Imagens das páginas

the construction of the bridge, with openings of seventy feet each, with jetties or jaws, fasts and fender posts, for convenient passage of vessels; and concurs in opinion that that would be a proper plan upon which to build said draw bridge. That with a breakwater suitably erected, southerly of the draw, the navigation of the draw for vessels would be safe and convenient; but perhaps would not improve the natural navigation. Witness is acquainted with the railroad draw bridge over the Richelieu river, for the St. Lawrence and Atlantic road, through the draw of which all vessels coming from the St. Lawrence river to Lake Champlain pass. The draw is opened within the space of from one to two minutes, and always in season for approaching vessels. The draw turns upon a turn-table, similar to the one proposed at Rouse's Point. There is a strong current at the Baloeil bridge, of about two miles an hour, according to the state of the water; and a projecting point above the draw, which tends to throw the current away from the opening. In the winter season, the witness considers a draw bridge at Rouse's Point very highly necessary to a connection of the said railroads, and also to public convenience and safety. There are many times when the ice will not admit of navigation, and is still insecure for any passage over it.

And this deponent further says, that he has as engineer of the St. Lawrence and Champlain railroad caused to be filed a map of location as required by the charter, with one line located north of the Province line, with a view to the construction of a drawbridge at that point, in the event it might become necessary by a refusal to permit one to be constructed at Rouse's Point. And he believes a charter for a drawbridge north of the Province line would be granted by the Provincial government, if such bridge should be constructed there, but that the extension charter points to a connexion at Rouse's Point as the most proper. The trade and travel between Canada, NewYork and New England is rapidly increasing and strongly requires a convenient winter connexion, and that such connexion would very much facilitate the intercourse between the two countries.

Rouse's Point is the proper foot of steamboat navigation of Lake Champlain. The navigation from Rouse's Point to St. Johns is difficult and uncertain as to time. The ordinary passage of steamboats [Senate, No. 20.]


between Rouse's Point and St. Johns is two hours, but it often happens in low water and foggy weather a much longer time is required. So that a connexion with the railroad trains at St. Johns is rendered uncertain. From Rouse's Point south the navigation of the lake is comparatively easy for all classes of steamboats. The Canada road in his charge is intended for a large transportation of lumber as well as other freight, and that part of it between La Prairie and St. Johns has already done a heavy amount of transportation of lumber. That the railroad from Montreal to Rouse's Point when completed will save, in the opinion of witness, from one to two days time in passing property from Montreal to Rouses's Point.

And this deponent further says, that he has no stock or interest in any of the roads in Canada or in any of the connexion roads, and has no interest in the matter in question other than his desire for the public good and the interest of the road under his charge.

Subscribed and sworn this 5th day of Oct., 1850, before me.

A. S. THURBER, Justice of Peace.






Academies, instructing teachers, report of committee on



Adjutant General's report on the cost of the militia system, 28
Appraisers, Canal Appraisers annual report, .

Arsenal lot at Malone, report of committee on sale,....


report on the bill to authorize
the payment of damages,








Assessment laws, report of committee,.

Attorney General's report on enlargement of State canals,..
on manorial lands,.

Auditor's digest of canal claims,....

annual report, ....

Axon, Robert, report of committee on petition for damages
in consequence of being thrown from a bridge on Black
river canal,....



Banks, report of committee as to contribution to Safety Fund, 39
Brady and Fitzsimmons, report of committee on petition for
canal damages,.


[ocr errors]

Brooklyn, report on union with New-York and Williamsburgh 74
Bull, George W, report in relation to charges,.
Butler and Johnson, report on claim for canal damages,
Business, calendar of, at regular session,.



[ocr errors]


[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]


Campbell and Moody, report of Commissioners of Land Office
on petition,.....

Canal Board, communication in relation to claim of Collins
and Hitchcock,...


... 18

tolls on railroad freights, report of select committee,.
Appraisers' annual report,.....

[ocr errors]

Canals, report of the Attorney General on the enlargement, 68
majority of the committee on canals,

on enlargement, ...


minority upon the same subject,..... 70

Canal Commissioners' report in answer to resolution from
the Senate,....

Census, communication of the Governor and Secretary of the
Interior, .....

Claims, digest of claims presented to the Legislature since



presented to the Canal Board from
its organization to March 1, 1851, 50

Comptroller's report in answer to a resolution relative to

Union College,....

relative to counsel fees paid by the State
in relation to the General Fund,

State Finances,.


[ocr errors]




on expenses for printing, binding, en-
graving, &c. ...

Committees, standing committees of the Senate,.

Colleges and Academies, report of the committee on Finance
on appropriations,....

Collins and Hitchcock, report of Canal Board on claim for
canal damages,

Collins and others, canal damages..

[ocr errors]

Countryman, Thomas, report on petition for canal damages, 46
Curran, John W., report on petition for damages sustained
in consequence of falling through Canal bridge,......... 31
Calendar of business before the senate at the regular session, 77
Comptroller, communication from...

Congressional districts, report of committee on,




Digest of claims presented to the Legislature since 1843,...
Digest of claims presented to the Canal Board from its organ-
ization to March 1, 1851,




Ehle, Charles, report of Comptroller on claims of,

[blocks in formation]


Feudal tenures, report of minority of judiciary committee on, 96

Governor's message, annual, ...


extra session,



communication transmitting letter of the Secre-
tary of the Interior, relating to the census, .. 63


Goodrich, Caleb, report on claim for canal damages,..
Governor's communication transmitting letters of the Sec-
retary of War and Brevet Colonel G. Wright,
relating to granting lands near Fort Ontario,. 82
Gilbert, William J., report on claim of, to seat in Senate,...
Guinnip, George B.,







Hall, James, report on the Geological survey,

Highways and work assessed thereon, report of the com-
mittee on roads and bridges,....

Higby, Charles G., communication relating to contested seat
in 26th senatorial district,..

[blocks in formation]


Joint rules of the Senate and Assembly,

Joint rules of the Senate and Assembly, report of the com-
mittee of conference,



Johnson, Stephen H., Senator, report in relation to charges, 60


Keisler & Babcock. report on claim for canal damages,.....
Kellogg, Josiah S., report of minority of committee on claims


for canal damages,


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