If in his death the gods have us befriended, 9 Great Troy is ours, and our sharp wars are ended. [Exeunt, marching. SCENE X. Another part of the plains. Enter ENEAS and Trojans. Ene. Stand, ho! yet are we masters of the field: Never go home; here starve we out the night. Tro. Hector is slain. In beastly sort, dragg'd through the shameful field. Frown on, you heavens, effect your rage with speed! Sit, gods, upon your thrones, and smile at Troy! I say, at once let your brief plagues be mercy, And linger not our sure destructions on! 9 Ene. My lord, you do discomfort all the host. Let him that will a screech-owl aye be call'd, 20 I'll through and through you! and, thou greatsized coward, No space of earth shall sunder our two hates: [Exeunt Æneas and Trojans. AS TROILUS is going out, enter, from the other side, PANDARUS. Pan. But hear you, hear you! Tro. Hence, broker-lackey! ignomy and shame Pursue thy life, and live aye with thy name! [Exit. Pan. A goodly medicine for my aching bones! O world! world! world! thus is the poor agent despised! O traitors and bawds, how earnestly are you set a-work, and how ill requited! why should our endeavour be so loved and the performance so loathed? what verse for it? what instance for it? Let me see: 41 Full merrily the humble-bee doth sing, As many as be here of pandar's hall, It should be now, but that my fear is this, [Exit. SCENE I. Rome. A street. Enter a company of mutinous Citizens, with staves, clubs, and other weapons. First Cit. Before we proceed any further, hear me speak. Two Volscian Guards. VOLUMNIA, mother to Coriolanus. Gentlewoman, attending on Virgilia. Roman and Volscian Senators, Patricians, Ædiles, Lictors, Soldiers, Citizens, Messengers, Servants to Aufidius, and other Attendants. SCENE: Rome and the neighbourhood; Corioli and the neighbourhood; Antium. partly proud; which he is, even to the altitude of his virtue. 41 Sec. Cit. What he cannot help in his nature, you account a vice in him. You must in no way say he is covetous. First Cit. If I must not, I need not be barren of accusations; he hath faults, with surplus, to tire in repetition. [Shouts within.] What shouts are these? The other side o' the city is risen: First Cit. You are all resolved rather to die why stay we prating here? to the Capitol ! than to famish? All. Speak, speak. All. Resolved, resolved. First Cit. First, you know Caius Marcius is chief enemy to the people. All. We know't, we know't. First Cit. Let us kill him, and we'll have corn at our own price. Is't a verdict? II All. No more talking on't; let it be done : away, away! Sec. Cit. One word, good citizens. First Cit. We are accounted poor citizens, the patricians good. What authority surfeits on would relieve us: if they would yield us but the superfluity, while it were wholesome, we might guess they relieved us humanely; but they think we are too dear: the leanness that afflicts us, the object of our misery, is as an inventory to particularize their abundance; our sufferance is a gain to them. Let us revenge this with our pikes, ere we become rakes: for the gods know I speak this in hunger for bread, not in thirst for revenge. Sec. Cit. Would you proceed especially against Caius Marcius? All. Against him first: he's a very dog to the commonalty. 29 Sec. Cit. Consider you what services he has done for his country? First Cit. Very well; and could be content to give him good report for't, but that he pays himself with being proud. Sec. Cit. Nay, but speak not maliciously. First Cit. I say unto you, what he hath done famously, he did it to that end: though soft-conscienced men can be content to say it was for his country, he did it to please his mother, and to be All. Come, come. First Cit. Soft! who comes here? Enter MENENIUS Agrippa. 