PRINTED FOR J. JOHNSON, J. NICHOLS AND SON, R. BALDWIN, F. AVD C. RIVINGTON, W. OTRIDGE AND SON, W. J. AND J. RICHARDSON, A. STRAHAN, J. SEWELL, R. FAULDER, G. AND W. NICOL, T. PAYNE, G. AND J. ROBINSON, W. LOWNDES, G. WILKIE, J. MATHEWS, P. M'QUEEN, OGILVY AND SON, J. SCATCHERD, J. WALKER, VERNOR AND HOOD, R. LEA, DARTON AND HARVEY, J. NUNN, LACKINGTON AND CO. D. WALKER, CLARKE AND SON, G. KEARSLEY, C. LAW, J. WHITE, LONGMAN AND REES, CADELL, JUN. AND DAVIES, J.BARKER, T. KAYS WYNNE, AND CO. POTH AND CO. CARPENTER AND COW MILLER MURRAY AND HIGHLEY, S. BAGSTER, T. HURST, T. BOOSEYR PHENEY, W. BAYNÉS, J. HANDİNG, K. H. EVANS, J. MAWMAN; AND W. CREECH, EDINBURGH. 1803. 7310 2.1. ADVERTISEMENT. WHEN this Edition of the BRITISH ESSAYISTS was undertaken by the Proprietors, the office of Editor was intended to be confined chiefly to the collation of the several papers with the folio originals, or with the best editions in other forms. The many errors that had crept into the most valuable of these works, and had been copied from edition to edition without discovery and without disturbance, rendered this highly necessary; and it was a task, however laborious, which the Editor will remember with pleasure, if it shall be found that his design has been accomplished in any considerable measure. |