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$ 3.


We understand by the term crystallization, in a more general sense, every operation, or process, whereby bodies are made to pass from the fluid to the solid state, and to assume certain fixed, mathematically definable, regular forms. But as these forms, which we call crystals, are the more regular, and consequently the more perfect, the more slowly the operation is carried on, we always connect with the term "crystallization" the accessory idea of a slow separation-of a gradual conversion to the solid state. The formation of crystals depends on the regular arrangement of the ultimate constituent particles of bodies (molecules or atoms); it can only take place, therefore, if these atoms possess perfect freedom of motion, and thus in general only when a substance passes from the fluid or gaseous to the solid state. Those instances in which the mere ignition, or the softening or moistening of a solid body, suffices to make the tendency of the molecules to a regular arrangement (crystallization) prevail over the diminished force of cohesion-such as, for instance, the turning white and opaque of moistened barley-sugar-are to be regarded as exceptional cases.

To induce crystallization, the causes of the fluid or gaseous form of a substance must be removed. These causes are either heat alone, e.g., in the case of fused metals; or solvents alone, as in the case of an aqueous solution of common salt; or both combined, as in the case of a hot saturated solution of nitrate of potassa in water. In the first case we obtain crystals by cooling the fused mass; in the second, by evaporating the menstruum; and in the third by either of these means. The most frequently occurring case is that of crystallization by cooling hot saturated solutions. The liquors which remain after the separation of the crystals are called mother-waters, or mother-liquors. The term amorphous is applied to such solid bodies as have no crystalline form.

We have recourse to crystallization generally either to obtain the crystallized substance in a solid form, or to separate it from other substances dissolved in the same menstruum. In many cases also the form of the crystals or their deportment in the air, viz., whether they remain unaltered or effloresce, or deliquesce, upon exposure to the air, will afford an excellent means of distinguishing between bodies otherwise resembling each other; for instance, between sulphate of soda and sulphate of potassa. The process of crystallization is usually effected in dishes, or, in the case of very small quantities, in watch-glasses.

In cases where the quantity of fluid to be operated upon is only small, the surest way of getting well-formed crystals is to let the fluid evaporate in the air, or, better still, under a bell-glass, with an open vessel half-filled with concentrated sulphuric acid. Minute crystals are examined best with a lens, or under the microscope.

§ 4.


This operation differs from the preceding one in this much, that the dissolved body is converted to the solid state, not slowly and gradually,

but suddenly, no matter whether the substance separating is crystalline or amorphous, whether it sinks to the bottom of the vessel, or ascends, or remains suspended in the liquid. Precipitation is either caused by a modification of the solvent-thus sulphate of lime (gypsum) separates immediately from its solution in water upon the addition of alcohol; or it ensues in consequence of the separation of an educt insoluble in the menstruum-thus when ammonia is added to a solution of sulphate of alumina, the latter salt is decomposed, and the alumina, not being soluble in water, precipitates. Precipitation takes place also when, by the action of simple or double chemical affinity, new compounds are formed which are insoluble in the menstruum; thus oxalate of lime precipitates upon adding oxalic acid to a solution of acetate of lime; chromate of lead upon mixing chromate of potassa with nitrate of lead. In decompositions of this kind, induced by simple or double affinity, one of the new compounds remains generally in solution, and the same is sometimes the case also with the educt; thus in the instances just mentioned the sulphate of ammonia, the acetic acid, and the nitrate of potassa, remain in solution. It may, however, happen also that both the product and the educt, or two products, precipitate, and that nothing remains in solution; this is the case, for instance, when a solution of sulphate of magnesia is mixed with water of baryta, or when a solution of sulphate of silver is precipitated with chloride of barium.


