Imagens das páginas

Parlous, perilous
Parlous, keen, shrewd
Part, to depart

Partake, to participate
Partaker, accomplice, confederate
Parted, endowed with parts
Participate, participant, partici-

Partizan, a pike
Parts, party
Pash, a head

Pash, to strike with violence
Pass, to decide, to assure or con-

Pass, to exceed, to go beyond
common bounds
Passed, excelling, past all expres-
sion or bounds

Passes, what has passed
Passing, eminent, egregious
Passion, suffering

Passionate, a prey to mournful

Passioning, being in a passion
Passy-measure, a dance
Pastry, the room where pastry
was made

Patch, a term of reproach
Patched, in a parti-coloured coat
Path, to walk

Pathetical, deeply affecting
Patient, to make patient, to com-

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Pennons, small flags
Penthesilia, Amazon

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Pleached, folded together
Plot, piece or portion

Prane, sometimes humble
Prone, forward

Proof, confirmed state of manhood
Propagate, to advance or improve
Proper, well-looking, handsome
Proper-false, proper or fair, and
false or deceitful

Propertied, taken possession of

to a theatre

Property, due performance
Property, a thing quite at disposal
Propriety, regular and proper state
Prorogue, lengthen or prolong
Provand, provender
Provencial, Provençal, from Pro-


Point, a metal hook fastened to Properties, incidental necessaries
the hose or breeches
Point, the utmost height
Point-de-vice, with the utmost
possible exactness
Points, tags to the laces
Poize, weight or moment
Polled, bared, cleared
Pomander, a ball made of perfumes
Pomewater, a species of apple
Poor-john, hake dried, salted
Popinjay, a parrot
Popularity, plebeian intercourse
Port, external pomp, figure
Port, a gate
Portable, bearable
Portance, carriage, behaviour
Possess, to inform, to make to

Possessed, acquainted with, fully

Possessed, afflicted with madness
Potch, to push violently
Pouncet-box, a small box for per-

Power, forces, an army
Practice, unlawful or insidious

Practise, to employ unwarrantable


Practisants, confederates in stra-

Prank, to adorn, to dress ostenta-
tiously, to plume
Precedent, original draft
Precept, a justice's warrant
Precision, a great pretender to

Prefer, to recommend, to advance
Pregnancy, readiness
Pregnant, ready, plain, evident,

Perch, a measure of five yards and Pregnant enemy, the enemy of a half

Perdurable, lasting

Perdy, par Dieu, a French oath
Perfect, certain, well informed
Perfections, liver, brain, and heart
Periapts, charms sewed up and
worn about the neck
Perspectives, certain optical
Pervert, to avert

Pew-fellow, a companion
Pheere. See Feere

Pheece, to teaze or beat, to comb
or curry

Pia mater, the membrane covering
the substance of the brain
Pick, to pitch

Picked, nicely dressed, foppish
Pickers, the hands

Picking, piddling, insignificant
Pickt-hatch, a place noted for

Piece, a word of contempt for a

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Premised, sent before the time
Pre-ordinance, ordinance already

Presence, the presence-chamber, a
public room

Presence, dignity of mien, form,

Prest, ready

Pretence, design, intention
Pretend, to intend, design
Prevent, to anticipate
Prick, the point on the dial
Pride, haughty power
Prig, to filch

Prime, prompt

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Quests, reports

Quick, lively, sprightly, living
Quiddits, subtilties

Quillets, law chicane

Quintain, a post set up for various exercises

Primer, more urgent, more impor- Quips, reproaches and scoffs


Primero, a game at cards
Principality, the first or principal
of women

Principals, rafters of a building
Princox, a coxcomb, or spoiled

Probal, probable

Prodigious, portentous, ominous
Proface, much good may it do you
Profane, love of talk, gross of

Profession, end and purpose of

Progress, a royal journey of state
Project, to shape or form
Prompture, suggestion, tempta

Quire, to play in concert
Quit, quitted

Quit, to requite or answer
Quittance, return of obligations
Quiver, nimble, active
Quote, to observe

