| 1891 - 860 páginas
...may be taken as a current of 1 ampère. 10. An alternating current of 1 ampère shall mean a current such that the square root of the time average of the square of its strength, at each instant, in amperes, is unity. • THE TELEOBAPHIC JOURNAL AND ELECTRICAL REVIEW.... | |
| 1891 - 680 páginas
...investigate the question, who will prepare a specification for the construction and use of the cell. 15. That an alternating pressure of one volt shall mean a pressure such that the square root of the time-average of the square of its value at each instant in volts in unity. 16. That instruments constructed... | |
| 1892 - 610 páginas
...investigate the question, who will prepare a specification for the construction and use of the cell. " An alternating pressure of one volt shall mean a pressure...square of its value at each instant in volts is unity." Instruments constructed on the principle of Sir W. Thomson's quadrant electrometer used idiostatically... | |
| 1892 - 644 páginas
...prepare a specification for the construction and use of the cell. "An alternating pressure of one volf shall mean a pressure such that the square root of...square of its value at each instant in volts is unity." Instruments constructed on the principle of Sir W. Thomson's quadrant electrometer used idiostatically... | |
| British Association for the Advancement of Science - 1892 - 1146 páginas
...taken as a current of one ampere. 11. That an alternating current of one ampere shall mean a current such that the square root of the time average of the square of its strength at each instant in amperes is unity. 12. That instruments constructed on the principle of... | |
| Silvanus Phillips Thompson - 1892 - 990 páginas
...as a current of one ampere. They add that an alternating current of one ampere shall mean a current such that the square root of the time average of the square of its strength at each instant in amperes is unity. This is what is called in this book (see p. 631) one... | |
| British Association for the Advancement of Science - 1892 - 1258 páginas
...taken as a current of one ampere. 11. That an alternating current of one ampere shall mean a current such that the square root of the time average of the square of its strength at each instant in amperes is unity. 12. That instruments constructed on the principle of... | |
| 1893 - 630 páginas
...report, may be taken as not differing from a pressure of 1 '434 volt by more than 1 part in 1,000. 15. That an alternating pressure of one volt shall mean a pressure such that the square root of the time-average of the square of its value at each inttant in volts is unity. 10. That instruments constructed... | |
| Andrew Gray - 1893 - 560 páginas
...report, may be taken as not differing from a pressure of 1'434 volts, by more than one part in 1000.* (15) " That an alternating pressure of one volt shall mean a pressure such that the square root of the timeaverage of the square of its value at each instant in volts is unity. (16) "That instruments constructed... | |
| Sir David Salomans - 1894 - 280 páginas
...value at each instant in volts equals unity. A standard legal alternating ampere is a current such as that the square root of the time average of the square of its strength at each instant in amperes is unity. Many types of photometers exist for measuring the unknown... | |
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