Imagens das páginas

Cheater, sb. for escheator, an officer who collected the fines to be paid into the Exchequer. Merry Wives, I. 3. A decoy. 2 H. IV. II 3. Check, v.. a technical term in falconry; when a falcon flies at a bird which is not her proper game she is said to check at it. Tw. N. i. 5. Checks, sb. perhaps intended for ethics. Tam of S. I. I.

Cheer, sb. fortune, countenance. Temp. I. 1.
Cherry-pit, sb. a game played with cherry-stones
Tw. N. III. 4.

Cheveril, sb. kid leather. R. & J. 11. 4.
Chewit, sb. chough. 1 H. IV. v. 1.
Childing, adj. pregnant. M. N's Dr. II. 2.
Ch'ill, vulgar for 'I will.' Lear, iv. 6.
Chirurgeonly, adv. in a manner becoming a sur-
geon. Temp II. I.

Chopin, sb. a high shoe or clog. Ham. II. 2. Christom, adj. clothed with a chrisom, the white garment which used to be put on newly-baptized children. H. V. II. 3.

Christendom, sb. the state of being a Christian.
John, IV. 1. Name. All's Well, I. 1..
Chuck, so. chicken, a term of endearment. Mac.

III. 2.

Chuff, sb. a coarse blunt clown. 1 H. IV. II. 2. Cinque pace, sb. a kind of dance. Much Ado,

II. I.

Cipher, v.t. to decipher. Lucr. 811.

Circumstance, sb. an argument. Two Gent. I. 1; John, II. 1.

Cital, sb. recital. 1 H. IV. v. 2.

Cite, v. to incite. Two Gent. II. 4; 3 H. VI. II. I.
Cittern, sb. a guitar. L's L's L. v. 2.
Clack-dish, so. a beggar's dish. M. for M. 111. 2.
Clap i' the clout, to shoot an arrow into the bull's
eye of the target. 2 H. IV. III. 2.
Claw, v.t. to flatter. Much Ado, 1. 3.
Clepe, v. t. to call. Ham. I. 4.

Cliff, sb. clef, the key in music. T. & Cr. v. 2.
Cling, v. t. to starve. Mac. v. 5.
Clinquant, adj. glittering. H. VIII. 1. 1.
Clip, v.t. to embrace, enclose. 2 H. VI. IV. 1;
Cor. 1. 6; Oth. III. 3.

Clout, sb. the mark in the middle of a target.
L's L's L. IV. I.

Coast, v.i. to advance. V. & A. 870.
Cobloaf, sb. a big loaf. T. & Cr. 11. 1.
Cock, sb. a cockboat. Lear, Iv. 6.
Cock-and-pie, an oath. Merry Wives, 1. 1.
Cock, sb. a euphemism for God. Tam. of S. IV. I.
Cockle, sb. tares or darnel. L's L's L. IV. 3.
Cockney, sb. a cook. Lear, II. 4.

Cock-shut-time, sb. the twilight, when cocks and hens go to roost. R. III. v. 3.

Cog, v.i. to cheat, dissemble. Merry Wives, III. 3.
Cognizance, sb. badge, token. 1 H. VI. II. 4.
Coign, sb. projecting corner stone. Mac. 1. 6.
Coil, sb. tumult, turmoil: Temp. 1. 2.
Collection, sb. drawing a conclusion. Ham. IV. 5.
Collied, p.p. blackened. Oth. 11. 3; M. N's Dr.

I. I.

Colour, sb. pretence. L's L's L. IV. 2.
Colourable, adj. specious. Ibid.
Colt, v.t. to defraud, befool. 1 H. IV. II. 2.
Co-mart, sb. a joint bargain. Ham. I. 1.
Combinate, p.p. betrothed. M. for M. III. 1.
Combine, v. t. to bind. M. for M. Iv. 3.
Commodity, sb. interest, profit. M. of V. III. 3.

[blocks in formation]

Competitor, sb. one who seeks the same thing,
an associate in any object. Two Gent. 11. 6.
Complement, sb, accomplishment. L's L's L. I. 1.
Complexion, sb. passion. Ham. I. 4.
Compose, v.i. to agree. A. & C. 11. 2.
Composture, sb. composition. Tim. IV. 3.
Comptible, adj. tractable. Tw. N. 1. 5.
Con, v.t. to learn by heart. M. N's Dr. 1. 2. Το
acknowledge. All's Well, iv. 3.

Conceit, sb. conception, opinion, fancy. Two Gent.