RABATO, an ornament for the
Rabbit-sucker, a sucking rabbit
Race, original disposition, inborn
qualities, a smack or flavour
Rack, wreck

Rack, to exaggerate
Rack, to harass by exactions
Rack, the fleeting away of the

Racking, in rapid motion

Ragged, rugged

Rake, to cover

Rank, rate or pace

Kank, grown up to a great height
and strength

Rapt, rapturously affected
Rapture, a fit

Rarely, curiously, happily
Rascally, applied to lean deer
Ravin, to devour eagerly
Ravined, glutted with prey
Raught, reached

Rawly, young and helpless
Rayed, bewrayed

Razed, slashed, raised
Rear-mouse, a bat

Reason, to talk, to argue for
Rebeck, an old musical instrument
Receiving, ready apprehension
Receipt, receptacle

Recheate, a sound by which the
dogs are called back

Reck, to care for, to mind, to attend to

Reckless, careless, heedless

Round, rough, unceremonious
Rounded, whispered
Roundel, a country dance
Roundure, circle

Rouse, a draught of jollity
Royalize, to make royal
Royalty, nobleness, supreme ex-

Roynish, mangy or scabby
Ruddock, the redbreast

Ruff, the folding of the tops of

Ruffle, to riot, to create disturb


Rufiling, rustling

Ruin, displeasure producing ruin
Ruth, pity, compassion

SACRED, accursed
Sacrificial, worshipping
Sad, grave or serious
Safe, to render safe
Sagg or swagg, to sink down
Salt, tears

Sanded, of a sandy colour

Recollected, studied or often re- Satisfy, rest with satisfaction


Record, to sing

Savage, silvan, uncultivated, wild
Savageness, wildness

Recorder, a kind of flute or flageo- Saucy, lascivious

Recure, to recover
Red-lattice, the sign of an ale- Say, silk

Reduce, to bring back
Reechy, discoloured by smoke,
smoky, greasy
Refell, to refute
Refer, to reserve to

Regiment, government, authority
Regreet, exchange of salutation
Reguerdon, recompense, return
Relative, nearly related, or con-

Remembered, remembering
Remembrance, admonition
Remorse, pity, tenderness of heart
Remotion, removal or remoteness
Removed, remote, sequestered
Render, to describe

Render, a confession, an account
Renege, to renounce
Repair, to renovate

Repeal, to recall

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Repugn, to resist
Reputing, boasting of

Requiem, a mass for the soul of a
person deceased

Resolve, to be firmly persuaded,

Resolve, to dissolve
Respective, respectable, respect-
ful, formal

Respective, cool, considerate
Respectively, respectfully

Retailed, handed down

Reverb, to reverberate

Rib, to enclose

Rid, to destroy

Riggish, wanton

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Saw, anciently, not a proverb, but
the whole tenor of any discourse
Say, a sample, a taste or relish
Scaffoldage, the gallery part of the


Scald, a word of contempt, poor,

Scale, disperse, put to flight
Scaled, over-reached
Scaling, weighing
Scall, an old word of reproach
Scamble, to scramble

Scant, to be deficient in, to con-

Scantling, measure, proportion
Scapes of wit, sallies, irregularities
Scarfed, decorated with flags
Scath, destruction, harm
Scath, to do an injury
Scathful, mischievous, destructive
Scone, a petty fortification
Scotched, cut slightly
Scrimens, fencers

Scrip, a writing, a list

Scroyles, scabby fellows

Serve, to fulfil

Serve, to accompany
Set, seated

Setebos, a species of devil
Several, separated, appropriated
Sewer, an officer who placed the
dishes on the table
Shard-borne, born by shards or
scaly wings

Shards, the wings of a beetle
Shards, broken pots or tiles
Sharked, picked up as a shark
collects his prey

Sheen, shining, splendour, lustre
Sheer, pellucid, transparent
Shent, scolded, rebuked, ashamed,

Sheriff's-post, a large post set up
at the door of that officer for
affixing proclamations
Shive, a slice
Shot, shooter
Shovel-board, a game

Shoughs, shocks, a species of dog
Shouldered, rudely thrust into
Shrewd, having the qualities of a

