Imagens das páginas

302 n; diplomatic importance of|
question of, addressed to Bel-
gian regarding neutrality, 311-316,
332 n; the question of, to Belgium
and its reply, 316-318, 332 n;
asks assurance of Belgium regard-
ing resistance, 318-320; Lichnow-
sky incident (guaranty by England
of neutrality of France), 328-336,
355 n, 358-359 n; protests against
German detention of English ves-
sels, 336-337; on Luxemburg neu-
trality, 338-339; agreement to
France to protect French coasts,
339-352; England's interest and ob-
ligation to protect France (speech
in Commons Aug. 3), 345-351;
nature of Anglo-French Entente
(speech in Commons, Aug. 3),
351-352; neutrality of Belgium
(speech in Commons, Aug. 3), 353-
360, 620; Conybeare's arraign-
ment of, 357-359 n; unjustly as
sailed, 359 n; statement (1913)
regarding Belgian neutrality, 401-
402; authorizes statement (Jan.
27) commenting on Chancellor's
associated press interview, 406-
407 n; call upon Belgium to defend
neutrality, 435; Bethmann-Holl-
weg discusses statement of, con-
cerning Belgian neutrality, 455 n;
effect of warning to Germany, 487;
sane conduct of English policy,
491; attitude regarding German
invasion of Belgium, 526; diplo-
macy of, 527; considers action of
Russia defensive, 527; statement
of, regarding intervention, persi-
flage, 527; admirable diplomacy
of, analyzed, 528.
Grotius: 316.

Gruic, General Secretary of the Ser-
vian Foreign Office: 49 n.
Guardian, Manchester: 309 n, 313 n,
360-361 n.
Guaranty: Grey proposal for collec-
tive, of powers, 239-242; of powers
to Áustria and Russia, 265-266;
England's obligation in regard to
Belgium, 386; of neutrality, obli-
gation to make good, 387 ff.; of
Belgian neutrality, England will
not violate first, 401; of England
and France under Treaty of
(1839), 405; nature of collective,

applying to Luxemburg, 423; col-
lective, opinion of Milovanovitch,
424 n.

Hague Conventions: application of,
to neutralization of Belgium,
391 n; Belgian Government de-
clares resistance under, not hostile
act, 440; of 1907 relative to set-
tlement of international disputes
(text), 651; of 1907 relative to
the opening of hostilities, 87-88,
352 n; (text), 651.
Hague Tribunal: decision of Casa-
blanca affair, 19; Servia offers to
submit dispute with Austria to,

Haldane: 342.

Hansard: Parliamentary Debates,

Hardie, Keir: interrogates Grey in
Parliament Aug. 27, 302 n, 358-
359 n; Grey answers, 301-303 n.
Hare, Francis: The Barrier Treaty
vindicated, 598.

Havenith, Belgian Minister at Wash-
ington: transmits a statement of
Belgian Government regarding
Anglo-Belgian conversations, 407-
408; statement regarding the pub-
lication of the Belgian documents
with explanation by Dr. Dern-
burg, 635.

Heads of state: direct action by,
252-253 n.

Heeringen, von, German Minister
of War: neutrality of Belgium,

Helfferich, German Secretary of the
Treasury: "menace allemande,"
150 n; authenticity of F. Y. B.,
155-156 n; why France assured
Russia of support, 165-166 n,
296 n, 306 n; the peace of_the
world vs. the Entente, 312 n; Eng-
land's provisional declaration of
war, 352 n.
Hengelmuller, Baron L.: reason for
England's intervention, 443.
Henry, Prince, of Prussia: telegraphs
King George (July 30), 329-330.
Herzegovina: see Bosnia and Herze-

Hill, David Jayne: neutrality of
Belgium, 382; nature of neutrality,

Hohenburg, Duchess of: 34, 76 n.
Holland: Congress of Vienna (1815)
gives Belgium to, 5; Belgium re-
volts from, 5; Germany ready to
give conditional pledge regarding
neutrality of, 297; mobilization of,
310 n; attitude towards the treaty
of 1839, 389; violation of the neu-
trality of, by England, 410; atti-
tude towards defense of Belgian
neutrality, 411; colonial posses-
sions of, 505; England's attitude in
case of, 526; Barrier Treaty of
1709 with England, 596, 598.
Holls; Peace Conference at The
Hague: 539.

Home Rule Bill: amending of, 308.
Hostage: Germany plans to make

France, for Russia, 488.
Hostilities: Hague Convention of
1907 relative to the opening of, 87-
88, 352 n, 651.
Humanity: interests of, sacrificed to
narrow nationalism, 496; basis of
the unity of, 509–510.

