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The joint resolution was read a first and second time by its title, and

On motion of Mr. Wilber,

The rule requiring the second and third reading of bills to be on different days was suspended, and the above named joint resolution was read a third time and not passed, twothirds of all the Senators elect not voting therefor, by yeas and nays, as follows:

[blocks in formation]

Mr. Dewey moved to reconsider the vote by which the Sen

ate refused to pass the above named joint resolution;

Which motion prevailed.

The question recurring on the passage of the joint resolu

tion, pending the taking of the vote thereon,

Mr. Wilber moved that there be a call of the Senate;

Which motion did not prevail.

The joint resolution was then passed, two-thirds of all the Senators elect voting therefor, by yeas and nays, as follows:

[blocks in formation]

By a vote of two-thirds of all the Senators elect, the joint resolution was ordered to take immediate effect.

By unanimous consent, Mr. McGowan asked and obtained leave of absence for Mr. Mellen for the day.

By unanimous consent, Mr. Sparks moved to take from the table House manuscript bill, entitled

A bill to organize the township of Lake in Benzie county; Which motion prevailed.

On motion of Mr. Dewey,

The bill was laid on the table.

By unanimous consent, Mr. Richardson moved that the House be requested to return to the Senate House bill No. 367, entitled

A bill to amend section 7435, chapter 139, of the compiled laws of 1871, relative to the salary of judges of probate; Which motion prevailed.

The Senate then resumed business under the order of


House bill No. 63, entitled

A bill to provide for licensing the keeping of dogs,

Was read a third time, and, pending the taking of the vote on the passage thereof,

On motion of Mr. Gray,

The bill was laid on the table.

By unanimous consent, the committee on fishing interests made the following report:

The committee on fishing interests, to whom was referred House manuscript bill, entitled

A bill authorizing the board of supervisors of Branch county to make all needful rules and regulations for the further protection of fish in any or all the lakes and streams in Branch county,

And to repeal so much of an act entitled

An act to amend section 2087 of the compiled laws of 1871, being section 1 of an act entitled "An act to prevent fishing with seines and pound or trap-nets in the small inland lakes

and streams in the State of Michigan," approved March 11, 1865, approved March 27, 1873, as relates to spearing fish in

said county,

Respectfully report that they have had the same under consideration, and have directed me to report the same back to the Senate, without amendment and recommend that it do not pass, and ask to be discharged from the further consideration of the subject.

JOHN N. MELLEN, Chairman.

Report accepted and committee discharged.

On motion of Mr. Dewey,

The bill was laid on the table.

Senate bill No. 242, entitled

A bill to amend sections 1, 3, 8, 9 and 12 of an act entitled "An act to provide for taking the census and statistics of this State," approved February 9th, 1853, being sections 792, 794, 799, 800, and 803 of the compiled laws of 1871, and to repeal sections 2 and 4 of said act being sections 793 and 795 of the compiled laws as aforesaid,

Was read a third time, and pending the taking of the vote on the passage thereof,

Mr. Sparks moved to amend the bill by striking out in line 19 of recited section 3 "one hundred and fifty" and inserting "one hundred" in lieu thereof.

Mr. DeLand moved to amend the amendment by striking out "one hundred" and insert in lieu thereof" sixty."

The question first recurring on the motion to strike out "one hundred and fifty" and inserting "one hundred." The same was agreed to.

The bill, as amended, was then not passed, a majority of all the Senators elect not voting therefor, by yeas and nays, as follows:

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Mr. Mickley moved to reconsider the vote by which the Senate refused to pass the above named bill;

Which motion prevailed.

The question recurring on the passage of the bill, pending the taking of the vote thereon,

Mr. DeLand moved to amend, by striking out "one hundred dollars," and inserting "sixty dollars," as the limit of salary. Mr. DeLand called for the yeas and nays.

The amendment was not agreed to, by yeas and nays, as follows:

[blocks in formation]

Mr. Crosby moved to amend by striking out "one hundred "

and inserting "seventy-five;"

Which was not agreed to.

Mr. Beattie moved to lay the bill on the table;

Which motion did not prevail.

The bill, as amended, was then not passed, a majority of all the Senators elect not voting therefor, by yeas and nays, as follows:

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

House bill No. 72, entitled

A bill for the incorporation of cities,

Was read a third time, and, pending the taking of the vote on the passage thereof,

Mr. Childs moved to amend the bill by striking out in line 2 of section 2, chapter 3, the word "three" and inserting in lieu thereof the word "two;" also, by striking out in the same line the word "four" and inserting in lieu thereof the word "three;" also, by striking out in line 3 the word "five" and inserting in lieu thereof the word "four;" also, by striking out in the third line the word "eighteen" and inserting in lieu thereof the word "fifteen;"

Mr. DeLand offered the following as a substitute for section 2:

Sec. 2. Cities having a population of three thousand inhabitants shall be divided into two wards, and an additional ward for every additional two thousand inhabitants up to ten thousand inhabitants, and from ten thousand inhabitants one ward for each additional four thousand inhabitants; but any city having, at the time of its incorporation under this act a greater number of wards in proportion to its population than above mentioned shall not be required to diminish the number of its existing wards.

The question first occurring on agreeing to the amendment, The same was not agreed to.

The question recurring on agreeing to the adoption of the substitute for section 2,

The same was agreed to.

The bill, as amended, was then passed, a majority of all the Senators elect voting therefor, by yeas and nays, as follows:

Mr. Anderson,


Mr. DeLand,


Mr. Mitchell,

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