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France and Great Britain, signed at Versailles, 20th January, 1783.

"The most Christian King and the King of Great Britain, wishing to put an end to the calamities of war, nominated to that effect, on the part of the former, the Count of Vergennes, and, of the latter, Alioyn Fitzherbert, Esq. minister plenipotentiary of his said Majesty the King of Great Britain, who, having communicated their full powers in the form, have agreed upon the following preliminaries:" SECOND.-Preliminary articles of peace signed at London, 1st October, 1801, between Lord Hawkesbury and Louis William Otto. They communicated their full powers in due form, and then agreed upon the articles.

In 1797, Lord Malmesbury was sent to Lisle, a city of the French republic, as ambassador with full powers to conclude a peace.

In 1806, Lord Lauderdale was sent to Paris to negotiate a treaty of peace.

Permit me to submit another; a very strong one. Queen Anne wanted peace; the allies were not so disposed, and she sent a secret agent, Matthew Prior, I believe a poet. He was not suspected; for who would suppose that a poet would be sent on a subject so important? He concluded the peace. It was then made public; and the Queen withdrew her troops from the allied army.

The late period of the session warns me that I ought not to occupy any more of your time, and I conclude with a hope that the discussion may now terminate.

Before I sit down, I will notice an observation made by the Senator, [Mr. TAZEWELL.] He significantly sneered at the employment of consuls and captains of our ships of war being clothed with plenipotentiary powers to make treaties. "Consuls!" said he, "What! are they superior to justices of the peace? Captains of the navy with their commission in their pockets," significantly. And yet, sir, consuls and captains have been so employed by the best of our Presidents. Washington employed Mr. Consul Humphreys, as has been shown. Jefferson employed Mr. Lear and Captain Preble to treat with Tripoli. Madison employed Consul Shaler and Captain Decatur to treat with Algiers. John Quincy Adams employed Captain Rodgers to sound the Turk, that he might know his disposition to make a treaty, and actually appointed Consul Offley and Captain Crane to make a treaty with the Porte; and General Jackson has employed consuls Rhind and Offley, and Captain Biddle, to make a treaty. They have done so to the satisfaction of the Senator. And now, for the first time, is fault found that such persons have been employed. Why? Because General Jackson has so acted, sir. We all understand the cause, and so will the people. I have done. No other Senator rising to debate the subject, the Senate proceeded to take the question.


“To Charles Rhind, David Offley, and James Biddle, at the rate of four thousand five hundred dollars per annum for the time that each of them was engaged in the said negotiation.

"For compensation to the commissioners employed on a former occasion for a similar purpose:

"To William M. Crane and David Offley, at the rate of four thousand five hundred dollars per annum for the time that each of them was engaged in the said negotiation."] Mr. TAZEWELL had moved to strike out all the foregogoing inclutled in brackets.

Mr. KANE's amendment was as follows:

Strike out all after the word "compensation," in the first line of the second paragraph above quoted, and insert "to the persons heretofore employed in our intercourse with the Sublime Porte, the further sum of fifteen thousand dollars, in addition to the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars appropriated for the contingent expenses of foreign intercourse."

This motion of Mr. KANE to strike out and insert having precedence of Mr. TAZEWELL'S motion, the question was taken thereon, and decided in the affirmative, as follows:

YEAS.--Messrs. Barnard, Benton, Brown, Dickerson, Dudley, Ellis, Forsyth, Grundy, Hayne, Hendricks, Iredell, Kane, King, McKinley, Poindexter, Robbins, Robinson, Sanford, Smith, of Md., Smith, of S. C., Troup, Woodbury.--22.

NAYS. Messrs. Barton, Bell, Bibb, Burnet, Chambers, Chase, Foot, Frelinghuysen, Johnston, Knight, Livingston, Marks, Naudain, Ruggles, Seymour, Silsbee, Sprague, Tazewell, Tyler, Willey, Webster.-21.

The question was then taken on the following proviso, moved by Mr. TYLER, to be added to Mr. KANE's amendment, viz.

