Imagens das páginas

Gazing, I heard, but replied not, heeding rather the clamor,
Strange and unearthly, of voices blended in infinite tumult.
Still were they calling on God; but loud and hideous laughter,
Mingled with shrieking and wailing, deafened the ears of the city.

Then, as we listened confounded, thou and I and our infant, "Death to the Huguenot!" smote us, sharp as the ring of the clarion:

"Death!" We clutched at the boy, and looking forth for a moment,
Saw Nevers and Montpensier; saw, too, the multitude surging;
Saw where white-haired Coligny swung by his feet from the lantern;
Saw the slaughter of men, of flying women and children;
Saw the flames of the torches, heard the ring of the hatchets ;
Saw and heard, yet incredulous even in seeing and hearing,
Doubted yet of the worst, of the infinite compass of horror,
And only fled when the chances of flight were all but defeated.

Sharp, as branded with fire, is the picture of all that succeeded:
The stealthy flight from the house; the steps beleaguered with danger;
Heavens lurid, and black with the smoke of homesteads consuming;
Shrieks and cries of the tortured, blent with the groans of the dying;
Streets with the blood of the slain ones reeking hot in the channels;
Thou by my side, and the child clinging and wailing with terror;
Ever weapon in hand ready to strike, I protect thee,

Threading the hideous ways that are dark and unspeakably noisome.
So we elude pursuit, till, as we speed, on the instant

Out of the darkness a woman armed with a poniard confronts us;
Fierce are her luminous eyes, cruel her mouth, and her laughter

What but a ghoul's, as her knife in the heart of our darling she plunges !

Once, and but once, have I stained my sword with the blood of a woman,
Thou looking on, wife, the while-with pitiless eyes on-looking.
God, is it more than a dream? Have these things really befallen?





to keep up the manhood of the raw recruit. Of course we get over it sometimes; at least, thank Heaven, we do not all succumb to it wholly. I am not much of a sneak myself, and I never

RE there any poor people who never felt an yet sought the patronage of a man of rank, or

wwe ufuidity in way get his mod, of

at their first direct contact with wealth? I have heard and read of noble, independent beings, serene in the unsurpassed and conscious dignity of mere manhood, who, in whatever poverty, never felt the faintest flutter of envy, awe, or humiliation when they stood for the first time in the presence of a great man's flunkeys, and asked to see the great man himself. Are there such persons? I don't say I disbelieve in their existence, but I should like to hear, on the authority of some one more skilled than I to penetrate the secrets of human consciousness, that there really are beings of that kind before I quite believe in them. My own impression is, that civilized man or woman of humble class hardly ever yet knocked for the first time at the door of a great West End mansion without a beating of the heart, a mingling of awe and humiliation. It is very mean and shabby and unworthy, and so are most of our instinctive impulses, which at last we school down, or are schooled and mastered by. Deep, deep down in our civilized nature is rooted the abject homage to wealth. I almost think it begins with the wearing of clothes. I doubt whether the very next stage of civilization after nakedness does not witness the internal growth of that servile sentiment. I think we keep singing our "A man's a man for a' that," and our "Vilain et très-vilain," in order to drown the feeling or exorcise it, as they play martial airs

to my acquaintance that I had met him—and I know that I am no whit more independent than many of my neighbors—but I have felt the poor man's sentiment of awe for wealth; I have done to wealth the involuntary homage of being afraid, and hearing my heart beat, as I stood in its august, unfamiliar presence. Many of my friends are people connected somehow with the world of art, and who have made their way up from nothing. Some of them have fine West End houses now of their own, and carriages, and awful footmen in livery; but I think if I were talking confidentially with each of them in turn over a cigar and a glass of brandyand-water, he would frankly admit that one of the most trying moments of his life-one of the moments when he found it hardest to keep up his dignity of independent and equal manhood— was just the first time when, having knocked at some great man's door, he waited for the opening of it and the presence of the flunkey.

Now I stood this Sunday morning at the door of Mr. Lyndon, M.P., and I realized these sensations. I had come to ask no favor to seek no patronage-to bespeak no recognition-to pave the way for no acquaintanceship. If any thing, I was coming out of my regular beat of life rather to confer a favor than to solicit one; and yet I did feel that ignoble, nervous tremor which the unaccustomed presence of wealth inspires in the poor man, and which is the base

image, the false coin, the bastard brother of the ❘ to speak a few words to Mr. Lyndon very parsoul's involuntary homage to beauty and great- ticularly? I think he will see me." ness. I knocked at the door, and, as I waited for its opening, I felt so nervous that I grew positively ashamed of myself, and took my courage in two hands, as the French phrase goes, and remembered about a man being a man for a' that.

