Som. But he's deceived; we are in readiness. Q. Mar. This cheers my heart, to see your forwardness. Oxf. Here pitch our battle; hence we will not budge. Flourish and march. Enter KING EDWARD, GLOUCESTER, CLARENCE, and soldiers. K. Edw. thorny wood, Which, by the heavens' assistance and your strength, Brave followers, yonder stands the Must by the roots be hewn up yet ere night. 70 Q. Mar. Lords, knights, and gentlemen, what My tears gainsay; for every word I speak, Is prisoner to the foe; his state usurp'd, [Alarum: Retreat: Excursions. Exeunt. SCENE V. Another part of the field. Flourish. Enter KING EDWARD, GLOUCESTER, CLARENCE, and soldiers; with QUEEN MARGARET, OXFORD, and Somerset, prisoners. K. Edw. Now here a period of tumultuous broils. Away with Oxford to Hames Castle straight: Go, bear them hence; I will not hear them speak. Oxf. For my part, I'll not trouble thee with words. Som. Nor I, but stoop with patience to my fortune. [Exeunt Oxford and Somerset, guarded. Q. Mar. So part we sadly in this troublous world, To meet with joy in sweet Jerusalem. K. Edw. Is proclamation made, that who finds Edward Shall have a high reward, and he his life? Glou. It is: and lo, where youthful Edward comes! Enter soldiers, with PRINCE EDWARD. K. Edw. Bring forth the gallant, let us hear him speak. What! can so young a thorn begin to prick? Prince. Speak like a subject, proud ambitious Suppose that I am now my father's mouth; Resign thy chair, and where I stand kneel thou, Whilst I propose the selfsame words to thee, 20 Which, traitor, thou wouldst have me answer to. Q. Mar. Ah, that thy father had been so resolved ! Glou. That you might still have worn the petticoat, And ne'er have stol'n the breech from Lancaster. Q. Mar. Ay, thou wast born to be a plague to men. Glou. For God's sake, take away this captive scold. Prince. Nay, take away this scolding crookback rather. · 30 K. Edw. Peace, wilful boy, or I will charm your tongue. Clar. Untutor'd lad, thou art too malapert. Prince. I know my duty; you are all undutiful: Lascivious Edward, and thou perjured George, And thou mis-shapen Dick, I tell ye all I am your better, traitors as ye are : And thou usurp'st my father's right and mine. K. Edw. Take that, thou likeness of this railer here. [Stabs him. Glou. Sprawl'st thou? take that, to end thy agony. [Stabs him. [Stabs him. Cla. And there's for twitting me with perjury. Q. Mar. O, kill me too! 40 [Offers to kill her. K. Edw. Hold, Richard, hold; for we have done too much. Glou. Why should she live, to fill the world with words? K. Edw. What, doth she swoon? use means for her recovery. Glou. Clarence, excuse me to the king my brother; I'll hence to London on a serious matter: Glou. The Tower, the Tower. [Exit. 50 Q. Mar. O Ned, sweet Ned! speak to thy mother, boy! Canst thou not speak? O traitors! murderers! Butchers and villains! bloody cannibals! morse: But if you ever chance to have a child, As, deathsmen, you have rid this sweet young prince ! K. Edw. Away with her; go, bear her hence perforce. Q. Mar. Nay, never bear me hence, dispatch me here; Here sheathe thy sword, I'll pardon thee my death: 70 What, wilt thou not? then, Clarence, do it thou. Clar. By heaven, I will not do thee so much ease. Q. Mar. Good Clarence, do; sweet Clarence, do thou do it. Clar. Didst thou not hear me swear I would not do it? Q. Mar. Ay, but thou usest to forswear thyself: 'Twas sin before, but now 'tis charity. What, wilt thou not? Where is that devil's butcher, Hard-favour'd Richard? Richard, where art thou? 80 Q. Mar. So come to you and yours, as to this prince! [Exit, led out forcibly. K.Edw. Where's Richard gone? Clar. To London, all in post; and, as I guess, To make a bloody supper in the Tower. K. Edw. He's sudden, if a thing comes in his head. Now march we hence: discharge the common sort [Exeunt. SCENE VI. London. The Tower. Enter KING HENRY and GLOUCESTER, with the Lieutenant, on the walls. Glou. Good day, my lord. What, at your | book so hard? K. Hen. Ay, my good lord:-my lord, I should say rather; 'Tis sin to flatter; 'good' was little better: 'Good Gloucester' and 'good devil' were alike, And both preposterous; therefore, not 'good lord.' Glou. Sirrah, leave us to ourselves: we must confer. [Exit Lieutenant. K. Hen. So flies the reckless shepherd from the wolf; So first the harmless sheep doth yield his fleece And next his throat unto the butcher's knife. What scene of death hath Roscius now to act? IO Glou. Suspicion always haunts the guilty mind; The thief doth fear each bush an officer. K. Hen. The bird that hath been limed in a bush, With trembling wings misdoubteth every bush; And I, the hapless male to one sweet bird, Where my poor young was limed, was caught and kill'd. Glou. Why, what a peevish fool was that of Crete, 19 That taught his son the office of a fowl! Glou. Thy son I kill'd for his presumption. 