Shakespeare and the Confines of ArtPsychology Press, 2004 - 278 páginas The fragmentation of Bengal and Assam in 1947 was a crucial moment in India's socio-political history as a nation state. Both the British Indian provinces were divided as much through the actions of the Muslim League as by those of Congress and the British colonial power. Attributing partition largely to Hindu communalists is, therefore, historically inaccurate and factually misleading. The Partition of Bengal and Assam provides a review of constitutional and party politics as well as of popular attitudes and perceptions. The primary aim of this book is to unravel the intricate socio-economic and political processes that led up to partition, as Hindus and Muslims competed ferociously for the new power and privileges to be conferred on them with independence. As shown in the book, well before they divorced at a political level, Hindus and Muslims had been cleaved apart by their socio-economic differences. Partition was probably inevitable. |
The Contrary Valuations page | 1 |
The Sonnets to the Dark Woman | 17 |
Loves Labours Lost | 33 |
The Abandond Cave | 49 |
Romeo and Juliet | 71 |
Hamlet | 83 |
The Problem Plays i | 95 |
The Problem Plays ii | 109 |
The Jacobean Tragedies | 121 |
Last Plays | 139 |
Conclusion | 161 |
Notes | 163 |
168 | |
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Palavras e frases frequentes
accept achieved Achilles action All's audience beauty believe Berowne Bertram bring Capulet characters Comedy of Errors comedy's conventions Cordelia corrupt created Dark Woman death Desdemona divine drama Duke Emilia evil experience fantasy feel festive comedies Florizel Friar Frye give Hamlet hate hath heaven Helena honour human Iago idea imagination innocence Jaques killing kind King Lear Leontes lives Love's Labour's Lost lovers lust Macbeth marriage masque Measure for Measure Midsummer Night's Dream mistress mood move nature of things Noble Kinsmen Othello Palamon pattern Perdita Pericles poem poet poetic poetry Prospero reality Romances Romeo and Juliet Rosalind scene scepticism seems sense sequence sexual Shake Shakespeare song sonnets speech spirit story suggest Tempest thee Theseus thou Timon tragedy Troilus and Cressida truth trying turn Twelfth Night Ulysses valuation victory vision Winter's Tale words writing youth