Imagens das páginas

Rev. J. C. Furlong. Wesleyan Chapel-Rev. W.
Toase. Scotch Chapel-Rev. Mr. Stewart. There
-is a French Protestant chapel.
Population, 29,860.

A OBJECTS OF NOTICE-Citadel-Hotel de
Ville-Museum - Napoleon Column-Fishermen's

newest houses are at Tir.telleries, on the north, where most of the English residents live. Of the gates only three are left, the principal one being Porte des Dunes-after the dunes or sand hills which line the shore towards Calais. Water is supplied by 17 fountains and a reservoir; the lamps are now lit with gas, supplied by a usine à gaz.

Among the chief buildings are, Nôtre Dame church, a Grecian pile, with a cupola built 1827, on the site of the cathedral; the bishop's palace, now a school; the old hotel of the Dukes d'Aumont; and the house which Napoleon stopped at, now rather grandly styled the Palace Impériale; all in the Upper town. In this part also is the Hotel de Ville, with ar old Beffroi or belfry tower, near it, 140 feet high. This stands on the site of a castle of the ancient Counts of Boulogne.

The Museum, in Grand Rue, has a collection of arms, coins, Roman, and other antiquities, natural objects, &c., and is open three days a-week. Among the coins, notice a medal (now exceedingly rare) struck by Napoleon, bearing the vain-glorious inscrip. tion, ("hooknosed Caesar's thrasonical boast") Frappée à Londres, 1804,' but really struck at Paris. The public library (bibliothèque) attached to this, contains 22,000 vols. and 300 MSS., some being illuminated.

Boulogne is a sous-préfecture, (department Pasde-Calais), port, military post of the 2nd class, and packet station, on the Channel, 112 miles from London. In spite of 6,000 of his countrymen who live here, an Englishman feels himself at once in a foreign country on landing, and his first walk up Rue de l'Ecu, is like a scene in a play. The entrance to the harbour lies between two wooden piers or jetties, at the mouth of the Liane, 2,200 feet and 1,640 feet long, which lead up to the Port and Bassin; the former being in the channel of the river. The latter was made by Napoleon, to hold his flat-bottomed transports for conveying his troops to England. Above it are three bridges, beyond which the Liane expands into something like a lake. Boulogne was called Gesoriacum Bononia by the Romans, after Bononia (now Bologna) in Italy. They used it as a military port, and built a light-honse here (the Tour d'Ordre), which was carried away by the sea, 1644, except some traces near the baths. Attila attacked it, as did the Northmen, in the 9th century; and Henry VIII. took it, 1544-one of his knights (buried at Hardres, in Kent,) carrying off its gates, with a famous image of the Virgin from Notre Dame, which was afterwards returned, but destroyed with the cathedral at the Revolution. Hence the old signs of Bull and Gate (Boulogne Gate) and Bull and Mouth, in London. Edward VI. gave it up to the French six years later. Napoleon intended to invade England from here, and collected 300,000 men under Soult, for that purwith medals, received at various times for saving the pose, but never ventured out of port. In connexion with this, it is curious to note that the British army, when they took Paris, 1814, encamped in the Bois de Boulogne, near that city-a wood, it may be remarked, first named after a branch religious house of this Boulogne by the seaside.

.Boulogne is divided into Haute and Basse Ville (Upper and Lower town); the former, on the hills, being the oldest. Here are Vauban's Citadel, including some older towers, and the old walls, now turned into a pleasant promenade, from which you may catch a glimpse of Dover. Louis Napoleon was, at first, confined in the citadel after his unsuccessful attempt of 1840, when, with a tame eagle on his fist, he landed here almost alone, from one of the General Steam Navigation Company's boats. The best and

There are also a palais de justice, hospitals, barracks, many French and English schools, three convents, a house in Rue de Château, replacing one which Le Sage (the author of Gil Blas) died in, and a theatre in Rue Monsigny, on the site of the Cordeliers' convent. Campbell the poet, died in Rue St. Jean. The handsome new Baths have dancing, music, billiard, and reading rooms attached. Subscriptions 20 fr. a month; a bath, 1 fr. The bathkeeper, M. Hennin, is a fine looking man, covered

lives of more than seventy persons from drowning. The races in August attract many visitors to Boulogne.

The Napoleon Column, one mile out of the town, was begun 1804, by the Grande Armée, and finished by Louis XVIII.; a statue of Napoleon was put up, 1841. It is in the composite style, 180 feet high, 13 feet diameter, with a staircase within, and commands a fine prospect. Beyond this is a Chapel containing ex voto offerings of the fishermen, who form a distinct class here, as elsewhere. It deserves a visit.

In the neighbourhood are Mont Lambert, Mont Outreau, Mont St. Etienne, and other points of view, and remains of a Roman road to Vissant, the ancient Portus Itius; the gardens at Denaire, and the châteaux of Cregni, Colombert, and de la Co

of the Seine, and on the canal joining the river to Canal de l'Ourcq, is the old burial-place of the French


and Paris.

