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this department; and that you will report, as early as convenient, in regard to the location of light houses, buoys, &c., at the entrance of Columbia river, referred to in section 27 of the law to establish a territorial government in Oregon. The accounts for necessary expenditures in the execution of this duty will be rendered to and paid by the collector at Astoria, who will be the superintendent of lights for the district of Oregon. (Note. Subsequently modified, as far as relates to light-houses at entrance to Columbia river.)

Instructions will be given to the commander of the revenue brig Lawrence to furnish such facilities to the persons and parties of the coast survey, by the use of the vessel, boats, or crew, as may not seriously interfere with the revenue duties. The revenue cutter Ewing will be loaned to the coast survey, to be temporarily replaced by one of the coast survey vessels, until the alterations directed in the schooner Polk have been completed. Directions will be immediately given for the transfer of that vessel to such person as you may designate.

The department favorably considers your suggestion in regard to the land surveys, and proposes to act upon it, at a later date.

The department has communicated with the War and Navy Departments in reference to the arrengements for the survey of the western coast, and has offered to carry out any suggestions which may be made not interfering with the general design of the coast survey.

Should further instructions be necessary, in consequence of any suggestions which may be made, you will be duly advised of them. Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Prof. A. D. BACHE,


Secretary of the Treasury.

Superintendent U. S. Coast Survey, Washington, D. C.

The whole of the arrangements for the execution of the work have been carried out.

Yours, respectfully and truly,




Washington, March 19, 1849.

SIR: In compliance with your oral request, I send herewith a copy of the instructions issued by me to the two parties of the coast survey detailed under the direction of the Treasury Department for the survey of section X-the coast of Oregon.

The party for the land work of the survey consists of assistant James S. Williams, Brevet Captain D. P. Hammond, United States army, and sub assistant Joseph S. Ruth.

The hydrographic party consists of Lieutenant Commanding W. P. McArthur, United States navy, Lieutenant W. A. Bartlett, and four other


The instructions to assistant Williams bear date August 28 and Septem


ber 22, 1848, and January 25, 1849, and are numbered 1 and 2. to Lieutenant Commanding McArthur are dated October 27, 1848, and March 10, 1849, and are numbered 3 and 4. An abstract of the instructions precedes them.

Very respectfully yours,


Secretary of the Treasury.

August 28, 1848-September 22, 1848.

SIR: Having received oral directions from the Secretary of the Treasury to commence the survey of the coast of the United States on the Pacific by the survey of Oregon, section X, you will make all the necessary preparations to set out as early as transportation can be procured and the instruments collected, and other arrangements can be made. It is desirable as a preparation:

1st. That you repair to West Point and assist Captain T. J. Lee, United States topographical engineers, assistant in the coast survey, in the astronomical observations in which he is engaged, so as to become versed in the practice and renew the theory.

2d. That you proceed to the station of my party at Unkonoonuc, N. H., which I will make an astronomical and magnetic station, and where twin instruments to those which you will take for astronomical purposes to Oregon will be mounted. You will there obtain practice with these instruments, and provide yourself with memoranda on all points relating to their use and computation of results. (If there is time, magnetic ob servations here-dip, variation, intensity)

3. That you proceed to the office to collect there, or on your way, the equipage, instruments, books, &c., which you will need, and obtain forms for computing the geodetic, astronomical, magnetic, and other results used by the parties of the survey; and with Captain Humphreys go over the computations of the geodetic work.

4. To proceed to South Carolina to turn over the work in section V to the assistant who may be appointed to take charge of it, and to give him any information necessary to begin.

5. That you proceed to Bodie's island, in North Carolina, and remain some days with me, assisting in measuring the base there. The time for this will be about November 20.

6. That in Washington you provide yourself, from assistant S. C. Walker, with the blank forms for computing occultations and moon culminations, and practise in the reductions which they indicate.

7. This will leave the review of no part of the land work, of which you have not had recent practice, unmade, except the magnetic observa. tions.

I expect you to attend personally to the execution of all directions which I may give to others for your preparations; to send as much of the equipage and part of the instruments as can be prepared by the steamer Massachusetts, under charge of a careful hand, and the rest in the following month-November-by the mail steamer, or otherwise, as may be

found expedient, under special charge of a trusty hand; to proceed yourself, with the assistants of your party, to Chagres, and overland thence in time to meet the instruments, &c., at Panama, and to proceed with them_ to Oregon.

