Imagens das páginas


13. To his MOTHER. Paintings at Modena. Bologna. Beauty and rich

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14. To his MOTHER. The Appennines. Florence and its Gallery
15. To Mr. WEST. Journey from Genoa to Florence. Elegiac verses
occasioned by the sight of the plains where the battle of Trebia was

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16. From Mr. WEST. Latin Elegy, expressing his wishes to see Italy
and Greece
17. To his MOTHER. Death of the Pope. Intended departure for Rome.
First and pleasing appearance of an Italian spring

18. To his MOTHER. Cathedral of Sienna. Viterbo. Distant sight of
Rome. The Tiber. Entrance into the city. St. Peter's. Intro-
duction of the Cardinal d'Auvergne into the Conclave

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19. To his MOTHER. Illumination of St. Peter's on Good Friday, &c. 20. To Mr. WEST. Comic account of the palace of the Duke of Modena at Tivoli. The Anio. Its cascade. Situation of the town. Villas of Horace and Mecænas, and other remains of antiquity. Modern aqueducts. A grand Roman ball

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21. To Mr. WEST. An Alcaic Ode. Ludicrous allusion to ancient Roman customs. Albano and its lake, Castle-Gondolfo. Prospect from the palace; an observation of Mr. Walpole's on the views in that part of Italy. Latin inscriptions, ancient and modern

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22. To his MOTHER. Road to Naples. Beautiful situation of that city.
Its bay. Of Baiæ, and several other antiquities. Some account of
the first discovery of an ancient town, now known to be Hercu-
23. To his FATHER. Departure from Rome and return to Florence. No
likelihood of the Conclave's rising. Some of the cardinals dead.
Description of the Pretender, his sons, and court. Procession at
Naples. Sight of the King and Queen. Mildness of the air at

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24. From Mr. WEST. On his quitting the Temple, and reason for it 25. To Mr. WEST. Answer to the foregoing letter. Some account of Naples and its environs, and of Mr. Walpole's return to Florence 104 26. To his MOTHER. Excursion to Bologna. Election of a pope; description of his person, with an odd speech which he made to the cardinals in the Conclave


27. To Mr. WEST. Description, in Latin hexameters, of the sudden rising of Monte Nuovo near Puzzoli, and of the destruction which attended it

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28. To his FATHER. Uncertainty of the route he shall take in his return to England. Magnificence of the Italians in their reception of strangers, and parsimony when alone. The great applause which the new Pope meets with. One of his bon mots 29. To his FATHER. Total want of amusement at Florence, occasioned by the late Emperor's funeral not being public. A procession to avert the ill effects of a late inundation. Intention of going to Venice. An invasion from the Neapolitans apprehended. The inhabitants of Tuscany dissatisfied with the government

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30. To Mr. WEST. The time of his departure from Florence determined.





Alteration in his temper and spirits. Difference between an Italian fair and an English one. A farewell to Florence and its prospects, in Latin hexameters. Imitation, in the same language, of an Italian


Account of Mr. Gray's return home, and of his second visit to the Grande Chartreuse, where he wrote an Alcaic Ode, which concludes the Section





Prefatory narrative. Mr. Gray's father dies, and the year after he re-
turns to Cambridge, and takes a degree in civil law; during that
interval he corresponds with Mr. West


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1. From Mr. WEST. His spirits not as yet improved by country air.
Has begun to read Tacitus, but does not relish him
2. To Mr. WEST. Earnest hopes for his friend's better health, as the
warm weather comes on. Defence of Tacitus, and his character.
Of the new Dunciad. Sends him a speech from the first scene of




The plan, dramatis personæ, and all the speeches which Mr. Gray
wrote of that tragedy, inserted


3. From Mr. WEST. Criticism on his friend's tragic style. Latin hexameters on his own cough

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4. To Mr. WEST. Thanks for his verses. On Joseph Andrews. fence of old words in tragedy

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5. From Mr. WEST. Answer to the former, on the subject of antiquated expressions


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6. To Mr. WEST. Has laid aside his tragedy. Difficulty of translating Tacitus


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7. From Mr. WEST. With an English Ode on the approach of May 8. To Mr. WEST. Criticises his Ode. Of his own classical studies Answer to the foregoing




9. From Mr. WEST.
10. To Mr. WEST. Of his own peculiar species of melancholy. Inscrip-
tion for a wood in Greek hexameters. Argument and exordium of
a Latin heroic epistle, from Sophonisba to Massinissa

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Account of Mr. WEST's death. Of Mr. Gray's English poetry, writ-
ten about this time, with the general plan, argument of the first book,
and all the parts which the Author finished of a Latin didactic poem
"De Principiis Cogitandi"


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Prefatory narrative. Mr. Gray takes his degree in civil law, and
makes Cambridge his principal residence for the rest of his life.
The Editor of these Memoirs becomes acquainted with him in the
year 1747. He corresponds with Dr. Wharton and several other
persons till the year 1768, when he is appointed Professor of Mo-
dern History


1. To Dr. WHARTON. On taking his degree of Bachelor of Civil Law

Fragment of an Hymn to Ignorance


· 169

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2. To Dr. WHARTON. Ridicule on University laziness. Of Dr. Akenside's poem, on the Pleasures of Imagination