Mr. Lyndon, M.P., lived in a fine house in Connaught Place, looking straight into Hyde Park. One had to go up high steps to get to the door, which lent additional majesty and dread to the business. It was, as I have said, a Sunday; and as I came hither I had passed crowds of people streaming out of the doors of fashionable churches, and seen splendidly dressed women, all velvets and satins and feathers, assisted into their carriages by footmen who carried gilded prayer-books; and I wondered whether Mr. Lyndon had been to church, and if so, whether he would have come back from his worship by the time I reached his house, and whether it was a dreadful heathenish sort of thing, a kind of outrage upon Church and State, to ask to see such a man at all on Sunday. To go to church, too, seemed, in presence of the splendid crowds, so necessary and becoming a part of respectability, that I felt like a social outlaw because I had not been there, and was not much in the habit of going there. My sensations were not the pangs of an awakened conscience, but the kind of feeling which goes through a man who, unshaved and with muddy boots, unconsciously intrudes into the midst of a well-dressed and elegant company.

When I found out Mr. Lyndon's house I wondered much why such a man, especially if he was in the habit of going to church, could not do something kind and substantial for his niece and his brother's wife, whose chief crime, poor thing, appeared to have been her inconvenient virtue; and why he would not at least take them out of poverty and debt, and the perpetual presence of temptation. This I was thinking when the door opened, and I stood in the presence of the great man's servant.

Well, it was not so dreadful after all. I really don't think I minded it in the least after the first sound of my voice. Mr. Lyndon at home?

Yes, Mr. Lyndon is at home. The servant seemed to say by his look of cold inquiry, "What then, young man? Admitting that Mr. Lyndon is at home, which it can't be worth while concealing from you, how can the fact in any way concern you?"

I mildly asked if I could see him.

Presently the servant came back and told me that if I would wait a few minutes Mr. Lyndon would see me. I was shown into a large, cold, handsome room, with the blinds down, and a conservatory at one side. A group of marble figures, nearly life-size, stood in front of the conservatory. They were the familiar Graces, and they were covered over with a shroud of very thick muslin; so thick, indeed, that the covering seemed put on less as a protection against dust and discoloration than as a veil to hide the nakedness of the classic women during the severely proper hours of Sunday service. I did not give much attention, however, to these marble forms; for my eyes were caught by an exquisitely framed photograph of large size, which stood, conspicuous, on the chimney-piece. It was the likeness of Christina-once my Christina, when she was poor and obscure, and we were both happy.

"Please to walk this way, Sir; Mr. Lyndon will see you."

I followed the servant across an echoing hall and into a library. At a desk in the centre, with letters and papers all about him, with Blue-books piled on the floor near his armchair, and on his other side a waste-paper basket overflowing with pamphlets, sat Mr. Lyndon, his eyes still fixed on some document he was reading.

He was a formal, rather handsome, closeshaven man, wearing the high stand-up collars which now are almost as rare as pig-tails. His thick hair was iron-gray; his complexion was fast purpling; his eyes, when he favored me by looking up, were much lighter than those of his brother or of Lilla-they were a cold, steely gray. I marked the rigid expression of his chin and jaw-it might have been cruelty, or it might have been stern virtue, according as you pleased to construe it; even in history and in action it is not always easy to distinguish the one from the other. In Mr. Lyndon's case I could not but think that the full, sensuous lips helped one a little to make the decision.

This, then, was Tommy Goodboy. I am bound to say that from the very first I took a dislike to Tommy Goodboy.

Mr. Lyndon left me for some seconds planté là without looking at me or speaking. I was, in fact, about to open the conversation, when he suddenly looked up with an air first of irritation, then of vacancy; then he looked down at my card, which was lying before him on his desk, and at last he spoke :

"Oh, Mr. Temple! Yes, I recollect now. The man who was civil enough, by-the-way My niece did speak to me about you, and I -merely asked if I had an appointment; Mr. promised her that if I could do any thing-but Lyndon did not usually see people unless by ap- I am sure I don't know. Why did you not pointment. The pampered menial of a bloated come sooner-some time in the season, Mr. aristocracy clearly assumed at the first glance Temple? This is no time; and every body is that I was not a visitor, a friend of the fam- out of town; and I am leaving town myself toily. morrow; and, in fact, I am very busy to-day, "Will you take in my card, and say I wish and hardly counted on being disturbed. I don't

usually see any body on Sundays; but as you have come and I certainly did promise my niece to see you-"

"Excuse me, Mr. Lyndon. I have not come to remind you of your promise, or to ask any favor of you; indeed, I would accept none even if it were offered, although I feel deeply obliged to Miss Lyndon."

