Great conflagration at
Jan. 14. Hanover annexed to the kingdom of Westphalia.
Buonaparte's marriage with the em press Josephine dissolved.
robe, in Ireland, destroyed by fire caused by the friction of the mac machinery.
tholics at the St. Albans tavern, London, Feb.1. A meeting of English Roman Cavoted a perition to Parliament for a re peal of the penal penal statutes against their
Feb. 5. Malaga entered by the French, and given up to pillage for two days.
him-glish from the French. Feb. 6. Guadaloupe taken by the En-
Jan. 18. Mr. Lyon Levi threw self from the top of the London Monument, and was dashed to pieces.
Jan. 23. The session of Parliament opened by commission.
Jan. 24. Prince Christian Augustus adopted by the King of Sweden as his son, with the name of Charles Gustavus, and acknowledged as hereditary prince, Jan. 27. Proclamation for a general fast.
Jan. 81. Col. Wardle received the thanks and freedom of the City of London in a gold box.
About the end of this month, a violent tempest, of two days' duration, at Otschosk in Siberia, raising the water in the river twelve feet above its ordinary level, and carrying a ship into the middle of the town.
February 1. The flour-mills at Ballin
Feb. 9. The electors of Westminster voted a petition to Parliament for a reform in the representation.
of unusual violence and duration, felt ar Feb. 16. A shock of an earthquake, Malta.
the union of the Roman states to Feb. 17. A decree passed at Paris for France.
liance concluded between his Britannic Feb. 19. Treaty of friendship and al- Majesty Regent of Por-
Feb. 20. The British Government announces to the foreign ambassadors in this country a determination to blockade the ports and coasts of Spain, from Gi-. jon to the French territory.
Feb. 21. John Gale Jones committed to Newgate by order of the House of
Commons, upon a charge of libel on that body.
Feb. 27. The foundation-stone of a new pier was laid at Berwick upon Tweed.
Mr. Fuller, M.P. for Sussex, commit- ted to the custody of the serjeant at arms for disrespectful language to the speaker of the House of Commons.
March 1. The isle of Walcheren united to France.
March 4. The Duke of Orléans in- vited by the regency of Spain to assume the command of the army of Catalonia.
March 5. Paid into the treasury 1500l. received by the chancellor of the exchequer in an anonymous letter, as the amount of certain duties omitted to be paid by the writer.
March 9. The number of dollars stamped and issued by the bank of Eng- land, previous to this date, 4,817,634.
A sum of 980,000l, voted by parlia- ment, as a subsidy to Portugal..
March 11. Buonaparte married, by proxy, to Maria Louisa, arch-duchess of Austria.
March 16. Zealand, Dutch Brabant, &c. united to France by a treaty between Buonaparte and his brother Louis, king, of Holland. Ceuta, on the Barbary shore, occupied by British troops.
March 25. Quantity of woollen cloths made in Yorkshire during the year end- ing this day, 15,777,805 yards-being near one million and a half above the number made in the preceding year,
March 26. A large sea-eagle, measu- ring seven feet, six inches, killed in Lin- colnshire.
April 1. Buonaparte's marriage with the arch-duchess of Austria celebrated at Paris.
Aprit 14. Mr. Walsh Porter's collec- tion of pictures sold by auction for 30,0331.-one of the pictures for 2750l. another for 20501.
April 16. The fortress and isle of St. Maura taken by the British forces.
April 18. The House of Commons voted 509001. for completing the Cale- doniar anal.
A1121. In an insurrection at Con- stan.inople, the Janizaries set fire to se- veral houses; which conflagration con- sumed a third part of the suburb of Pera.
April 26. The first stone of a new bridge at Carrow laid by the mayor of
April 30. The House of Commons voted 400,000l. to enable his majesty to make good his engagements with the king of Sicily, for the year 1810.
May 1. The commencement of the fourth century from the foundation of St. Paul's school, London, was cele- brated by gentlemen educated in that seminary.
May 2. Petition from the freeholders of Middlesex rejected by the House of Commons.
May 4. The House of Commons vote 7000l, ayear to the duke of Brunswick Wolfenbuttle, nephew to his Majesty.
The livery of London passed resolu- tions expressing their regret and indig nation' at the proceedings of the House of Commons in the commitment of Sir Francis Burdett to the Tower-and voted a petition to parliament for a reform in the representation.
