Imagens das páginas

Alabama, praying the establishment of a national foundry
at the South. Resolutions of the Legislature of
Alabama, against amending the Constitution in relation to
the veto power, a protective tariff, and a national.
bank; and in favor of the annexation of Texas and
the occupation of Oregon. Resolutions of the Legis-
lature of

Allen on the invalid pension roll.

Report of the Committee

on Pensions on the bill (H. R. 516) placing the name
of Benjamin

American Statistical Association. (See Census.)
Appropriations made during the 2d session of the 28th Con-
gress; the officers created, and the salaries thereof;
and the offices the salaries of which have been in-
creased, with the amount of such increase, during
the same period. Report of the Secretary of the
Senate, showing the

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- 11

Arkansas. Report of the Committee on Public Lands on
the bill to organize a new land district in the southern
part of

Army, for 1844, exhibiting, in tabular statements, its organ-
ization, general return, or actual numbers, distribu-
tion, and enlistments. Report of the Major General
commanding the

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[ocr errors]

Arnold. Report of the Committee on Pensions, on the peti-
tion of James

Ashley. Report of the Committee on Revolutionary Claims,
on the petition, &c., of the heirs of Nathaniel
Astronomical and magnetic observations made by Lieu-
tenant Gilliss. Report of the Secretary of War,
transmitting a copy of


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10 172



Baldridge, widow of Captain John Baldridge, deceased.
Report of the Committee on Pensions, on the bill
(H. R. 413) for the relief of Isabella

Baldwin. Report of the Committee on Foreign Relations,
on the petition of John

Ballard. Report of the Committee on Private Land Claims,
ou the memorial of Benjamin

Banks selected since the last annual report from the Treas-

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ury Department. List of the deposite
Bank, &c. Resolutions of the Legislature of Alabama, ad-
verse to a national

Banks of the United States, &c. Statistical information in
relation to the condition of the several


Belgium, of the flag of the United States to her own. As-

similation, by

Blakeslee. Report of the Committee on Pensions, on the
petition of Mary

9 156

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Vol. No. Page.

- 8

140 I

Board of inquiry, to prosecute an examination into the
causes and extent of the discontents and difficulties
among the Cherokee Indians. Report of the Secre-
tary of War, communicating the report and corres-
pondence of the
Boundary line of the proposed State of Iowa may be made
to conform to the northern boundary line of Mis-
souri. Memorial of the Legislature of Missouri,
praying that the southern -

Boyd. Report of the Committee on Public Lands, on the
bill (H. R. 545) for the relief of John
Brainard. Report of the Committee on Pensions, on the
memorial and papers of Asahel

Breakwater at Plattsburg, New York. Report on the con-
dition of the

Breakwater at Burlington, New Jersey. Report on the
condition of the

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[blocks in formation]

Breakwaters and piers on the Atlantic coast. Report on
the condition of the

Breakwater on Delaware river, Delaware. Report on the
condition of the

Bridges over the Anacostia or Eastern branch of the Poto-
mac river. Report of the Committee on the District
of Columbia, on the resolutions, &c., of the Legisla-
ture of Maryland, in relation to free

Brig Morris. Failure of the Republic of New Granada

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11 282

2 33 1

and Venezuela to make indemnity in the case of the 1 1 8
British Government over certain parts of North America.

Acts of Parliament extending jurisdiction of the

British Post Office system. (See Post Office.)
Brittingham. Report of the Committee on Foreign Rela-

tions, on the petition of A. P.

Buchanan. Report of the Committee on Pensions, on the
petition of William W.

Bureau of Yards and Docks for 1844. Report, with estimates,

of the

Bureau of Ordnance and Hydrography for 1844.

2 38




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with estimates, of the

[blocks in formation]

with estimates, of the

[blocks in formation]

Bureau of Provisions and Clothing for 1844.

Report, with

[blocks in formation]

Bureau of Construction, Equipment, &c., for 1844.

Bureau of Medicine and Surgery for 1844.
estimates, of the

Bureau of Ordnance and Hydrography, on the mode of pro-
curing cannon and powder for the navy. Report of
the chief of the

Bureau of Provisions and Clothing. Schedule of proposals
made to the

Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, on the number of maniacs
confined in the several naval hospitals. Report of
the chief of the

[blocks in formation]

Bureau of Statistics, &c. Report from the Secretary of the
Treasury, recommending the establishment of a


[ocr errors]

California in 1843-'44. Report of the exploring expedition
to the Rocky Mountains in 1842, and to Oregon and

Canal from Terre Haute to the Ohio river. Report of the
Committee on Public Lands, on the bill (S. 3) to
grant certain lands to the State of Indiana, the better
to enable said State to extend and complete the
Wabash and Erie

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

- 1 11 1

Canal around the falls of the Ohio, on the Indiana side.
Memorial of captains of steamboats, and others in-
terested in the navigation of the Western waters, pray-
ing the construction of a

[ocr errors]

Cannon for the navy. Letter from the chief of the bureau
of Ordnance and Hydrography, on the mode of pro-
curing powder and

Carlton. Report of the Committee on Pensions, on the peti-
tion of Mary

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Catlin, senior partner of the late firm of Catlin, Peoples, & Co.
Report of the Committee on Indian Affairs, on the pe-
tition of Henry

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Census. Memorial of the American Statistical Association,
praying the adoption of measures for the correction
of errors in the returns of the sixth

[ocr errors]

Census. Report of the Committee on the Library, on the
memorial of the American Statistical Association,
praying the adoption of measures for the correction
of errors in the returns of the sixth

Charts and instruments. (See Depot of Charts, &c.)
Cherokee Indians. (See Indians.)

