Imagens das páginas

smith has touched it with the magic of his own genius: "nihil tetigit quod non ornavit."

Thus, Pope had said,—

Who pants for glory finds but short repose:
A breath revives him, or a breath o'erthrows.

Epistle I., Book ii.

Still closer came De Caux, who, comparing the world to his looking-glass, had said,

C'est un verre qui luit,

Qu'un souffle peut détruire, et qu'un souffle a produit.

("It is a shining glass, which a breath may destroy, and which a breath has produced.") As Goldsmith borrowed, so he was borrowed from in return. Burns, in the "Cotter's Saturday Night," has,

Princes and lords are but the breath of kings,
"An honest man's the noblest work of God,"

the last line being, of course, a quotation from Pope. Burns varies the thought in another of his poems:

A prince can mak' a belted knight,

A marquis, duke, and a' that,

But an honest man's aboon his might:

Guid faith, he mauna fa' that.

Burns's words were anticipated by Wycherley in his "Plain Dealer," Act i., Sc. 1: "I weigh the man, not his title; 'tis not the king's stamp can make the metal better." From Wycherley Sterne probably stole it; for when stealing is in question, the presumption is always against Sterne. "Honors, like impressions upon coin, may give an ideal and local value to a bit of base metal; but gold and silver will pass all the world over without any other recommendation than their own weight," he says in "Tristram Shandy." Now, all these sayings, so different in form but so alike in substance, are but illustrations of the idea to which Pope has given these words:

Honor and shame from no condition rise:
Act well your part, there all the honor lies.

The Germans express it in the proverb,

Edel seyn ist gar viel mehr

Als adlig seyn von den Eltern her,

("The noble in himself is worth much more
Than the mere heir of such as lived of yore,”)

a good democratic maxim, in substance embodied in the Declaration of Independence, and as old as human nature. We find it in one form or other in the oldest books,—the Talmud, for instance, where it is thus expressed: "Not the place honors the man, but the man the place."


Principiis obsta (L., "Meet the beginnings"), an oft-quoted phrase from Ovid's "Remedium Amoris," line 91. "Medicine," the poet adds, in explanation, comes too late when the evil has gained strength by long delay." The French have an analogous expression: "Ce n'est que le premier pas qui coûte" ("It is only the first step that costs"). Madame du Deffand, in a letter to Horace Walpole, June 6, 1767, relates how Cardinal Polignac, a man of vast credulity, told her the old story of the martyrdom of St. Denis, who, after decapitation, walked two leagues with his head in his hand to the spot where his church was afterwards erected. The cardinal laid special stress on the distance traversed. "The distance is nothing," quoth Madame; "tis only the first step that costs" ("La distance n'y fait rien; il n'y a que le premier pas qui coûte").

We shut our eyes to the beginnings of evil because they are small, and in this weakness lies the germ of our misfortune. Principiis obsta; this maxim closely followed would preserve us from almost all our misfortunes.--AMIEL: Journal Intime, ii. 76.

We must be watchful, especially in the beginning of temptation, because then the enemy is easier overcome, if he is not suffered to come in at all at the door of the soul, but is kept out and resisted at his first knock Whence a certain man said, "Withstand the beginning: afterremedies come too late.”—Imitation of Christ, ch. xiii., sec. 4.

Prison. When Guildenstern objects to Hamlet's remark that Denmark is a prison, the prince explains, "There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so: to me it is a prison." (Act ii., Sc. 2.) In Howel's "Letters" we find him writing from his prison to a friend in France, "There is a wise saying in the country where you sojourn now, 'Ce n'est pas la place mais la pensée qui fait la prison,'" which is exactly Hamlet's idea. A famous amplification of the thought occurs in the fourth stanza of Richard Lovelace's poem "To Althea from Prison:"

Stone walls do not a prison make,

Nor iron bars a cage:

Minds innocent and quiet take
That for an hermitage;

If I have freedom in my love,
And in my soul am free,
Angels alone that soar above
Enjoy such liberty.

Now, there is a curious parallelism, not only in the lines, but also in the circumstances of their composition, with the following by the contemporary French poet Pellisson :

Doubles grilles à gros cloux,
Triples portes, forts verroux,
Aux âmes vraiment méchantes

Vous représentez l'enfer ;

Mais aux âmes innocentes

Vous n'êtes que du bois, du fer.

A comparison of dates, however, proves that Lovelace was first in the field, He was imprisoned by the Long Parliament in 1648, and died in 1658. Pel lisson was not sent to the Bastile until 1661, and wrote his lines on the walls of his cell. But Lovelace may have remembered his Shakespeare, not only the passage quoted from "Hamlet," but the following from the Sonnets:

Nor stony tower, nor walls of beaten brass,
Nor airless dungeon, nor strong links of iron,
Can be retentive of the strength of spirit.