1. Equipage. You are authorized to order five wall tents and an instrument tent of suitable dimensions, and with tarpaulins, from Fenton of Philadelphia. They should be soaked in a weak solution of corrosive sublimate, and thoroughly dried before packing-the tarpaulins to be made very dry-the whole to be packed, marked, and numbered under your personal direction. Of the soldiers' tents belonging to the survey at Fenton's, you are authorized to take two. The copper bands, &c.,. for the tent-poles should be taken. Tool chest and tools, (carpenter's,) carpenter's levels, mess furniture for men and aids, who receive their board from the survey; stoves, &c., for cooking, &c.; portable tables and camp stools. Equipage connected with transportation will have to be obtained in the country. The mechanics whom Captain Alexander V. Fraser takes out in connexion with the revenue marine may, no doubt, be available for work of this sort.

Stationery.-Ordinary supplies of writing and drawing materials, and all blank forms used in the coast survey; lithographed tables, con. for barometer, printed regulations, copy of superintendent's reports, all printed instructions, forms of reports, forms of accounts, maps of Atlantic coast of coast survey, as specimens, &c.; books for recording geodetic, astronomical, transit, latitudes, culminations, occultations, magnetic observations, miscellanea, duplicates, &c.; tin cases for maps. You will make your own rules about the amount of baggage to be allowed to your assistant, aid, and men. I will endeavor to have the wages put on the footing of those of the gulf coast; but as contingencies may be extraordinary, will make every allowance possible for them.

Books.-Pearson's Astronomy, (not indispensable;) Francœur Astr. Pratique; Francœur Geodesie; Bailey's Tables and Formula; Simms on Transit Instruments; Trans. Am. Phil. Society, vol. 2, new series, (for Mr. Hassler's paper on Zenith Telescope;) Callet's or Bajuet's Logarithms; Bowditch's Useful Tables, or Bowditch's Navigator; Galbraith's Mathematical and Astronomical Tables; de Mafra's California and Oregon; British Nautical Almanac, as far ahead as published; American Almanac, 1849; Downe's Tables, if out. Such other books, bearing directly on the work, as you may deem advisable to purchase. Examine a set of Vancouver's charts at Blunt's, and, if you deem it advisable, purchase. Any charts of Pacific coast which may be obtained at a reasona. ble cost, purchase. I have written for the British admiralty charts, and will again try, through a private source, to obtain the published results of all the British surveys. Wilkes's Narratives and Charts; letters in Intelligencer from longitude 'discussions with Frémont; transit results.

Instruments, geodetic.-Base apparatus; duplicate set of base bars in office to be cleaned, remeasured, and carefully packed-four two-metre bars in the set; clamps to attach them to each other; sector for inclination of apparatus; eight thermometers; rough level; heavy plumb bobs, carefully centred; two small plumb bobs, well centred; microscopes, at least five, with stands; friction rollers on which bars move; large iron screws for trestles,: (New York or Philadelphia;) rough levels for trestles, small and large, (office;) small transit for alignment of base. The wooden rod for support

ing the bars and the covering box and the wooden parts of the trestles will be made in the country. I suggest that rough levelling screws may be desirable for the feet of the trestles, specimens of which you will see in Washington, as also of supporting plates, which may be made of wood,. the joints crossing and the middle cut out. Comparing apparatus for bars, (Saxton's pyrometer;) simple miciem and spring; scale; small telescope, with cross hairs-abutting piece of metal, with screw; stonecutter's tools, mason's ditto; ten-inch Gambey theodolite; six-inch also, if disposable, but not essential; reconnoitring telescope, with divided stand and heliotrope fixtures, (my party;) auxiliary heliotrope, (from my party.)

Topographical.-Plane table and fixture, two standard chains, level, compass, and stand; reconnoitring compass.

Astronomical.-Transit instrument, (C. S., from Professor Kendall, Philadelphia, 45-inch transit, value of level;) zenith telescope from my party; two large lamps; small ditto, with instrument; two extra for marks, (bull's eye;) screw-drivers, wrenches, pins, stops, (send to office containing sizes;) chronometers, six-four by one opportunity, two by the other; two rated to sidereal time, four mean solar, (procured;) sextant, and artificial horizon.

