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Heb. 6.2. for which you inftance Doctor Gouge, Wilson, Trap, and Cartwright

Anfw I fear you being so much learned in thefe mens Judgements, makes you the lefs knowing, in the Scriptures, e para, og hag nib 2. Had you had fufficient Teftimony for what you faid from the Scripture, as in your Reasons you pretend to have, then what need you inftance these mens Judgements; unlefs you did think (as I think you do not,) that what they fpake were Oracles? and therefore, vod

3. Doth not this difcover; in fome meafure, the weakness of your Reafons or arguments before minded, for what in this Chapter you have affirmed? Surely by this your arguments were not good, that you must run to these mens Judgements; and I wonder, you having recorded this Teftimony for your Judgement in your third Chapter,) you M 3


were not afhamed (in your fourth Chapter,) to declare, that our beft argument for this practife, is the Common Prayer book, if the Judgments of men fhould end this controverfie: unless you do Judge these men you bring, did not love the Common Prayer book, or there were not amongst thofe that did love it, men partakers of as much wif dome, as these you

inftance. Now what would you fay, if I fhould now inftance, that laying on of hands according to the fence I have minded was the Judgements of as good men,according to the test, (although it was by them wrongly applyed,) as thofe you do bring: will you fay, that this is therefore true › I do think you would not, otherwife you would not have inftanced the Common Prayer book: well, though this may be done, yer I must tell you, that we have a more fure word of Prophefie, and this is that

that I do defire to ftand unto, and to be tried by, and not by mens Judgements; and therefore now do refer what I have spoken, to be tryed by the Scriptures; and the Lord haften a clear discovery of his truth, in what I have now written, and make you fenfible wherein you have wreited the good Word of the Lord, from the proper and true meaning thereof: and fo I hall proceed to your fourth and laft Chapter.nobro or £0.

Your 4 Chapter, which doth contain, according to your miftaken Judgement, that the laying on of hands,practifed by fome in these our dayes on all Baptized believers, was never inftitured, commanded or practifed, by Chrift or his Apostles, in all the New Testament.

And herein, fay yous doth lie the ftrefs of this controverfies which doth occafion this your writing, to undeceive and reduce those who M 4


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are under the vanity of this practife, and to prevent others from owning of, and fubmitting to fuch a Scriptureless thing as this is, &c.I

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Anfw. First, I hope the Reader will well confider of what I have written in Answer to your book, and in the discovery I have made (according to the measure of faith I have received) in this book, of this truth of Chrift, before he do, (as you too confidently have already done) pafs Judgement upon this truth: the Lord give you to fee it,and to repent, left God fuffer you to go on in labouring to turn poor Souls afide from this truth, or right way of the Lord, and fo to deceive and feduce thofe that are unstable, to the belief of your lyestƆ id bollo. 2. I with you may fee the evil of your Language (which this Chapter contains little elfe in it, which you have vented forth against this truth, and the maintainers thereof. A M


Oh! how little therein you have favoured of grace, and how much the vanity of your minde is difcovered, in feeking to poffeffe the hearts of poor Souls, with that which is not: and therefore I may truly fay (in ftead of what you speak of us,) that you fpeak evill of the things you I know not, and call that a foundation-principle, which by your argu ments you prove not; Neither have you ou the leaft word or warrant for it, in all the New Teftament, parod

But now to make good your affertion, which is the ground of your 4. Chapter, you have framed this Syllogifme.


That which hath not one word of inftitution, or command for it, in all the New Teftament, is no Ordinance of Christ; but will-worship and Superftition. 00 70 4

But this laying on of hands on all Baptized believers, hath not one word of inftitution, or command for


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