Imagens das páginas

Instructions to Commissioners.

Et quod post indenturas, de assessione dictorum tresdecim millium hominum sagittariorum, certificatas in Scaccarium nostrum, proclamationes dictorum diei et loci monstri sive monstrationis palam fiant in tribus vel quatuor locis apertis, ubi maxima congregatio populi erit, in quolibet comitatu prædicto, exceptis præexceptis, et episcopatu Dunolmensi, quatuor mensibus vel amplius ante dictum diem monstri sive monstrationis. Et quod prædicta tresdecim millia hominum sagittariorum erunt habita et custodita integre, et indisparsa, et indivisa, et inseparata ut unus integer exercitus, vel una integra comitiva, ad exspectandum in dicto servitio nostro, pro defensione supradicta, dicto die monstri sive monstrationis usque finem dimidii anni tunc proxime sequentis. Nos, de fidelitatibus et circumspectionibus vestris plenius confidentes, assignavimus vos, et quemlibet vestrum, ad dividendum, ordinandum, appunctuandum, limitandum, et assignandum, tam per inquisitionem quam examinationem, quotum numerum et quot homines sagittarios quodlibet hundredum, wapentacha, rapa, civitas, et burgus non existens comitatus in seipso, villa, villata, villagium, hameletta, ac omnia alia loca, infra seu de dicto comitatu Kanciæ, necnon bona, catalla, et reventiones per annum terrarum, tenementorum, reddituum, et possessionum in eisdem, ac proprietarii et possessores eorundem portabunt et onerabuntur, ad exhibitionem prædictorum quingentorum sexaginta et quindecim hominum sagittariorum; scripta indentata, per vos in forma supradicta debite conficienda, deliberanda, et ad mittendum coram Thesaurario et Baronibus de Scaccario nostro, citra Octabas Purificationis Beatæ Mariæ proxime futuras, unam partem scriptorum indentatorum prædictorum. Et ideo vobis mandamus quod circa præmissa diligenter intendatis,

Jassensione, MS.

et ea faciatis et exequamini in forma prædicta. Damus autem universis et singulis Vicecomitibus, Maioribus, Ballivis, Constabulariis, et aliis fidelibus et subditis nostris, tam infra libertates quam extra, tenore præsentium, firmiter in mandatis, quod vobis et cuilibet vestrum in executione præmissorum intendentes sint, consulentes, et auxiliantes in omnibus diligenter. In cujus rei testimonium has litteras nostras fieri fecimus patentes. Teste meipso apud Westmonasterium, xvijo die Decembris, anno regni nostri tricesimo sexto.




Cart. Ant.

years of a

the Con

ground (in

firmam shop at Cantuaria, vent gate, Australem and of the Occidentali, the cathenundinarum dralchurch. yard) upon tenendarum, which the aliis suis four annual

prædic- held in

fairs were

Hæc indentura testatur, quod Dompnus Willelmus C. 217. Fonteyn Sacrista Ecclesiæ Christi Cantuariensis, de A lease consensu et assensu Domini Thomæ Prioris for twelve ejusdem loci Conventus, tradidit, et ad dimisit, Nicholao Chircheman de eadem haberdasher, unam opellam juxta portam Ecclesiæ Christi Cantuariensis ea parte simul cum toto sito feriarum sive infra portam prædictam annuatim cum omnibus suis proficuis, commodis, ac pertinentiis; habendam et tenendam totam tam opellam, simul cum toto sito feriarum prædic- Christ tarum, cum omnibus et singulis suis proficuis, commodis, et pertinentiis, præfato Nicholao et assignatis suis, a festo Sancti Michaelis Archangeli ultimo præterito ante datam præsentium, usque finem et terminum duodecim annorum extunc proxime sequentium et plenarie completorum; reddendo inde annuatim, durante termino prædicto, præfato Sacristæ et successoribus suis vel eorum certo attornato; videlicet, pro firma dicta opelle quatuordecim solidos sterlingorum, et pro firma siti nundinarum prædictarum triginta et quatuor solidos et quatuor denarios


sterlingorum; videlicet, ad quatuor ferias ibidem an-
nuatim tenendas æquis portionibus persolvendos ;
videlicet, ad ferias Natalis
ad ferias Natalis Domini, Pentecostes,
Translationis Sancti Thomæ Martyris, et Sancti
Michaelis Archangeli. Et si contingat dictas firmas
annuales aliquo anno, durante termino prædicto, in
parte vel in toto per quadraginta dies a retro
existere, extunc bene licebit, etc. Insuper si contin-
gat dictas firmas, etc. per unum quarterium anni
a retro existere, extunc bene licebit dictis Sacristæ
et successoribus suis totam dictam opellam ac situm
prædictum reintrare, rehabere, ac in pristino statu
suo pacifice possidere; hac dimissione in aliquo non
obstante, etc. In cujus rei testimonium, etc. Data
secundo die mensis Novembris, anno regni Regis
Henrici Sexti post conquestum Angliæ tricesimo