Meteorological instruments.-Barometers, two, "transportable"--one of Alexander, at Green's in Baltimore, (inquire of Mr. Boutelle or Captain Lee;) one of Hassler from office, to be placed in cabin of vessel; four small thermometers for barometer; two small ditto; naked bulbs for evaporating point; four for temperature of air, in cases.-(See Professor Henry about supply of meteorological instruments for stations.)

Nails, iron, (cast and wrought,) and copper; screws, glass, leather, hinges.

Magnetic instruments.-Declenometer at office; (must be examined and used first and coefficients obtained-Davidson;) as also a magnetometer for intensity; dip circle, (Gambey, if it comes, or Robinson, now in my camp.) Tent for magnetics, with copper-Mr. Ruth's.

Let me have an estimate of the cost of articles to be purchased, at your earliest convenience, the approval of which will put you in funds for your purchases. The estimate may be in part only, or in whole, as suits you best.

Party. Sub-assistant Davidson, who is well versed in the practice of astronomical and magnetic observations, and has a general acquaintance with the work of the survey, will be detailed as your assistant; Mr. William Humphreys will accompany you as aid. You should take two or three men from this side, two to go out with the instruments; and perhaps unavoidable delays may require the three to be so sent. The number of your party on the other side must depend upon circumstances. I rely upon your exercising great economy. It will be better to use men of the country than to take out men, except a nucleus for the party, which should be of the better sort, and of men who had been trained in our parties on this side. Lavalle will be a good person to send round with the astronomical instruments and equipage. Moore will also serve you well, and is a seaman besides. The persons and instruments sent by the mail-boat will probably reach Panama before the others.

About times and opportunities for sending, I expect further information from you. As much as can be ready by the 15th October should be col

lected at New York and sent out by the quartermaster's steamer. If any official steps are necessary, you will advise me.

Equipage and astronomical instruments (including four of the chronometers) can certainly be ready, and perhaps base apparatus or theodolite.

Reconnoitring telescope, level, compass, plane table, chain, tools, stationery, books, can certainly be ready; leaving only a small bulk of articles behind.

I want your suggestions in regard to supplies of articles of provisions or others from this side-say, Unkonoonuc to October 1, to New York. Phildelphia office-say, 5th. New York again, 12th; (articles all collected.) Magnetic observations with Davidson. Articles collected for November 1, New York base; to South Carolina, to assist replacing.

Mr. Davidson is now at New Harmony; will leave there on the 1st of October and proceed to Philadelphia; his address is Frankford Road, above Oxford street, Kensington. He will receive directions from me to be at your disposal. Mr. Humphrey is in Washington. Lavalle is also in Washington. Moore with Mr. Boutelle, with whom communicate, as he is employed in his party.

The work in section X will be executed upon the same principles and by the same methods with that in the section with which you are already familiar on the eastern coast. Important positions will be fixed by astronomical observations. It will be desirable at once, perhaps, to fix upon a site or sites for astronomical observations, such as will certainly come into connexion with the triangulation. There should be as few and small reductions to the station as practicable. The site to be determined by importance of locality, or by probable beginning of regular work there; or, if needs be, by facilities for working latitudes by zenith telescope. Time by transits. Moon culminations, by transit, for longitude. Occultations, with reconnoitring telescope, for ditto. Azimuths by theodolite and elongations of polaris or other circumpolar star. By azimuths of stars at rising and setting. Difference longitude, where admits of it, of distant points by chro


Magnetic observations should be made in common with the astronomical.

A general reconnaissance of the coast of Oregon should be made as soon as practicable; the minute reconnaissance to follow; the base and triangulation which it develops. As it is exceedingly important to produce results, you are authorized to invert the usual process when you think it desirable. To measure a suitable local base and make a local survey, which will come into the general plan-subsequently determining the local latitude and longitude by the best means in your power-a hydrographic party will follow you closely, if my expectations in regard to appropriation and facilities for the work are realized I can hardly venture to sketch a plan of operations; but suppose that you reach Columbia river in the spring, proceed to Puget's sound, (I will endeavor to procure letters for the authorities of the Hudson's Bay and Puget's Sound Company, and will procure letters to the revenue marine establishment to furnish you facilities.) Examine shores, establish observatory, make reconnaissance, and perhaps measure local base and survey; a general reconnaissance. It will be an advantage to have several astronomical points which are well connected by 'n to eliminate errors of locality. The

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