"Provided, always, That nothing in this act contained shall be construed as sanctioning, or in any way approving, the appointment of these persons by the President alone, during the recess of the Senate, and without their advice and consent, as commissioners to negotiate a treaty with the Ottoman Porte:"

Which was agreed to by the following vote:

YEAS.-Messrs. Barnard, Barton, Bell, Burnet, Chambers, Ellis, Foot, Frelinghuysen, Hayne, Hendricks, Iredell, Jolinston, King, Knight, Marks, Naudain, Poindexter, Ruggles, Seymour, Silsbee, Sprague, Tazewell, Tyler, Webster, Willey.--25.

NAYS.--Messrs. Benton, Bibb, Brown, Chase, Dickerson, Dudley, Forsyth, Grundy, Kane, Livingston, McKinley, Robbins, Robinson, Sanford, Smith, of Md., Smith, of S. C., Troup, Woodbury.-18.

Mr. TAZEWELL then withdrew his motion to strike out, and the united amendments of Messrs. KANE and For the convenience of the reader, the various amend- TYLER consequently became a substitute for that part of the ments are here repeated. The Committee of Finance of amendment reported by the Committee of Finance, prothe Senate had reported the following additional items to the appropriation bill:

"For the outfit and salary of an envoy extraordinary | and minister plenipotentiary; for the salaries of a secretary of legation, of a drogoman, and a student of languages, at Constantinople, and for the contingent expenses of the legation, seventy-four thousand dollars: that is to say, for the outfit of an envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary, nine thousand dollars; for the salary of the same, nine thousand dollars; for salary of a secretary of legation, two thousand dollars; for the salary of a drogoman, two thousand five hundred dollars; for the salary of a student of languages, one thousand five hundred dollars; for the contingent expenses of the legation, fifty thousand dollars. ["For compensation to the commissioners employed in negotiating a treaty with the Sublime Porte:

"To Charles Rhind, an outfit of four thousand five hundred dollars, deducting therefrom whatever sum may have been paid to him for his personal expenses.

viding for the compensation of the commissioners appointed to conclude the treaty.

Mr. WEBSTER then submitted the following amendment:

Strike out all that relates to the outfit and salary of a minister plenipotentiary, &c. and insert-

"For the outfit and salary of a chargé d'affaires; for the salary of a drogoman, and a student of languages, at Constantinople, and for the contingent expenses of the legation, thirty-eight thousand dollars: that is to say, for the outfit of a chargé d'affaires, four thousand five hundred dollars; for the salary of the same, four thousand five hundred dollars; for the salary of a drogoman, two thousand five hundred dollars; for the salary of a student of languages, one thousand five hundred dollars; for the contingent expenses of the legation, twenty-five thousand dollars."

Mr. WEBSTER said that this subject had been presented to the Senate in a double aspect by the President of the United States--the choice appeared to be left to


National Road in Ohio.

[FEB. 26, 1831.

that body whether they would send a minister plenipotenSATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26. tiary or a chargé d'affaires to the court of Constantinople; The resolution yesterday offered by Mr. BENTON relaand the Committee of Finance had submitted an appro- tive to the foreign commerce of the United States, was priation for the salary and outfit of the former. One of taken up for consideration; when Mr. B. remarked that the letters read to the Senate, that from Mr. Offley, who he had not submitted the resolution with a view to its certainly appeared to have had some experience on this being acted on at the present session, but that it might subject, suggested the propriety of sending a chargé d'af- receive the early consideration of the Senate at the next faires, and in this opinion he [Mr. W.] most heartily con- stated session of Congress. On his motion, it was laid on curred. Mr. W. spoke at some length in favor of his mo- the table, and ordered to be printed. tion; said he could see no very great necessity for the mis- The bill from the House of Representatives making sion-that he thought our relations with Turkey would appropriations for carrying on certain roads and works continue pretty much in the same state as before--and of internal improvement, and providing for surveys, was that, for some time to come, our consul at Smyrna would twice read, and referred. be the most important agent of the United States in that quarter of the world. He spoke of the large salaries of the ministers of foreign Powers at the court of Constanti- The bill granting the assent of Congress to an act of nople, the great show and parade they made there, wholly the General Assembly of Ohio, for erecting toll-gates, for effect, and said that, if our ministers complained of the &c., and otherwise providing for the preservation and incompetence of their salaries at the courts of the civilized repair of the United States' road within the limits of that Powers of Europe, there certainly would be more cause State, was read the third time, and the question being on of complaint at Constantinople. He would like to know its passage,