III. 2.

Concupy, sb. concubine. T. & Cr. v. 2.
Condition, sb. temper, quality. M. of V. I. 2;
Lear, 1. 1.

Condolement, sb. grief. Ham. I. 2.
Conduct, sb. escort. John, 1. I.

Confect, v. to make up into sweetmeats. Much
Ado, IV. I.

Confound, v.t. to consume, destroy. 1 H. IV. 1.3; Cor. 1. 6; Cym. 1. 5.

Conject, sb. conjecture. Oth. III. 3.

Consign, v. to sign a common bond, to confederate. 2 H. IV. IV. 1.

Consort, sb. company. Two Gent. IV. I.
Consort, v.t. to accompany. L's L's L. II. I.
Constancy, sb. consistency. M. N's Dr. v. 1.
Constant, adj. settled, determined. Temp. II. 2;
Lear, v. 1.

Constantly, adv. firmly. M. for M. IV. 1.
Conster, v.t. to construe. Tw. N. 1. 4.
Contemptible, adj. contemptuous. Much Ado,

II. 3.

Continent, sb. that which contains anything.
Lear, III. 2; M. N's Dr. 11. 2. That which is
contained. 2 Hen. IV. II. 4.
Continuate, adj. uninterrupted. Tim. 1. 1.
Contraction, so the marriage contract. Ham. III. 4.
Contrary, v.t. to oppose. R. & J. 1. 5.
Contrive, v. to conspire. J. C. 11. 3.

wear away. Tam. of S. 1. 2. Control, v.t. to confute. Temp. 1. 2. Convent, v.t. To convene, summon.

v.t. to


V. I. v.i. To be convenient. Tw. N. v. 1. Convert, v.i. To change. Tim. IV. 1. Convertite, sb. a convert. As you Like it, v. 4. Convey, .t. to manage. Lear, 1. 2. To filch.

Merry Wives, 1. 3.

Conveyance, sb. theft, fraud. 1 H. VI. 1. 3.
Convict, p.p. convicted. R. III. 1. 4.
Convicted, p.p. overpowered, vanquished. John,
III. 4. A doubtful word.

Convince, v.t. to conquer, subdue. Cyın. 1. 5.
Convive, v.i. to feast together. T. & Cr. Iv. 5.
Convoy, sb. escort. All's Well, iv. 3.
Cony-catch, v.i. to cheat. Tam of S. v. 1.
Cony-catching, pr. p. poaching, pilfering. Merry
Wives, I. I.

Cooling card, so. used metaphorically for an insurmountable obstacle. 1 H. VI. v. 3.

Copatain hat, a high-crowned hat. Tam. of S.

V. I.

Cope, v.t. to reward, to give in return. M. of V.

IV. I.

Copped, p.p. rising to a cop or head. Per. I. 1. Copy, sb. theme. Com. of E. v. 1.

Coragio (Italian), int. courage! Temp. v. 1.
Coram, an ignorant mistake for Quorum. Merry
Wives, I. I.

Coranto, sb. a lively dance. H. V. 111. 5.
Corinth, sb. a cant term for a brothel. Tim. II. 2.
Corinthian, sb. a wencher. 1 H. IV. II. 4.
Corky, adj. dry like cork. Lear, 11. 7.
Cornuto (Italian), sb. a cuckold. Merry Wives,

III. 5.

Corollary, sb. a surplus. Temp. IV. 1.
Corporal, adj. corporeal, bodily. M. for M. 11. 1.
Corporal of the field, an aide-de-camp. L's L's L.


Corrival, sb. rival. 1 H. IV. 1. 3.
Costard, sb. the head. R. III. I. 4.

Coster-monger, adj. peddling, mercenary. 2 H.
IV. I. 2.

Cot-quean, sb. an effeminate man, molly-coddle.
R. & J. IV. 4.

Cote, sb. a cottage. As you Like it, III. 2.
Cote, v.t. to quote, instance. L's L's L. IV. 3.
Cote, v.t. to come alongside, overtake. Ham. II. 2.
Couchings, sb. crouchings. J. C. III. 1.
Countervail, v.t. to counterpoise, outweigh. R. &
J. II. 6.

Country, adj. belonging to one's country. Oth.
III. 3; Cym. I. 5.

Couplement, so union. L's L's L. v. 2; Son. 19.
Court holy-water, sb. flattery. Lear, III. 2.
Covent, so. a convent. M. for M. Iv. 3.
Cover, v.t. to lay the table for dinner. M. of V.
III. 5; As you Like it, 11. 5.

Count confect, sb. a nobleman composed of affectation. Much Ado, IV. 1.

