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2 Kings

Jer. I. 3.


The Year

before Christ. $38. The Babylonian Empire.

The Sixth Age of the World.

Jerem. L, LI. Dan. V. 31.

Cyrus having given the Kingdom of Babylon to Darius the Mede, referving fome Palaces in the city for himself, he returns through Media into Perfia." Daniels greatness raifing envy in fome principal Courtiers and Officers, these contrive his ruin; but VI. 6. finding nothing in his management of affairs, whereof to accufe him, they refolve to order matters fo, that Daniels piety towards God shall bǝcome an offence worthy of death. They move the King to make a Decree, that for 30 days no Petition hall be made to any God or Man, but to himself only. Which Decree Daniel breaks by making Supplication to his God, and is for doing fo, caft into a den of lions; but being found to have received no hurt there, Darius commands the Confpirators to be caft into the fame den, who are presently devoured, and the King publisheth a Decree, that all Perfons throughout his Dominions fhall reverence and fear the God of Daniel.

Au mⱭex to the Holy Bible The Year The Sixth Age of the World. before Chriß. chadnezzar, or rather by continuing in an open rebellion (as his fathers had done) against God, brought upon Jerufalem, and the whole Nation of the Jews, thofe long deferved calamities which God has fo often fore-warned them of by his Prophets; for in the latter end of the eleventh year of Zedekiah, Jerufalem, after a long fiege, is taken by Nebuchadnezzar, and his Chaldeans enter it. Zede- XXXIX. kiah flies away by night, but being pursued, is taken, and brought prifoner to Riblah, Nebuchadnezzars head quarters; there having firft feen his children flaughtered before his eyes, he has afterwards those eyes put out, and being loaden with chains, is carried away captive to Babylon. About a month after the taking of the city, Nebuzaradan, captain of the guard, fent by Nebuchadnezzar, makes his entry into it, fets fire to the Temple, the King's Palace, and fome Noblemens houfes, and fo layeth the whole city in afhes; the Walls of Jerufalem being razed to the ground, all that were left in the city, and thofe that a little before had fallen to the Chaldeans, with what treasure he can find, doth Nebuzaradan carry with him into Babylon.

569. The Ba

bylonian Empire. 562.




And thus was Judah carried out of her own land, LII. 27.
468 years after David began to reign over it; 388 2 Kings
years after the falling off of the ten Tribes, and 134 XXV. 21.
years after the deftruction of the kingdom of Ifrael,
Obadiah the Prophet denounceth Gods Judgments
against the Edomites, who now infult over the ca-
lamity of the Jews. The fame do Jeremy and E-XLIX. 7.
zekiel, and the author of the 79th and 137th Pfalms, Ezekiel
who wrote all about the fame time.
XXV. 12.


The Sixth Age of the World.
Ebuchadnezzar proud of his Victories over Dan. IV.
Egypt, and his conqueft of Judea, and other 29, 33.
Countries, and boafting the magnificence of his buil-
dings, falls diftracted, and is driven from the focie-
ty of men.

After feven years spent among the beafts of the
field, his understanding returning to him, he humbly
acknowledgeth the power of God, and his goodness
towards him; and is restored to his kingdom. A
few days after he dies, having reigned about 20
months together with his father, and 43 years by


Evilmerodach, his fon, fucceeds him in the 37th 2 Kings
year of the captivity of Jehoiachin or Jeconiah, who XXV. 27.
prefently gives order for the enlargement of Jeho- Jer. LII.
achin, and two days after changeth his prifon-
clothes, fets him above all the Princes of his Court,
and caufeth him to eat at his own table. Jehoia-
chin dies about two years after.

Belshazzar having removed fome Perfons who
had murthered his father Evilmerodach, and ufur-
ped his Throne, fucceeds in the Kingdom of Baby-
lon. In the first year of this Kings reign, Daniel
has the Vifion of the four Beafts, fignifying the four
Monarchies of the World, and of God, delivering
over all power and fovereignty to the Son of man.


VII. 1.

In the third year of Belfhazzar, Daniel receives VIII. 1.
the Vifon of the Ram and He-goat, betokening the
deftruction of the Perfian Monarchy, and the great
mifery which Antiochus fhould bring upon the
People of God.