International court: establishment
of, 501 n.
International disputes: Hague Con-
vention of Oct. 18, 1907, relative
to settlement of, 651.
Internationalism: development of,
496; German attitude in regard to,

International law: importance of
forms and courtesies to, 77 n; duty
of all states to prevent invasion of
Belgium, 390-391; enforcing of,
391; sanctions of, 392; status of
neutrality according to, 393;
method of growth of (Westlake),
393 n; fundamental principles of,
453-456; practical nature of, 455;
penalty for violation, 456; Ger-
many sacrifices, to strategic con-
siderations, 480-481; Bismarck's
example encourages to violation of,
494; German attitude tends to
minimize, 504; German view of, an
anachronism, 513.

International police (see also Peace
Power): 500; dangers of, 501 n.

Ideals: maintenance of, 450; survival Intervention: mediation distin-

of fit, 451.

Imperator, the: 310 n.

Indemnization: Austria requires of
Servia, 234 n, 263.
Independence: of states, German in-
vasion of Belgium violates princi-
ple of, 390-391; of Belgium, resist-
ance necessary to preserve, 453; of
Servia, Italy interested in preserv-
ing, 461; of Servia, Austrian inten-
tions concerning, 525; difference
between formal and real, 483.
India: 10-11.

"Influenced": (territories of the em-
pire states), 497.
Intention: of France to invade Bel-
gium, 488 n; of France made justi-
fication of German violation, 419-

Intermediate military preparation:
see Military preparations


International commission: to control
police inquiry in Servia, 242.
International Conciliation Pamphlet
(no. 84): Speech of von Bethmann-
Hollweg in Reichstag Aug. 4, 145–
146 n.
International coöperation: 513.

guished from diplomatic, 205,
244 n, 279; covers political de-
signs, 392; armed, hastened by
destruction of Maine (1898) and
assassination of Arch-Duke (1914),

Intervention of England: see Eng-
land's Intervention.
Inviolability of private property at
sea: 503-504.

Ireland: political situation in, 308.
Ischl: 61.

Isvolsky, Russian Ambassador at

Italia irredenta: 457.

Italian Minister for Foreign Affairs:
see San Guiliano.

Italy (see also Casus fœderis - San
Giuliano - Triple Alliance): joins
Germany and Austria in Triple
Alliance (1883), 8; irritated by
Austrian annexation of Bosnia and
Herzegovina, 21, 457; policy of
expansion, 24-25; deserts allies to
wage Turco-Italian War (1911-
12), 25-26; acquires Tripoli and
Cyrenaica, 26; works with Austria
against Servia and Montenegro,
28-29; designs of, upon Albania,

32, 41; refuses (1913) to join in
aggression upon Servia, 35, 470-
471; kept ignorant regarding Aus-
trian ultimatum, 45, 120-121,
467-468; joins Entente powers in
endeavors to extend time limit of
Austrian ultimatum, 61, 270; min-
ister for Foreign Affairs of, criti-
cizes Austria for rejecting Servian
note, 75; urges Germany and Aus-
tria to take favorable view of
Servian note, 83; believes Austria
determined to punish Servia, 83; a
possible mediator, 193-194; plan
for mediation, 234-236; urges
England to declare herself on side
of France and Russia, 277-278;
remains neutral, 347, 467-473;
takes her place in European con-
cert (1867), 423; desire for peace,
457-462; obligation to stand with
allies, 460; Russian efforts to de-
tach from Triplice (Price), 461 n;
coöperation with England, 465-
467, 490; attitude of observation
likely, 468-469; Germany asks
intentions of (Aug. 1), 469-470;
considers Austrian action aggres-
sive, 470; significance of attitude
of, as showing Austro-German
aggression, 472-473; not bound by
Triple Alliance to join war against
England (Thayer), 473; balances
between Entente and triplice,
478 n; restricted by Triple Alli-
ance in action upon Germany,
490 n.

Ito, Marquis: 12.

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Jagow, von, German Secretary for
Foreign Affairs: on Austrian ulti-
matum, 56, 119–120; declares Aus-
trian intentions on Servia, 58;
passes on suggestion to secure ex-
tension of time limit at Vienna, 61;
believes Russia will not move, 102;
on Russian mobilization "against
Germany,' 133, 139-140; says
conference not practical, 208-209;
objects to grouping of Entente
against Triplice, 209; thinks Cam-
bon suggestion may be acceptable,
236-237; refuses to accept Grey
proposal until Russia answers
ultimatum, 241-242; on England's
refusal of Germany's bid for neu-

trality, 300; on Belgian neutrality,
(Reichstag, April, 1913), 321-322;
final interviews with Goschen,
(Aug. 4), 363-365; apology of, to
Goschen, 367-368; interview with
the Belgian Minister, 436-438.
James, Henry: on violation of Bel-
gian neutrality, 314 n.

