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with all the wisdome of those men you minded, in this cafe, will be found too light, being weighed in the Balance of the truth, that laying on of hands, in Heb. 6. 2. is meant upon perfons to office.

But wherefore are we branded with the names of cenforiousness, Rigid, Hatred, and fuch Judgments; as if we had(as you fay) received the Spirit of Satan, in ftead of the Spirit of God



1. Is it because fome of us, as you fay, forbid you their houses ? but I pray you in your writing of this, did you carefully obferve and remember the frames of your Spirit whatsoever your carriage was towards Brethren, of whom you thus fpeak, know not; yet fure I am, in this your writing, you go beyond your bounds but what is this Spirit which is difcovered to be in you, but that old Maligne Spirit, that feeks


the destruction of the truth and way of God, who alwayes reaps up the failings, (if there be any) in any poor foul, thereby to difhonour,and caft dirt upon the face of truthpor

2. Is it, because as you say, we deny you Communion? why confider, is it not upon the fame ground that you your felves have denyed others and have not you dealt with fome poor fouls, who have been convinced of this truth, and for truths fake,in duty towards God, have been obedient thereunto?


Surely to withdraw from thofe, who deny truth, and turn their backs upon truth, is from a better understanding, and is more agreeable to the minde of God, then to withdraw from poor fouls, who are followers of truth: The first is ours, the fecond your practife; the Lord he is Judge, and will certainly Judge between us, and make N 3



his truth manifeft: for infs bime for thee Lord to work, when men make voyd thy Law, Psalm 191 126. verf. niborydorali duolioo

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Would have thee take notice, that whereas I have made mention of the names of fome particular perfons in my book; It is not from any Spirit of prejudice that I have toward them; for the Lord he knows they are men I do love and efteem but my mentioning of them was for this end, that believers might fee the weakness of their Objections,and the difference that isin their understandings about this truth of laying on of hands upon be lievers Baptized as fuch that foindeed the great Mountains that are raifed up in the wayes of poor fouls in their obedience unto Chrift in this Ordinance may be removed; and therefore I hope, there is none that will harbor fuch a conceit from what I have written,as that I fhould. have ever the lefs esteem of them, for the entioning of their names in the cafes



I have minded, neither that others fhould have ever the less efteem of them; but that indeed so far as they follow truth, they fhould be efteemed for the fake thereof: and therefore I do defire that Satan may bave no advantage, by any thing I have written; for I have indeavoured both in my book and in my Answering of thefe Four Chapters, to write without reflecting Language, which as I know it would not profit my felf nor the truth; So likewise would but raife up the Spirits of those, who are oppofers thereof and then fore now, that God may give thee a Spirit of Wifedome, that thou maift know and underftand what is written, is the Prayer of bim, who is willing to ferve thee, wherein be may be inftrumental for thy good: and the blessing of God go along with this his weak indeavours, Amen.

W. R.


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