Shrift, confession

Shrive, to confess, to call to con-

Side-sleeves, long sleeves
Siege, stool, seat, rank
Sight, the perforated part of a

Sightless, unsightly
Sign, to shew, to denote
Silly, simple or rustic
Sincere, honest

Sinew, strength

Single, weak, debile, small, void
of duplicity or guile
Sink-a-pace, cinque-pace, a dance
Sir, the designation of a parson
Sir-reverence, a corruption of save-


Sith, since

Sithence, since then

Sizes, allowances of victuals
Skains-mates, loose companions
Skirr, to scour, to ride hastily
Slack, to neglect

Slave, to treat as a slave

Sleave, the ravelled knotty part of the silk

Sledded, riding in a sled or sledge

Sculls, great numbers of fishes Slights, arts, subtle practices

swimming together
Scutched, whipt, carted

Seal, to strengthen or complete
Seam, lard

Sear, to stigmatize, to close. See

Season, to temper, to infix, to

Seasoned, established or settled
by time

Seated, fixed, firmly placed
Sect, a cutting in gardening
Seel, to close up

Seeling, blinding

Seeming, specious, hypocritical

Right-drawn, drawn in a right Seeming, seemly

Ripe, come to the height

Rivage, the bank or shore

Rivality, equal rank

Seen, versed, practised
Seld, seldom

Self-bounty, inherent generosity
Seniory, seniority

Sennet, a flourish or sounding

Road, the haven where ships ride Sense, reason, natural affection,

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Slips, a contrivance of leather, to
start two dogs at the same time
Sliver, to cut a piece or slice
Slops, loose breeches or trowsers,
tawdry dress

Slough, the skin which the serpent
annually throws off
Slower, more serious

Slubber, to do any thing carelessly,
imperfectly, obscure
Smirched, soiled or obscured
Smoothed, to stroke, to caress, to

Sneap, to check or rebuke, a re-

Sneaping, nipping

Sueck-up, a cant-phrase, "go hang

Snuff, hasty anger
Snuffs, dislikes

Soil, spot, turpitude, reproach
Solicit, courtship

Solicit, to excite

Soliciting, information

Solidares, an unknown coin

Sometimes, formerly
Sooth, truth

Sooth, sweetness

Sorriest, worthless, vile

Sorry, sorrowful

Sort, to choose out

Stover, a kind of thatch

Sort, a company, a pack, ranks Stoup, a kind of flagon

and degrees of men

Sort, to happen, to agree
Sort, the lot

Sort and suit, figure and rank
Sot, a fool

Soul-fearing, soul-appalling
Sound, to declare or publish
Sound, soundly

Sowl, to pull by the ears

Tame, ineffectual

Tame snake, a contemptible fellow

Strachy, probably some kind of Tamed, flat, spiritless
domestic office

Strain, descent, lineage
Strain, difficulty, doubt
Strait, narrow, avaricious
Straited, put to difficulties
Strange, odd, different from
Strange, alien, becoming a stran-
ger, a stranger

Sowter, perhaps the name of a Strangely, wonderfully


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Strangeness, shyness, distant

Stranger, an alien
Strangle, to suppress
Stratagem, great or dreadful event
Strict, hard

Stuck, a thrust in fencing. See
Stoccata. Stock

Stuff, baggage

Stuff, substance or essence
Stuffed, plenty, more than enough
Subscribe, to agree to
Subscribe, to yield, to surrender
Subscription, obedience
Submerged, whelmed under water
Subtilty, deception
Subtle, smooth, level
Success, succession
Successive, belonging to the suc-


Successively, by order of succes


Sudden, violent

Spurs, the longest and largest Sufficiency, abilities roots of trees

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Tarre, to stimulate, to excite, provoke

Tartar, Tartarus, the fabled place
of future punishment

Task, to keep busied with scruples
Tasked, taxed

Taurus, sides and heart in medi-
cal astrology

Tawdry, a kind of necklace worn
by country girls
Taxation, censure or satire
Teen, sorrow, grief
Temper, to mould like wax
Temper, temperament, constitu