Japan: enters into alliance with
England (1902), 12; effect of war
with, on Russia, 188, 195; treaty
with Russia guaranteeing the pres-
ent territory of each, the integrity
of China and the "Open Door" in
China, 550; agreement with Rus-
sia concerning Manchuria, 551;
care for British interests, 498;
agreement with Great Britain,
1911 (text), 541-542.

Jaurès: assassinated (July 31, 1914),
308 n.

Johnstone, Sir A., British Minister to

Johnston, Sir Harry; Colonial Devel-
opment and Removal of Conflicting
Interests: 566.

Joint intervention: see Collective

Joncherey: 173 n.

Jougo-Slave: see Southern Slav.
Journal des Débats, Paris: 174 n,
265 n.

Jovanovitch, Servian Minister at
Vienna: predicts Austria's action
on Serajevo crime, 42-43 n, 47-
48; recounts attack on Servian
flag in Vienna, 88 n.

Jowett, B.: extract from Thucydides,

Jungbluth, General: 396 ff.

Kaiser of Germany: see William II.
Kamerun: 24.
Karageorgevich: 76 n.
Kazan: 111, 135.
Khedive of Egypt: 11.
Kiderlen-Waechte: 155-156 n.
Kieff: 110, 135.

Kitchener: 11, 342-343 n.
Klobukowski, French Minister at
Brussels: on intention of France
regarding defense of Belgium,

Koelnische Zeitung: 323 n, 446 n.
Korea: 12.
Kovno: 111.

Kriegsgefahr (see also Mobilization): |
defined, 141, 170-171; proclaimed
July 31, 138, 141, 170–171, 184, 193.
Kriegsraison: 504 n.
Kriegsverlauf: 409 n.

Kudachef, Russian Chargé d'Affaires
and Councilor of Embassy at Vi-
enna: on Austrian Ultimatum, 55;
consults with Count Berchtold,
Kuhlmann, Baron: Councilor of the
German Embassy in London: com-
muniqué of, to press (Aug. 3), 360-

La Fère: 413 n.
Asquith, 343.
Laon: 413 n.

favored by London Times, 126,
128 n; Grey and P. Cambon on,
130 n, 278; Germany insists upon,
126-130, 149-150, 158-159; Spa-
laikovitch on, 129 n; Russia will
be responsible for failure of (Ger-
many), 131-133, 151, 153; Ger-
many asks French intervention
with Russia regarding, 151-155;
Echo de Paris concerning, 150;
Bienvenu-Martin on, 163-164 n;
France will support Russia (July
29), 163-166; Germany declares
war on Russia, 143–145.
Lockal Anzeiger: 125, 157, 168.
Lorraine: see Alsace-Lorraine.

pledges support to Louis XIV: 9.

Law, A. Bonar: pledges support to
Asquith, 343.

Law of Nations: see International

Laws of War: (see also International
law): Germany considers Kriegs-
raison superior to, 504.
Liao-tung: 12.

Liberal Party (England): 309.
Lichnowsky, Prince, German Ambas-

sador at London: anxiety of, 63,
158; urges localization, 211; per-
sonal bid of, for England's neu-
trality, 300-303, 357-359 n; com-
muniqué to press Aug. 3, 303,
360-361; mistake of, regarding
guaranty by England of French
neutrality, 328-336, 355 n, 358-
359 n; Shaw on, 356 n.
Liège: 362.

Limburg: treaty of the powers (May
11, 1867) relative to the Duchy of,

Limitation of armament: see Dis-

Lincoln: as example for German
youth, 494.

Literary Digest: (Delbrück): 560.
Lloyd George: 23, 73 n, 76 n; speech
on Austrian ultimatum and Serv-
ian reply (text), 586.
Localization of Austro-Servian con-
flict (see also Austrian Ultimatum
Mobilization, German - Mo-
bilization, Russian): possible (Aus-
tria and Germany), 101-103, 105;
impossible (Russia), 99, 105-111;

Ludwig, Ernest: 72 n.
Luxemburg: treaty of powers guar-
anteeing neutrality of (text), 603;
declarations (1870) of France and
Prussia to respect neutrality of
(text), 605; German military prep-
arations extend from, 169; invaded
by Germany, 337-338; English
interpretation of treaty guaran
teeing neutrality of, 338-339, 423-
429; history of, 422-423; violation
of the neutrality of, 422-431; col-
lective guaranty of neutrality of,
423; law of succession to, 424; in-
vasion of, Germany considers not
hostile but preventive act, 430,
529; Germany's invasion of, act of
war against France, 521; Parlia
mentary Debate on the neutrality
of, 606.