whether the mission was to be continued; whether a simi- Mr. POINDEXTER opposed the bill at some length, lar call for salaries, &c. would be made next year; spoke on the ground that the General Government had no of the large amount appropriated for contingencies; and power to give the authority proposed to the State of Ohio. asked if it was supposed that the minister could support If the right to collect tolls existed in the State, the perhimself at a salary of $9,000 per annum. If a represen- mission was not only useless, but a usurpation of power tative must be sent, he thought a chargé d'affaires would on the part of the General Government over the rights be competent to perform all the necessary duties; though, and sovereignty of the State. If, on the contrary, the even if his amendment prevailed, his opinion was, that right belonged to the General Government, it was a power another mission in Europe should not be established. He not transferable, as no legislative power could be. He was not in favor of an increase of missions--he would rather reduce some of those now existing.

cited the only clause in the constitution which gave a pretext for interfering with the internal regulation of a StateMr. KING said that the subject had been submitted to that relating to imposts. He asked what they were about the Committee of Finance without any recommendation to do? To pass a criminal law for the State of Ohio! from the Executive; and, after consultation, that com- For this was a bill enacting severe pains, penalties, and mittee had come to the conclusion that it would be best to fines. It was also a law to create a local tax, which no submit an appropriation for the salary of a minister pleni- article in the constitution had ever sanctioned. To conpotentiary. The salary would command the services of tend that Congress possessed such powers, would be adan individual who would be qualified to sustain the cha-mitted on all hands to be an absurdity. He would willingly racter and standing of the country, and enable him the give up this road to the State-transferring all the right, better to keep up a suitable establishment. He was un- title, and interest the General Government had in it--but der the impression that it would not be necessary to keep he could not consent to any interference with State rights. a minister at Constantinople for any great length of time. He, therefore, felt constrained to ask for the yeas and The contingencies of the mission would not be greater nays on its final passage. than at the court of any other Power, except in the first instance; and this to comply with the usual custom there to make presents on the ratification of a treaty.

They were accordingly ordered.

Mr. HENDRICKS said, some power must have an interest in this road. If it existed in the General Govern

Mr. WOODBURY was in favor of the amendment sub-ment, its preservation belonged to that power; but that mitted by Mr. WEBSTER. Government had already declared that it would not erect

Mr. FORSYTH also preferred the amendment; though toll-gates upon the road; and, if we refuse to preserve he saw no necessity, he said, for political relations between the road, why should we not allow some one else to do it? this country and Turkey.

Mr. SMITH recapitulated the views of the Committee of Finance in providing for a minister plenipotentiary, and said the Government did not intend keeping him there more than one year. The object was to send a minister of the highest grade, in the first instance, whose duty it would be to exchange the ratifications of the treaty, and afterwards a chargé d'affaires would be amply sufficient. A minister plenipotentiary, he remarked, had access to the Sultan; a chargé could not approach beyond the Grand Vizier. The question was put on the amendment submitted by Mr.WEBSTER, and determined in the affirmative, as follows: YEAS.--Messrs. Barnard, Barton, Bell, Benton, Brown, Burnet, Chambers, Chase, Clayton, Dickerson, Foot, Forsyth, Frelinghuysen, Grundy, Hayne, Hendricks, Holmes, Iredell, Johnston, Kane, Knight, McKinley, Marks, Naudain, Poindexter, Robbins, Robinson, Ruggles, Seymour, Silsbee, Sprague, Tazewell, Troup, Tyler, Webster, Willey, Woodbury.--37.

NAYS.-Messrs. Bibb, Dudley, Ellis, King, Livingston, Sanford, Smith, of Md.--7.

And then the Senate adjourned.

If we go upon the principle, that the right to do this exists in the State of Ohio, what harm can there be in our declaring our assent to the passage of this law by that State? Her proposition is certainly a liberal one; and all admit the necessity of keeping the road in repair. He thought the proposition to transfer the road to Ohio would be much more objectionable than the present one could be considered. The citizens of other States, Indiana, for instance, had a deep interest in it. It was their great thoroughfare, and its cession to a State would be a gross violation of the compact formed in its original construction.

