Imagens das páginas


1. What is the first simple predicate? 2. Is denounced transitive? 3. What does than connect? What is the subject of rose? 4. What modify Belial? More graceful than what or who? 5. Fairer than who? 6. Meaning of composed here? What is the simple predicate of this sentence? 7. What is the force of but? All what? 9. Syntax of to perplex? 10. What is the for-clause the reason of? 11. Between what does but express an opposition of meaning? 12. What is timorous a quality of? 13. Is accent used in its literal sense?

What is the meaning of desperate, humane, exploit, manna, perplex, maturest, timorous, persuasive. Is there a participle of concomitant action here? Express line 5 in the form of a complex sentence. Which form is better? What is the meaning of the though-clause in 7? What does the yet-clause in 12 imply?

Read this extract aloud and that in Lesson LXV, and notice the difference to the ear. Compare it in the same way with any other extract. If you think it worth while commit it to memory!

[blocks in formation]



Many a sad kiss by day and night renewed,
(Sure that all evil would come out of it)



Besought him, supplicating, if he cared
For her or his dear children, not to go.


He not for his own self caring, but her,


Her and her children, let her plead in vain,


So grieving held his will, and bore it through.

Tennyson's Enoch Arden.


1. Express Enoch's * * * finger in another way. 2. Express fought against in one word. 3. Supply a clause to which the yet-clause is opposed. 4. Is there any difference of meaning between manifold and many a? 5. What does by day modify? 6. What is the syntax of the line as a whole? What is the syntax of the that-clause as a whole? Express come out of it in another way. 7. Does the participle at all denote manner? If not, what does it denote? 8. What does not modify? 9. How does his own self differ from himself? 11. Meaning of held his will? of bore it through?

Give the principal parts of each verb. Give all the adjectives, and tell, carefully, the class of each. Which nouns have no plural? Meaning of brawling, besought, supplicating, entreaties.

Find a double object and explain its parts; are there two such? find a clause denoting time; one denoting condition and tell of what it is the condition; two indirect objects.



THE fair breeze blew, the white foam flew,

The furrow followed free;

We were the first that ever burst

Into that silent sea.

Down dropt the breeze, the sails dropt down,
'Twas sad as sad could be;


[blocks in formation]

1. What kind of sentence is this stanza? Compare the adjectives which admit of it. What is the force of ever? What would be the grammatical effect of supplying connectives between all the clauses? What would be the effect otherwise? 2. Compare the grammatical structure of this stanza with that of the preceding. What are compared in the second line ? What is the syntax of to break? 3. What kind of sentence is this stanza ? What is the force of all? What is a copper sky? Is it necessary to supply the ellipsis in the fourth line? What are compared in it? 4. What ellipsis in the second line? What is the grammatical connection of the last two lines with the first two? What are compared in the third line? 5. Make formal sentences of this stanza.

Point out the parts which, as they stand, are without syntax. Is all the extract intelligible, as it stands? Does the mind supply any thing as it is read? Point out any peculiar constructions.


1. HE very soon set down poor Tom as a thoroughly stupid lad; for though, by hard labor, he could get particular declensions into his brain, any thing so abstract as the relations between cases and terminations could by no means get such a lodgment there as to enable him to recognize a chance genitive or dative. 2. This struck Mr. Stelling as something more than natural stupidity; he suspected obstinacy, or, at any rate, indifference, and lectured Tom severely on his want of thorough application. 3. "You feel no interest in what you are doing, Sir," he would say, and the reproach was painfully true. 4. Tom's perceptive powers were not all deficient, however; I fancy they were quite as strong as those of the Rev. Mr. Stelling. 5. But Mr. Stelling took no note of this; he only observed that Tom's faculties failed him before the hideous abstractions of the Eton Grammar; and that he was in a state bordering on idiocy with regard to the demonstration that two given triangles must be equal, though he could discern with promptitude and certainty the fact that they were equal. Mill on the Floss: Book Second, Chapter First.


1. Construct the first part of this sentence in another form. What conclusion results from the for-clause? What is opposed to the though-clause? What two clauses make the for-clause? What are compared in the last part of the sentence? How do they compare? Change as to enable, etc., to a that-clause. Is it necessary to the sense to supply any ellipsis in the sentence? Is it, to the grammar?

2. What struck Mr. Stelling? What case is something? What does than indicate a comparison of? Is the first member of this sentence simple or complex? What does on his want, etc. denote about lectured? 3. What kind of sentence is the direct quotation? Is the entire sentence? Change the quotation to the indirect form. What is the whole sentence then? 4. What kind of sentence is this? Supply the clause which however suggests. 5. How many distinct sentences make up this sentence? How many subordinate clauses in the second sentence? Tell what each is subordinate to. Write a skeleton-connectives and propositions-of this sentence. How many degrees is the last clause removed from the principal clause ? Can you reconstruct the sentence so that it shall be less complicated ? Try, but say just what the author says.

Find a sentence-element. Is there an independent element? Are there any such abridged forms of statement as have been explained? Select all the abstract nouns, and give the adjective of corresponding Form the participles of each verb. Write nouns and pronouns. Tell how each plural State distinctly the modifying effect of each What uses of as are illustrated in this passage? Would you write the last clause, that they were equal, or that they are equal?

form, if there is any. the declension of the number is formed. subordinate clause. What uses of that?

Compare this extract, as to structure of sentences, with those in Lessons LXVII and LXVIII, and state any point of comparison or contrast you observe. Read this as many times as may be necessary to get the ideas into your mind, and then, without looking at the original or remembering the cast of any sentence in it, write it out in your way. When this is done, compare it with the original and notice, carefully, whether (1) you have said all, essentially, that the original contains, (2) how your structure of sentences compares with the original, and (3) which is the better form, yours or the original.

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