This year Belshazzar makes a great feast for all
his Nobles, and caufeth to be brought forth all the
veffels of the houfe of the Lord which Nebuchad-
nezzar his grandfather had brought away from Je Jerem.
rufalem, to the glory of his idols, and dishonour of XXVII. 7.
the true God. In the midst of all this jolity, a hand
appears writing on the wall of the room, in which
the King and his numerous guefts fit drinking, The Dan. V.
King greatly terrified hereat, fends for his Chaldean
Aftrologers and Wizards, and commands them to
read the writing, and give him the interpretation
of it, but they not being able to do either, Daniel
is fent for, who reads the writing, and gives the
King the interpretation of it; whereupon Daniel is
publicky proclamed the third man in the Kingdom.
The fame night Belshazzar is flain, Babylon taken Ifai. XII.
by Cyrus, and the Empire tranflated to the Medes Hab. II.
and Perfians, as had been fundry times foretold by Jer. XXV.
the Prophets.



Toward the end of the first year of the reign of Darius the Mede, to be reckoned from the fubverfion of the Babylonish Empire, begins the 70th year of the captivity of the Jews, which by Jeremiahs Prophecy was to be the last year of their calamity: Upon confideration of which time fo near at hand, Daniel pours out moft fervent prayers to God for the remiflion of his own fins, and those of his People; and for that promised deliverance out of their captivity. To whom the Angel Gabriel brings an anfwer not only of this, but also of the fpiritual deliverance of the Church by the death of the Meffiah; uttering that memorable Prophecy of the Seventy weeks.

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536. Cyrus, his father Cambyfus, and his father-in-law The Perfian Cyaxares both dying, Perfia falls to him by inheri Empire. tance, and Media by contract of marriage; and fo he is poffeffed of the whole Eastern Empire; from which time, both Xenophon (Inftit. lib. 8.) reckons the feven year of his reign, and the Holy Scripture, out of the Records of the Medes and Perfians, reckons this his firft year, for it teacheth us, that in this year came forth that renowned Edi&t of his, Thus faith Cyrus King of Perfia, the Lord God of Heaven Ezra I. 27 hath given me all the Kingdoms of the Earth, and hath charged me to build him an House at Jerufalem, which is in Judah, &c. At which time the 70 years of the Babylonifh captivity being expired (as was foretold by Ifaiah and Jeremiah, the former making mention of Cyrus by name) he gives leave XLIV. 28. to all the Jews dwelling in all parts of his Dominiens, to return into their own country, and commands them immediately to fall in hand with rebuilding of the Temple.

He reftoreth all the veffels of the House of God, which Nebuchadnezzar had brought from thence; and contributes towards the building.



1, 13.


The Jews therefore return into their own Coun- Ezra I. try; the poorer fort having allowance made them 5, 6. to defray their charges upon the way. The number of the children of the Province, or Hebrews II. born in Chaldea, which with their captain Zerub Nehem babel, and their High-prieft Jefhua, return out of captivity, is 42 360, befides Profelytes, Man-fervants and Maid-fervants, to the number of 7337. Now the particular Sums of Extra's catalogue being caft up, amount only to 29818; and thofe in Nehemiahs account make but 31031, both which come far fhort of that univerfal fum of 42360, which at the bottom of each catalogue is faid to be the number of the whole Congregation. Wherefore the Hebrews in the 29th chapter of their great Chronicle, tell us, that to complete the full Sum of 42360, we must caft in those of the other ten Tribes of Ifrael, who came up out of captivity with the Jews. For even till the last extirpation of the Jewish ftate, there remained some reliques of the XXVI. 7. other ten Tribes, not only in the difperfion, and at Lam. I. 1. Jerufalem, and other cities of Judah; but alfo of Luke II. those who kept ftill in their own feats; for Shalmanefer fwept not away all out of the whole ten Tribes, but left a remnant of them in their own Country, who were afterwards, together with the Jews, Benjamites, and Levites, carried away by Nebuchadnezzar into Babylon, and are now dismis fed and sent back again by Cyrus,


36 2 Chron, XI. 26.

The Year before

An Index to the Holy Bible.

The Sixth Age of the World. Chrift, In the fecond year after their return from Baby535. lon, in the fecond month, they appoint Levites to The Perfian oversee the work of the Houfe of God, and lay the Empire. foundation of the Temple; the old men lamenting, who 53 years before had feen the old Temple ftanding, and the younger fort rejoycing to see the new one going up.


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The Samaritans, by the means of certain Courtiers about Cyrus, whom they had brided for that purpofe, difturb the Jews in their work of the Temple. In the beginning of the reign of Artaxerxes (called in prophane ftory Cambyfes) the Samaritans, who whilft Cyrus lived, had fecretly undermined the Jews, now openly frame a direct accufation in writing against the inhabitans of Judah and Jerufalem, and prefent it to the King who presently forbids the Jews to proceed in the building.