Macchio, Baron von, Under Secre-
tary of the Austro-Hungarian For-
eign Office: "Interest an excuse for
not being courteous," 77 n.
MacDonald, J. Ramsay: attack
upon Grey, 302 n.
Macedonia: 19, 26-27, 124.
Mach, Dr. Edmund von; What Ger-
many wants: 130 n, 135 n, 401,
485 n.

Magyars: place in Austro-Hungarian
state, and Dual Alliance, 8; Franz
Ferdinand's plans regarding, 32-


Mahommedans: 23, 91.
Mail, London Daily: 309 n.
Maine, The: 95; negotiations of the
Spanish and American Govern-

ments following the destruction of,
Manchuria: agreement between Rus-
sia and Japan concerning (text),


sador at London: on Servian note,
71 n; on Austrian policy toward
Mental mobilization: in time of war,
Servia, 89.

Messimy, Former French Minister for

Meuse Valley: 323, 413 n.
Metz: 169-170.
Michigan Law Review: 504.
Mignet, F. A.: Négociations relatives
Mikado of Japan: 12.
à la Succession d'Espagne, 595.
Milhaud, Edg.: 325 n.

insist upon mobilization, 250; pe-
Military economy: determined by
culiar view of military men, 405 n.
Military preparations: in Germany
political situation, 179-190.
and France, 166-174; intermedi-
ate, 183-184; suspension of, by
powers, 259; Anglo-Belgian (text
of secret documents regarding),
Milovanovitch: opinion of, concern-
Minister, see English, French, Ger-
ing collective guaranty, 424 n.
Ministerial Council, Russian: 192.
man, etc., minister.
"Mobilitis": Europe afflicted with,

Marchand, Captain: 11.
Maubeuge: presence of British troops
and stores at, 421.
Mediation (see also Conference):
distinction between, and interven-
tion, 205 n, 244 n, 279; Hague
Convention (1907) relative to
(text), 651; efforts of Tsar and
Kaiser toward, 112, 115, 145-
146 n, 252-254 n, 329-330; atti-Militarism: heads of German army
tude of Germany toward, 158-165;
renewal of, 164; England and Italy
could offer, 193; of the four less
interested powers, 198-200, 203-
204; between Austria and Servia,
199 n; Paul Cambon suggests de-
ferring proposal of, 200; Grey
guarantees France will accept,
202; Germany objects to, 205 ff.;
concerning Austrian ultimatum,
Berchtold refuses, 212; efforts to
discover a formula for, 229-231;
principle of, accepted by Germany,
231; Germany inconsistent regard-
ing, 232; San Giuliano suggestions
for, 234-235; Bethmann-Hollweg
criticizes Grey for not continuing
to press, 235; after occupation
of Belgrade (Cambon), 236–239;
Austria agrees to, 252-264; Berch-
told does not agree to discuss mod-
ification of Austrian ultimatum,
255; Tsar declares Russian troops
will not attack while it continues,
255 n; if Russia arrests mobil-
ization Austria will accept, 256;
between Austria and Servia, pro-
posal for, 258; criticism of Vivi-
ani's statement concerning Rus-
sia's acceptance of proposal for,
259-260 n; efforts to organize,
270-273; Germany blames Russia
for mobilization during, 523; pos-
sibility of England's, between
Germany and Russia, 528.
Mediterranean: Italy cannot control,
24; Triple Alliance does not cover,
478 n.

Melians: defend their neutrality
against Athenians, 645.
Mensdorff, Count, Austrian Ambas-

Mobilization: meaning and effect of,

178-181; rapidity of, 179; efforts
of statesmen to withhold, 188;
issuance of the general order for,
181-183; intermediate prepara-
tions, 183-184; Kriegsgefahrzu-
stand, nature of, 184; contagion of,
184 ff.; fatal succession of mobiliz-
ations, 184-194; Germany obliged
by strategic considerations to
make war once mobilization be-
gun, 185; German attitude to-
wards Russia's partial mobiliza-
tion, 191; Russia cannot permit
negotiations to cover German and
Austrian, 245; impossible to arrest,
in middle, 250 n.

Servia, 80-81, 335-336 n; how
affected by Russian mobilization,
134-136; why Russia feared, 160;
previous to Russian (Viviani),
335 n; Russia cannot permit nego-
tiations to cover, 245.

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