40 Thou hadst not lived to kill a son of mine. The raven rook'd her on the chimney's top, To signify thou camest to bite the world: 51 Glou. I'll hear no more: die, prophet, in thy For this, amongst the rest, was I ordain'd. after this. Sink in the ground? I thought it would have mounted. See how my sword weeps for the poor king's death! O, may such purple tears be alway shed I, that have neither pity, love, nor fear. 70 And seek their ruin that usurp'd our right? 80 Clarence, beware; thou keep'st me from the light: This shoulder was ordain'd so thick to heave; But I will sort a pitchy day for thee; I'll throw thy body in another room K. Edw. Once more we sit in England's royal Re-purchased with the blood of enemies. With them, the two brave bears, Warwick and That in their chains fetter'd the kingly lion 10 And heave it shall some weight, or break my back: Work thou the way,-and thou shalt execute. And kiss your princely nephew, brothers both. Q. Eliz. Thanks, noble Clarence; worthy 30 Glou. And, that I love the tree from whence Witness the loving kiss I give the fruit. master, And cried 'all hail!' when as he meant all harm. Having my country's peace and brothers' loves. Reignier, her father, to the king of France And now what rests but that we spend the time [Exeunt. ACT I. SCENE I. London. A street. Enter RICHARD, Duke of GLOUCESTER, solus. ΤΟ And now, instead of mounting barbed steeds 20 SIR JAMES Tyrrel. SIR JAMES BLOUNT. SIR WALTER HERBERT. SIR ROBERT Brakenbury, Lieutenant of the Tower. CHRISTOPHER URSWICK, a priest. Another Priest. TRESSEL and BERKELEY, gentlemen attending on the Lady Anne. Lord Mayor of London. Sheriff of Wiltshire. ELIZABETH, queen to King Edward IV. MARGARET, widow of King Henry VI. DUCHESS OF YORK, mother to King Edward IV. LADY ANNE, widow of Edward Prince of Wales, son to King Henry VI.; afterwards married to Richard. A young Daughter of Clarence (MARGARET PLANTAGENET). Ghosts of those murdered by Richard III., Lords and other Attendants; a Pursuivant, Scrivener, Citizens, Murderers, Messengers, Soldiers, &c. SCENE: England. 30 That dogs bark at me as I halt by them; comes. 40 Enter CLARENCE, guarded, and BRAKENBURY. Glou. Upon what cause? Clar. Because my name is George. Glou. Alack, my lord, that fault is none of yours; He should, for that, commit your godfathers: That you shall be new-christen'd in the Tower. 50 As yet I do not: but, as I can learn, He hearkens after prophecies and dreams; women: 60 His majesty hath straitly given in charge Glou. Even so; an't please your worship, 90 You may partake of any thing we say: And that the queen's kindred are made gentlefolks: How say you, sir? can you deny all this? Brak. With this, my lord, myself have nought to do. Glou. Naught to do with Mistress Shore! I tell thee, fellow, He that doth naught with her, excepting one, 100 Brak. I beseech your grace to pardon me, and withal Forbear your conference with the noble duke. Clar. We know thy charge, Brakenbury, and will obey. Glou. We are the queen's abjects, and must obey. ΙΙΟ Brother, farewell: I will unto the king; I will deliver you, or else lie for you: Simple, plain Clarence! I do love thee so, But I shall live, my lord, to give them thanks Glou. No doubt, no doubt; and so shall 130 For they that were your enemies are his, While kites and buzzards prey at liberty. Glou. What news abroad? Hast. No news so bad abroad as this at home; The king is sickly, weak and melancholy, And his physicians fear him mightily. Glou. Now, by Saint Paul, this news is bad indeed. O, he hath kept an evil diet long, And overmuch consumed his royal person: 140 'Tis very grievous to be thought upon. What, is he in his bed? Hast. He is. Glou. Go you before, and I will follow you. [Exit Hastings. He cannot live, I hope; and must not die Till George be pack'd with post-horse up to heaven. 150 I'll in, to urge his hatred more to Clarence, Her husband, knave: wouldst thou The readiest way to make the wench amends Glou. betray me? Is to become her husband and her father: |