8 Sept. 1460.

N. 190 b.

The King's


Henricus Dei gratia Rex Angliæ, etc. dilectis sibi writ direct- in Christo Priori Ecclesiæ Christi Cantuariensis, et ing the

Prior of





Roberto Kyrkham clerico Custodi hanaperii cancellariæ suæ, salutem. Sciatis quod dedimus vobis potestatem, conjunctim et divisim, recipiendi sacramentum dilecti nobis Johannis Scotte armigeri, Vicecomitis nostri Comitatus Kancia, de officio illo bene et fideliter administer faciendo, juxta formam cujusdam cedulæ præsentibus office to interclusa. Et ideo vobis, in fide et dilectione quibus the Sheriff nobis 1 tenemini, injungimus et mandamus, quod sacra

sioner to

the oath of

of Kent.

mentum prædictum recipiatis; et cum illud receperitis, seu alter vestrum receperit, eidem Johanni nostras litteras patentes sibi de officio prædicto sic factas, quas vobis mittimus per latorem præsentium, liberetis.

1 vobis, MS.

Et nobis de sacramento illo, cum sic captum fuerit,
in cancellariam nostram sub sigillis vestris, aut alterius
vestrum, distincte et aperte, sine dilatione, constare
faciatis, remittentes nobis hoc breve. Teste meipso
apud Notley, viijvo die Septembris, anno regni Hen-
rici sexti tricesimo nono.

Virtute istius brevis, die vero Veneris decimo nono die Septembris anno regni Regis Henrici sexti tricesimo nono, Ego Thomas Prior Ecclesiæ Christi Cantuariensis recepi sacramentum Johannis Scotte infrascripti, juxta formam et tenorem ac secundum exigentiam hujus brevis, ac etiam eidem Scotte die et anno prædictis litteras patentes infrascriptas deliberavi, secundum istius brevis exigentiam.

the Form of pro- taken by

oath to be

Ye schal serve the Kyng well and truly in Office of the Shiref of Kent, and to the Kynges fyte, in all thyng that belongyth to you to do by wey the Sheriff. of youre offyce, as ferforth as ye cann or may. Ye shall truly kepe the Kynges ryghtes and all that that belongyth to the coroun. Ye schall not assent to decrease, to lass[en]yng, or to concelement of the Kynges ryghtes, or of his fraunchises; and wherewer ye schall have knowlage that the Kynges rightes or the rightes of the coroun be conceled or withdrawen, be hyt in londes, rentes, fraunchises, or sutes, or ony other thynges, ye schall do youre power to make hem be restored to the Kyng; ayen and yf ye may not do hyt, ye schall certifye the Kyng or sum of hys counsell therof, such as ye hold for certen wyll sey hyt unto the Kyng. Ye schall not respite the Kynges dettes for any yeft or favour, wherever ye may reyse them without grete grevaunce of the dettours. Ye shall truly and ryghtwosly trete the people of youre shirefweke, and do right as well to pouer as to rych in that that belongyth to yowre offyce. Ye schall do no wrong to any man for any yeft, or good beheste, or promyse of good, nor favour, nor hate. Ye schall distourble no

1 decre, MS.

mannys ryght. Ye schall truly acquite at the Eschequer all tho of whom ye schall any thynge resceyve of the Kynges dettes. Ye schall no thyng take whereby the Kyng may lese, or whereby that ryght may be distourbled, letted, or the Kynges dettes delaied. Ye schall truly retourn and truly serve all the Kynges writtez asforforth as hyt schall be in yowre kynnyng. Ye schall none have to be yowre Undyrshireff, or any of youre Sherifs clerkes, of the last yer passed. Ye schall take no Bailiff in to youre service but suche as ye wull answer for. Ye shall make eche of youre Bailiffes to make such othe as ye make yowre selfe, in that that belongyth to their occupacion. Ye schall resceyve no writte by yow, or by any of yours, unsealyd, under the seal of any Justyce save of Justyce in Eyre, or Justyce assigned in the same Shire wher ye be Shiref yn, or of Justyce of Neugate. Ye schall make your Bailiffes of the true and suffyciant men in the countre. Also ye shall doo all youre payne and diligence to destroye and make to cees all manner herysies, and errours comenly called herisies, wythyn1 youre baillifwyke from tyme to tyme to all youre power, and assist and to be helpyng to all the Ordenaryes and Commyssaryes of Holy Chyrch, and favour and maynten theym as oft tymes as ye schall be required bi the seyd Ordenaries or Commissaries. Ye schall be dwellyng yn youre propre person withyn youre baillifwyke for the tyme ye shall be in the same Offyce. Ye shall not let youre shirefweke or any baillifwyke ther of to ferme to any man. Ye shall truly set and retorne resonable and due issues of them that be wythyn youre baillifwyke, after there estate or theire havour, and make youre panels youre self. And overthis in eschuying and restreynte of the manslaughters, roberies, and other manyfold grevous offenses that be doyen dayly, namly by suche as name themeself sowdyours and by other 1 wrytyn, MS.

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