. 178

3. To Dr. WHARTON. His amusements in town. Reflections on riches. Character of Aristotle

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4. To Mr. WALPOLE. Ridicule on Cibber's Observations on Cicero. On the modern Platonic Dialogue. Account of his own and Mr. West's poetical compositions


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5. To Mr. WALPOLE. Criticisms on Mr. Spence's Polymetis
6. To Mr. WALPOLE. Ludicrous compliment of condolence on the death
of his favourite cat, inclosing his Ode on that subject
7. To Dr. WHARTON. Loss by fire of a house in Cornhill. On Dio-
dorus Siculus. M. Gresset's Poems. Thomson's Castle of Indo-
lence. Ode to a Water-Nymph, with a character of its Author
8. To Dr. WHARTON. More on M. Gresset. Account of his own pro-
jected poem on the alliance between government and education
Fragment of that poem, with a commentary, notes, and detached sen-
timents relative to it

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9. To Dr. WHARTON. Character of M. de Montesquieu's L'Esprit des Loix

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10. To Dr. WHARTON. Account of books continued. Crebillion's Ca-
talina. Birch's State Papers. Of his own studies, and a table of
Greek chronology, which he was then forming
11. To Dr. WHARTON. Ludicrous account of the Duke of Newcastle's
Installation at Cambridge. On the Ode then performed, and more
concerning the Author of it

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12. To his MOTHER. Consolatory on the death of her sister
13. To Dr. WHARTON. Wishes to be able to pay him a visit at Durham.
On Dr. Middleton's death. Some account of the first volumes of
Buffon's Histoire Naturelle

Narrative of the incident which led Mr. Gray to write his Long Story. That poem inserted, with notes by the Editor, and prefaced with his idea of Mr. Gray's peculiar vein of humour

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14. To Dr. WHARTON. On the ill reception which the foregoing poem b

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Explanation of that hint, and a fragment of one of those lyrical pieces

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23. To Dr. WHARTON. Of his own indolence. Memoirs of M. de la
Porte and of Madame Staal. Intention of coming to town
24. To Mr. MASON. Of his reviewers. Offers to send him Druidical
anecdotes for his projected drama of Caractacus

25. To Mr. MASON. On hearing Parry play on the Welch harp, and

finishing his Ode after it. Account of the Old Ballad on which the

Tragedy of Douglas was founded

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29. To Dr. WHARTON. Account of his present employment in making
out a list of places, in England, worth seeing

30. To Dr. WHARTON. On the forementioned list. Tragedy of Agis.

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Various authors in the last volumes of Dodsley's Miscellany. Dr.
Swift's four last years of Queen Anne

31. To Mr. STONHEWER. On infidel writers and Lord Shaftsbury

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⚫ 257

A paper of Mr. Gray inserted, relating to an impious position of Lord

.. 260

32. To Dr. WHARTON. On the death of his son, and an excuse for not writing an epitaph

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33. To Mr. PALGRAVE. Desiring him to communicate the remarks he
should make in his tour through the North of England
34. To Mr. MASON. Some remarks on a second manuscript copy of Ca-

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35. To Mr. PALGRAVE. Description of Mr. Gray's present situation in
town, and of his reading in the British Musæum
36. To Dr. WHARTON. On employment. Gardening. Character of
Froissart. King of Prussia's Poems. Tristram Shandy
37. To Mr. STONHEWER. On the latter volumes of M. d'Alembert and
the Erse Fragments

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38. To Dr. CLARKE. His amusements with a party on the banks of the Thames. Death of a Câmbridge Doctor. More of the Erse Fragments

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• 278

39. To Mr. MASON. On two Parodies of Mr. Gray's and Mr. Mason's Odes. Extract of a letter from Mr. David Hume, concerning the authenticity of the Erse Poetry

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40. To Dr. WHARTON. On his employments in the country. Nouvelle
Eloise. Fingal. Character of Mr. Stillingfleet
41. To Mr. MASON. More concerning the Nouvelle Eloise. Of Signor
Elisi, and other opera singers

42. To Mr. MASON. On his expectation of being made a residentiary
of York. Recovery of Lord from a dangerous illness. Reason

for writing the Epitaph on Sir William Williams 43. To Dr. WHARTON. Description of Hardwick. Professor Turner's death. And of the peace




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44. To Mr. MASON. On Count Algarotti's approbation of his and Mr. Mason's poetry. Gothic architecture. Plagiary in Helvetius, from Elfrida

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45. To Mr. BROWN. Sending him a message to write to a gentleman abroad relating to Count Algarotti, and recommending the Erse Poems

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46. Count ALGAROTTI to Mr. GRAY. Complimentary, and sending him some dissertations of his own

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47. To Dr. WHARTON. On Rousseau's Emile
48. To Mr. PALGRAVE. What he particularly advises him to see when

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49. To Mr. BEATTIE. Thanks for a letter received from him, and an invitation from Lord Strathmore to Glamis

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50. To Dr. WHARTON. Description of the old castle of Glamis, and part of the Highlands

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