A French convoy of seventeen armed and coasting vessels taken by the En- glish at the isle of Rhé, and partly de- stroyed.
May 9. Petition from the livery of London rejected by the House of Com-
May 16. The ministerial budget for the year, fifty millions and a half.
May 17. A mutiny of the Mendip local militia at Bath, on account of a de- duction made by their officers from the marching guinea.
May-22. Resolved by the House of Commons to double the duties on timber from the Baltic, and to grant bounties on the importation of timber from the British territories in America.
May 23. Mr. Hunt, late treasurer of the Ordnance, is expelled from the House
May 23. Riots at Rotterdam.
of Commons for mis-application of the British court took leave of their majesties, public money.
May 29, The crown prince of Swe- den fell from his horse in an apoplectic fit, and instantly expired.
May 31. Attack on the Duke of Cum berland by Salis, his own valet, with the infent of assassinating him.
Juno 1. A motion in favor of the Ro- man Catholics negatived in the House of Commons by a very great majority-ne- gatived also by a great majority in the House of Lords, June 6.
June 6. The common council of the city of London vote a petition to the House of Commons in favor of parlia- mentary reforın.
June 8. Meeting of the freeholders of Middlesex at Hackney, and several reso- lutions passed in consequence of the re- jection of their late petition to the House of Commons for the release of Sir Francis Burdett, and a reform in the re- presentation.
Vote of the House of Commons to raise the salary of the lord lieutenant of Ireland from 20,000 to 90,000l, a year.
The province of Walachia united to the Russian empire.
June 13. Petitions from the freeholders of Middlesex and the inhabitants of Sheffield rejected by the House of Com-
June 15. Mr. Cobbett tried for libel, and condemned to two years' imprison- ment in Newgate.
Junc 21. Parliament prorogued; and Sir Franci Burdett, of course, released from his confinement in the Tower.
July 1. Louis Buonaparte, king of Hol- land, abdicates the regal dignity in favor of his son, Napoleon Louis.
July 1 and 2. Tremendous and de- structive storms in different parts of the kingdom. July 6.
A convention, and truce for two years, concluded between Portugal and the Dey of Algiers.
July 7. An attempt made to seise the person of Joseph Buonaparte, king of Spain.
July 8. The isle of Bourbon taken from the French by the English...
July 9. Decree of the emperor Napo- leon, annexing
July 10. Ciudad Rodrigo, surrenders to the French.
July 11. The Persian ambassador at the
preparatory to his departure for Persia. July 15. Dreadful and destructive tempests in various parts of the king- dom.
July 17. The ship, Queen Charlotte, of 120 guns, launched at Deptford.
July 31. The Argus, English news- paper at Paris, terminated its exis
A flock of crossbills, or German par- rots, appeared at Aberdeen.
August-18. The prince of Ponte Cor- vo, the French general Bernadotte, no- minated crown prince of Sweden.
Aug. 27. Almeida surrendered to the French by the English and Portuguese. September 5. A conflagration at Buda destroyed above four hundred houses.
Sept. 6. Battle of Rudschuck gained by the Russians over the Turks.
Sept. 11. A great eruption from Mount Vesuvius.
Sept. 27. The battle of Buzaco gained by the English and Portuguese over the French.
Sept. 28. The first session of the Cortes opened at Cadiz.
October 19. A decree issued by Buo- naparte for the burning of British manu- factures. Oct. 25.
His Majesty, George III. completed the fiftieth year of his reign. Oct.30. The earl of Ormond sold to government, for 200,000/. his right to the duty of prizage, &c. on wines im- ported into ireland.
November 1. Parliament meet; and his Majesty's indisposition is announced.
Nov. 2. Death of the princess Amelia, youngest daughter of his Majesty, George III. :
Nor. 9. The corporation of London went in a private manner to the court of Exchequer, where the lord mayor elect was sworn into office by the barons; the usual procession being omitted on at- proces count of the king's illness.
Nov. 9 and 10. Tremendous and de- structive storms in almost every part of the kingdom. Νου. 14.
Gustavus Adolphus, the de-
posed king of Sweden, arrivés at Yar- mouth.
Nov. 16. Edict issued at Berlin for the general suppression of ecclesiastic esta- blishments throughout Prussia.
Nor. 19. Sweden declares war against England
Character (Difference of) between man
Fleet prison, or cure for extravagance,
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