Countenance, sb. fair shew. M. for M. v. 1. Counterfeit, sb. portrait. M. of V. 111. 2. A piece of base coin. i H. IV. II. 4.

Counterpoint, sb. a counterpane. Tam of S. II. 1.
County, sb. count, earl. R. & J. 1. 3.
Cowish, adj. cowardly. Lear, IV. 2.
Cowl-staff, sb. the staff on which a vessel is sup-
ported between two men. Merry Wives, III. 3.
Cox my passion, an oath, a euphemism for "God's
Passion." All's Well, v. 2.


Coy, v. t. to stroke, fondle. M. N's Dr. Iv. 1.
to condescend with difficulty. Cor. v. 1.
Coystril, sb. a kestrel, a cowardly kind of hawk.
Tw. N. 1. 3.

Cozen, v.t. to cheat. M. of V. II. 9.
Cozenage, sb. cheating. Merry Wives, IV. 5.
Cozener, sb. a cheater. 1 H. IV. 1. 3.
Cozier, sb. a tailor. Tw. N. 11. 3.


Crack, v.i. to boast. L's L's L. IV. 3.
Crack, sb. a loud noise, clap. Mac. iv. r.
forward boy. 2 H. IV. 11. 2.
Cracker, sb. boaster. John, 11. I.
Crack-hemp, sb. a gallows-bird. Tam, of S.

V. I.

Crank, sb. a winding passage. Cor. I. 1.
Cranking, pr. p. winding. 1 H. IV. III. 1.
Crants, sb. garlands. Ham. v. I. A doubtful


Crare, sb. a ship of burden. Cym. IV. 2.

Craven, sb. a dunghill cock. Tam. of S. 11. I.
Create, p.p. formed, compounded. H. V. 11. 2.
Credent, adj. creditable. M. for M. iv. 4. Cre-
dible. Wint. Tale, 1. 2. Credulous, Ham. 1. 3.
Credit, sb. report. Tw. N. IV. 3.
Crescive, adj. increasing. H. V. 1. 1.
Crestless, adj. not entitled to bear arms, low-
born. I H. VI. II. 4.

Crisp, adj. curled, winding. Temp. IV. 1.
Cross, sb. a piece of money, so called because coin
was formerly stamped with a cross. As you
Like it, II. 4..

Crow-keeper, sb. one who scares crows. Lear, Iv.6.
Crowner, sb. a coroner. Ham. v. 1.

Crownet, sb. a coronet. A. & C. v. 2.
Cry, sb. the yelping of hounds. M. N's Dr. Iv. I.
A pack of hounds. Ibid. IV. I. A company,
used contemptuously. Ham. III. 2.

Cry aim, v.t. to encourage. John, H. 1.
Cue, so. the last words of an actor's speech, which
is the signal for the next actor to begin. Lear,

I. 2.

Cuisses, sb. pieces of armour to cover the thighs.
I H. 1V. IV. 1.

Cullion, sb. a base fellow. Tam. of S. IV. 2.
Cunning, sb. skill. Induction to Tam. of S.
Cunning, adj. skilful. Ibid.

Curb, v.i. to bend, truckle. Ham. III. 4.
Currents, sb. occurrences. 1 H. IV. II. 3.
Curst, adj. petulant, shrewish. Tam. of S. 1. 2.
Curstness, sb. shrewishness. A. & C. 11. 2.
Curtail, sb. a cur. Com. of E. 111. 2.

Curtal, sb. a docked horse. All's Well, 11. 3.
Curtal-axe, sb. a cutlass. As you Like it, I. 3.
Custalorum, a ludicrous mistake for Custos Ro-
tulorum. Merry Wives, I. I.

Custard-coffin, sb. the crust of a custard-pudding. Tam. of S. IV. 3.

Customer, sb. a common woman. Oth. IV. 1. Cut, sb. a cheat. Tw. N. 11. 3. "To draw cuts' is to draw lots. Com. of E. v. 1.

Cypress, sẻ. a kind of crape. Tw. N. III. I.

Daff, v. t. to befool. Much Ado, IV. 1. To put off; this seems to be a corruption of 'doff.' Ibid. II. 3.