In the fecond year of King Darius Hyftafpes (the fame with Ahafuerus) Zerubbabel and Jeshua incited by the Prophets Haggai and Zechariah, fet forward the building of the Temple.

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Haggai prophefieth, that the glory of this fecond Hagg. II. Temple fhall be greater than that of the former, not as being a more magnificent ftructure, but in regard the bleed Meffiah fhall one day honour it with his prefence, and from thence propagate Peace to all Nations.

About this time Zechariah the Prophet exhorteth the Jews to repentance.

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the last Darius, but of Darius Nothus, who now Nehem. reigns in Perfia; the full Hiftory of Nehemiah en- XIII. 6, The Perfian ding with the time of Artaxerxes Longimanus, father Empire. of this Darius Nothus.

Zech. I.



Ahafuerus puts away Queen Vashti his Wife, and not long after efpouseth Efther the Niece of Mordecai the Jew.

I, 6.

Eft. 1, 11.

In the fixth year of Darius, or Ahafuerus, the Ezra VI. Temple is finished, the dedication whereof is celebrated with great joy and abundance of facrifices, the Priests and Levites, every one in his place, attending on the Ministry of the Temple. The Paffover alfo is celebrated.


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Haman an Agagite, of the race of the Amalekites, Efth. III. a great favourite of King Ahafuerus, offended at Mordecai, becaufe he falls not down and adores him as others do, refolves to be revenged of the whole Nation of the Jews (which was ever averse


to his) and to root it out, for the executing of which XXV.19. purpose, that he may find a fuccefsful time, he caufeth Pur, that is, the Lot, to be caft before him, for to know the day and month wherein the Jews fhall be destroyed, and the lot falls on the twelfth month Adar.

Haman obtains an Edi&t from the King, that all Jews, without refpect to fex or age, upon the thirteenth day of the month Adar, be put to death in all the provinces of the Kings dominions. Hereupon. Efth. IV. Mordecai, Efther, and all the Jews humble themfelves before the Lord by fafting and prayer.

Ahafuerus hearing it read in the Chronicles that a Confpiracy had been discovered to him by Mordecai, commandeth that he be publickly honoured, and that by Haman himself, his deadly enemy.



Efther entertaining the King and Haman at a banquet, maketh fuit for her own life and her Peoples, and accufeth Haman. The King understanding that Haman had provided a Gallows for Mordecai, caufeth him to be hanged thereon. In memory of this IX. great deliverance, the two days of Purim are made feftival.

Ezra the Prieft, a man skilled in the law of Mofes, Ezra VII. obtains a large Commiffion from King Artaxerxes, to fettle the Jewish Common-wealth, and to reform the Church at Jerufalem.

In the feventh year of Artaxerxes, Ezra with a great multitude of Jews, fets out from Babylon. Ezra obligeth thofe who had taken ftrangers to wife, to fend them back.


330. The Macedonian Empire.


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In the twentieth year of King Artaxerxes, Nehe Neh. II. miah a Jew, one of his cupbearers being made governor of Judea, obtains leave to build the walls of Jerufalem, and finish that great work. Here begin Daniels 70 Weeks, to be fulfilled before the Paffion of our Saviour.

Nehemiah having governed Judea 12 years returns to the King of Perfia.

This year is the 21ft Jubile, the last that ever the Prophets of the Old Teftament faw; for that place in Nehemiah, c. XII, 22. is not to be understood of

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Hitherto (faith Eufebius in his Chronicle to the 32d year of Artaxerxes) the divine Scripture of the Hebrews contain the Annals of the times: But thofe things which were done among them afterwards, we must deliver out of the Books of the Maccabees, and out of the Writings of Jofephus, who have delivered a general Hiftory of the Jewish affairs from thence down to the times of the Romans.

That Malachi the laft of the Prophets was contemporary with Nehemiah, appears from hence, That he no where exhorts the People to the building of the Temple, as Haggai and Zachary did, but the Temple being now built, he reproves thofe diforders which Nehemiah at his fecond return with a new commiffion from Babylon, faith he found in his abfence to have crept in among the Jews; as marriage with strange women, withholding of tithes, and abules in the worship of God. And because a fucceffion of Prophets was not to be expected, as before, he exhorteth the people conftantly to adhere to the law of Mofes, till Chrift the chief Prophet fhould appear; whofe fore-runner John the Baptift fhould come in the fpirit and power of Elias, to turn the hearts of the fathers unto their children, and the difobedient to the wisdom of the juft. See 1 Mac. IV. 46. and IX. 17.

