(No. 6.) BUFFALO AND NIAGARA FALLS RAILROAD. Return of the Buffalo and Niagara Falls Railroad, being for the year ending September 30th, 1850. Filed Nov. 28th, 1850. Total amount now of funded and floating debt.... 34,165 7 p. ct. CHARACTERISTICS OF ROAD. Length of road.... Length of road laid..... Length of double track, including sidings.... Length of branches owned by the company, laid.. ... Length of double track on same.... Weight of rail per yard on main track... Number of engine houses and shops. engines... Rated as 8 Pass. cars 1st. class 6. 2d class & emigr❜t 5, lbs. 57 DOINGS OF THE YEAR IN TRANSPORTATION. Miles run by passenger trains... Miles run by freight trains..... Rate of fare per mile charged passengers.... gers carried one mile...... 25 21 27,104 none. cts. 2.55 124,683 2,602,235 Tons of freight carried and total movement of freight... not weigh'd Average rate of speed of passenger trains including stops (miles per hour)..... Rate of speed of same, when in motion.... EXPENSES OF MAINTAINING ROAD. Repairs of road bed and railway, excepting cost of iron 22 30 Depreciation of way... Cost of iron used in repairs, length and weight.. Oil and waste for engines, tenders and cars... 749 84 38 00 Losses and damages of goods and baggage. Damages for injuries to persons.... Damages to property, including damages by fire and 17,218 66 2,963 00 25,421 00 3d. PAYMENTS, Other than for cONSTRUCTION: For transportation expenses..... interest. dividends.. ... To surplus fund.... Total amount of surplus fund.. No person seriously injured during the year. |