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" It is incredible to conceive the effect his writings have had on the town; how many thousand follies they have either quite banished, or given a very great check to; how much countenance they have added to virtue and religion; how many people they have... "
The Present State of Wit in a Letter to a Friend in the Country - Página 509
por John Gay - 1711 - 10 páginas
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The Critical Review, Or, Annals of Literature, Volume 47

Tobias Smollett - 1779 - 506 páginas
...effeft bis writings have had on the town ; how many thousand follies they have either quite banifhed, or given a very great check to ; how much countenance they have added to virtue and religion ; how inany people they have rendered happy, by ihewing them it was their own fault if they were not fo ;...
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A Select Collection of Poems:: With Notes, Biographical and Historical, Volume 4

John Nichols - 1780 - 430 páginas
...hi'; " writings have had on the town ; how many thoufund fol" lies they have either quite banifhed, or given a very great " check to ; how much countenance they have added to B a " virtue The poor her firftand deepeft mourners are, Firft in her thoughts, and earlieft in her...
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Letters. Index

Jonathan Swift - 1801 - 476 páginas
...conceive the effect his writings have had on the town ; how many thousand follies they have either quite banished, or given a very great check to ; how...religion ; how many people they have rendered happy, by showing them it was their own fault if they were not so ; and, lastly, how entirely they have convinced...
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The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, D.D., Dean of St. Patrick's ..., Volume 18

Jonathan Swift - 1801 - 490 páginas
...conceive the effect his writings have had on the town ; how many thousand follies they have cither quite banished, or given a very great check to ; how...religion ; how many people they have rendered happy, by showing them it was their own fault if they were not so ; and, lastly, how entirely they have convinced...
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The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, D.D., Dean of St. Patrick's ..., Volume 18

Jonathan Swift - 1801 - 484 páginas
...conceive the effect his writings have had on the town ; how many thousand follies they have either quite banished, or given a very great check to; how...religion ; how many people they have rendered happy, by showing them it was their own fault if they were not so ; and, lastly, how entirely they have convinced...
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The Works, Volume 24

Jonathan Swift - 1803 - 434 páginas
...conceive the effect his writings have had on the town ; how many thousand follies they have either quite banished, or given a very great check to : how...they have Added to virtue and religion ; how many peoplfe they have rendered happy, by showing them it was their own fault if they were not so; and lastly,...
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Essays, Biographical, Critical, and Historical, Illustrative of ..., Volume 2

Nathan Drake - 1805 - 424 páginas conceive the effect Ms writings have had on the town; how many thousand follies they have either quite banished, or given a very great check to ; how...religion ; how many people they have rendered happy, by showing them it was their own fault if they were not so ; and lastly, how entirely they have convinced...
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Essays, Biographical, Critical, and Historical, Illustrative of ..., Volume 3

Nathan Drake - 1805 - 422 páginas conceive the effect his writings have had on the town; how many thousand follies they have either quite banished, or given a very great check to ; how...religion; how many people they have rendered happy, by showing them it was their own fault if they were not so ; and lastly, how entirely they have convinced...
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The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, D.D. ...: With Notes ..., Volume 18

Jonathan Swift - 1808 - 496 páginas
...conceive the effect his writings have had on the town ; how many thousand follies they have either quite banished, or given a very great check to: how...religion ; how many people they have rendered happy, by showing them it was their own fault if they were not so; and lastly, how entirely they have convinced...
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The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, D.D. ...: With Notes ..., Volume 24

Jonathan Swift - 1813 - 324 páginas
...effect his writings have had on the town ; how many thousand follies they have either quite hanished, or given a very great check to : how much countenance...religion ; how many people they have rendered happy, by showing them it was their own fault if 1hey were not so ; and lastly, how entirely they have convinced...
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