The bill was then passed, by a vote of twenty-nine to seven, as follows:

YEAS.-Messrs. Barnard, Barton, Bell, Benton, Burnet, Chambers, Chase, Clayton, Dudley, Foot, Frelinghuysen, Hendricks, Holmes, Kane, Knight, McKinley, Marks, Naudain, Robbins, Robinson, Ruggles, Sanford, Seymour, Silsbee, Smith, of Md., Webster, Willey, Woodbury.--29.

NAYS.--Messrs. Brown, Ellis, Hayne, Iredell, Poindexter, Smith, of S. C., Troup.--7.

FEB. 26, 1831.]


Duties on Iron.

Mr. HAYNE, from the select committee to which was referred sundry memorials praying for a reduction of the duties on imported iron, and others remonstrating against the reduction, made a report in favor of reduction, and moved that it be printed.

Mr. DICKERSON said, the report was from the majority of the committee; the sentiments of the minority were directly at variance with those of the majority. The report had come under his eye for the first time on yesterday, and he had not yet had time to prepare a report of the views of the minority. He should probably be able to do so on Monday. He thought the views of both parties should go to the world together, and he therefore hoped the printing would not be ordered until the counter report was ready to go with the report of the majority of the committee. He moved to lay the report on the table, but withdrew the motion at the request of


that even the ordinary courtesy of printing a report, looking to that object, was to be refused? He would draw no other inference from such a course, but that it was to arrest the progress of truth, and prevent information from going abroad on this subject among the people--a principle at war with our free representative Government, which should seek, on all proper occasions, to enlighten public opinion on questions so deeply involving their interests, rather than to suppress information; it was characteristic of that course of policy which arbitrarily laid under contribution the industry of the great mass of the American people, for the benefit of a comparatively small number of capitalists. He expressed a hope that the report would be printed, and its arguments placed before the people for their calm consideration. He said he had great confidence in the justice and liberality of the Northern and Eastern sections of the country. Public opinion, in some of the Eastern States, he believed, was becoming adverse to a continuance of the restrictive policy; and he thought he could see a light arising in that direction, which assured him that the days of this "system" were numbered.

Mr. KING, who said the statement made by the Senator who had just taken his seat, was one of the most extraordinary he had ever heard. Committees were seldom unanimous; it was generally the majority of the committee which reported measures for consideration. The spirit of liberty which had early distinguished the If the minority were not satisfied, they had always an people of that portion of our country, would not much opportunity to present their individual views. He be- longer tolerate a system which flourished alone by sacrilieved such a thing as a counter report had not been known ficing the interests of the many to those of the few. He in this body from the first commencement of the Govern- believed it was now becoming well understood, that an ment. It had been done, he believed, in the House of excessive degree of taxation was not protection but opRepresentatives. When the report was made to the pression. House, the committee ceased to exist, and it was not in the power of the minority to make a report.

Mr. DICKERSON thought that the views of the two branches of the committee should be published together. It was a frequent custom in the House of Representatives, and should be so here. The minority should have as good an opportunity to present their views as the majority of the committee.

Mr. HOLMES said he was disposed to hear both sides of this question, and, therefore, he was in favor of allowing both reports, as they took different views of the subject, to go out together. The gentleman from New Jersey [Mr. DICEKRSON] says he will be prepared on Monday to submit the views of the minority; and, for his own part, he should prefer to see them go together. He could then be in favor of printing a larger number of copies. This had not, perhaps, been the usual practice of the Senate, but it certainly had been of the other House. He instanced particularly the report of the Committee on the Seminole War.

In this

Mr. HAYNE said this was the first proposition he had ever heard in that body to prevent the printing of a report of a committee. The honorable chairman of the Committee on Manufactures [Mr. DICKERSON] had made his reports, year after year, and no objection had ever Mr. BELL said, the object of appointing committees been made to the printing of them. The report con- was, to digest the subjects referred to them, and obtain tained nothing more than the views of the committee, their views in aid of the action of the Senate. and the only object was to have it printed. The objec- instance, the committee had not only disagreed in relation tion of the gentleman was, that he had not had time to to facts, but widely disagreed in their opinions deduced prepare his views on the subject, and, therefore, the re- from those facts. The minority ask to give their views port of the committee must not be printed. How was it in conjunction with the majority. Without this, he conpossible for the honorable Senator to make a report on ceived that they could get but a one-sided view of the the part of the minority, when the committee had made its matter. He asked who it was in the present case that report, and were consequently dissolved? If the gentle-appeared to be anxious to shut out the light? It surely man wished to present his views, he could do it in writing was not the minority. They do not shrink from investior otherwise. He had understood that there was so much gation. They rather court it. At this late period in the work in the hands of the public printer, that, if he did session, it was evident that there could be no legislative not get this report now, it could not be printed during action upon it now. In relation to its being unparliamenthe session. He hoped the gentleman would not renew tary, he thought all legislative bodies should be governed the motion to lay the report on the table. in their rules by the eternal principles of justice.

