Narrative of the Oppressive Law Proceedings, and Other Measures, Resorted to by the British Government, and Numerous Private Individuals, to Overpower the Earl of Stirling and Subvert His Lawful Rights

J. Walker, printer, 1836 - 261 páginas

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Página 38 - Full little knowest thou, that hast not tried, What hell it is in suing long to bide ; To lose good days that might be better spent ; To waste long nights in pensive discontent; To speed to-day, to be put back to-morrow ; To feed on hope ; to pine with fear and sorrow ; To have thy Prince's grace, yet want her peers...
Página 104 - ... sine dilatione et hoc nullo modo omittatis . Ad quod faciendum vobis et vestrum cuilibet coniunctim et diuisim...
Página 67 - ... jurisdictions, prerogatives, royalties and appurtenances whatsoever, to them, the said Governor and Company, and their successors for ever, to be holden of us, our heirs and successors, as of our manor of East Greenwich, in our county of Kent, in free and common soccage...
Página 23 - Land of New England beginning at a certain place called or known by the name of St Croix next adjoining to New Scotland in America...
Página 62 - VI That all Parts of the united Kingdom, for ever, from and after the Union, shall have the same Allowances, Encouragements, and Draw-backs...
Página 57 - Majesty, in full right, Canada, with all its dependencies, as well as the Island of Cape Breton, and all the other islands and coasts in the Gulf and River of St. Lawrence, and in general, everything that depends on the said countries, lands, islands, and coasts...
Página 70 - York, in these presents is not made, or any statute, act, ordinance, provision, proclamation or restriction, heretofore had, made, enacted, ordained or provided, or any other matter, cause or thing whatsoever to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding.
Página 123 - James, by the grace of God King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, and defender of the faith...
Página 68 - Presents, full and absolute Power and Authority to correct, punish, pardon, govern and rule all such the subjects of us, our Heirs and...

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