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Manaffes brother to Jaddus the High-prieft, refufing to put away his ftrange wife, is driven from the facrifice; Sanaballath his father in law, Governor of Samaria, revolts from Darius, obtains leave of Alexander to build a Temple on mount Gerizim, and makes Manaffes High-prieft thereof: to which refort all fuch as are entangled in unlawful marriage, with all fuch offenders as think not themfelves fafe at Jerufalem. This was the rife of that Schifmatical Conventicle of the Samaritans. See John IV. 20. Alexander marcheth toward Jerufalem, intending Jof. Ant. to befiege it Jaddus the High-priest hearing of it, lib. 11. putteth on his priestly Ornaments, and accompanied with the People all in white, goeth out to meet him: Alexander feeing his habit, falls proftrate before him, faying, that whilft he was in Macedonia, a man appeared unto him in the very fame habit, who invited him to come into Afia, and promised to deliver the Perfian Empire into his hands. After this he goes to the Temple, and offers facrifice according to the High-priefts direction. They fhew him the prophefie of Daniel, That a Grecian fhould come and destroy the Perfians: whereby he is migh- XI. 13. tily confirm'd in his Perfwafion, that he himfelt is the man laftly, he bestoweth on the Jews whatever favours they defire, and departeth.

The Perfians are overcome Darius flain, and Alexander remains univerfal Monarch of the eastern World.

Daniel VIII. 7.

I Mac. I.

Alexander having reigned fix years and ten months, Jof. Ant. dieth; his Army and Dominions are divided among lib.12.c.1. his captains. Antigonus makes himself governor of Afia, Seleucus of Babylon, and the bordering Nations; Lyfimachus hath the Hellefpont, Caffander, Macedon, and Ptolemy the son of Lagus gets Egypt. Ptolemy, firnamed Soter, makes himself mafter Jof. Ant. of Jerufalem by a stratagem; for he enters the city lib.12.c.1. upon a fabbath-day, under pretence of offering facrince, and whilst the Jews fufpe&t nothing, but fpend the day in eafe and idleness, he furprifeth the city without refiftance, and makes the citizens captives. He fendeth feveral colonies of Jews into Egypt, and puts great confidence in them.

Ptolomeus Philadelphus, fon of Prolomeus Soter, Jof. Ant. being a great favourer of learning, builds a moft lib.12.c.2. magnificent Library at Alexandria. Demetrius Phalereus, to whom he had committed the care of procuring all forts of Books, and out of all Countries, perfwades him to employ 72 Jews in tranflating the holy Scriptures out of the original Hebrew

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Chrift. into the Greek Tongue, which was done in the fe277. venth year of his reign. The King alfo difmiffeth The Ma- many captive Jews, and dedicates many Presents cedonian to the Temple of God at Jerufalem. Empire. One Simon a man of the Tribe of Benjamin, 177.

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Governor of the Temple, falling out with Onias the High-prieft, goes to Apollonius the Governor of Calofyria, and informs him, that there is a vast treafure in the Temple; Apollonius acquaints King Seleucus his Mafter with it, who prefently fends his Treasurer Heliodorus to Jerufalem, to bring this Money away, Heliodorus entring the Temple, is by Angels ftruck down in the very place, and carried from thence half dead; but by the prayers of Onias, he is soon after restored to his health; returning to Seleucus that sent him, he magnifies the holinefs of the Temple, and the power of God dwelling in it.

2 Mac.


Antiochus Epiphanes fucceeds Seleucus in the Mac. I. Kingdom of Syria, and reigneth 11 years and fome months.


Jafon by corrupting King Antiochus, obtaineth 2 Mac. the office of High-prieft.

Menelaus, brother to Simon the traitor, being imployed by Jafon to carry the Money to the King, promifeth 300 Talents of Silver above what Jafon had fent, and getteth the Priesthood to himself.

Menelaus not paying the Money he had promised the King at his admiffion, is fummon'd to appear before Antiochus; He fubftitutes Lyfimachus his brother in his place.

The Sixth Age of the World.


I Mac.

-VI. 2 Mac. IX 9.

The Year before Chrift. and caufeth him to retreat. He purifieth the Tem164. ple, and fetteth it in order, after it had lain defoThe Ma- late three years; and buildeth a wall about Sion. cedonian. Antiochus is taken with a violent pain in his Empire. bowels, and fuch a rottennefs feizeth his flesh, that 163. worms breed in it; he confeffeth that he is plagued 162. for the wrong done to Jerufalem, and dieth in the 149th year of the Kingdom of the Grecians. His Jof. Ant. fon Antiochus Eupator, a child about nine years 1. 12. c.13. old, fucceeds him. He maketh peace with the Jews, but quickly breaketh it: he puts to death Menelaus the Highprieft, and conters that honour 2 Mac. upon Alcimus or Jacimus.