Temperance, temperature
Tend, to attend upon, to wait for
Tender, to regard with affection
Tend'ring, watching with tender-

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Thews, muscular strength
Thick, in quick succession
Thick-pleached, thickly interwoven

Suggest, to tempt, to prompt, to Thill, the shafts of a cart

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Stoccata, a thrust or stab with a Take-in, to conquer, to get the


Stock, a term in fencing
Stock, stocking

Stomach, passion, pride, stubborn
resolution, constancy, resolution
Stoop, a measure somewhat more
half a gallon

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Thirdborough. See Tharborough
Thought, melancholy

Thrasonical, boastful, bragging
Thread, fibre or part
Thread, to pass through
Three-man-beetle, an implement
used for driving piles
Three-pile, rich velvet

Thrift, a state of prosperity
Throes, emits as in parturition
Thrum, the extremity of a weaver's

made of coarse
woollen cloth
Tib, a strumpet
Tickle-brain, some strong liquor
Tight, handy, adroit
Tilly-valley, an interjection of
Tilth, tillage
Timeless, untimely
Tinct, tincture
Tire, head-dress

Tire, to fasten, to fix the talons on
Tire, to be idly employed on
Tired, adorned with ribands
Tod, to yield or produce a tod, or
twenty-eight pounds

Tokened, spotted as in the plague
Toll, to enter on the toll-book
Tolling, taking toll

Tomboy, a masculine, forward

Topless, that which has nothing
above it, supreme
Topple, to tumble

Touch, sensation, sense, feeling
Touch, exploit or stroke
Touch, a spice or particle
Touch, touchstone
Touches, features
Touched, tried

Toward, in a state of readiness
Toys, rumours, idle reports,
fancies, freaks of imagination
Toze, to pull or pluck
Trace, to follow

Ta low-keech, the lat of an ox or Trade, a custom, an established

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Urchins, hedgehogs, or perhaps fairies

Usance, usury

Use, practice long countenanced
by custom

Use, to make a practice of
Use, interest
Used, behaved
Usurping, false

Utis, a merry festival
Utter, to vend by retail
Utterance, a phrase in combat,

WAFT, to beckon

Wage, to fight, to combat, to prescribe to

Wages, is equal to

Waist, the part between the quar. ter-deck and the forecastle Waist, the middle

Walk, a district in a forest un- Wannion, vengeance

Uncape, to dig out, a term in foxhunting

Uncharged, unattacked
Unclew, to draw out, exhaust
Uncoined, real, unrefined, un-

Unconfirmed, unpractised in the
ways of the world
Under generation, the antipodes
Undergo, to be subject to
Under-skinker, a tapster, an

Undertaker, one who takes upon himself the quarrel of another Underwrite, to subscribe, obey


Under-wrought, under-worked, undetermined

Undeserving undeserved
Unearned, not deserved
Uneath, scarcely, not easily

VAIL, to condescend to look, to Unexpressive, inexpressible

let down, to bow, to sink

Vailing, lowering

Unhappy, mischievously, waggish, unlucky

Vain, light of tongue, not vera- Unhidden, open, clear

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Ward, posture of defence
Ward, guardianship
Warden. a species of pears
Warder, guard, sentinel
Warn to summon
Wassels, meetings of rustic mirth
Watch, a watch-light
Water-work, water-colours
Wux, to grow

Waxen, increase

Wealth, advantage, happiness
Wear, the fashion
Wee, little

Weeds, clothing

Ween, to think, to imagine
Weet, to know

Weigh, to value or esteem, to deliberate

Welkin, the sky, blue
Well-found, of acknowledged ox.