Procrastination is the thief of time. This is line 393 of the first Night of Young's "Night Thoughts." The context runs as follows: Beware, Lorenzo! a slow, sudden death. Be wise to-day, 'tis madness to defer; Next day the fatal precedent will plead: Thus on, till wisdom is pushed out of life. Procrastination is the thief of time; Year after year it steals, till all are fled, And to the mercies of a moment leaves The vast concerns of an eternal scene.

There is a reminiscence here of Congreve's lines,—

Defer not till to-morrow to be wise:
To-morrow's sun to thee may never rise.
Letter to Cobham.

Proverbial and written literature are full of similar lessons: "Delays are dangerous," "Strike while the iron is hot," "Take time by the forelock,"-these proverbs are cosmopolitan. "Make hay while the sun shines" is peculiarly

English, and especially appropriate to the variable climate of England. Here are a few more proverbs of similar application :

God keep you from It is too late.'-Spanish.

When the fool has made up his mind the market has gone by.-Ibid.

Stay but a while, you lose a mile.-Dutch.

A little too late, much too late.-Ibid.

Some refuse roast meat and afterwards long for the smoke of it.-Italian.

When the horse has been stolen the fool shuts the stable.-French.

The latter may also be found in Heywood's "Proverbs" in the following form,

When the steed is stolne, shut the stable durre,

and is even more neatly expressed in another French proverb, "After death the doctor," parallel to the ancient Greek Mɛrù пöλɛμov hovuμaxia, or the Latin "Post bellum, auxilium" (" After the war come the allies"). Quintilian quotes the latter, and he further asks, "Quid quod medicina mortuorum sera est? Quid quod nemo aquam infundit in cineres?" ("What medicine is good for the dead? Why does no one pour water on ashes?"-i.e., after the house has been burnt.)

The last lines credited to Swift, written in a lucid moment just before his death, were suggested by a magazine for arms and powder erected in Phoenix Park, Dublin:

Behold a proof of Irish sense!

Here Irish wit is seen:

When nothing's left for our defence,

We build a magazine.

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-a maxim which he further enforces in "Macbeth :"

If it were done when 'tis done, then 'twere well
It were done quickly.
Act i., Sc. 7.

This maxim is also enforced in the famous Italian proverb, "Cosa fatta capo ha," explained by Torriano in the seventeenth century as meaning "A deed done has an end," by Giusti in the nineteenth as "A deed done has a beginning;" i.e., if you would accomplish anything don't stop to think over it, but begin at once. It will be remembered that this proverb is the "bad word" to which Dante attributes the origin of the Guelf and Ghibelline feuds. When Buondelmonte broke his plighted troth to a maiden of the Amadei family, her kinsmen assembled to discuss revenge. Plan after plan was sug gested. At last Mosca Lamberti cried out, "Those who talk much do nothing. Cosa fatta capo ha!" The hint was enough. Buondelmonte was murdered, and Tuscany was plunged into a civil war.

Prohibitionist. A political party of one idea,-the prohibition by law of the sale and manufacture of intoxicating drinks. Neal Dow, of Maine, is prominent as the organizer of its earliest campaigns. Its first important success was the enactment of the Maine Law (q. v.). Since 1872 the Prohibitionists have entered the field of national politics. Their total poll in the whole country in that year was 5608 votes. In 1888 they polled 246,406.

Property is theft (Fr., "La propriété, c'est le vol"), the maxim announced by Proudhon in "Qu'est-ce que c'est que la Propriété ?" published

in 1840. St. Ambrose had taught a not dissimilar doctrine: "Superfluum quod tenes tu furaris" ("The superfluous property which you hold you have stolen"). And only half a century before Proudhon, Brissot, in his "Philosophical Researches on the Right of Property," had written, "Exclusive property is a robbery in nature." The phrase itself died with him, when Proudhon resuscitated it by endowing it with the soul of wit in the catching phrase, “La propriété, c'est le vol." Emerson agrees with Proudhon: "In the last analysis all property is theft."

Public be damned, a famous phrase attributed to William K. Vanderbilt in a newspaper interview when the question of the rights of the public who patronized the New York Central Railroad came up for discussion. It went the length and breadth of the land, and greatly increased his unpopu larity with the masses. A very similar expression became equally notorious a century and a half earlier. In 1730 an ostensibly charitable organization was established in London to lend money to the poor on pledges. The managers were mainly members of the House of Commons. The scheme proved to be so ruinous to its patrons that an inquiry was instituted by Parliament which led to its suppression. Three of the managers, Bond, Sutton, and Grant, were expelled from the House of Commons. By a report of the commission appointed to examine into the matter, it appeared that when objection had once been made to an intended removal of the office, on the score that the poor, for whose use it had been erected, would be hurt, Bond had replied, "Damn the poor." Pope makes a reference to this phrase in his "Moral Essays," Epistle iii., l. 100:

Perhaps you think the poor might have their part?
Bond damns the poor, and hates them from his heart.
The grave Sir Gilbert holds it for a rule

That every man in want is knave or fool:

"God cannot love (says Blunt, with tearless eyes)
The wretch he starves-and piously denies :
But the good bishop, with a meeker air,
Admits, and leaves them Providence's care.