Precipitation is resorted to for the same purposes as crystallization, viz., either to obtain a substance in the solid form, or to separate it from other substances dissolved in the same menstruum. But in qualitative analysis we have recourse to this operation more particularly for the purpose of detecting and distinguishing substances by the color, properties, and general deportment which they exhibit when precipitated either in an isolated state or in combination with other substances. solid body separated by this process is called the precipitate, and the substance which acts as the immediate cause of the separation is termed the precipitant. Various terms are applied to precipitates by way of particularizing them according to their different nature; thus we distinguish crystalline, pulverulent, flocculent, curdy, gelatinous precipitates, &c. The terms turbid, turbidity, are made use of to designate the state of a fluid which contains a precipitate so finely divided and so inconsiderable in amount, that the suspended particles, although impairing the transparency of the fluid, yet cannot be clearly distinguished. The separation of flocculent precipitates may generally be promoted by a vigorous shake of the vessel; that of crystalline precipitates, by stirring the fluid and rubbing the sides of the vessel with a glass rod; elevation of temperature is also an effective means of promoting the separation of most precipitates. The process is therefore conducted, according to circumstances, either in test-tubes, flasks, or beakers.

The two operations described respectively in §§ 5 and 6, viz., filtration and decantation, serve to effect the mechanical separation of fluids from matter suspended therein.

§ 5.


This operation consists simply in passing the fluid from which we wish to remove the solid particles mechanically suspended therein through a

filtering apparatus, formed usually by a properly arranged piece of unsized paper placed in a funnel; an apparatus of this description allows the fluid to trickle through with ease, whilst it completely retains the solid particles. We employ smooth filters and plaited filters; the former in cases where the separated solid substance is to be made use of, the latter in cases where it is simply intended to clear the solution. Smooth filters are prepared by double-folding a circular piece of paper, with the folds at right angles; they must in every part fit close to the funnel. The preparation of plaited filters is more properly a matter for ocular demonstration than for description. In cases where the contents of the filter require washing, the paper must not project over the rim of the funnel. It is in most cases advisable to moisten the filter previously to passing the fluid through it; since this not only tends to accelerate the process, but also renders the solid particles less liable to be carried through the pores of the filter. The paper selected for filters must be as free as possible from inorganic substances, especially such as are dissolved by acids, e.g., sesquioxide of iron and lime. The common filtering paper of commerce seldom comes up to our wants in this respect, and I would therefore always recommend to wash it carefully with dilute hydrochloric acid whenever it is intended for use in accurate analyses. With the stronger sorts of paper this may be done by placing the paper cut in circular discs, in a layer of moderate thickness, in a shallow porcelain dish, pouring over it a mixture of one part of hydrochloric acid or nitric acid with about nine parts of water, and letting it digest for several hours at a moderate heat. The fluid is then poured off, and the paper repeatedly washed with water (finally with distilled water), until litmus paper is no longer reddened by the washings: the water is then drained off, and the entire layer is carefully transferred to a quire of blottingpaper, and left there until they can be taken off singly without injury; they are then hung up to dry on lines in

a place free from dust. With the finer sorts of paper (Swedish paper) I prefer washing the filters in the funnel. To this end they are first sprinkled with a little moderately diluted hydrochloric or nitric acid, and then thoroughly washed with water, finally with distilled water. Filtering paper, to be considered good, must, besides being pure, also let fluids pass readily through, whilst yet completely retaining even the finest pulverulent precipitates, such as sulphate of baryta, oxalate of lime, &c. If a paper satisfying these requirements cannot be readily procured, it is advisable to keep two sorts, one of greater density for the separation of very finely divided precipitates, and one of greater porosity for the speedy separation of grosser particles. The funnels must be of glass or porcelain (§ 14, 10); they are usually placed on an appropriate stand, to keep them in a fixed position. The stand shown in Fig. 1 is particularly well adapted for the reception of the small-sized funnels used in qualitative analyses.

Fig. 1.

§ 6.