"To Miss Lyndon ?"
"To your niece. Yes."

"Oh, to be sure-Lilla Lyndon, my niece. Well ?"

"I don't mean to make any demand on your kindness, so far as I am concerned. I hope to be able to work my own way."

He merely bent his head, as a sort of formal acknowledgment.

"I have not come on any business of my own."

"Sent by my niece, I suppose ?"

"No, Mr. Lyndon. She does not know any thing about my coming here."

He looked down at his papers, and glanced at his watch. The actions were significant; they said very plainly, "If you have any thing to say, say it at once, and go."

"I dare say you consider my visit an intrusion."

"Not at all. At least, that quite depends-" "I have come about a matter which concerns you, or, at least, which I thought might possibly concern you."

He looked at me with cold surprise.

"I met lately, more than once in Dover, and here in London, a person whom I believe to be a member of your family—your brother, in fact." He did start a little and wince as I gave him this piece of news.

"I was not aware that he had returned from abroad. Are you quite sure?"

"Quite sure; at least, he told me so. Indeed, I might have guessed the fact even without his telling me."

"Well, Sir, if you formed any acquaintanceship with the person you speak of-and I gather from your manner that you did-it would be superfluous to tell you that he is not a person whose return to England could give any pleasure to me or to any member of his family. That fact it would be idle for me to attempt to disguise. I did not know that he had returned to England, or expect his return, or desire to see him. You know, therefore, that you are the bearer of unwelcome news. The question I would ask is, why you have gratuitously taken on yourself the task of making the announcement. I suppose I need hardly say that if you are the bearer of any message, or request, or any thing of that sort from the person you speak of, you could not possibly present yourself with worse credentials."

"I have no message or request, and I would not make myself the bearer of any. I assure you, Mr. Lyndon, I am no friend of your brother's. No member of his family-no, not his nearest relation-could feel less inclined for his

society than I am. It is just because I think him so objectionable, and so offensive, and so reckless, that I have come here to-day." "Well ?"

"Your brother told me over and over again, before I knew his name, that he had come to England resolved to expose, and disgrace, and extort money from some one. I afterward learned-indeed, he told me that you are the person against whom this is to be directed."

"He means to make some disgraceful exhibition of himself, to raise some scandal, in the hope of terrifying or shaming me into buying him off?"

"He does."

"He is quite capable of that, or of any thing else outrageous and-and, in fact, infamous." "I have no doubt he is. He impressed me as being all but insane with hatred and recklessness."

"Ah! but he is not insane. It would be well for his family if he were. He is perfectly sane. Well, have you, then, come for the purpose of warning me?"

"No. Frankly, I tell you that I have not; at least, not on your own account."

"Listen to me, Mr. a-a-Temple. If you should see that person again, you may tell him that he can do his worst. I shall not buy him off -no, not by the outlay of a sixpence. It's very kind, no doubt, of you to take the trouble to come here, and all that; and of course you will understand me as expressing my sense of the obligation."

"Pray don't speak of that. I have not come out of any consideration for which you, Mr. Lyndon, personally have any reason to feel obliged. But—"

My speech was cut short by the entrance of the servant, who handed a card to his master. Mr. Lyndon looked at it, and said with emphasis: "Certainly. Let him wait; I shall be disengaged in less than one minute."

There was no mistaking this. I must come to the point, and make good use of my time.

"Mr. Lyndon, I have come quite of my own accord, and perhaps very foolishly, to ask you whether you would not do something in this unpleasant business for the sake of your niece. It is such a pity that a girl so young, and so poor, and-and-"I blurted out-"so pretty, should be liable to be tormented and disgraced by a man of that kind. Could you not make terms with him, and buy him off, for her sake and for her mother's? They have had so much unhappiness and poverty; and it's such a pity for poor Lilla."

"Mr. Temple, you appear to be so intimately acquainted with the personal history of some members of my family, that I don't suppose I add any thing to your stock of knowledge when I say that I have already done a good deal for my niece."

"Yes, I am aware of it. She has told me so often."

"And that she has no claim on me?"