Public office is a public trust. This saying, which was a sort of rallying-cry of the civil service reformers and Mugwumps, who supported Grover Cleveland in the Presidential campaign of 1884, has frequently been attributed to Cleveland himself. But though the sentiment is his, the words are not. Indeed, so far back as May 31, 1872, Charles Sumner said, "The phrase 'public office is a public trust' has of late become common property." Possibly the real origin may be traced to John C. Calhoun, in a speech made July 13, 1835: "The very essence of a free government consists in considering offices as public trusts, bestowed for the good of the country, and not for the benefit of an individual or a party."

Pull down your vest, an American colloquialism, meaning, originally, "Attend to your own business," but now used as a mere senseless exclamation of witlings. It comes to us from the time when trousers and waistcoats were alike shorter than they are at present, and when a wide gap of linen shirt induced careful mothers or wives, or discriminating friends, to use the adjuration to the negligent. The phrase soon became general, and for a time was used ad nauseam.

Pun. He who will make a pun will pick a pocket. This is usually quoted as a saying of Dr. Johnson's, but there is no evidence that the latter even adopted it. John Dennis, the critic, seems to have been the real author, according to a story told by Benjamin Victor, treasurer of Drury Lane Theatre, in an epistle to Sir Richard Steele, London, 1722, when Johnson


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was a boy of thirteen. Dennis met Congreve and Daniel Purcell, famous as a punster, in a tavern. Purcell wished to rid himself of Dennis's company, and knew nothing would be more effective than a bad pun. He pulled the bell and called without an answer. Then, putting his hand under the table, he said to Dennis, "This table is like the tavern." "How so?" asked the critic. 'Why, because there's ne'er a drawer in it." Sir," cried Dennis, starting up, "the man that will make such an execrable pun in my company will pick my pocket!" and so left the room. A correspondent of Notes and Queries gives the Dr. Johnson story with much particularity of detail: "I remember, many years ago, reading an anecdote of Johnson's dislike to punning, and his witty rejoinder to an observation of Boswell's thereupon; but as Notes and Queries had then no existence, I did not 'make a note on't,' and the source of the anecdote has passed away from my memory. The story was told in the following way: Sir,' said Johnson, I hate a pun. A man who would perpetrate a pun would have little hesitation in picking a pocket.' Upon this, Boswell hinted that his illustrious friend's dislike to this species of small wit might arise from his inability to play upon words. 'Sir,' roared Johnson, if I were punish-ed for every pun I shed, there would not be left a puny shed of my punnish head.'"

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Punctuation. Our very nursery songs impress upon us the value of correct punctuation. Halliwell in his "Nursery Rhymes" gives the following riddle:

Every lady in this land

Has twenty nails upon each hand
Five and twenty on hands and feet.

All this is true without deceit.

To unriddle the above you have merely to put a semicolon after "nails” in the second line, and a comma after "five" in the third. Here are two variations on the same theme which have also come down to us from Mother Goose or some one of her near relatives:

I saw a peacock with a fiery tail

I saw a blazing comet pour down hail

I saw a cloud all wrapt with ivy round
saw a lofty oak creep on the ground
saw a beetle swallow up a whale

I saw a foaming sea brimful of ale
I saw a pewter cup sixteen feet deep

I saw a well full of men's tears that weep

saw wet eyes in flames of living fire

I saw a house as high as the moon and higher

I saw the glorious sun at deep midnight

I saw the man who saw this wondrous sight.

I saw a pack of cards gnawing a bone

I saw a dog seated on Britain's throne

I saw King George shut up within a box

I saw an orange driving a fat ox

I saw a butcher not a twelvemonth old

I saw a great-coat all of solid gold

I saw two buttons telling of their dreams

I saw my friends who wished I'd quit these themes.

If a semicolon be placed after the noun in each line except the last, these absurd jingles will be resolved into sobriety.

There is an old French proverb which runs, "Faute d'un point Martin perdit son âne" ("Through want of a stop Martin lost his ass"). This saying has a story behind it, which was probably invented in the Middle Ages by some whimsical scribe who desired to impress upon his pupils the importance of punctuation. A priest named Martin having been appointed abbot of a

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