Chickasaw Indians. (See Indians.)

Chickasaw orphan and incompetent funds. (See Funds.)
Chief Engineer. (See Engineer.)

Chief Topographical Engineer. (See Engineer.)

Chief of the Ordnance department. (See Ordnance depart-


Chili in making indemnity in relation to the Macedonian.
Delay of the Government of

China. Copies of instructions given to the late commis-
sioner to

[ocr errors]

Chinese empire. Message of the President of the United
States, communicating an abstract of the treaty be-
tween the United States and the
Choctaw orphan and incompetent funds. (See Funds.)
Choctaw Indians. (See Indians.)
Chouteau, jr., and others, claimants under the Dubuque claim,

in Iowa. Report of the Committee on Private Land
Claims, on the memorial of Pierre-

[blocks in formation]

- 2 20 1

Coal, iron, and copper. Letters from Professor Johnson, on
the subject of further experiments on

Coast survey. (See Survey.)
Commerce and navigation of the United States, for the year
ending 30th June, 1844. Report of the Secretary of
the Treasury, communicating the annual statement
of the
Commercial systems of foreign nations. Report from the
Secretary of State, showing the changes and modifi-
cations in the tariffs and

[blocks in formation]
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[blocks in formation]

Commissary General of Subsistence, accompanying the Pres-
ident's annual message. Report of the
Commissioned officers in the navy. (See Officers.)
Commissioner of Pensions, accompanying the President's
annual message. Report of the

Commissioner of Pensions, showing the rejected applications
for pensions, or increase of pension, during the year
1844. Report of the

Commissioner of Indian Affairs, accompanying the Presi-
dent's annual message. Report of the

Commissioner of the General Land Office, on the operations
of that office in 1844. Report of the

(See page 10 of same document, for “Schedule of
Accompanying Documents.")

Commissioner of Patents, on the operations of the Patent
Office during the year 1844. Report of the

(See page 519 of same document, for "Table of


Commissioner to China. Copies of instructions given to the


Committees of the Senate. List of

Constitution, in relation to the veto power, &c. Resolutions

of the Legislature of Alabama, against amending the
Construction, Equipment, and Repair. Report, with detailed

estimates, from the bureau of

Contingent fund of the Senate. (See Senate.)
Contingent fund of the State Department. (See State.)
Copper, coal, and iron. Letters from Professor Johnson, on

further experiments on

Craigmiles. Report of the Committee on Pensions, on the
bill (H. R. 558) for the benefit of Joseph
Cram. Report of the Committee on Pensions, on the peti-

tion of Smith



Criminals and paupers into the United States. Message
from the President of the United States, communi-
cating information in relation to foreign Governments,
in transferring their

Cunningham, late mineral agent on Lake Superior. Report
of Walter

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[blocks in formation]

Currency of the United States. Statistical information in
relation to the condition of the

Curwen, surviving partner of Willing & Curwen. Report
of the Committee on Finance, on the bill for the re-
lief of Joseph
Custom-house at New Orleans, and the title to the grounds

on which it stands. Condition of the
Custom-house in New Orleans, of completing the marine.
hospital in that city, and of improving the harbor of
Lake Pontchartrain. Estimates of the cost of con-
structing a new
Customs for the year 1844. Statements of the official emol-
uments of the officers of the




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Day and others, members of a company of Ohio volunteers
during the last war. Report of the Committee on the
petition of Alva

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Debt of the United States on the 1st July, 1844.

of the


Debt of the United States on the 1st December, 1844. State-

ment of the

Defence, made to the Engineer department, by Lieutenant
Halleck, of the corps of engineers. Copy of a report
on national -

Deposite banks. (See Banks.)
Depositories of the public money. Report of the Secretary
of the Treasury, communicating information in re-
lation to the

[blocks in formation]

- 3 85 1


Depot of charts and instruments, with a description of the
instruments, &c. Report of the Secretary of the Navy,
communicating a report of the plan and construction
of the


[blocks in formation]

11 17

District of Columbia. Recommendation, by the President
of the United States, of the establishment of an insane
hospital, &c., in the
District of Columbia. Report of the Committee on the Dis-
trict of Columbia, on the resolutions of the Legisla-
ture of Maryland, in relation to free bridges over the
Anacostia or Eastern branch of the Potomac, in the 2 33 1
Domestic trade. (See Trade.)

Donelson, ministers to Mexico, and letter to Mr. King, min-

ister to France, in relation to the annexation of Texas
to the United States. Instructions of Mr. Calhoun,
Secretary of State, to Messrs. Shannon and

Dorr, by the authorities of Rhode Island. Resolutions of
the Legislature of New Hampshire, condemning, as
a violation of the Constitution, the trial and impris-
onment of Thomas Wilson -

Dubuque claim, in Iowa. (See Lands.)

Duties, revenues, and expenditures, during the fiscal year

ending 30th June, 1844. Statement of

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- 1 6 28

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