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The Message of President Guerrero to the Congress of Mexico.

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MEXICANS: Today the Chambers of the Union have assembled, to continue their constitutional march, which had been suspended by their own authority. Also, the General Government has relinquished the extraordinary powers with which it was invested the increase of which was never pleasant which were admitted only by imperious necessity, and which it is believed, have been productive of good.

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Consequently, the motives which influenced the division of reserve in making their declaration, have totally vanished. If they are true men, and not pretenders, they ought to renounce every revolutionary movement, which can produce no other effects to the nation, than a succession of incalculable evils. You already have had too much experience what revolutions are, and what effects they produce, not to have your attention turned with anxiety to those who create them. The government is deeply penetrated with this important truth; and in order to consult, without delay, the public peace and tranquillity, which is paramount to all other considerations, the step has

been taken which I have just announced.

Mexicans!-Everything has been done by the General Government which could be done, for the preservation of tranquillity. It is presumed that the same will be the case with the States; and that through the good sense and subordination of the citizens, each one will lend his aid to this object, in which the general good, as well as that of individuals, is so deeply interested.

Soldiers! You know what is the rigor of military subordination; you know how far it is from your duty, to dictate laws to the sovereign nation, unauthorized by that nation; and how strange in the ear of the laws, is the danger of arms. Pause and reflect on the solemn responsibility which you incur before the nation, in respect to the evils which may happen if you renounce the path in which you ought to go. Do not deceive yourselves with false hopes of bettering your condition, through the promptness and punctuality with which relief will be furnished. No: the nation will be ruined by eivil war, and a new revolution will reduce to

nothing the resources which are negotiating for your benefit, and which prove that your necessities will receive attention, provided the public order is sustained.

Sovereign States of the Mexican Federation! The preservation of the systems demand your full co-operation.


Mexico, Dec. 11, 1829.

Abolition of Slavery.

The President of the Mexican United States to the inhabitants of the Republic, greeting:

Desiring to signalize in the year 1829 the anniversary of our independence by an act of national justice and beneficence that may turn to the advancement and support of so important a result; that may consolidate more and more public tranquillity; that may co-operate to the aggrandizement of the Republic, and return to an unfortunate portion of its inhabitants, those rights which they hold from nature, and that the people protect by wise and equitable laws, in conformity with the 30th Article of the constitutional act.

Making use of the extraordinary faculties which have been granted to the Executive, I thus decree :

1. Slavery is forever abolished in the Republic.

decree may have its full and entire execution, I order it to be printed, published and circulated to all those whose obligation is to have it fulfilled.

Given in the federal palace of
Mexico, on the 15th of Sep-
tember, 1829.


Decree of the General Congress of

the 6th of April, 1830.

ART. 1. The importation into the ports of the Republic of cotton goods is prohibited by the law of May 22d, of the past year, till the 1st of January, 1831, and by the southern ports till the end of June of that year.

2. The duties on such articles shall be appropriated to support the integrity of the Mexican territory, to form the reserve fund to serve in case of a Spanish invasion, and to foment the national industry in cotton manufacture.

3. The Government shall have power to appoint one or more commissioners, to visit the colonies in the frontier States, and contract with their Legislatures, purchase in favor of the Federation such lands as they may consider and sufficient to esproper tablish colonies of Mexican and other nations, to make such ar2. Consequently all those indi- rangements with the colonies alviduals who until this day looked ready established as they may upon themselves as slaves, are consider proper for the security free. of the Republic, to watch over When the financial situation of the entrance of new colonists, and the Republic admits, the proprie- the exact fulfilment of their contors of slaves shall be indemni- tracts, and examine how far those fied, and the indemnification reg- already formed have been executed. ulated by law.

And in order that the present

4. The Executive shall have

power to take the lands he may the particular State Government

consider proper for fortifications or arsenals, and for new colonies, indemnifying the States for their value on account of their debts to the Federation.

5. The Government may transport such persons as they may consider useful to the colonies, out of the garrisons destined for Vera Cruz and other places, paying the expenses of the families which may wish to accompany


6. The garrisons shall be employed in the construction of the fortifications, towns and roads. which the commissioners shall consider necessary; and when the appointed time shall have expired, if they shall wish to remain as colonists, lands and instruments of industry shall be given to them, provisions being allowed for the first year.

7. Mexican families which may wish to colonize, shall be aided on their journey, maintained for a year, and receive land and other things necessary for labor.

8. Individuals referred to in the preceding articles, shall submit to the Colonization Laws of the Federation and the respec

tive States.

9. On the northern frontier the entrance of foreigners shall be prohibited, under all pretexts whatever, unless they be furnished with passports signed by the agents of the Republic at the places whence they proceed.

10. There shall be no variation with regard to the colonies already established; nor with regard to the slaves that may be in them; but the General Government or

shall take care, under the strictest responsibility, that the Colonization Laws be obeyed, and that no more slaves be introduced.

11. In use of the power reserved by the General Congress in the seventh article of the law of August 18th, 1824, it is prohibited to neighboring nations to settle in those States and Territories of the Federation which border on their nations. Consequently contracts which have not been executed, and are opposed to that law, shall be superseded.