Damn, v.t. to condemn. J. C. IV. I.
Danger, sb. reach, control, power. M. of V. IV. 1.
Dansker, sb. a Dane. Ham. II. I.
Dare, v.t. to challenge. 2 H. VI. III. 2.
Darkling, adv. in the dark. M. N's Dr. II. 2.
Darraign, v.t. to set in array. 3 Hen. VI. 11. 2.
Daub, v. t. to disguise. Lear, IV. 1.
Daubery, sb. imposition. Merry Wives, Iv. 2.
Day-woman, so. a dairy-maid. L's L's L. 1. 2.
Dear, adj. dire. Tim. v. 1. 'That which has to do
with the affections. R. II. 1. 1; R. & J. III. 3.
Piteous. T. A. III. 1. Important. Lear, IV. 3.
Dearn, adj. lonely. Per. II. (Gower).
Deboshed,p.p. debauched, drunken. Temp. III. 2.
Deck, v.t. to bedew. This is probably a form of
the verb 'to dag,' now a provincial word.
Temp. 1. 2.

Deck, sb. a pack of cards. 3 Hen. VI. v. 1.
Decline, v.. to enumerate, as in going through
the cases of a noun. T. & Cr. 11. 3.
Declined, p.p. fallen. T. & Cr. 111. 3.
Deem, sb. doom, judgement. T. & Cr. IV. 4.

Defeat, v.t. to undo, destroy. Oth. 1. 3; IV. 2.
Defeat, sb. destruction. Much Ado, IV. 1.
Defeature, sb. disfigurement. Com. of E. II. I.
Defence, sb. art of fencing. Tw. N. III. 4.
Defend, v.. to forbid. Much Ado, II. 1.
Defensible, adj. having the power to defend.
2 Hen. IV. II. 3.

Deftly, adv. dexterously. Mac. IV. 1.
Defy, v.t. renounce. 1 H. IV. 1. 3.
Degrees, sb. a step. J. C. II. 1.

Delay, v. t. to let slip by delaying. Cor. 1. 6.
Demerit, sb. merit, desert. Oth. I. 2.

Demurely, adv. solemnly. A. & C. IV. 9.
Denay, sb. denial. Tw. N. II. 4.

[blocks in formation]

Denier, sb. the 12th part of a French sol. R. III. Don, v. t. to do on, put on. T. A. 1. 2; Ham. IV. 5. Done, p.p. 'done to death,' put to death. 2 H. VI. III. 2.

I. 2.

Denotement, sb. marking. Oth. II. 3. Note or manifestation. Ibid. 1. 3.

Deny, v.t. to refuse. Tim. III. 2.
Depart, sb. departure. 2 H. VI, 1. 1.
Depart, v.t. to part. L's L's L. II. I.
Departing, so. parting, separation. 3 H. VI. 11. 6.
Depend, v.i. to be in service. Lear, 1. 4.
Derived, p.p. born, descended. Two Gent. v. 4.
Derogate, pp. degraded, Lear I. 4.
Descant, so, a variation upon a melody, hence,
metaphorically, a comment on a given theme.
Two Gent. I. 2.

Design, v.t. to draw up articles. Ham. I. 1.
Despatch, v.t. to deprive, bereave. Ham. 1. 5.
Desperate, adj. determined, bold. R. & J. III. 4.
Detect, v.t. to charge, blame. M. for M. III. 2.
Determine, v.t. to conclude. Cor. III 3.
Dich, v.i. optative mood, perhaps contracted for
'do it.' Tim. I. 2.

Diet, sb. food regulated by the rules of medicine.
Two Gent. II. I.

Diet, v.t. to have one's food regulated by the
rules of medicine. All's Well, iv. 3.
Diffused, pp. confused. Merry Wives, IV. 4.
Digressing, pr. p. transgressing, going out of the
right way. R. II. v. 3.

Digression, sb. transgression. L's L's L. 1. 2.
Dig-you-good-den, int. give you good evening.
L's L's L. IV. I.

Dildo, sb. the chorus or burden of a song. Wint.
Tale, IV. 3.

Dint, sb. stroke, J. C. III. 2.

Direction, sb. judgement, skill. R. III. v. 3.
Disable, v.t. to disparage. As you Like it, IV. 1.
Disappointed, p.p. unprepared. Ham. 1. 5.
Discase, v.r. to undress. Wint. Tale, iv. 3.
Discontent, sb. a malcontent. A. & C. 1. 4.
Discourse, sb. power of reasoning. Ham. iv. 4.
Disdained, p.p. disdainful, 1 H. IV. 1. 3.
Dislimn, v.t. to disfigure, transform. A. & C. IV. 12.
Disme, sb. a tenth or tithe. T. & Cr. II. 2.
Dispark, v.t. to destroy a park. R. II. 111. I.
Disponge, v.i. to squeeze out as from a sponge.
A. & C. IV. 9.

