Venice Preserv'd: Or, a Plot Discover'd. A Tragedy. Written by Mr. Thomas Otway

C. Bathurst and T. Lownds, 1766 - 84 páginas

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Página 16 - Ohy woman! lovely woman! nature made thee .To temper man : we had been brutes without you. Angels are painted fair, to look like you : There's in you all that we believe of Heaven, Amazing brightness, purity, and truth, Eternal joy, and everlasting love.
Página 15 - I'll tell thee; On the Rialto, every night at twelve, I take my evening's walk of meditation ; There we two will meet, and talk of precious Mischief Jaf.
Página 36 - On what cold stone hast thou been stretched along, Gathering the grumbling winds about thy head, To mix with theirs the accents of thy woes...
Página 40 - No more. I charge thee keep this secret close; Clear up thy sorrows, look as if thy wrongs Were all forgot, and treat him like a friend, As no complaint were made. No more; retire, Retire, my life, and doubt not of my honour; I'll heal its failings and deserve thy love. BELV. Oh, should I part with thee, I fear thou wilt In anger leave me, and return no more.
Página 67 - Think you saw what pass'd at our last parting; Think you beheld him like a raging lion, Pacing the earth and tearing up his steps, Fate in his eyes, and roaring with the pain Of burning fury; think you saw his one hand...
Página 63 - Tis thy own citadel — Ha — yet stand off! Heaven must have justice, and my broken vows Will sink me else beneath its reaching mercy.
Página 27 - I must confess, you there have touch'd my weakness, I have a friend ; hear it ! such a friend, My heart was ne'er shut to him. Nay, I'll tell you : He knows the very business of this hour; But he rejoices in the cause, and loves it : We've chang'da vow to live and die together, And he's at hand to ratify it here.
Página 20 - A friend to dogs, for they are honest creatures And ne'er betray their masters; never fawn On any that they love not: well met, friend: Jaffeir!
Página 74 - I charge thee, guard him from the wrongs my fate May do his future fortune, or his name. Now nearer yet [Approaching each other.
Página 57 - Thou hast disgrac'd me, Pierre, by a vile blow: Had not a dagger done thee nobler justice? But use me as thou wilt, thou canst not wrong me, For I am fallen beneath the basest injuries; Yet look upon me with an eye of mercy, With pity and with charity behold me; Shut not thy heart against a friend's repentance, But as there dwells a god-like nature in thee Listen with mildness to my supplications. Pierr. What whining monk art thou ? what holy cheat, That wouldst encroach upon my credulous ears And...

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