50 Sec. Cit. Worthy Menenius Agrippa; one that hath always loved the people. First Cit. He's one honest enough: would all the rest were so ! Men. What work's, my countrymen, in hand? where go you With bats and clubs? The matter? speak, I pray you. First Cit. Our business is not unknown to the senate; they have had inkling this fortnight what we intend to do, which now we'll show 'em in deeds. They say poor suitors have strong breaths: they shall know we have strong arms too. Men. Why, masters, my good friends, mine honest neighbours, Will you undo yourselves? First Cit. We cannot, sir, we are undone already. Men. I tell you, friends, most charitable care Have the patricians of you. For your wants, Your suffering in this dearth, you may as well 69 Strike at the heaven with your staves as lift them Against the Roman state, whose course will on The way it takes, cracking ten thousand curbs Of more strong link asunder than can ever Appear in your impediment. For the dearth, The gods, not the patricians, make it, and Your knees to them, not arms, must help. Alack, You are transported by calamity Thither where more attends you, and you slander Men. Either you must Confess yourselves wondrous malicious, 90 First Cit. Well, I'll hear it, sir: yet you must not think to fob off our disgrace with a tale: but, an 't please you, deliver. Men. There was a time when all the body's members Rebell'd against the belly, thus accused it: 100 I' the midst o' the body, idle and unactive, Did see and hear, devise, instruct, walk, feel, And, through the cranks and offices of man, First Cit. Ay, sir; well, well. Though all at once cannot 151 Men. The senators of Rome are this good belly, And you the mutinous members; for examine Their counsels and their cares, digest things rightly Touching the weal o' the common, you shall find think, And hews down oaks with rushes. Hang ye! Enter COMINIUS, TITUS LARTIUS, and other Trust ye? With every minute you do change a mind, Him vile that was your garland. What's the matter, 190 That in these several places of the city Men. For corn at their own rates; whereof, The city is well stored. Mar. Conjectural marriages; making parties strong Senators; JUNIUS BRUTUS and SICINIUS VE LUTUS. First Sen. Marcius, 'tis true that you have lately told us; The Volsces are in arms. 231 Mar. Upon my party, I'ld revolt, to make First Sen. And I am constant. Would the nobility lay aside their ruth, Men. Nay, these are almost thoroughly per- For though abundantly they lack discretion, Sir, it is; Our greatest friends attend us. [To Com.] Lead you on. [To Mar.] Follow Cominius; we must follow you; Right worthy you priority. 250 First Sen. [To the Citizens] Hence to your homes; be gone! Mar. Nay, let them follow: The Volsces have much corn; take these rats thither To gnaw their garners. Worshipful mutiners, To the utmost of a man, and giddy censure Sic. SCENE III. Rome. A room in Marcius' house. Besides, if things go well, Enter VOLUMNIA and VIRGILIA: they set them Opinion that so sticks on Marcius shall down on two low stools, and sew. Of his demerits rob Cominius. Half all Cominius' honours are to Marcius, Bru. Let's along. Vol. I pray you, daughter, sing; or express yourself in a more comfortable sort: if my son were my husband, I should freelier rejoice in that absence wherein he won honour than in the em bracements of his bed where he would show most love. When yet he was but tender-bodied and the only son of my womb, when youth with comeliness plucked all gaze his way, when for a day of kings' entreaties a mother should not sell him an hour from her beholding, I, considering how [Exeunt. honour would become such a person, that it was no better than picture-like to hang by the wall, if renown made it not stir, was pleased to let him seek danger where he was like to find fame. To a cruel war I sent him; from whence he returned, his brows bound with oak. I tell thee, daughter, I sprang not more in joy at first hearing he was a man-child than now in first seeing he had proved himself a man. SCENE II. Corioli. The Senate-house. Enter TULLUS AUFIDIUS and certain Senators. First Sen. So, your opinion is, Aufidius, Auf. Whether for east or west: the dearth is great; 10 First Sen. Our army's in the field: Auf. Nor did you think it folly 20 To keep your great pretences veil'd till when It seem'd, appear'd to Rome. By the discovery Sec. Sen. If they set down before 's, for the remove Auf. O, doubt not that; 30 All. 19 Vir. But had he died in the business, madam; how then? Vol. Then his good report should have been my son; therein would have found issue. Hear me profess sincerely: had I a dozen sons, each in my love alike and none less dear than thine and my good Marcius, I had rather had eleven die nobly for their country than one voluptuously surfeit out of action, First Sen. Sec. Sen. All.Farewell. Farewell. Farewell. Vir. I am glad to see your ladyship. How do you both? you are manifest [Exeunt. house-keepers. What are you sewing here? A |