Imagens das páginas

schools, shall be set apart and reserved for the purpose of satisfying the bounties of one hundred and sixty acres, promised to the non-commissioned officers and soldiers of the United States, their heirs and legal representatives, by the act, entitled "An act for completing the existing military establishment,"* approved the twentyfourth day of December, one thousand eight hundred and eleven, and by the act, entitled "An act to raise an additional military force," approved the eleventh day The secretary of of January, one thousand eight hundred and twelve.

war to issue war

rants for the mi

ties, &c.

Proviso; the war.

SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the secretary liary land boun for the department of war, for the time being, shall, from time to time, issue warrants for the military land bounties to the persons entitled thereto by the two last rants to be issued mentioned acts, or either of them: Provided always, That in the names of such warrants shall be issued only in the names of the titled, to be ap- persons thus entitled, and be, by them or their represenplied for within tatives, applied for within five years after the same persons shall have become entitled thereto; and the said warrants shall not be assignable or transferable in any manner whatever.

the persons en

five years, and

not assignable, &c.

Persons in whose favour warrants have been issued,.

them at the gen

draw, by lot, one

sections, &c. in

patent to be

granted without fee.

SEC. 3. And be it further enacted. That every person on delivering in whose favor such warrants shall have been issued, eral land office, shall, on delivery of the same at the office of the secreto be entitled to tary of the treasury, or of such other officer as may at of the quarter the time have, by law, the superintendence of the geneeither of the ter- ral land office of the United States at the seat of goritories, and a vernment, be entitled to draw, by lot, in such manner as the officer at the head of the land office, under the direction of the president of the United States, may precribe, one of the quarter sections surveyed by virtue of the first section of this act, in either of the said territories which the person in whose favor such warrant has issued may designate. And a patent shall, thereupon be granted to such person, for such quarter section, without requiring any fee therefor.

No claim for military land boun ties assignable, until after a pa tent, &c.


tent, with intent

SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That no claim for the military land bounties aforesaid shall be assignable All sales, mort. or transferable in any manner whatever, until after a e made prior patent shall have been granted in the manner aforesaid. to granting a pa All sales, mortgages, contracts, or agreements, of any to alienate, &c. nature whatever, made prior thereto, for the purpose, litary land boun- or with intent, of alienating, pledging, or mortgaging, null and void, &c. any such claim, are hereby declared, and shall be held, null and void; nor shall any tract of land, granted as aforesaid, be liable to be taken in execution or sold on *See chapter 60, section 2. †See chapter 61, section12,

any claim to mi

ties &c. declared

account of any such sale, mortgage, contract, or agree.
ment, or on account of any debt contracted prior to the
date of the patent, either by the person originally enti-
tled to the land, or by his heirs or legal representatives,
or by virtue of any process, or suit at law, or judgment
of court, against a person entitled to receive his patent
as aforesaid.
[Approved, May 6, 1812.]


An act for the better regulation of the ordnance.❤

partment estab

general, assistant,

SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re- An ordnance de presentatives of the United States of America in Congress lished, to consist assembled, That there be, and hereby is, established an of a commissary ordnance department, to consist of a commissary-gene- deputies, &e. ral of ordnance, an assistant commissary general, four deputy commissaries, and as many assistant deputycommissariest as the president of the United States may think necessary, not exceeding eight.

general authoriz

SEc. 2. And be it further enacted, That the commissa- The commissary ry-general be authorized, from time to time, to employed to employ as many wheelwrights, carriage-makers, blacksmiths, wheelwright, and laborers, as the public service may, in his judgment, require.

emoluments of

deputies, &e

SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That the com- Rank, pay, and missary-general of ordnance shall be entitled to the the commissary rank, pay, and emoluments, of a colonel of infantry, and general, assistant be further allowed at the rate of five hundred dollars per year, and four rations per day, for clerks in his department: the assistant commissary-general of ordnance shall be entitled to the rank, pay, and emoluments, of major of infantry, with three additional rations per day; the deputy-commissaries of ordnance shall be entitled to the rank, pay, and emoluments, of a captain of infantry, with two additional rations per day, and forage for one horse; the assistant deputies shall have the rank, pay, and emoluments of a second lieutenant of infantry, with one additional ration per day.

wheelrights, ca

SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That a master- Pay, &c. of wheelwright, and carriage-maker, and a master-black- riage makers,&cs smith, be allowed thirty dollars, each, per month, and one ration and one half of a ration per day; that any other

*Repealed and supplied by act of 8th February, 1815, chapter 94. +See supplementary act, chapter 85,

See chapter 80, section 6.

Duties of the commissary gen

wheelwrights, carriage-makers, and blacksmiths, be allowed, each, sixteen dollars per month, and one ration and one half of a ration per day; that the laborers, each, be allowed nine dollars per month, and one ration per day.

SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the eral of ordnance, duty of the commissary-general of ordnance to direct the inspection and proving of all pieces of ordnance, cannon balls, shells, and shot, procured for the use of the army of the United States; and to direct the construction of all carriages, and every apparatus for ordnance, for garrison and field service, and all ammunition wagons, pontoons, and travelling forges; also the direction of laboratories, the inspection and proving the public powder, and the preparing all kinds of ammunition for garrison and field service; and shall, half yearly, examine all ordnance, carriages, ammunition, and apparafus, in the respective fortresses, magazines, and arsenals, and cause the same to be preserved and kept in good order. SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That the commisThe commissary general of ord Sary-general of ordnance shall execute all orders issued by the secretary for the department of war, in conveyby the screary ing all ordnance, ammunition, and apparatus, to the time of war, the respective armies, garrisons, magazines, and arsenals; orders of any ge and, in time of war, he shall execute all orders of any

nance to execute all orders issued

of war; and, in

neral officer, &c. general officer, commanding in any army or garrison,

of all ordnance,

with a statement, &e.

for the supply of ordnance, ammunition, carriages, pontoons, forges, furnaces, or apparatus, for garrison, field, or siege service, and forward the same, without delay, and in good condition.

SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That the commisThe commissary general of ord-sary general of ordnance shall, half yearly, transmit to mit, half yearly, the department of war a correct return of all ordnance, a correct return ammunition, military stores and effects, in the respecammunition, &c. tive garrisons, arsenals, magazines, posts, and camps, 'with a statement of their order, quality, and condition; and also what may be necessary to keep up an ample supply of each and every article in the ordnance depart ment, and shall, in all things, faithfully and without deJay, execute the orders of the secretary for the depart ment of war touching the same.

The superinten

magazines, &c.

SEC. 8. And be it further enacted, That, the superindents of military tendents of military stores, keepers of magazines and stores, keepers of arsenals, shall, half yearly, make correct returns, to the to make, half commissary-general of ordnance, of all military stores returns to the that they respectively have in charge; and that the aseral, and the assistant commissary-general of ordnance, the deputy

yearly, correct

commissary gen

ecute all orders,

commissaries, and assistant deputies, shall, faithfully sistant commissa. and without delay, execute all orders that shall be issued y general to ex by the secretary for the department of war, the com- &c. manding general, in time of war, of any corps, camp, or garrison, or of the commissary-general of ordnance, in their respective departments, by virtue of this act.

nance to make a

from time to

and labourers

SEC. 9. And be it further enacted, That the commis- The commissary sary-general of ordnance shall make a correct report of general of ord the artificers and laborers, from time to time, employed correct report, by him, and transmit the same to the adjutant-general. time of artificers SEC 10. And be it further enacted, That, for defray-employed, &c. ing the expense that may be incurred in the execution 820,000 approof this act, the sum of twenty thousand dollars be, and fraying the exthe same is hereby, appropriated, to be paid out of any be incurred unmoney in the treasury, not otherwise appropriated.

[Approved, May 14, 1812.]

priated for de

pense that may

der this, act, &e


An act making further provision for the army of the United States.*

empowered to

district paymas➡ ters as the ser


SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re- The president presentatives of the United States of America in Congress appoint as many assembled, That the president of the United States be, and he hereby is, authorized and empowered to appoint vice may require, so many district paymasters as, in his judgment, the service may require; and if such paymasters are taken from the line of the army, they shall, respectively, receive thirty dollars per month, in addition to their pay in the line: Provided, The same shall in no case exceed the pay and emoluments of a major; and if not taken from the line, they shall receive the same pay and emo- major, &c. luments as a major of infantry.

Proviso; the pay of a district pay

master not to ex

ceed that of a

point a paymas

peace establishment, &c. Proviso; district

SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the president The president of the United States be, and he hereby is, authorized authorized to apand empowered to appoint a paymaster to each regi- ter to each regi ment on the peace establishment, who shall receive the ment on the same pay and emoluments as a captain of the regiment to which he belongs: Provided, That all district and and regimental regimental paymasters shall be subject to the rules and paymasters subarticles of war, and give such bonds to the United States and articles of as the secretary for the department of war may direct, &c,

*The provisions of this act, with the exception of section 7, may be considered repealed by act of 3d of March, 1815, chapter 95, not being therein recognized. Section 7, being a part of the rules and articles of war, is expressly recognized and continued by that act.

ject to the rules

war; to give bond,

ing officer to

for the faithful performance of their duties. And it The command shall be the duty of the commanding officer, when refurnish a soldier, quested by the paymaster, to furnish a capable non&c. to aid the commissioned officer or soldier to aid him in the dispaymaster, &c. charge of his duty, who, while so employed, shall receive double pay.

authorized to ap point, &c. as

many sub-in

SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That the president The president of the United States be, and he hereby is, authorized to appoint, from the captains and subalterns of the line of the army, so many sub-inspectors as the service may require, not exceeding one to each brigade; and such exceeding, &c. sub-inspectors shall each receive twenty four dollars per month, in addition to his pay in the line.

spectors as the service may

quire, &c. not

Each brigade major, &c. al


The general com

SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That each brilowed 824 per gade-major, provided by law, shall be allowed twentymonth additional four dollars per month, in addition to his pay in the line. SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That the general manding the ar- commanding the army of the United States shall be aled a secretary, lowed a secretary, to be taken from the line of the army, who shall receive twenty four dollars per month, in addition to his pay in the line, and shall be allowed forage for two horses.

my, to be allow


of light artillery

drivers, to be en.

SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That, in addition Each company to the non-commissioned officers and privates allowed to entitled to 12 the regiment of light artillery, each company shall be listed for 5 years, entitled to twelve drivers of artillery, who shall be enunless, &c. and listed for five years, unless sooner discharged, and receive the same pay, rations, and clothing, as the privates of the army: Provided, Such drivers of artillery shall, at all times, be liable to do duty in the ranks when the company shall not be mounted.

liable to do duty in the ranks, when, &c.

So much of the

authorizes the

SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That so much of the act mentioned, as "Act for establishing rules and articles for the goinfliction of cor- vernment of the armies of the United States," as auporeal punish thorizes the infliction of corporeal punishment by stripes or lashes, repeal- or lashes, be, and the same hereby is, repealed.

ment by stripes


Neither the quar.

[Approved, May 16, 1812.]


An act to amend an act, entitled "An act to establish a quartermaster's department, and for other purposes.'

[ocr errors]

SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Retermaster or presentatives of the United States of America in Congress

commissary gen

*See original act, chapter 64, with the note annexed thereto, the latter part of which, is applicable to sections 1, 3, and 4 of this act.

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