IV. 7,





21, 22.

Antiochus taketh Jerufalem, and facking it, pil- 1 Mac. I. lageth the Temple, deftroyeth 40000 of the Inhabitants, and felleth as many more. He endeavour- 2 Mac. V. eth alfo to abolish the worship of God, and forceth Jof. Ant. many Jews to forfake their Religion. The Sama- 1. 12. c. 7. ritans now difown their relation to the Jews, to Dan. XI. whom in profperity they pretended alliance, and 28. confecrate the Temple on mount Gerizim to Jupiter.

Perfeus having made war upon the Romans, is this year overcome by them, and the Kingdom of the Macedonians ends, when from Caranus it had ftood 626 years. Neverthelefs, the reliques of the Macedonian Empire, while that of the Roman was rifing, did yet furvive in the Ptolemeys of Egypt, and the Kings of Syria.

1 Mac. VIII. 5.


King Antiochus, by a publick Edict, commands Mac. I. all Nations that are fubject unto him to obferve the fame way of Divine Worship, and laying afide their peculiar Customs, to profefs the fame Religion with the Grecians; the punishment of Death being threatned unto fuch as fhall be difobedient; and he appoints Overfeers over every People and Nation, who fhall compel them hereunto. Of the Jews many chufe rather to undergo the most cruel torments, than to offer facrifice unto Idols; all which Martyrdoms with thofe glorious fufferings of the feven Maccabean brethren, are recorded in the two Books of Maccabees.

Matthias a Prieft, with his five fons, flay those 1 Mac. II. I that are fent by King Antiochus to compel them 2 Mac. to offer abominable facrifices, and after betake VI. themselves to the defert. They are followed by Jof. Ant. many others, of whom a great number are ftifled 1. 12. c. 8. in their caves, because they would not defend themfelves on the Sabbath-day. Matthias aboli@heth that fuperftition, and exhorts his fons to affert their privileges, and deliver their Country from bon- 1 Mac. III. dage.

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Onias the fon of Onias III. retires into Egypt, Jof. Ant. where Ptolomey Philometor, and Cleopatra his 1. 12. c.15. wife, permit him to build a Temple at Heliopolis, in imitation of that at Jerufalein, and they conftitute him High-prieft there.

Demetrius Soter the fon of Seleucus, escapes from Rome, and comes into Syria, where he caufeth himself to be crown'd King, and putteth to death Antiochus and Lyfias.

Demetrius, at the inftance of Alcimus, fends Nicanor with a great Army against Judas Maccabeus,' whom he endeavours to furprize. They joyn battle, and Nicanor is flain.

I Mac. .VII.

1 Mac.


2 Mac. XIV.

Here ends the continued Hiftory of the fecond Jof. Ant. book of Maccabees, being an abstract and breviary I. 12. c. 17. of the five books of Jafon, a Jew of Cyrene.

King Demetrius fends Bacchides with a new Ar- I Mac. my, confifting of 20000 men, against Judas Mac- IX. cabeus; Judas having with him but 800 men, ven- Jof. Ant. tures to engage him, and is flain. His brother Jo- lib 12. nathan is chofen General in his stead. c. 18, 19. Jonathan enters an alliance with the Romans, I Mac. Jofephus obferves that this was the first league that VIII. 19. ever was known to be between the Romans and the Jo. Ant. Jews. 1.18.c.17.

Whilft Alcimus commands the wall of the inner I Mac. court of the Temple to be pull'd down, God frikes IX. 55, him fuddenly with a Palfie, fo that without peaking a word, he dies in great torment.


Jonathan having wearied Bacchides by war, compelleth him to make a league, and draw off his Jof. Ant. Army. 1. 13. c. 2. Alexander Balas, the fon of King Antiochus E- I Mac. piphanes, enters with an Army into Syria; the Gariton of Ptolemais fet open their gates to him, by Jof Ant. reafon of their hatred to King Demetrius; who pre- 1. 13 c 3. pares himself for war.

Demetrius defireth an alliance with Jonathan, who makes ufe of this occafion to repair the fortifications of Jerufalem.

Alexander Balas is no le's careful to obtain the friendship of Jonathan; and to oblige him, confers on him the High-priesthood.

