Annual Report of the New York Zoological Society, Volume 28The Society, 1924 The 27th report, 1922, includes a brief history of the society from its foundation. |
Outras edições - Ver tudo
Annual Report of the New York Zoological Society, Volume 26 New York Zoological Society Visualização integral - 1922 |
Annual Report of the New York Zoological Society, Volume 11 New York Zoological Society Visualização integral - 1907 |
Annual Report of the New York Zoological Society, Volume 6 New York Zoological Society Visualização integral - 1902 |
Palavras e frases frequentes
1st Mtge Account transfer ACCOUNT Unexpended balance animals Annual ARTHUR Barn Owl Birds BLAIR Board of Managers Bonds Box Tortoise Brook Trout Brooklyn building Carnegie Pension Cash in bank Central RR Chairman CHARLES H CLARENCE CLARK collections CORNELIUS cost for details DECEASED December 31 details see list Director Ditmars Documents and Reports EDWARD elected Endowment Fund ex-officio Executive Committee Fish FRANK FREDERICK Galapagos GEORGE F Heads and Horns HENRY FAIRFIELD HENRY FAIRFIELD OSBORN HERMANN W Hornaday Income Fund transfer Investments at cost JAMES JOHN JOSEPH KUSER LOUIS MADISON GRANT maintenance Mammals Milk Snake Miscellaneous Monkey MORRIS Mounted Head Opossum OSBORN Painted Turtle Parrakeet Photograph by Elwin Rattlesnakes RECEIPTS repairs Reptiles Rfdg ROBERT SAMUEL Sanborn Schiff Snakes species specimens Spotted Turtle STURGIS THOMAS THORNE Total TOWNSEND Tropical Research Trout Uninvested balance William Beebe York City York Zoological Society Young Alligator Zoologica Zoological Park
Passagens conhecidas
Página 162 - There shall be a president, two vice-presidents, treasurer and secretary, to be elected by the board of managers annually, who shall hold office until others are elected in their stead. The first meeting under this act may be held at any time upon a notice of five days, signed by any five of the incorporators named in the first section of this act, fixing a time and place for such meeting, a copy whereof shall be mailed to each of said incorporators at his usual post-office address, and twelve of...
Página 170 - SEC. 1. The officers of the Society shall consist of a President, two VicePresidents, a Treasurer, a Secretary, and a Director of the Zoological Park.
Página 163 - Chapter four hundred and forty-one of the laws of nineteen hundred and two, entitled "An act to authorize a further appropriation to the New York Zoololgical Society for the support of the New York Aquarium," is hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION 1.
Página 163 - An act relating to education, constituting chapter sixteen of the consolidated laws," as amended by chapter one hundred and forty of the laws of nineteen hundred and ten, is hereby...
Página 168 - SEC. 5. At meetings of the Society twenty members shall constitute a quorum. SEC. 6. The order of business shall be as follows: 1. Roll Call. 2. Reading of minutes not previously read.
Página 161 - The trustees of said corporation shall have power to make and adopt by-laws for the management and government of its affairs and business, for the admission, suspension, and expulsion of its members, and for the terms and conditions of membership ; to prescribe the number and mode of election of its officers; to define their duties; to provide for the safe-keeping of its property, and from time to time to alter and modify its By-laws.
Página 163 - AN ACT to amend chapter four hundred and thirty-five of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-five, entitled "An act to incorporate the New York Zological Society and to provide for the establishment of a zoological garden in the City of New York" in relation to real and other property.
Página 169 - Committees or officers as they may at any time deem advisable and to delegate to them such powers as may be necessary. SEC. 12. The order of business of the meetings of the Board shall be as follows : 1. Roll Call. 2. Reading of minutes not previously read. 3. Report of Executive Committee. 4. Report of Secretary.
Página 164 - Society, a further sum or sums, in its discretion, for the use of the said New York Zoological Society, provided, however, that the additional appropriation hereby authorized shall be made only in case an agreement is entered into between the said New York Zoological Society and the city of New York, acting by its board of estimate and apportionment for the adequate keeping, maintenance, extension, preservation and exhibition of the building and approaches thereto and collections of aquatic animals...
Página 178 - Catfish (Gudger) 25 6 — Mammals of Australia in the Zoological Park (WH D. Le Souef) 75 7-8-9— Vertebrates, British Guiana (Beebe) 25 10— Habits of Sage Grouse (Horsfall) 25 11 — Eclipse Plumage, Domestic Fowl (Crandall) 25 12— Life History, Puffer ( Welsh-Breder) 25 13 — Hermaphroditism of Croaker (Breder) 25 14 — Food of Certain Minnows (Breder-Crawford) 25 15 — Fishes of Sandy Hook Bay (Breder) 25 16 — Weaving of Weaver Birds (Friedman) 25 17— Scales of White Fishes (Mellen-Van...