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eaten and drunk, represent Christ's body and blood; his body, which was broken, his blood which was shed on the cross, for us miserable sinners, who lay in darkness and the shadow of death; those who neglect this great duty and privilege, will have to account for that sin at the day of judg ment. Christ invites all to come to him, and offers free pardon to all who truly repent of their sins. He says, "Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest;" and he declares, "Him that cometh to me, I will in no wise cast out." None who really wish to be saved can refuse such gracious invitations. As our weak bodies are strengthened by food, so our souls are saved by faith in Christ.

'Twas on that dark and doleful night
When powers of earth and hell arose
Against the Son of God's delight,

And friends betray'd him to his foes,

Before the mournful scene began,

He took the bread, and bless'd, and brake; What love through all his actions ran! What wondrous words of grace he spake!

"This is my body broke for sin;

Receive and eat the living food."
Then took the cup and bless'd the wine-
""Tis the new covenant in my blood."

"Do this," he cried, "till time shall end,
In memory of your dying friend;
Meet at my table, and record

The love of your departed Lord."


JOHN XIV. 1-11.

THEN said Je-sus un-to his dis-ci-ples,

ye beIn my

"Let not your heart be troubl-ed; lieve in God, be-lieve al-so in me. Fa-ther's house are ma-ny man-sions; if it were not so, I would have told you; I go to pre-pare a place for you. And if I go and pre-pare a place for you, I will come a-gain, and re-ceive you un-to my-self: that where I am, there ye may be al-so. And whith-er I go ye know, and the way ye know." Thom-as saith un-to him, "Lord, we know not whith-er thou go-est; and how can we know the way?" Je-sus saith un-to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life: no man com-eth un-to the Fa-ther but by me. If ye had known me, ye should have known my Fa-ther al-so: and from hence-forth ye know him, and have seen him." Phil-ip saith un-to him, "Lord,

show us the Fa-ther, and it suf-fi-ceth us.” Je-sus saith un-to him, "Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Phil-ip? He that hath seen me hath seen the Fa-ther: and how say-est thou, 'Show us the Fa-ther?' Be-liev-est thou not that I am in the Fa-ther, and the Fa-ther in me? The words that I speak un-to you I speak not of my-self: but the Fa-ther that dwell-eth in me, he do-eth the works. Be-lieve me that I am in the Fa-ther, and the Father in me: or else be-lieve me for the very works' sake."


What have you been reading to-day? Part of our Saviour's discourse to his disciples before he suffered.

How did he begin this discourse?

By telling his disciples not to let their hearts be troubled.

What did he say about his Father's house?

That there were many mansions in it. What did our Saviour mean by his Father's house?


What did he mean by saying that in his Father's house are many mansions? That there are inheritances in heaven for all his followers.

What did he say that he was going to do?

To prepare a place for them.

What did Jesus answer Thomas when he said he knew not the way thither?

"I am the way, the truth, and the life : no man cometh unto the Father but by me."

What did Philip beg Jesus to do?

To show them the Father.

What did our Lord's answer to Philip show?

That he and God the Father are one.

How did our Lord prove that he is in the Father, and the Father in him? By his works, or miracles,

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