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told the Jews, in Ads 2. 38. that God would make good this promife of giving his Spirit unto them, upon their obedience unto him, whether you will ftill affirm, that he did not Act in the lame manner, for their being made partakers thereof, as he did with thofe at Samaria, Acts 8or as Paul did with thofe at Ephefiur, Aûts agi vor upon Timothy at Derbe or Lyra, as in my book I have minded, noe mov Ils

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Surely, I think, upon due confideration, you dare not fo affirm; Neither deny what I have written, and herein queryed, to be truth.

So that it doth appear in the conclufion of the Examination of your fecond Chapt. that you are mistaken in the laying on of hands, which, fay you, is not and cannot be meant, Heb. 6.2.2.

Your 3: Chapter contains, according to your mistaken Judgement, what laying on of hands is and L muft

ordaining of officers: and this you labour to make appear by feveral Arguments.

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Say you, it must be laying on of hands for healing the fick, or for giving the Extraordinary gifts of the Holy Spirit, or for ordaining of officers; but neither for healing the fick nor for giving the Extraordinary gifts of the Holy Spirit; therefore for ordaining of officers..

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Afw. Your first propofition I do grant (confidering what I have fpoken; wherein you have miffed the right end of laying on of hands, which is the foundation-principle,) for not the Extraordinary gifts of the Spirit, but the Spirit it felf is the end of this Ordinance. This confidered, I do grant that one of thofe 3 laying on of hands, is the foundation-principle; yet if there be but 3 ends of laying on of bands in the Scripture, then why did any of you query about that wicked laying on í


of hands in Luke 21.12. verf. as you may fee Mr. Griffith takes notice thereof in the 38 Page of his book of the 6 principles,

Now to your fecond propofition: fay you, it is neither for healing the fick, nor for giving the Holy Spirit; hath been already proved in your fecond Chapter

To which I answer, that it was not for healing the fick, I have already granted. But that it was for the giving of the Holy Spirit, I have as you may plainly fee, in my Expofition of your fecond Chapt. plainly discovered; and therefore your con clufion proves falfe, that it must be for appointing of officers.

22. Your fecond Argument, that laying on of hands upon officers, must be here meant ; because laying on of hands, Heb. 6. 1. is called a

Doctrine, and therefore must be a

laying on of hands, which is fomewhere elfe taught; but the other lay

L 3


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must be meant, Heb. 6. 2. And therefore you begin : « For the better refolving of this Queftiwe must take notice, that it is laying on of hands here in the fingular Number; therefore can be but one laying on of hands, that is called here a principle; and "not more, as fome would have it ; << for then it should be layings on of hands in the plural Number. These are all your own Words, which I do the rather cite, because I do own them to be words of truth but I pray you, who would have it in the plural Number ? why furgly your felves; and therefore take notice,that herein you are alfo divided, and agree not in crucifying of the truth; fee the 7 Page of Mr Harrifons Touchstone. don


But now, fay you, this being confidered, we must remember what went before, that it is not laying on of hands for healing, nor for giving


the Extraordinary gifts of the Holy Spirit.

I Anfwer, that it was not for healing, I have before proved; and your labour in the proof of this, might have been fpared, unless it had been by any of us affirmed: But thatit was for the giving of the gift of the Spirit, do affirm for the gift of the Spirit is the promife of God unto believers Baptized, as fuch, Aas 2.38.2

Now whereas you would have the Extraordinary gifts of the Holy Spirit, to be the end of this Ordinance you are ftill mistaken, as I have already made to appear, that it is the end no more of this ordinance, then of the preaching of the word and prayer: it may be an effect of them,or a fruit of the Spirit of God, being given therein; but the proper end of neither of them.

But fay you, laying on of hands, in Heb. 6. 2. must be meant for the L 2


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