Mr. BROWN said, it appeared that an entirely new Mr. WEBSTER said it would give him pleasure to rule was about to be pursued by the Senate--one unpa- gratify the views of all in the disposal of this subject. He ralleled in the annals of legislation--that subjects were to was willing to give the people all the information on this be sent to committees totally hostile to the objects asked topic that could be given. He could freely trust them by the memorialists, and known to be thus hostile. And with the disposal of it. Though the report had not been when those who are friendly to a reduction of the existing read, it was plainly understood that it was opposed to the burdensome system of taxation, had been so fortunate as opinions heretofore entertained and expressed by the to get this subject referred to a committee favorable to Senate; and it was due to the people not to hold out to their views, and that committee had made a report to that them the expectation that the existing policy was about effect, a new rule was to be adopted, and that report sup-to be changed, unless that expectation was soon to be repressed. Sir, said Mr. B., political truths have nothing alized. The gentleman from North Carolina, [Mr. Brown,] to fear from the most scrutinizing investigation. Do gen- he conceived, had misapplied the rule he had adverted to. tlemen fear light upon their favorite schemes, that theyThere was no particular parliamentary usage which was would thus elude inquiry on this subject? Was this a binding in the case. When a legislative body had come time when the people of this country had every reason to to a definite conclusion upon a subject-when its princidemand a reduction of an oppressive system of taxation, ples were settled, it could then have no hesitation in the


After some further observations,

Duties on Iron.

Mr. W. moved that the report be printed, and referred to the Committee on Manufactures. This course would, perhaps, meet the views of all.

[FEB. 26, 1831.