“No claim but close relationship." "That she has no claim on me except what I feel inclined to recognize. Now, I have no objection to Lilla herself; indeed, quite the contrary-I like her. But I am not going to be made the victim of all her relations. On that I am quite determined."

dare say if the people I scowled at in Hyde Park could only have known what was passing within my breast, many of them would have felt highly flattered and delighted. For the aristocrats Madame Roland detested were aristocrats. My aristocrats and pampered minions and gilded butterflies were in nine out of ten instances

"If you could even take her away-to the people very much of my own class of life, who country somewhere?"

"I am so little in the habit, Mr. Temple, of discussing my family affairs, even with members of my own family, that I really can not fall into the way of talking them over with strangers. Will you allow me again to thank you for the trouble you have taken in coming so much out of your way?"

had come out on the Sunday to see the riders and the carriages in the Row.


As I approached the Row a haughty aristocrat passed me rather closely. He was walking, like myself. It was like his insolence and the arrogance of his class! It was his affectation of indifference to saddle or carriage-cushion. was a tall and, as well as I could see in a passing scowl, a handsome aristocrat. I flung upon him a glance of scorn. He eyed me rather curiously; he even turned back and looked steadily after me when he had passed. I too turned, and glared defiantly at him. He was, as I have

"You, Mr. Lyndon, I have once more to say, are in no way indebted to me. I came only because I feel an interest in your sister-in-law and your niece. I fear I have done them little good by my unwelcome interference." "You have done.them, Sir, neither good nor said, tall-fully six feet high, I should say, with harm."

He touched the bell that stood upon his table. I hastened out of the room, without even going through the form of a parting salutation, which, indeed, would have been thrown away upon him, as he had already busied himself in his papers with a resolute manner, as if to announce to me that he would not look up again until I had relieved him of my unwelcome pres


I was in no pleasant mood as I crossed Hyde Park. Especially was I out of humor with myself, even more than I was with Mr. Lyndon; and as before I had seen him I felt an unreasoning dislike to him, and as now that I had seen him and spoken with him I felt a deep detestation for him, it follows that I felt somewhat bitterly toward myself. I knew that I had made a fool of myself; that I had brought humiliation on myself; and that all this had been done to no purpose, or to an ill purpose. It takes a very brave and loyal nature to enable a man to be content with the knowledge that he has made a fool of himself, even when thereby he has benefited somebody; but it is gall and wormwood indeed to know that one has made a fool of himself, and at the same time frustrated instead of serving the object he wished to accomplish.

So I went, scowling and sullen, across the Park, mentally girding at myself and at the loungers and idlers I met in my way. I don't know why, when a man is in a vexed and sulky humor, he immediately begins to despise his fellow-creatures whom he may happen to meet, and to set them down as frivolous and worthless idlers, gilded butterflies, and so forth. I know that I visited, mentally, the pride and insolence of Mr. Lyndon upon every creature, man and woman, who passed me. Madame Roland in her maiden days, when snubbed by the aristocracy of her province, was not consumed by a fiercer flame of democratic passion than I felt that Sunday after I had been a victim to the insolence of the rich member of Parliament.


square, broad shoulders; he was dark-haired, and had a magnificent beard of curly, silky black. He was very well dressed-indeed, far too handsomely dressed for an aristocrat on a Sunday. He was not hurling back glances of scorn at me, but was scrutinizing me with a grave, earnest curiosity. He advanced a step, then fell back. I too advanced, a sudden light of recognition flashing on me. Then we approached each other rapidly and at once. "Ned Lambert!" I exclaimed. "Mr. Banks!" said my aristocrat. my old friend, the basso-carpenter.

It was

Now that I came to study his appearance, he was not changed as to features or expression. He had grown much handsomer-he always was a good-looking fellow, remarkable for his fine eyes and his beard, but now he was strikingly handsome. He was splendidly builtstately as a guardsman, supple as a gymnast. He had still the grave, modest, genial expression which was so attractive about him in the old days. He was only too well dressed; for as one came to look at him attentively there was something about him which seemed a little out of keeping with the clothes. Perhaps if I had not known of his origin and his bringingup, I might never have noticed this; as it was, I thought I could detect the outlines and the movements of the young workman under the broadcloth, the shiny hat, the fawn-colored trowsers, the lavender kid gloves.

We were very cordial in a moment. Really it was kind of him to walk with me just there and then; I was so very carelessly, not to say shabbily, dressed. My old friend and foe did not seem to care.

"You have been in London long, Mr. Banks?" asked Lambert.

I told him how many years.

"So long, and we never met all that time! I've been away a good deal; but still it is odd that we should both have been knocking about London so much and never met."

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