Dispose, sb. disposal. Two Gent. IV. 1.
Dispose, v.i. to conspire. A. & C. IV. 12.
Disposition, sb. maintenance. Oth. 1. 3.
Disputable, adj. disputatious. As you Like it, II. 5.
Dispute, v. t. to argue, examine. Oth. 1. 2.
Dissembly, so. used ridiculously for assembly.
Much Ado, IV. 2.

Distaste, v. t. to corrupt. T. & Cr. II. 2.
Distempered, adi discontented. John, IV. 3.

Dotant, sb. one who dotes, a dotard. Cor. v. 2.
Dout, v.. to do out, quench. Ham. I. 4.
Dowlas, sb. a kind of coarse sacking. 1 H. IV.
III. 3.

Dowle, sb. the swirl of a feather. Temp. 111. 3. Down-gyved, adj. hanging down like gyves or fetters. Ham. II. 1.

Drab, sb. a harlot. Wint. Tale, Iv. 2.
Drabbing, pr. p. whoring. Ham. II. I.
Draught, sb. a privy. T. A. v. 1.

Drawn, p.p. having his sword drawn. Temp. II. I.
Drawn, pp. drunk, having taken a good draught.

Dribbling, adj. weak. M. for M. I. 4.
Drive, v.i. to rush impetuously. T. A. II. 3.
Drollery, sb. a puppet-show. Temp. III. 3.
Drumble, v.. to dawdle. Merry Wives, III. 3.
Dry, adj. thirsty. Temp. 1. 2.

Duc-dame; perhaps the Latin duc-ad-me, bring
him to me. As you Like it.
Dudgeon, sb. a dagger. Mac. 11. 1.
Dull, adj. soothing. 2 H. IV. IV. 4.
Dullard, sb. a dull person. Cym. v. 5.
Dump sb. complaint. Two Gent. III. 2.
Dup, v.t. to do up, lift up. Ham. IV. 5.

Eager, adj sour. Ham. 1. 5. Harsh. 3 H. VI.
II. 6. Biting. Ham. I. 4.

Eanling, so. a yeanling, a lamb. M. of V. 1. 3.
Ear, v.t. to plough. All's Well, 1. 3.
Eche, v.t. to eke out. Per. 111. (Gower).
Ecstacy, so. madness. Temp. 11. 3.
Eft, adj. ready, convenient. Much Ado, iv. 2.
Eisel, sb. vinegar. Ham. v. 1; Son. III.
Eld, sb. old age. M. for M. 1. 1.
Embossed, adj. swollen into protuberances. As
you Like it, II. 7. Covered with foam. A.
& C. IV. 11.

Embowelled,p.p. disembowelled, emptied. All's
Well, I. 3.

Embrasure, so. embrace. T. & Cr. IV. 4.
Eminence, sb, exalted station. Mac. 111. 2,
Empery, sb. empire. H. V. 1. 2.

Emulation, so. jealousy, mutiny. T. & Cr. II. 2.
Emulous, adj. jealous. T. & Cr. IV. 1.
Encave, v.r. to place oneself in a cave. Oth. IV. 1.
End, sb. Still an end,' continually for ever.
Two Gent. IV. 4.

Enfeoff, v.t. to place in possession in fee simple. 1 H. IV. III. 2.

Engine, sb. a machine of war. T. & Cr. II. 3.

Englut, v.t. to swallow speedily. Tim. II. 2.
Engross, v.t. to make gross or fat. R. III. III. 7.
Engrossment, sb. immoderate acquisition. 2 H.
IV. IV. 4.

Enkindle, v. t. to make keen. Mac. 1. 3.

Enmew, v.t. to shut up, as a hawk is shut up in a
mew. M. for M. III. 1.

Ensconce, v.t. to cover as with a fort. Merry
Wives, II. 2.


A dis

Enseamed, pp. fat, rank. Ham. III. 4.
Enshield, p.p. hidden. M. for M. II. 4.
Entertain, v.t. encounter. H. V. I. 2.
rience. A. & C. II. 7.
Entertainment, sb. treatment. Temp. 1. 2.
position to entertain a proposal. Merry Wives,
I. 3. Service. All's Well, iv. 1.
Entreatments, sb. interviews. Ham. 1. 3.
Ephesian, sb. a toper, a cant term. Merry Wives,

IV. 5.

Equipage, sb. attendance. Merry Wives, II. 2.
Erewhile, adv. a short time since. As you Like
it, II. 4.

Escot, v.t. to pay a man's reckoning, to maintain.
Ham. II. 2.

Esperance, sb. hope, used as a war-cry. 1 H.
IV. v. 2; T. & Cr. v. 2.

