' is a very amiable young man, of pink crape, spotted with silver, and his fortune will be far superior ornamented in front with a shaded to Hargrave's.' pink and white feather and a pa • Of wealth,' returned his sis-radise plume. White satin shoes, ter, I have a sufficiency. Cleveland is certainly amiable. His figure and fine manly features are incomparably elegant, added to which he possesses a most graceful address. But there is a fascinating facetiousness in Hargrave that I cannot resist. On the contrary, Cleveland always appears devoted to, as says the great bard of Avon, Thick-eyed musing cursed melancholy.' the. • I cannot but think,' continued her ladyship, that his addresses to me are constrained; for his countenance, when I reject his devoirs, and accept those of the Baronet, never indicates least concern. The day we went to R****, at my refusing to take a seat with him in the phaeton, having promised to accompany Sir Theobald in his curricle, his féatures became suddenly illumined and expressive of the greatest complacence, whilst, with an air of unwonted cheerfulness, he handed in his sister. [To be continued.] LONDON MORNING AND FULL- 1. A SHORT train dress of pink crape over a white satin slip; short sleeves, ornamented with an antique lace, and fastened with silver clasps. A tunic or drapery, of silver gause is fastened on the right shoulder with a clasp, and passes under the left arm. Cap and silver rosettes. White gloves. 2. Morning dress of plain India muslin, finished round the bottom with a broad hem, ornamented at the throat with a frill of lace. A three-cornered mantle of purple cloth, lined with white sarcenet, trimined with a narrow gold lacing. A'small hat or bonnet of purple velvet, ornamented with a shaded feather. York tan gloves, and purple boots. LADIES' DRESSES ON HER MAJESTY'S BIRTH-DAY. Her Majesty. A RICH dark green velvet petticoat superbly embroidered in gold sprigs, with a most magnificently elegant border, composed of shields, in real gold, encircled by wreaths of laurel and gold beads, with wavy ornaments likewise in real frosted gold and spangles; the whole finished with scrolls of gold beads, with an open trillis-work of gold in the centre; the ground-work of the petticoat were sprigs of jessamine blossoms; the whole were tied up with rich, gold cords and tassels: train to correspond with the cetticoat, composed of a beautiful green and gold velvet tissue, trimmed with an elegant embroidery agreeably to the costume of Persia; this was by far the most superb dress worn by the queen on her own birthday for many years past; we have heard that it was meant as com. plimentary to the representative of the Persian court. Princess of Wales - The elegance and taste displayed by her Royal Highness on this occasion, were the most superb we ever witHessed; a court train of rich white and gold figured satin, fancifully embroidered all round with a border of beautiful colored foil, representing bullrushes and leaves, the heads of the rush superbly set round with diamonds, which had a brilliant effect; petticoat of rich white satin, embroidered to correspond; body and sleeves of rich VOL. XLI, rush velvet, studded all over with large diamonds; the drapery and pocket holes looped up with diamonds, with a large diamond wreath across the drapery. The brilliant effect of this dress was extremely beautiful. Head-dress, diamonds and fine ostrich plumes. Princess Augusta. - A rich dark green velvet petticoat, elegantly embroidered in silver, shell, and laurel-work; draperies of very fine black lace, richly festooned with wreaths of silver oak, tastefully looped up with silver cords and tassels to correspond with the petticoat; the bottom of the latter exhibited a border of exquisite workmanship, in rich shells of burnished and frosted silver, with branches of sea-weed interwoven: balloon tassels: train, an elegant green and silver tissue, trimmed with a rich silver lace. Princess Elizabeth - Wore a magnificent dress of brown and gold; the right side of the dress a large triangular drapery extending across the front, composed of rich gold tissue, bordered, with gold shells and branches of holly leaves tastefully variegated, and contrasted with dead and bright foil, bullion, &c., and ornamented in festoons with rich gold cord and tassels; smaller draperies in brown velvet, elegantly embroidered, and placed in different directions, completed this magnificent dress : the ground-work, gold shells and 'spangles, with a rich border of plaited foil and spangled fringe as a termination; robe of brown and gold tissue, ornamented with gold point lace and diamonds. Princess Mary. - A dress of garter blue velvet, superbly embroidered with gold; a magnificent drapery of an oval form, terminating in a point on the left E 1 1 4 1 34 Ladies' Dresses on her Majesty's Birth-day. side, formed the most striking part Princess Sophia of Gloucester. Princess Charlotte of Wales.A frock of a rich gold tissue, with a gold Vandyke spangled lace border. Princess Castelcicala.- A dress of orange satin, ornamented with draperies of black lace, and finished with elegant orange and black cords and tassels; robe, black velvet, trimmed to correspond with the dress. Duchess Dowager of Leeds. A superb petticoat of white crape, richly embroidered in real silver, with a border embroidered on crimson velvet, in a style perfectly Caledonian cap of crimson velvet, diamonds, and ostrich feathers. Countess of Lindsay. A white satin petticoat, richly embroidered at the bottom; on the left side white satin, elegantly embroidered in silver vandyke, and chains of massy silver; on the right side two points to correspond, ground-work of spangles, the draperies elegantly relieved with rich cords and tassels: body and train to corre spond. Head-dress, diamonds and feathers. Countess of Macclesfield. -A scarlet and gold tissue robe, trimmed with scarlet and gold, point lace, &c.; petticoat of white satin, almost covered with a drapery of Indian gold tissue, edged round with scarlet and gold fringe, and fastened with large circular embossed gold plates, rich gold cord and tassels. Head-dress, a plume of scarlet and gold feathers, with coronet and bandeau of diamonds. Countess of Harcourt.