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Jonathan puts on the holy Veftment, on the fe- l. 13. c. 5. venth month of the 160th year of the Kingdom of I Mac. the Grecians, at the feaft of Tabernacles. He was the firft High-prieft of the Hafmonean family. Demetrius and Alexander come to a battle, and Demetrius is flain.

Alexander Balas finding himself in the peaceable poffeffion of the Kingdom of Syria, efpoufeth Cleopatra, the daughter of Ptolemey Philometor King of Egypt. Alexander highly honours Jonathan the High-prieft at his Nuptials.

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Ptolomey Philometor King of Egypt, comes to the relief of King Alexander his fon in law; Alexander ungratefully fets Ammonius to lie in ambush jof. loc. to kill him. The treachery being difcovered, Ptolemey takes away his daughter from Alexander, and marrieth her to Demetrius. Alexander having been driven from Antioch, the inhabitants of that place make offer of the Kingdom to Ptolemey; but he refufeth it, and perfwadeth them to accept of Demetrius for their King.

Alexander returns with a great Army. Ftolomey and Demetrius unite their forces, and overcome

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The Year before

An Index to the Holy Bible.

The Sixth Age of the World. Chrift. him in a pitch'd battle; but Ptolomey dies of the 145 wounds which he received, after he had seen the The Ma- head of Alexander fent to him by Zabdiel an Acedonian rabian Prince. Jonathan befiegeth the citadel at Empire. Jerufalem, held by a Garifon of Macedonians.





Complaint hereof being made to Demetrius, Jonathan appeafeth him by Prefents, and obtaineth new favours for the Jews. Demetrius incurreth the hatred of his foldiers, by abridging their Pay in time of Peace.

Tryphon, with fome foldiers that revolted from I Mac. Demetrius, undertakes to establish Antiochus the XI. 54. fon of Alexander Balas in the Kingdom of Syria. Jof. Ant. Demetrius is vanquifh'd by young Antiochus,l. 13. c. 9. and made to fly into Seleucia. by Antiochus conferr'd on Jonathan, who affists XI. 55. him against Demetrius.

Great honours are I Mac.

Jonathan renews his alliance with the Romans and Lacedemonians, and fortifieth Jerufalem.

I Mac. XII.

Tryphon contrives how he may quit himfelf of Jof. Ant. Antiochus, and reign in his ftead'; but fearing Jo- l. 13. c. 9. nathans oppofition, he invites him to come to Pro- Jof. Ant. lemais, and bring with him fome few of his fol-1. 13.c.10. diers, promifing to deliver that City into his hands. Jonathan fufpecting no treachery, comes only with 1000 men to Tryphon at Ptolemais, but as foon as he is entred the City, Tryphon commands the gates to be shut. Jonathan is taken prisoner, and all his men put to the fword.


I Mac. XIII.

The Jews hereupon make choice of Simon Maccabeus for their General, in the place of his brother Jonathan. Tryphon leads an Army againft Si- Jof. Ant. lib. 13. He promifeth for 100 talents of filver to releafe Jonathan; the money being paid him, he C. 10, II. breaks his promife, and puts Jonathan to death. Simon erects a ftately monument for his father and his brethren.

Tryphon murders the young King Antiochus, and puts the Crown on his own head.

Mac. XIII.

The Romans and Lacedemonians renew their 31, 32. leagues with Simon, and write them in tables of Jof. Ant. brais. 1. 13. C.12. Simon has the Government and High-priesthood I Mac. fettled on him and his Heirs; the Jews are by his XIV. 18. means di charged from all manner of tribute to Jof. Ant. any foreign Prince. He takes Sion the fortrefs of l. 13. c.13. Jerufalem, drives out of the City all Idolaters, clears the houfes of their Idols, and placeth in the City fuch as are true worshippers of God.

Tryphons vices render him fo odious to his fol- Jof. Ant. diers, that they fubmit themselves to Cleopatra, l. 13. c.12. Demetrius's Relict. She marrieth Antiochus Soter, Demetrius's brother, and caufeth him to be crowned King. Antiochus drives Tryphon out of Syria, befiegeth him in Dora, whence he flies to Apamea, where he is taken and slain.

Simon the High-prieft traverfing the Cities of 135. Judea, and taking care for their orderly govern


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The Ro

man Em










Here begins the Empire of the Roman Cefars, when Julius Cefar, having overthrown Pompey at the Battle of Pharfalia, was made perpetual Dictator.

Herod the son of Antipas, or Antipater, an Idu- Jof. 1. 14. mean, is this year by the Romans declared King of c. 25. Judea.

