( THE JOURNAL OF A TOUR TO THE HEBRIDES, WITH SAMUEL JOHNSON, L.L.D. BY JAMES BOSWELL, ESQ. CONTAINING SOME POETICAL PIECES BY DR. JOHNSON, RELATIVE TO THE TOUR, AND A SERIES OF HIS CONVERSATION, LITERARY ANECDOTES, AND OPINIONS OF MEN AND BOOKS: WITH AN AUTHENTIC ACCOUNT OF THE DISTRESSES AND ESCAPE OF THE GRANDSON OF KING JAMES IL, IN THE YEAR 1746. O! while along the stream of time, thy name Expanded flies, and gathers all its fame, Pursue the triumph, and partake the gale................Pope. FROM THE LONDON EDITION, REVISED and coRRECTED BY THE AUTHOR. PUBLISHED BY INSKEEP AND BRADFORD, NEW YORK; AND WILLIAM MILHENNY, BOSTON. KE 33253 HARVARD UNIVERSITY LIBRARY NOV 15 1955 51468 PRINTED BY R. & W. CARR, IN every narrative, whether historical or biographical, authenticity is of the utmost consequence. Of this I have ever been so firmly persuaded, that I inscribed a former work to that person who was the best judge of its truth. I need not tell you I mean General Paoli ; who, after his great, though unsuccessful, efforts to preserve the liberties of his country, has found an honourable asylum in Britain, where he has now lived many years the object of Royal regard and private respect; and whom I cannot name without expressing my very grateful sense of the uniform kindness which he has been pleased to shew me. The friends of Dr. Johnson can best judge, from internal evidence, whether the numerous conversations b |