthons was:
Because their times were far vnlike,
As it did come to passe.

The one a Christian was in name,
The other Pagan prowd:
Yet in there acts of maners like,
As may bee wel avou'd.

He Ceres sought, this Ihesus Christe,
And his to bring to wrack:
He did starue, this with grease died,
Though grace from him went back,

Whereby all such as blinded were,
By fau'ring of his acts,

May see what iudgement is preparde,
To recompence their facts.

And therefore boule all Balams seed,
And weep both moste and least;
Which bear the mark (in such a light)
Of that ilfau'red beast.

But Englishe barts, which love Gods word,
Our Queen and Englishe land:

Reioyce, sith hope of foes is spoild,
By force of Gods right hand.

Sith filthy flesh doth lie in graue,
Though soule I fear be il:

Which liu'd and dide so stout a foe
To Christes death and wil.

But what though blooddy corps of his
Be forste to live ful lowe:

His blooddy facts and deeds moste vile
From hence, shall no man knowe?

Shall treason so conspir'd, shall pride,
Shall blasphemy lie dead?

No fame from earth to vpper skies,
His wickednes shall spread?

His brutishe tigrishe toil, in time
Of his most high renown:
T'extoll the power and pomp of him,
That weres the triple crown.

His rage and currish cruel spite,
Against his cuntriemen ;
His butcherly deuice to waste
The fleshe of Christians then.

His false surmise and murdring spite,
Whiche shew'd him then to be
A Poliphemus right, whiche slue,
In three yeeres, hundreds three.

Not of Vlisses souldiours sure,
But Christians truly tride,
Whiche were deuoured, while he had
The ruther for to guide.

Shall now † Philonides lie dead,
Shall serpentinishe rage

So sleep? Nay sure his wickednes
Shall liue the worldes age.

His stoutnes shall remain now shewd,

In time of his conflict:

Who as a subject did deny,

To haue his hart adict.

And as a foe to Christ (his woord)
And to our gracious Queen:
Wisht with his mates moste trať'rously

Some others raign I ween.

Beside his epicurishe life,

Before and in this cace:

Though corps be dead, yet death cannot
These horrours quite deface.

He suffred was, ful ten years space,

By fauour him to win:

(As gospels nature is) yet he

Could never once begin

Poliphemus, or Cyclops, was son of Neptune and Thoosa, a great monster, hauing but one eye, which was in his forehed. He was of the ile of Scicilia, into whiche Vlisses being cast by rage of tempest. and hapning on the caue of this Cyclops, lost four of his men, who would have deyoured the rest, if Vlisses, making him drunk, had not, with a fire-brand, bored out his eye.

+ Philonides was a great big lubber of Mileta (now called Malta) altogether so folishe and unlerned, that of him grew a prouerb, Indoctior Philonide. Some wil say, Bonner was wel lerned. I graunt, yet, in knowledge of holy scripture, like to Philonides, notwithstanding his ciuile law.

For to repent (though fauour he

Deserued had but small

At those, which now in his distresse,
Did shew him moste of all.)

But scoft and mocked those, as yet
Whiche gladly would him teache.
But, cheefly in his death, such men
As gospel soundly preache.

And therfore sith, in life of his,
No vertue was to praise :
In welth, ne wo, no spark of grace,
Whiche liu'd and spent his days,
So like a Cyclops in his den,

Deseruing no good fame:

Sith God hath cut of suche a


Can we but praise his name?


And eke beseeche th' almightie Ioue,
The number to fulfil :

In cutting of the rest with speed,
That bear the beast good will.

Who sure may shame at his vile race,
But more at his vile end:
And sore lament his fearful state,
Whiche now did not amend.

Though all his life he had been benf,
Yet now to stand so stout:
Denying Christe, at his last breath,
Is fearful, out of dout.

This may suffize, as God hath lent
Me grace to rule my pen:

In blasing foorth the deeds and fame,
(Before all Christian men)

Of Romaines greasy God, whose life
And death (so woorthy shame)
I haue display'd, and therfore now,
Such shal be muche to blame,

Which carp at truthe, and stomack this
That eury man can tel

Throughout this land, and others to,

Ere this whiche knew it wel.

• A drone breedeth among bees, muche like a bee; and alwayes iiues in the hiue, never coming out to gather hony, but stil deuoureth that whiche the bee dooth gather, and, at last, the bee and all.

God saue our Queen Elizabeth,
And bring her foes to il:

And root out those with speed from vs
Whiche bear the Pope good wil. Amen.




Lately sent by a Gentleman, Student in the Lawes of the Realme, to a Frende of his,


Black Letter, Octavo, containing twenty-two Pages.

ACCORDING to your request, you shal hereby vnderstand what you may truely saye and auowe vpon such questions as it seemeth you haue harde, of the late execution of D. Storie, who suffred at Tiburne the first of Iune last.

It is notorious howe euyll and vnloyally he behaued hym selfe here in Englande before he departed the realme, and howe earnest a persecutor afterward he was of all the good subjectes of Englande, hauyng cause to be in the Lowe-countreys, both before the arrest made of late by the Duke of Alua, as sence that tyme, a multitude of honest marchaunts knowe it, both Englyshe and others, and a great number haue felt it, by imprisonment, procured by hym, and by seasyng and confiscatyng of their goodes; so as there is no doubt to be made, but that he was, to his power, as earnest an enemie to the state of Englande, his naturall countrey, and the Queenes Maiesties good subiectes, as any man borne in this realme coulde be. Neuerthelesse, because, at the place of his execution before his death, he vsed long and many speeches, to moue some of simple understandyng, or that dyd not knowe his rancor and malice agaynst the Queenes Maiestie, and the state of this realme; and for that it was not then conuenient, nor at least coulde be imagined aforchande, that he woulde haue vsed suche speeches at that tyme, and so he was suffred to speake altogether without contradiction, whereby the trueth, percase, may be made to you obscure; you shall vnderstande of what detestable crymes he was gyltie, and therewith shoulde haue ben particulerly charged at tyme of his arraignement in the Kyngs-benche, but that he craftyly and traytorously, knowying by his examination wherewith he was to be

* See the 4th Article in the Catalogue of Pamphlets.

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