Espial, sb. a scout or spy. 1 H. VI. IV. 3.
Estimation, sb. conjecture. 1 H. IV. 1. 3.
Estridge, sb. ostridge. 1 H. IV. IV. 1.
Eterne, adj. eternal. Mac. III. 2.
Even, adj. coequal. Ham. v. I.

Even, v.t. to equal. All's Well, 1. 3: Cym. III. 4.
Examine, v.t. to question. All's Well, . 5.
Excrement, so. that which grows outwardly from
the body and has no sensation, like the hair or
nails. L's L's L. v. 1; Ham. III. 4. Any out-
ward show. M. of V. III. 2.; Wint. Tale, IV. 3.
Executor, sb. an executioner. H. V. 1. 2.
Exempt, adj. excluded. t H. VI. II. 4.
Exercise, sb. a religious service. R. III. 1. 2.
Exhale, v.t. to hale or draw out. R. III. 1. 2;
v.i. to draw the sword. H. V. II. 1.
Exhibition, so. allowance, pension. Two Gent. 1. 3.
Exigent, sb. death, ending. 1 H. VI. II. 5.
Exion, sb. ridiculously used for 'action.' 2 H.
IV. II. I.

Expect, sb. expectation. T. & Cr. 1. 3.
Expedience, so. expedition, undertaking. A. & C.
1. 2. Haste. R. II. 11. 1.

Expedient, adj. expeditious, swift. John, II. 1.
Expiate, p.p. completed. R. III. III. 3.
Expostulate, v.t. to expound, discuss. Ham. 11. 2.
Exposture, sb. exposure. Cor. IV. I.
Express, v.t. to reveal. Wint. Tale, III. 2.
Expulse, v.t. to expel. 1 H. VI. 1. 3.

merlin, the smallest species of British hawk. Merry Wives, III. 3.

Eye, sb. a glance, ceillad. Temp. 1. 2.

Eye, sb. a shade of colour, as in shot silk. Temp.

II. I.

Eyne, sb. bl. eyes. L's L's L. v. 2.

Facinorous, adj. wicked. All's Well, 11. 3.
Fact, sb. guilt. Wint. Tale, 11. 2.
Factious, adj. instant, importunate. J. C. 1. 3.
Faculty, sb. essential virtue or power. H. V.1. 1.
Fadge, v.i. to suit. Tw. N. 11. 2.

Fading, sb. a kind of ending to a song. Wint.
Tale, IV. 3.

Fain, adj. glad. 2 H. VI. II. 1.
Fain, adv. gladly. Lear, I. 4.

Fair, sb. beauty. As you Like it, III. 2.
Faitor, sb. a traitor. 2 H. IV. 11. 4.
Fall, v.t. to let fall. Temp. II. 1.
Fallow, adj. fawn-coloured. Merry Wives, 1. 1.
False, sb. falsehood. M. for M. 11. 4.
Falsing, adj. deceptive. Com. of E. II. 2.
Familiar, sb. a familiar spirit. 2 H. VI. iv. 7.
Fancy, sb. All's Well, v. 3.

Fancy-free, adj. untouched by love. M. N's Dr.

II. 2.

Fang, v.t. to seize in the teeth. Tim. IV. 3.
Fantastic, sb. a fantastical person. R. & J. II. 4.
Fap, adj. drunk. Merry Wives, I. I.
Far, adv. farther. Wint. Tale, iv. 4.
Farced, p.p. stuffed. H. V. IV. I.
Fardel, sb. a burden. Wint. Tale, Iv. 4.
Fartuous, adj. used ridiculously for "virtuous."
Merry Wives, II. 2.

Fast, adv. assuredly, unalterably. M. for M. 1.
3; 2 H. VI. v. 2.

Fat, adj. dull. 1 H. IV. 1. 2.

Favour, sb. countenance. M. for M. IV. 2. Com-
plexion. T. & Cr. 1. 2. Quality. Lear, I. 4.
Fear, sb. the object of fear. Ham. III. 3.
Fear, v.t. to affright. A. & C. 11. 6.
Fearful, adj. subject to fear, timorous. Temp.

I. 2.

[blocks in formation]

Feat, v.t. to make fine. Cym. 1. 1.

Featly, adv. nimbly, daintily. Temp. 1. 2.
Feature, sb. beauty. Cym. v. 5.

Federary, sb. confederate. Wint. Tale, II. 1.
Fee-grief, sb. a grief held, as it were, in fee-
simple, or the peculiar property of him who
possesses it. Mac. iv. 3.