This operation is frequently resorted to instead of filtration, in cases where the solid particles to be removed are of considerably greater specific gravity than the liquid in which they are suspended; as they will in such cases speedily subside to the bottom, thereby rendering it easy either to decant the supernatant fluid by simply inclining the vessel, or to draw it off by means of a syphon or pipette.

In cases where filtration or decantation are resorted to for the purpose of obtaining the solid substance, the latter has to be freed afterwards by repeated washing from the liquid still adhering to it. This operation is termed washing or edulcoration. The washing of precipitates collected on a filter is usually effected by means of a washing bottle, such as is shown in Fig. 2.

[graphic][merged small][merged small]

This washing bottle consists of a flask closed with a perforated cork, into which a small glass tube is fitted, with the outer end drawn out to a fine point. By blowing air into the flask through this tube and, when the air is sufficiently compressed, reversing the flask, so as to place the inner aperture of the tube under water, a fine jet of that fluid is expelled with a certain degree of force; this contrivance is well adapted for washing precipitates. Fig. 3 represents a washing bottle of a different construction, which is used more especially to wash precipitates with boiling water, and affords also the advantage that it enables the operator to produce an uninterrupted jet of water. The drawing needs no explanation; the outer end of the tube a is drawn out to a fine point. An India-rubber cap fitted with two tubes may be used instead of the double-perforated cork.

There are four operations which serve to separate volatile substances from less volatile or from fixed bodies, viz., evaporation, distillation, ignition, and sublimation. The two former of these operations are applied exclusively to fluids, the two latter exclusively to solids.

§ 7.


This operation is of very frequent occurrence. It serves to separate volatile fluids from less volatile or from fixed bodies (no matter whether solid or fluid), in cases where the residuary substance alone is of importance, whilst the evaporating matter is entirely disregarded; thus, for instance, we have recourse to evaporation for the purpose of removing from a saline solution part of the water, in order to bring about crystallization of the salt; we resort to this process also for the purpose of removing the whole of the water of the menstruum from the solution of a non-crystallizable substance, so as to obtain the latter in a solid form, &c. The evaporated water is entirely disregarded in either of these cases, the only object in view being to obtain, in the former case a more concentrated fluid, and in the latter a dry substance. These objects are invariably attained by converting the fluid which is to be removed to the gaseous state. This is generally done by the application of heat; sometimes also by leaving the fluid for a certain time in contact with the atmosphere, or with an enclosed volume of air constantly kept dry by hygroscopic substances, such as concentrated sulphuric acid, chloride of calcium, &c.; or, lastly, in many cases, by placing the fluid in rarefied air, with simultaneous application of hygroscopic substances. As it is of the utmost importance in qualitative analyses to guard against the least contamination, and as an evaporating fluid is the more liable to this the longer the operation lasts, the process is usually conducted, with proper expedition, over the flame of a spirit or gas-lamp, in a separate place free from dust and not exposed to draughts of air. If the operator has no place of the kind, he must have recourse to the much less suitable proceeding of covering the dish; the best way of doing this is to place over the dish a large glass funnel secured by a retort holder, in a manner to leave sufficient space between the rim of the funnel and the border of the dish; the funnel is placed slightly aslant that the drops running down its sides may be received in a beaker. Or the dish may also be covered with a sheet of filter paper previously freed from inorganic substances by washing with dilute hydrochloric or nitric acid (see § 5); were common and unwashed filter paper used for the purpose, the sesquioxide of iron, lime, &c., contained in it, would dissolve in the vapors evolved (more especially if acid), and the solution dripping down into the evaporating fluid would speedily contaminate it. These precautions are necessary of course only in accurate analyses. Larger quantities of fluid are evaporated best in glass flasks standing aslant, covered with a cap of pure filtering paper, over a charcoal fire or gas; or also in retorts. Evaporating processes at 212° are conducted

Fig. 4.


in an appropriate steam apparatus, or in the water-baths shown in

Fig. 4.

§ 8.

This operation serves to separate a volatile liquid from a less volatile

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