direction to give it. But, suppose a proposition should ceedings any where. When a committee had examined come before them on which it would be quite impossible any subject submitted to them by the Senate, and had for them to act—a dissolution of the Union, for instance- made a report, the printing of such report for the inforcould the rule then apply? mation of the members was altogether a matter of course. Mr. W. said he could have no motive in wishing to with. It is not even proposed to print any extra number of cohold the printing of this document; on the contrary, he pies for distribution, but simply to print the report for the would be willing to have a larger number printed; but he use of the members, as every bill, every report, and every thought it was due to all that both sides of the question resolution, is disposed of by the uniform practice of this should be heard. In relation to the report, he could en- House. Mr. H. said he had now been a member of the tertain no doubt, from the respectable character of the Senate for near eight years, and he had never known an committee, that it contained many able arguments and objection made to printing the report of any committee, clear views of the subject. He would go further. He on any subject; and he called upon every member of this had no doubt he would approve of it on many points. body to say whether they ever knew or heard of such There were some positions taken in the memorials refer- proceedings. The mere act of printing a report, comred, which met his hearty concurrence. mitted the Senate in no way to an approval of any thing it contained-it was merely for information, and to enable the Senate to judge what course ought to be taken with regard to it. The Senate might agree or disagree to the report, or might, after examination, recommit it for furMr. BROWN said he disagreed with the gentleman ther examination. But here they were called upon to from Massachusetts [Mr. WEBSTER] most widely in his take an important step, which, in parliamentary usage, views of parliamentary usage. He contended that it was amounted to a decision that the subject had not been fairly the practice to commit matters to a committee favorable to examined-without even making themselves acquainted the accomplishment of the propositions they contained. with the contents of the report. Mr. H. would present, Such was the doctrine of Jefferson, and such was the doc- in behalf of this committee, no claim to the respect or trine laid down by all the British writers on parliamentary consideration of the Senate, which was not due to every law. The reasoning was, that the lamb should not be sent committee which they might think proper to create. But to the wolf-that being to ensure its destruction. It did he could say that an act more unprecedented or extraornot, of course, apply to the case of bills peculiarly disre- dinary could not be conceived, than to raise a committee, spectful to the feelings of all, or in direct contravention refer to them an important question, and, when their reto the spirit of the constitution-such as the one referred port is received, without hearing it read, or having it to by the gentleman from Massachusetts, [Mr. WEBSTER,] printed, to refer it back to another committee (and one proposing a dissolution of the Union-and he hoped these known to be hostile) for re-examination. Why was it, words were not used by that gentleman invidiously. he would ask, that such a course was to be pursued on the present occasion? Because it was deemed necessary that the views of those favorable to a reduction of duties should not have the same opportunity of being known, that had invariably been extended to views of an oppoMr. TYLER addressed the Senate in opposition to the site character. For years past has the Committee on Mamotion of Mr. WEBSTER to refer the report to the Com-nufactures issued their annual reports, pointing out the mittee on Manufactures. A report on the same subject excellencies of the American system, and deprecating any had been made by that committee at the last session. He reduction of duties whatever. Only last year, a report thought that one must be very fond of scribbling, (though was made by the gentleman from New Jersey, [Mr. Dickhe did not doubt the purity of the gentleman's motives,) ERSON,] in reply to a memorial of these very Philadelphia to wish to make a report on the same subject every year. blacksmiths, denouncing them and their petition. These This report was merely a counter report to that submitted reports had all been printed and circulated without objecby the honorable gentleman last year-a rejoinder. We tion. In no instance had the attempt been made to force have now, said Mr. T., our butter and our rebutter. The upon the Senate a counter report, or to send out an anhonorable chairman, he contended, could attain his object swer along with the report. We have waited until we simply by ordering his last year's report to be printed with could have a chance of presenting our views of this questhis, and let them go to the world together. He presumed tion. For the first time in several years, this has been that no alteration had been made in the gentleman's now afforded us; and yet gentlemen rise up, and refuse views upon the subject within the last year. us the poor privilege even of being heard. The Commit

Mr. WEBSTER. Not at all-I had no such intention. Mr. BROWN. For I will not yield in my attachment to this Union, even to the honorable Senator from Massachusetts.

Mr. DICKERSON replied. He was sure the delay till tee on Manufactures, and the gentleman from New JerMonday was an inconsiderable one; but he was willing the sey, who is at their head, have been heard-repeatedly, question should first be taken on the motion of Mr. WEB- fully, and patiently heard. They were heard last year STER to refer it to the Committee on Manufactures. on this very question-the reduction of the duty on iron. Mr. HAYNE then rose, and said, that he now distinctly We now claim to be heard in reply, and it is to be refused understood that the proposition in its present form is, to us. Gentlemen refuse even to listen to what we have to recommit the report of the select committee before it had say. After they have heard us, let them, if they choose, been either read or printed-before any member of this recommit our report or disagree to it, or dispose of it as House (except the committee) are even acquainted with they think proper. But to condemn it unheard, to comits contents; and to do this when it is known that the effect mit it without knowing its contents, he must consider as of the recommitment will be to prevent the printing of the most exceptionable proceeding that he had ever witthe report during the present session. But this is not all; nessed here or elsewhere. In another view of this quesit is proposed to commit a report (of the contents of tion, it was still more objectionable. The subject of the which nothing is known, but that it is favorable to a re- reduction of duties was one which had deeply excited a duction of the duty on iron) to the Committee on Manu- large portion of this Union. Are we to be told, said Mr. factures-a committee known to be opposed to such a H., that we are not to be heard? This is a subject, Mr. reduction. Such a motion, made under such circumstan- President, in which I am afraid to trust my feelings. I ces, he would undertake to say, was not only without an came here, sir, with very slender hopes, indeed, I can example in the history of either branch of Congress, but hardly say that I had any, that this system would receive without a parallel in the history of parliamentary pro- some modification from Congress. I am sorry to say that

FEB. 26, 1831.]

General Appropriation Bill.