12. The coasting trade shall be free to foreigners for the space of four years, for the purpose of introducing articles for the colonies to Metamoros, Tampico, and Vera Cruz.

13. The free importation of wooden houses and all sorts of foreign provisions is permitted without duty at the ports of Gavelston and Matagorda, for the term of two years.

14. The Government is authorized to expend to the amount of $500,000 for the construction of fortifications and towns on the frontiers, the transportation of garrisons and Mexican families to them, their support for a year, articles useful in labor, charges for commission, the marching of troops, premiums to agriculturists, who may distinguish themselves amongst the colonists, and all other means of encouragement and security intended in the preceding sections.

15. In order to a prompt distribution of the above sum, the Government may negotiate, on the duties on common cotton goods, a loan at a premium of a

third per cent per month, payable on maturity of the periods fixed by the Tariffs.

16. The twentieth part of the above-mentioned duties shall be employed in encouraging the manufacture of cotton, purchasing machines and looms, assigning small sums for their preparation, and for all other objects which the Government may consider convenient; and the Government shall divide these sums in the State where manufacture is carried on, placing them at the disposition of the minister of relations, to apply them to the important objects.

17. Three hundred thousand dollars of the product of the aforesaid duties shall also be applied to the formation of a fund to be deposited in the treasury, under the strictest responsibility of the Government, which shall be authorized to apply it only in case of a Spanish invasion.

18. The Government shall arrange the plan of the new colonies, and present to the Chambers, within one year, an account of the receipts and expenditures under this law, and shall report the increase and conditions of the new towns on the frontiers.


The Liberator to the Colombians.

COLOMBIANS! This day I cease to command you. I have served you in quality of a soldier and a magistrate. In that long period we have re-conquered the country, liberated three Republics, and suppressed many civil wars; and four times I have restored to the people their omnipotence, by spontaneously assembling four Constituent Congresses. These services were due to your valor and patriotism-the glory of having directed them to me. The Constituent Congress which has been this day installed, finds itself intrusted by Providence with giving to the nation the institutions it desires, by following the course of circumstances and the nature of things.

Fearing I might be considered as an obstacle in placing the Re

public on the basis of its happiness, I have thrown myself from the lofty magistracy, to which your bounty has raised me. Colombians! I have been the victim of ignominious suspicions, without having the power to defend the purity of my principles. The same persons who have aspired to the supreme command, have endeavored to tear me from your hearts, by attributing their own sentiments to me, by making me appear the author of projects they have conceived, and by representing me as aspiring at a crown which they have offered me more than once, and which I have rejected with the indignation of the proudest republican. Never, never, I swear to you, has my mind been stained by ambition for a kingdom, which my enemies have

artfully forged to destroy me in your opinions.

Undeceive yourselves, Colombians! My only wish has been to contribute to your liberty, and the preservation of your repose; if for this I have been blame-worthy, I more than any one else merit your indignation. Do not listen, I beseech you, to the vile calumny, and the base covetousness for which discord is excited on every side. Will you allow yourselves to be blinded by the imposture of my detractors? You are not so senseless!

Arduous and great is the work of organizing a people which has escaped from oppression by means of anarchy and civil war, without being previously prepared to receive the salutary reform to which they aspire. But the teachings of history, the examples of the Old World and the New, the experience of twenty years of revolution, will serve as so many lights placed in the darkness of the future; and I flatter myself that your good sense will be able to overrule the passions of some and the ignorance of others,- duly Colombians! Approach the consulting the enlightened reason Constituent Congress. It is the of judicious men, whose opinions national wisdom, the legitimate are a valuable aid in solving queshope of the people, and the last tions of political wisdom. Morepoint of meeting for patriots. over, you will derive important On its sovereign decrees depend counsels from the very nature of our lives, the happiness of the our country, which embraces the Republic, and the glory of Colom- lofty regions of the Andes, and bia. If you are fatally torn away the burning shores of the Oronoco. and abandon it, there is no other Examine it in all its extent and safety for the country, and you you will learn from it what the will sink in the ocean of anarchy, Congress ought to ordain, in order leaving, as an inheritance to your to promote the happiness of the children, crime, blood and death. Colombians. Our own history Countrymen! Hear my last will tell you much; our necessities words, on terminating my politi- much; but most persuasive of all cal career in the name of will be our lamentations for the Colombia, I beg you, I beseech absence of domestic quiet and you to continue united, lest you established freedom. should become the assassins of the country, and your executioners. BOLIVAR.

Bogota, Jan. 2, 1830.

Message of the Liberator, to the

Constituent Congress.

FELLOW CITIZENS: Permit me to congratulate you on the meeting of Congress, which in the name of the Nation, is to discharge the sublime duties of legislation.

Happy Congress, if it shall secure to Colombia the enjoyment of these inestimable blessings, by which it will merit the purest benedictions.

Congress being convoked to form a fundamental Code for the regulation of the Republic, and to appoint the high functionaries who are to administer it, the Government will inform you concerning the present state of the Republic, so far as the different

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