Imagens das páginas

wytnesse of trowth set to my seale, the seventh day of July the seconde yere of Kyng Harry the VIIth. per me THOMAM HENDLE.

Unde received in party of payment-xiij. li. vj. s. viij. d. Item. Received xxj. li. vj. s. viij. d. in fulle payment of the hole levery of Crystyschyrche.'

3 July 1489. S. 357 b.

Form of


heretic seeking reconciliation.


In the name of God. Amen. By fore you moost reverend fadir in God John by the grace of the same recantation Archiebisshop of Caunturbury, of all England Primate, used by a and of the Apostolique See Legate, I Stephyn Swallow, lay man, of the parisshe of Wyly in the diocese of London, of my pure hert and fre will, confesse and knowlege that I in tyme passid be fore this houre, that is to witt by the space of xxx. yeres and moore, of the sacraments of the Churche and of the articules of the feith have otherwyse belevid, felid, holden, affermyd, and taughte, than the seid holy Churche of Rome and Universall Churche of God techith, holdyth, and observyth; and many and divers open and damned errours and heresies, contrary to the trew Catholique feith and determinacion of Holy Churche, I have bothe secretely and openly holden, affermyd, and taughte, and among other errours and heresies folowyng, that is to witt: That in the sacrament of the Auter remaynyth the substaunce of materiall brede and in like wyse of wyne after the consecracion, and that Crist is not in the same sacrament realy in his owne bodely presence, and so in the same sacrament is not the very body of Crist. Also that baptime, confirmacion, order(s), penaunce, matrimony, and all sacraments

1 A memorandum (A. 193) shows | lacked five yards of the honest that this cloth when delivered measure,

of the Churche be voyde and of none effect. Also that the sacrament of baptyme is not necessary to the salvacion of a childe borne betwene a Cristen man and a Cristen women, nor he nedeth not to be cristenid. Also that the sowle of a childe borne ded is as good as the sowle of a childe levyng cristenid. Also if a man be contrite in his hert, and make his confession secretely and inwardly to God, that than all outward confession by mowth is superflue and unpofitabill. Also that the Pope is a old hoore, sittyng upon many waters, havyng a cuppe of poyson in his hande. Also that the Pope is Antecrist, and all Cardinalls, Archebisshoppes, Bisshoppis, Prests, and Religious men be the disciples of Antecrist. Also that

pardon grantid by the Pope, Cardinallis, Archebisshoppes, or Bisshoppis, a vaylyth not mannys`sowle; for the soule of a man or woman immediatly after it is departid oute of the body goith forth with unto Hevyn or to Helle, for there is no Purgatory. Also that the Churche of Rome is the Sinagoge of Sathan, and the Pope is not the Vicar of Crist. Also that if Archebisshop, Bisshop, or Prest, be in dedely synne, he hath no poore to consecrate, to cristen, nor to minystre any other sacrament. Wherfore I Stephyn aforeseid, confessyng and knowyng my self a miserable synner, and grevously to have synned in this behalf, and from the wey of errour and derknes retornyng and commnyng a yene to the wey and light of trouthe and to the unyte of Holy Churche, all the aboveseid errours and heresies and everych of thaym, and alle other heresies, and all other dampned opinions contrary and repugnant to the true Catholik feith and determinacion. of Holy Churche beforeseid, revoke, renounce, and by the Holy Trinite and these Holy Evaungeles of God, openly and solennly abjure; and ovir this of pure hert and not feynid, submittyng me to the correction of Holy Churche, and mekely askyng mercy and grace,


L. B. 258.

To the

the Prior

in like manner promitt and swere that all suche penaunce and satisfaction as shalbe enjoyned to me by you or by your commaundement, by reason or occasion of my seid excesse and offense, I shall doo and performe obediently and effectually, and that from this hour afterward I shall never favour in any wyse suche errours or heresies, or eny other, nor no persone being to my knowlege an heretike or suspect of heresy. And if it happen hereafter, which God defende, me to doo contrary to this myne abjuracion, promise, and othe, I submitt me to the rigour and severite of the Holy constitucions and lawes of the Churche; and in to feyth and witnesse of these premisses I make the signe of the crosse. +

Lecta fuit suprascripta abjuratio coram præfato reverendissimo in Christo patre, per antescriptum Stephanum Swallow, in quadam alta camera infra manerium dicti reverendissimi in Christo patris de Lameheth, Wintoniensi dioecesi situatum, tertio die mensis Julii, anno Domini MCCCCLXXXIXno; **** præsentibus tunc ibidem una cum præfato etc. patre, reverendis patribus Johanne Eliensi, Johanne Lincolniensi, Thoma Herefordensi, Johanne Dunolmensi, Dei gratia Episcopis, ac venerabilibus viris Thoma Cooke, Humfrido Hawardyn, et Ricardo Lichfeld, legum, ac David William, et Thoma Jan decretorum doctoribus.