I have so far perceived no indications of any disposition ments furnish convincing proof that the present is the here to relieve the people from the burdens of this protect- most extravagant administration that has ever wielded the ing system. For this, I was, however, prepared; but, I destinies of the nation. He called the attention of the will confess, sir, I was not prepared for a deliberate refu- Senate to the documents in proof of his assertion, and presal, on the part of the Senate, even to print a report pre-sented a statement taken from the printed reports from senting our views, to find them condemned, unheard, and the departments, from which he gave the comparative unknown, by an instant recommitment of the report to expenditures between the two last years of Mr. Adams's the Committee on Manufactures-a committee known to administration, and the two first of General Jackson's. be hostile to them, where the report must remain buried for the remainder of the session. If this must be so, I claim a solemn decision on so important a question, and, therefore, ask that it may be taken by yeas and nays. They were ordered.

Mr. WEBSTER said he was very sorry to see that this subject should excite any warmth in the gentleman from South Carolina, [Mr. HAYNE.] He disclaimed the motives attributed to him. He denied any intention to prevent the sentiments of the committee from being heard. Had he not said he would vote for any number of copies the gentleman might propose? What grievance, then, was there in the course proposed? The gentleman had already remarked that the business before the public printer was so pressing, that, unless it was delivered immediately, it could not be performed. It was objected to referring the report without reading. It was with a view to save the time of the Senate, that this course was proposed. After some further remarks, Mr. W. concluded, by saying he should still vote for the printing, and reference of the report to the Committee on Manufactures.

Mr. KING, and Mr. SMITH, of Maryland, next addressed the Senate against the motion, and the question was then taken on the printing alone, and decided in the affirmative by a unanimous vote.

Mr. HAYNE asked, as a matter of justice to the select committee, that a censure might not be cast upon them] in sending their report to another committee. The course proposed was unprecedented.

Mr. HOLMES said he should vote for the reference, and could not see in what manner it would be a censure on any body.

Mr. FOOT said such a course was altogether unprecedented.

Mr. WEBSTER then said that his object had been to accommodate all sides; but as he had failed in so doing, to save the time of the Senate, he moved to lay the whole subject on the table.

The question on this motion being taken by yeas and nays, it was decided in the affirmative-23 to 20.

[So the report was laid on the table, and the decision of this motion in the affirmative had the effect to prevent the printing. It is understood that the views of the committee are in favor of a reduction of the duty on iron imported.]


The Senate again resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the bill making appropriations for the support of Government for the year 1831-the question being on agreeing to the amendment of the Committee of Finance, as yesterday amended.

Mr. FOOT rose to make a few general remarks on the increasing expenditures of the Government.

Appropriations in 1827,

1828, Making

In the year 1829,

[ocr errors]

$11,315,568 95 12,326,482 59

$23,642,051 54

$11,766,524 65 14,844,090 69

[blocks in formation]

This extraordinary increase of expenditure speaks a language not to be misunderstood. If any Senator doubts the fact, let him examine the printed documents, and he will find the statement corect-the statement before him was taken from those documents.

Do you ask, how can these things be? It is easily accounted for by the increased expense in every department--by establishing new bureaus-by creating new offices-by increasing salaries and contingent expenses-by increasing the number of clerks--and by every other possible means for rewarding political partisans. Fiftytwo additional pages in the Blue Book, of names of officers, will give some evidence of an increase in the number--the recalling of four ministers, and some chargés Mr. F. said, we are indeed fallen on evil times. The ap- d'affaires, will account for about $80,000 increased explication of the " searching operation," mentioned by Gene- pense during the first year of this economical administraral Jackson in his inaugural address, has become indispensa- tion-the office of Solicitor of the Treasury, created at ble to save the treasury from bankruptcy. The siren song the last session to perform a part of the duties of the of retrenchment, economy, and reform, has lost its fasci- Fifth Auditor, as agent for the treasury, has called for an nating charms. Broad and bold assertions will no longer be received as proof of economy, while the public documents prove them to be false; the people will no longer be deceived by these hackneyed terms, nor can the present administration be screened from censure by charging their predecessors with "wasteful extravagance," when the docu

extra appropriation of near $10,000.

Sir, said Mr. F., we need the aid and faithful services of another "radical committee," as the select commitee of 1820 has been called by the chairman of the Committee of Finance, which he himself has acknowledged saved three millions of dollars to the treasury, to arrest the progress

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