Feeder, sb. agent, servant. As you Like it, II. 4.

Exsufficate, adj. that which has been hissed off, Feere, sb. a companion, husband. T. A. IV. 1.

contemptible. Tw. N. III. 3.

Extend, v. t. to seize. A. & C. I. 2.

Extent, so. a seizure. As you Like it, III. 1.
Extern, adj. outward. Oth. I. I.

Extirp, v.. to extirpate. M. for M. III. 2.
Extracting, adj. distracting. Tw. N. v. 1.
Extraught, part. extracted, descended. 3 H. VI.

Fehemently, adv. used ridiculously for "vehemently." Merry Wives, III. 1.

Fell, sb. the hide. As you Like it, III. 2. Fence, sb. art or skill in defence. 2 H. VI. II. г. Feodary, sb. one who holds an estate by suit or service to a superior lord; hence one who acts under the direction of another. Cym. III. 2. Fester, v.i. to rankle, grow virulent. Cor. 1. 9. Festinately, adv. quickly. L's L's Lost, III. I. Fet, p.p. fetched. H. V. III. 1. Fico, sb. a fig. Merry Wives, 1. 3. Fielded, adj. in the field of battle. Cor. I. 4. Eyas-musket, sb. a nestling of the musket or Fig, v.t. to insult. 2 Hen. IV. v. 3.

II. 2.

Extravagant, adj. foreign, wandering. Oth. 1. 1.
Extremes, sb. extravagance of conduct. Wint.
Tale, Iv. 3. Extremities. R. & J. IV. I.
Eyas, sb. a nestling hawk. Ham. II. 2.

Fights, s. clothes hung round a ship to conceal the men from the enemy. Merry Wives, 11. 2 File, sb. a list or catalogue. Mac. v. 2 File, v.t. to defile. Mac III. I. To smooth or polish. L's L's L. To make even. H. VIII.

III. 2.

Fill-horse, sb. shaft-horse. M. of V. II. 2.
Fills, sb. the shafts. T. & Cr. III. 2.
Filth, so a whore. Tim. IV. I.

Fine, sb. end. Ham. v. 1.

Fine, v.t. to make fine or specious H. V. 1. 2. Fineless, adj. endless. Oth. III. 3.

Firago, sb. ridiculously used for 'Virago.'
Tw. N. III. 4.

Fire-drake, so. Will o' the Wisp. H. VIII. v. 3.
Fire-new, adj. with the glitter of novelty on,
like newly-forged metal. R. III. 1. 3.
Firk, vt. to chastise H. V. IV. 4.

Forked, adj. horned. Wint. Tale, 1.2; Oth. 111. 3. Formal, adj. regular, retaining its proper and essential characteristic. Com. of E. V. I; A. & C. II. 5.

Forspent, p.p. exhausted, weary. 2 Hen. IV.

I. I.

Forspeak, vt. to speak against. A. & C. 111. 7. Forthright, so. a straight path; forthrights and meanders, straight paths and crooked ones. Temp. III. 3.

Forweary, v.t. to weary, exhaust. John, II. I. Fosset-seller, sb. one who sells the pipes inserted into a vessel to give vent to the liquor, and stopped by a spigot. Cor. II. 1.

Fox, sb. a sword; a cant word. H. V. IV. 4.
Fox-ship, sb. the cunning of the fox. Cor. IV. 2.
Frampold, adj. peevish, unquiet. Merry Wives,

II. 2.

II. 2.

Fit, sb. a canto or division of a song. T. & Cr. Frank, so the feeding place of swine. 2 H. IV.
III. I. A trick or habit. H. VIII. 1. 3.
Fitchew, sb. a polecat Lear, iv. 6.
Fives, so a disease incident to horses. Tam. of S.
Flap-dragon, sb. raisins in burning brandy. L's
L's L. v, I.

Flap-jack, sb. a pan-cake. Per. II. 1.
Flat, adj. certain. 1 H. IV. IV. 2.
Flatness, sb. lowness, depth. Wint. Tale, III. 2.
Flaw, sb. a gust of wind. 2 H. IV. Iv. 4. Metaph.
sudden emotion, or the cause of it. Mac. III. 4;
A. & C. III. 10.

Flaw, v.t. to make a flaw in, to break. H. VIII.

I. I.

Flecked, p.p. spotted, streaked. R. & J. 11. 3. Fleet, v. i. to float. A. & C. III. II. To pass away. A. & C. 1. 3. v.t. to pass the time. As you Like it, 1. 1.