-A ruby velvet robe and petticoat, most magnificently embroidered with gold, and ornamented with fine gold embossed plates, elegantly arranged, and had a most splendid effect; her Ladyship's turban was of crimson velvet, richly embroidered with gold to correspond with the dress. The head-dress, plume of white feathers and profusion of diamonds. Countess of Portsmouth. - A rich white figged satin petticoat, tastefully ornamented with crape embroidered in gold; draperies festooned with gold laurel, and superb tassels; body and train of white figured satin trimmed with point and gold. Head-dress, diamonds and ostrich feathers. Lady Arden.-White crape petticoat, spotted all over with gold lilies, and embroidered all round with garter velvet and gold border; pocket holes and drapery fancifully embroidered to correspond; train of rich garter velvet, trimmed all round with gold fancy trimming. Lady Perth.-Rich morone velvet, superbly embroidered round; the petticoat and train with-gold lame, with beautiful clusters of beads and different shades of cheneille intermixed; the front very tastefully covered with save, body and sleeves to correspond; pockets also tastefully ornamented with a large gold tassel. Head-dress of morone velvet richly embroidered with a plume of feathers, and diamonds in front. 1 Lady Sidney Smith. A white satin petticoat with a tasteful border of crape, intermixed with beads; draperies of white crape, with festoons, richly embroidered in beads and chenille, on white satin, with elegant bead tassels to correspond; train of rich white satin, most elegantly embroidered in white beads, with a most beautiful aigrette of diamonds. Head'dress, white ostrich feathers and diamonds: diamond necklace and ear-ings. Hon. Mrs. Stuart.-Purple petticoat; elegant draperies of lace and black velvet, embroidered with gold, and tastefully orna mented; gold hyacinths, and rich ballion cords and tassels; purple velvet train, trimmed with gold, and lace to correspond. Hon. Mrs. West.-Body and train of white satin, trimmed with very fine point lace and gold embroidery; petticoat of white crape richly spangled, with a border of crimson velvet chain intermixed with spangles from the right to the left side; a drapery of the same embroidered in waves, with a superb border of crimson and gold flowers; on the left side a smaller drapery, tastefully fastened up with handsome cords and tassels. Hon. Mrs. Ariadne Egerton.Petticoat of orange color satin, covered alternately with stars of bright silver, and relieved with a profusion of lesser ones in dead silver; the drapery bordered à-laGrec, in silver spangles, headed with a rich swan fur; a body and train orange color satin, sleeves covered with rich point lace. Headdress, diamonds and feathers. Hon. Mrs. Murray. - Petticoat of orange crape over white satin, with elegant embroidery in white beads; train of orange satin, richly embroidered in white beads, and trimmed with beautiful Brussels point. Head-dress, white ostrich feathers and diamonds, Madam Hamlin Williams. - A white satin petticoat, richly embroidered at the bottom with silver rouleaux, interspersed with rouleaux of puce-colored velvet; a scarf drapery of the same two draperies in the Persian style ornamented with silver rouleaux and elegant tassels. Head-dress, diamonds and feathers. Mrs. Atkyns. - Petticoat purple velvet, superbly embroidered in silver and colored stones, in 1 imitation of feathers; drapery in new style, tastefully fastened up; body and train of the same; sleeve trimmed with point-lace. Headdress, purple velvet, the hair drawn through, fastened with diamonds; plumes of white feathers in the front; diamond bandeau and tiara. Mrs. Geldimester. A dress of white satin, ornamented with draperies of white crape, elegantly spangled all over with gold rings, and magnificent borders in festoons and stars, studded with gold and white velvet spots, and finished with gold cords and tassels; robe, white satin, trimmed with gold, the same same as the dress, and point-lace. Mrs. General Burr.-White satin petticoat richly embroidered in silver and trimmed swansdown; white drapery to correspond, with wreaths of silver ivy elegantly drawn by silver entoilage and rich tassels; train of white satin tastefully ornamented with brussels point and silver entoilage; headdress of trich feathers, tinged silver with diamonds, &c. drapery on the left side to correspond; the pocket draperies, embroidered the same, a-point across the petticoat, which had a most elegant effect; the whole was beautifully ornamented with rich tassels. Head-dress, diamonds and feathers. Hon. Miss Dashwood. — A white satin petticoat, superbly embroidered at the bottom with silver roses, thistles, and shamrock ; draperies of royal purple, embroidered to correspond, forming likewise groupes of the same, interspersed with waves of silver; the draperies clustered with bouquets of silver roses, thistles, and shamrock; body and train of purple satin, trimmed with silver. Head-dress, diamonds and feathers. Hon. Miss Brudenell.-A purple satin petticoat, with draperies of fine black lace, and leaves of purple and green foil flowers; train, purple satin, trimmed with black lace. Miss Fox.-A white satin dress, covered with beautiful Brussels lace, and tastefully ornamented with brilliant stars, bunches of hops, and silver concave fans. Miss Knight.-A dress of soucy coloured satin, ornamented with black lace, handsome cords and tassels, &c.; robe, black velvet, trimmed with lace. Miss Geldimester.-A dress of white crape, appliqued with white satin, velvet, and beads, and trimmed with wreaths of pink flowers, green leaves, &c. and ornamented with satin ribbons in festoons and bunches: robe, pale pink satin, trimmed with point lace and flowers. |