Herod affifted by Sofius the Roman General, lays Id. ibid. fiege to Jerufalem, and takes it; the foldiers fill all c. 28. 1. 1. corners of the city with blood, rapine, and cruelty. Bell, c. 13. Antigonus the Prince and High-prieft is by Sofius carried away prifoner to Rome, and Herod put in full poffeffion of the Kingdom.

About this time Hillel a Babylonian, defcended from David, flourish'd at Jerufalem; one of whose Difciples was Jonathan the fon of Uzzie!, the famous Author of the Chaldee Paraphrafe.

Cefar Octavianus, Nephew to Julius Cefar, in his fifth Confulfhip, with the affent of the Senate and People of Rome, affumes the title of Emperour, at which time the Government among the Romans was legally changed from a Republick into a Monarchy. The next year following he is by the Senate firnamed Auguftus.

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The Angel Gabriel appears to Zachary the Luke I. Prieft, as he is offering Incenfe in the Temple, telling him that a fon fhall be born unto him, whom he shall call John; who alfo fhall be a Nazarite, and the forerunner of the Lord, in the spirit and power of Elias.

In the fixth month after John was conceived, the fame Angel Gabriel is fent by God to Nazareth in Galilee, to the moft bleffed Virgin Mary (efpoufed to Jofeph, a Person of the house and linage of David) the Angel declares unto her, that the fhall conceive by the overshadowing of the Holy Ghost, and bring forth a Son, and call his name JESUS.

John the Baptift born fix months before Chrift.

The Seventh Age of the World.
HRIST our Lord and Saviour, in the fulness
of time, is born of the bleffed Virgin Mary at
Bethlem, and laid in a manger.

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Herod dieth, and his fon Archelaus is by Cefar made Tetrarch of Judea; other dominions which Jof. Ant. belonged to Herod are divided among his fons. Chrift, by Gods appointment, is brought back out of Egypt into Nazareth.


I, 12,

ment comes down with his two fons, Matthias Jof. Ant. and Judas, to Jericho; Ptolomey the fon of Abu- lib. 13. bus, Simons fon in law, invites them to a caftle c. 13. which he had fortified, called Dochus, and there whilft he entertains them at a banquet, barbarouЛly murders them. John Hircanus fucceeds his father in the High-priesthood.

Jofeph flies into Egypt with the child Jefus, and


Mary his Mother.

Herod commands the Infants in and about Bethlem to be flain.




Here ends the first Book of Maccabees, containing the Hiftory of 40 years.

1.17.c.10. Mat. II. 21, 23.

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The Year




Anna the Prophetefs, daughter of Phanuel, of the Luke II. tribe of Afer, this year becoming a widow, departs not from the Temple, but ferveth God with fafting and prayer night and day, for 84 years together, Jof. lib. r. until fuch time as the fees Chrift in the Tem- Belli. c. 5. Ant. I. 14 Jerufalem is this year taken by Pompeys who Gr &



Auguftus dies, and Tiberius fucceeds him. Jofephus, called Caiaphas, is made High-prieft Jof. Ant. of the Jews, by the favour of Valerius Gratus the 1. 18. c. 3

Roman Governor.

Towards the end of this year, Pontius Pilate is Mat. III. fent to be Procurator of Judea, in the place of Va

lerius Gratus.

1. Mark I. 20

John the Baptift begins to preach and to baptize Luke in the defert of Judea, thereby preparing the way III. 3. of the Lord, and doing his endeavour, that Chrifts John 1. 7. coming after him may be made known unto If Ifa. XLI. rael. Unto John God gives a fign whereby he may 1.

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Jefus entring upon the thirtieth year of his age, Mat. III. comes from Galilee to Jordan, and is baptized of John, at which time a moft illuftrious manifefta- Mark I. tion is made of the bleffed Trinity; for the Son of God afcending out of the water, and praying, Luke III. the Heavens are opened, and the Spirit of God, in the shape of a dove, defcends upon him; and the voice of the Father is heard from heaven, faying, This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.

John fees it, and bears record, that this is the Son of God.


John I. 34.

Jefus, full of the Holy Ghoft, returns from Jordan, and is led by the Spirit into the wilderness, where he fafteth forty days and forty nights, and is tempted by the Devil.

Mat. IV.


Mark I.



After this, our Lord returns into Galilee. John gives teftimony to our Saviour, paffing by him; Andrew, Peter, Philip, and Nathaniel, acknowledge him to be the Meffias, and become his difciples. Chrift at a marriage in Cana of Galilee, turneth water into wine; this was his firft miracle.