Fleeting, pr. p. inconstant. R. III. 1. 4. Fleshment, sb. the act of fleshing the sword, hence the first feat of arms. Lear, II. 2. Flewed, adj. furnished with hanging lips, as hounds are. M. N's Dr. IV. I. Flight, so. a particular mode of practising archery. Much Ado, I. 1.

Flirt-gill, sb. a light woman. R. & J. II. 4. Flourish, so. an ornament. L's L's L. IV. 3. Flourish, v.. to ornament, disguise with ornament. M. for M. IV. 1.

Flote, sb. wave, sea. Temp. I. 2.

Flush, adj. fresh, full of vigour. A. & C. I. 4.
Foil, sb. defeat, disadvantage. Temp. III. 1.
Foin, v.i. to fence, fight. Merry Wives, II. 3.
Foison, sb. plenty. Temp. II. I.

Fond, adj. foolish, foolishly affectionate. Oth.
I. 3; IV. I.

Foot-cloth, so. a saddle-cloth hanging down to the ground. 2 H. VI. IV. 7.

For, conj. for that, because, M. for M. II. 1.
Forbid, p.p. accursed, outlawed. Mac. 1. 3.
Forbode, pp. forbidden. Lover's Com. 164.
Force, v.t. to stuff, for 'farce.' T. & Cr. v. 5.
Forced, p.p. falsely attributed. Wint. Tale, II. 3.
Fordo, v. t. to kill, destroy. Lear, v.3. To weary.
M. N's Dr. V. 2.

Forfend, v.t. forbid. Wint. Tale, Iv. 3.
Foreign, adj. obliged to live abroad. H. VIII.

II. 2.

Forepast, adj. former. All's Well, v. 3. Foreslow, v.i. to delay. 3 H. VI. II. 3. Forgetive, adj. inventive. 2 H. IV. IV. 3.

Franked, .. confined. R. III. 1. 3.
Franklin, so a freeholder, a small squire. Cym.

III. 2.

Fraught, p.p. freighted. M. of V. 11. 8.
Fraughtage, so. freight. Com. of E. IV. I.
Fraughting, pr. p. of v. to fraught; loading or
constituting the cargo of a ship. Temp. 1. 2.
Fresh, sb. a spring of fresh water. Temp. 111. 2.
Fret, sb. the stop of a guitar. Tam. of S. II. 1.
Fret, v.. to wear away. R. II. 111. 3; Lear, I. 4.
To variegate. J. C. 11. 1.

Friend, v.t. to befriend. H. VIII. 1. 2.
Frippery, s. an old-clothes shop. Temp. IV. I.
From, prep. contrary to. Ham. III. 2.
Front, v.t. to affront, oppose. A. & C. 11. 2.
Frontier, sb. opposition. 1 H. IV. 1. 3.
Frontlet, so. that which is worn on the forehead.
Lear, I. 4.

Frush, v.t. to break or bruise. T. & Cr. v. 6.
Frustrate, p. p. frustrated. A. & C. v. 1.
Fub cff, v.t. to put off. 2 H. IV. II. 1.
Fulfill, v.t. to fill full. Prol. to T. & C.
Full, adj. complete. Oth. 11. I.

Fullam, sb. a loaded die. Merry Wives, 1. 3.
Fulsome, adj. lustful. M. of V. 1. 3.

Furnitor, sb. furnitory, an herb. Lear, Iv. 4.
Furnished, p.p. equipped. Wint Tale, Iv. 3.

Gaberdine, sb. a loose outer coat, or smock frock.
Temp. 11. 2; M. of V. 1. 3.

Gad, sb. a pointed instrument, a goad. T. A. iv.
1. Upon the gad, with impetuous haste, upon
the spur of the moment. Lear, 1. 2.
Gain-giving, sb. misgiving. Ham. v. 2.
Gait, sb. going, steps. Tw. N. 1. 4.
Galliard, sb. a kind of dance. Tw. N. 1. 3.
Galliasse, so. a kind of ship. Tam. of Sh. 11.
Gallimaufry, sob. a ridiculous medley. Wint. Tale,

IV. 4.

Gallow, v.t. to scare. Lear, III. 2.
Gallowglass, sh. the irregular infantry of Ireland,
and the Highlands of Scotland. Mac. I. 2.
Gamester, sb. a frolicsome person. H. VIII. I. 4.
A loose woman. All's Well, v. 3.
Garboil, sb. disorder, uproar. A. & C. 1. 3.
Garish, adj. gaudy, staring. R. III. iv. 4.
Garner, v.t. to lay by, as corn in a barn. Oth.

IV. 2.

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