The Hibernian Magazine, Or, Compendium of Entertaining Knowledge

James Potts, 1781

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Página 184 - Ohy woman! lovely woman! nature made thee .To temper man : we had been brutes without you. Angels are painted fair, to look like you : There's in you all that we believe of Heaven, Amazing brightness, purity, and truth, Eternal joy, and everlasting love.
Página 244 - ... happiness is endless as it is perfect. Go then, mourn not for me; I have not lost my child : but a little while, and we shall meet again never to be separated. But ye are also my children : would ye that I should not grieve without comfort? So live as she lived : that, when your death Cometh, it may be the death of the righteous, and your latter end like his.
Página 244 - God to give me strength to speak to you; to direct you to Him, not with empty words, but with these tears; not from speculation, but from experience, - that while you see me suffer, you may know also my consolation.
Página 244 - If there are any who doubt our faith, let them think of what importance religion is to calamity, and forbear to weaken its force; if they cannot restore our happiness, let them not take away the solace of our affliction.
Página 244 - His servants, in that blessed land where sorrow is unknown, and happiness is endless as it is perfect. Go then, mourn not for me; I have not lost my child : but a little while, and we shall meet again never to be separated.
Página 242 - ... of life, methinks I feel it heighten them all. The thought of receiving it from God adds the blessing of sentiment to that of sensation in every good thing I possess, and when calamities overtake me and I have had my share it confers a dignity on my affliction, so lifts me above the world Man, I know, is but a worm, — yet, methinks, I am then allied to God...
Página 242 - He was next requested to compose an apology for the unfortunate affair at Preston Pans in Scotland. This was prefixed as a preface to " The Report of the Proceedings and Opinion of the Board of General Officers on their examination into the conduct of Lieutenant-general sir John Cope, &c.
Página 243 - That's an odd remark," said Mr. — , smiling. She blushed, and he inquired no farther. Twas with regret he left a society in which he found himself so happy, but he settled with La Roche and his daughter a plan of correspondence; and they took his promise that if ever he came within fifty leagues of their dwelling he should travel those fifty leagues to visit them.
Página 243 - s making inquiry who was the person they had been burying, one of them, with an accent more mournful than is common to their profession, answered, "Then you knew not Mademoiselle, sir! — you never beheld a lovelier.
Página 4 - ... thought deserving of a return, proper to be made only to heaven ? Oppress me not, Sir, I conjure you, with the mention of what it would have been a crime, I could never have forgiven myself, to know I had not done.

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