Worschypfull Syrs I commend me unto you. So it Barons of is that I have received letters from you, wherin I am the Cinque Ports from certified of a grevouse compleynt made unto you uppon me off a wrong done unto one called William Colyer of Birchington, whom ye take and repute for your cobaron, distreynyng and retaignyng certeyn catall of his, wherin ye thinke that I have done contrary to your privileges and liberties, as apperith by your seid letters;

of Canterbury.

which to do I wold be as lothe as eny one, saving the right of the Church, where ayenst I trust ye will not be, as God knowith. Pleasith you my gode and worshipfull neighbours to know that I remembre a distresse was taken of the seid William, by my officer for certeyn amercements lost by hym, part in the Kyngs Court part in My Lord of Caunterberyes Court, which amersements perteneth unto our Church; that one part by the Kyngs grante, that other by compo sicion betwix the Archebisshopps of Caunterbery and us; so that we thynke no wrong done therin, for asmoche as I suppose the processes made ayens the seid William Colyer, aswell in My seid Lord of Caunterberyes Court as in the Kyngs Court, were lawful and gode, and so made our title gode. Neverthelesse for asmoch as it appereth by your writyng that ye thynke that the seid William was then wronged; if it like you that the matier may be examyned by your learned counsell, and myne as for my part and interesse for our Church, I will abide and performe suche direcion as they will make; by the grace of God who have you in his kepyng.


7 Feb. 1491.

S. 363 b.

(Sub forma consueta usque ad verba): Concedimus Letter of prætera eidem Agneti Tylle, relicta Willelmi

ut cum ab hac luce eam migrare contigerit, nostram, juxta tumbam


Tylle, ternity
infra granted to
Thomæ with

vir ejus se- the privi-

lege of

Ecclesiam nostram, juxta
Marytris, ubi Willelmus Tylle quondam
pultus est, locum sepulturæ habeat. In cujus, etc. burial in
Data, etc. septimo die mensis Februarii, anno Domini the Crypt
M°CCCC nonagesimo.

of the Cathedral.

31 May 1492.

S. 369 a.

Narrative of the

failure of

edral, and of its reconstitution by Henry VIIth.

of Pam

field, from


of the chantry was derived,



Universis, etc. Willelmus, etc. Prior Ecclesiæ Christi Cantuariensis, etc. salutem. Noverit uniArch- versitas vestra, quod cum felicis memoriæ reverenbishop dissimus in Christo pater et dominus Dominus Thomas Bourchier's endow- Bourgchier, nuper Sanctæ Romanæ Ecclesiæ Cardiment of nalis nostræ Cantuariensis Ecclesiæ Archiepiscopus, his chantry in Canter- dudum in ecclesia nostra Cantuariensi prædicta quanbury Cath- dam cantariam, de una missa quotidie, ad altare Sancti Stephani in parte boriali superioris ecclesiæ, per unum de commonachis nostris celebranda fundaverit, et insuper statuerit diem anniversarium sui obitus singulis The Manor annis, per nos et successores nostros, Cantuariensis Ecclesiae monachos, cum certa elemosinarum largitione whence the et aliis observantiis perpetuo observandum et celebrandum, et, ad onera hujusmodi cantariæ et anniversarii supportanda, manerium de Paunfeld, aliter vocatum Prioratum de Paunfeld, in Comitatu Essexiæ nobis et duly amor- successoribus nostris dederit et concesserit, ac dari et tized, but concedi fecerit, prout per cartam inde [confectam] afterwards plenius liquet; quia tamen per inquisitionem inde factam postea compertum est, quod dictum manerium sive prioratus, tempore quo ecclesia prædicta per dictum Dominum Cardinalem et feoffatos ad ejus usum inde primo seisita est, virtute cujusdam actus reamortiza sumptionis in Parliamento tento apud Westmonasterium, anno regni Edwardi quarti nuper Regis Angliæ duodecimo, sexto die Octobris, facti, erat in manu ejusdem Regis, et sic usque vicesimum sextum void; but diem Januarii anno septimo regni metuendissimi Regis nostri qui nunc est remansit, constat donum et concessionem prædictam nullum habuisse robur, et ipsius nuper Cardinalis piam ac devotam intentionem, nisi singularis munificentia serenissimi Domini Regis nunc accepted as intervenisset, fuisse frustratam, ac deinceps omni

had been

it was

found to have been in the King's

hand at the time

of the

tion, and

hence the grant to the Convent was

VIIth re-

stored it to the


and was

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