Well-liking, plump embonpoint
Wen, swollen excrescence
Wend, to go

Whelked, varied with protube


Whe'r, whether
Where, whereas
Whitler, an officer who walks first
in processions
Whiles, until

Whip. the crack, the best
Whipstock, a carter's whip

Unkind, contrary to kind, or Whirring, whirring away


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White, the white mark in ar chery

White death, the chlorosis Whiting-time, bleaching-time,


Whitsters, bleachers of linen Whittle, a species of knife Whooping, measure or reckon. ing

Wide, remotely from, wide of the mark

Wilderness, wildness
Will, wiliulness
Wimple, a hood or veil
Winter-ground, to protect against
the inclemency of winter
Wis, to know
Wish, to recommend
Wit, to know

Witch, to charm, to bewitch
Wittol, knowing, conscious of
Witty, judicious, cunning
Woe, to be sorry
Woman, to affect suddenly and

Woman-tired, hen-pecked
Wondered, able to perfor

Woolward, a phrase appropriated
to pilgrims and penitentiaries
Words, dispute, contention
Work, a term of fortification
Workings, labours of thought
World, to go to the, to be married
Worm, a serpent

Worship, dignity, authority
Worth, wealth or fortune, the
value, full quota or proportion
Worts, cabbage
Wot, to know

Wound, twisted about
Wreak, resentment
Wreak, to revenge
Wrest an instrument for tuning
the harp

Wrested, obtained by violence
Writ, writing, composition
Writhled, wrinkled
Wrongs, persons who wrong
Wrongs, injurious practices
Wroth, misfortune

Wrought, worked, agitated
Wrung, pressed, strained

YARELY, readily, nimbly
Yearns, grieves or vexes
Yeasty, or yesty, foaming or

Yellowness, jealousy

Yeoman, a bailiff's follower
Yield, to inform of, condescend to
ZANY, a buffoon, a merry andrew


To the memory of my beloved, the Author,
Mr. William Shakespeare
And what he hath left us.

To draw no envy (Shakespeare) on thy name
Am I thus ample to thy Booke and Fame;
While I confesse thy writings to be such
As neither Man nor Muse can praise too much.
"Tis true and all men's suffrage. But these wayes
Were not the paths I meant unto thy praise;
For seeliest Ignorance on these may light
Which when it sounds at best, but eccho's right;
Or blind Affection which doth ne'er advance
The truth, but gropes, and urgeth all by chance,
Or crafty alice might pretend this praise
And think to ruin where it seem'd to raise.

But thou art proofe against them, and, indeed,
Above th' ill fortune of them, or the need
I therefore will begin Soule of the Age!
The applause! delight! the wonder of our stage!
My Shakespeare rise! I will not lodge thee by
Chaucer or Spenser, or bid Beaumont lie
A little further, to make thee a roome:
Thou art a Moniment, without a tombe,
And art alive still, while Thy Booke doth live
And we have wits to read, and praise to give.
Triumph my britaine! thou hast one to showe,
To whom all scenes of Europe homage owe.
He was not for an age but for all time!
And all the Muses still were in their prime,
When like Apollo, he came forth to warme
Our ears, or like a Mercury to charme!
Nature herself was proud of her designes
And joy'd to wear the dressing of his lines!

Which were so richly spun, and woven so fit,
As, since she will vouchsafe no other Wit.
The merry Greeke, tart Aristophanes,
Neat Terrence, witty Plautus, now not please;
But antiquated and deserted lye

As they were not of Natures family.
Yet must I not give Nature all; thy Art
My gentle Shakespeare, must enjoy a parta
For though the Poet's matter Nature be,
His Art doth give the Fashion. And, that he,
Who casts to write a living line, must sweat
(Such as thine are) and strike the second heat
Upon the Muses Anvile: turn the same,
(And himself with it) that he thinks to frame;
Or, for the lawrell, he may gaine a scorne,-
For a good Poet's made, as well as borne.
And such wert thou. Looke how the father's face
Lives in his issue, even so the race

Of Shakespeare's mind and manners brightly shines
In his well-torned and true-filed lines:

In each of which he seemes to shake a Lance
As brandish't at the eyes of Ignorance.
Sweet Swan of Avon! what a sight it were

To see thee in our waters yet appeare

And make those flights upon the banks of Thames,"
That so did take Eliza and our James!

But stay, I see thee in the Hemisphere
Advanc'd, and made a Constellation there!
Shine forth, thou starre of Poets, and with rage
Or influence, chide or cheere the drooping Stage;
Which, since thy flight from hence, hath mourned
like night

And despaires day, but for thy Volumes light.

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