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The First Paffover of Chrifs publick Miniftry, from which the firft Tear of the feventieth and laft of Daniels Weeks begins: In which the Covenant is confirmed with many. Dan. IX. 27, compared with Mat. XXVI. 28.


Efus cometh to Jerufalem at the time of the Paffover, and entring into the Temple, fcourgeth out thofe that bought and fold there; the Jews require a fign of his authority. Chrift bids them deftroy that Temple (understanding the Temple of his body) and in three days he will raife it up.

Herod the Tetrarch cafteth John the Baptift into prifon, for reprehending his inceft with his brother Philip's wife, and other evils done by him.

Chrift difcovers himself to the woman of Samaria. He goes throughout all Galilee, teaching in the Synagogues, and working miracles. Matthew called to be a difciple.

The Second Paffover of Chrifts Minifry. John V. 1. compared with IV. 3. 5. from which the second Tear of the feventieth Week of Daniel begins.

JEfus comes up to Jerufalem, at the time of the Feaft, and heals on the Sabbath-day a man that had an infirmity 38 years, lying at the pool of Bethesda. He makes a moft divine Apology to the Jews that fought to kill him, becaufe he faid that God was his Father.

Christ out of the multitude of his difciples choofeth 12, whom he calleth Apoftles: namely, Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James the fon of Alpheus, Simon called Zelotes, Judas the brother of James, and Judas Iscariot. To these our Saviour chiefly directs his difcourfe in that glorious, full, and admirable Sermon on the mount.

Jefus fends his 12 Apoftles by two and two, to preach and heal the fick.


Matth. XIV. 3. Mark VI. 17. Luke III. 19. John IV.

7, 42. Luke IV. 43. V. 27.

John V. I. Luke VI. 13. Matt. V. VI. VII. Luke VI. 20. IX. I. Mark VI. 7. Mat. X. 1. XIV. 6,



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Chrift rideth in triumph to Jerufalem, the multitude fpread their garments in the way, and cry Mar. XI. Hofanna to the Son of David. Coming near the City, he weeps over it, and foretells its deftruction. He enters the Temple, and cafteth out those that Joh. XII. bought and fold there, and heals the blind and Ifa. LII. lame.

He curfeth the fruitless Fig-tree, and the next morning it is found dried up and withered: Thence he taketh occafion to fhew the power of faith.

The Fourth Paffover, in which Chrift our Passover was facrificed, 1 Cor. V. 7. and (o an end is put to all legal facrifices prefiguring this great Expiation. The fourth or middle Year of Daniels laft Week begins, Dan. IX. 27.


N the first day of unleavened bread, when the Paffover of the Jews was to be flain, (April 2.) in the Evening, Jefus eateth the Paffover with his difciples, and inftitutes the Sacrament of his Body and Blood in Bread and Wine.

Christ washeth his Difciples feet, and exhorteth them to humility and charity.

In the felf-fame night Chrift is betrayed by Judas, mocked, buffeted, and spit upon by the foldiers.

Next day he is condemned by Pilate, and crucified; the Sun during the Crucifixion, is darkned, and the vail of the Temple rent in the midft. Chrift praying for his enemies, gives up the ghoft. : Jofeph of Arimathea begs the Body, and lays it in a new fepulchre.


IX. 9.

XXI .17.

Matth. XXVI. Mark XIV. Luke




Matth. XXV I. Mar. XV.



On the third day, the next after the Jewish Sab- Pf. XXII bath, (April 5.) Chrift rifeth from the dead; his Matth. Refurrection is declared by Angels to the Woman XXVIII. that came to the Sepulchre. Chrift first appeareth Mark to Mary Magdalene, and afterward to his Difciples, XVI. and dineth with them. Lake

A&ts I.


Chrift bringeth his Apoftles to mount Olivet, XXIV. commandeth them to expect in Jerufalem the fend- Jo'. XX. ing down of the Holy Ghoft; fends them to teach and baptize all nations, and bleffes them; and while they behold, he is taken up, and a cloud receives XXVIII. him out of their fight. After his Afcenfion the difciples are warned by two Angels to depart, and to fet their minds upon his fecond coming; they accordingly return, and giving themselves to prayer, choose Matthias to be an Apostle in the place of Judas.

On the day of Pentecoft, (May 24.) the Holy Aas II. Ghoft defcendeth on the Apoftles in the form of cloven Tongues, like as of fire, and enableth them to fpeak all Languages. Peter the fame day preacheth Chrift and the Refurrection, and about 3000 Believers are added to the Church.

Peter, by faith in Chrifts Name, healeth a lame

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