Distance, 168 miles, or 272 kil.; four trains daily, two express, in 6 to 8 hours.


77 miles from Amiens; 29 sea miles from Folkestone. HOTELS.-Des Bains et de Belle Vue.-First-class hotel for families and gentlemen. Mr. E. MuntonHoussé, proprietor.

Du Pavillon Imperial des Bains de Mer.-A large and extensive first-rate hotel, admirably situated, facing the sea. M. Bourgois, proprietor.

kings, who were interred in the Church of the Bene- Boulogne to St. Valery, Abbeville, Amiens, dictine Abbey, founded 613, by Dagobert. Length, 390 feet. breadth, 100; and 80 feet high to the vault. It was rebuilt, 1144-1281, the oldest part being Abbé Segur's Romanesque front and towers, one of which was, till lately, 360 feet high, and has been restored by Napoleon and his successors with great splendour. The new windows are stained with historical subjects, and the chapels, &c., are full of paintings and frescoes. Among the monuments, &c., are those of Dagobert (not older than St. Louis's time), Louis XII. and Queen, Henry II. and Queen, Francis I. and Queen, Duguesclin the soldier, Henry III. and IV., Francis II. (Mary Stuart's husband), and the twelve Apostles, in the Choeur d'Hivre. The oriflamme, or banner of France, which used to be kept here, was carried in front of the army to the old cry of "Montjoie St. Denis," down to the battle of Agincourt; there is a fine organ. In the crypt below are statues and cenotaphs of all the sovereigns, some as old as the 11th cent.

The abbey house, as rebuilt by Cotte, is used as an Asylum for orphans of the Legion of Honour, founded in 1809. Omnibuses run to Paris. Many corn-mills, breweries, and tanneries; a large sheep fair in June. A bridge across Ile St. Denis, in the Seine, leads to Gennevilliers.

Hotel.-Du Lapin que Fume.

Our line now passes St. Ouen, a place on the Seine, with a château, inhabited at various times by several distinguished personages, and specially noted for the promise of the Charter, here given by Louis XVIII., when re-entering Paris in 1814. The caves about it are used as granaries and icehouses.

Clignancourt on one side, and Aubervilliers on the other, are next passed. Then Montmartre, a hill 300 feet above the Seine, with a church, citadel, and reservoir at the top, whence there is a fine view over Paris. It is also marked by its quarries of plaster of Paris, its windmills, and guinguettes, for pleasureseekers.

Chapelle St. Denis is just outside the Barrière St. Denis, which divides the city from the old province of Ile de France, now called the department de Seine; and at length the Embarcadère, or

Paris Terminus, is reached, at Clos St. Lazaire, Place Roubaix, near the Barrière. It was opened in 1846. A new terminus is to be built opposite Rue de Denain. Omnibuses, &c., wait on every train. See Bradshaw's Paris Guide and the Continental Guide; and Routes 10 and 34, for Versailles, and other places round Paris.

Grand Hotel Christol. -A large hotel, well situated, and very good.

D'Angleterre.-A well situated hotel.

of the best situated, opposite the Bath Establish Brighton and Marine Hotel.-Very good, and one ment; kept by Mr. Edouard Lecerf.

Hughes' Royal Hotel.-A well-conducted excellent house.

Hotel de Londres, kept by Mr. Charles Fournier, the oldest establishment in the town. Good attend ance. Table d'hôte at 6 o'clock.

Bedford Hotel, facing the landing-place of the London and Folkestone steamers.

De l'Europe, close to the steam-packet stations, highly recommended.

Packham's Hotel du Louvre, facing the terminus of the Paris Railway. Comfortable, and moderate charges. Situated near the station.

Chaussée, near the landing place, kept by Mrs. Le
Select Boarding Establishment, 87, Rue Neure

Du Nord; De la Paix; Univers; De la Gare;
Croix de Bourgogne.

The Boarding Establishment of Mr. Howe is excellent.

There is a Buffet and every accommodation at the station.

ENGLISH LIBRARIES AND READING ROOMS.Mr. Merridew, 60, Rue Napoleon, and Mr. Seal's. 34 and 39, Grande Rue, next door to the Museum, both of which establishments are depôts for the sale of Bradshaw's Guides and Hand-books.

Post Office, No. 8, Rue des Vieillards; open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.


The English Consul, W. Hamilton, Esq., resides at the top of Rue des Vieillards, near the sous-préfec ture: office open from 10 to 2, and 7 to 8, for certifi cates to obtain permits to embark. The permit office is at the Douane, on the packet boat quay. distance between London and Paris by this route is of sea), the company's boats being as regular as those 70 miles shorter than by way of Calais (with 29 miles of the government, and the conveniences for landing, &c., equally good. A low water landing-stage is nearly completed. Luggage, fr. each large package; the porters are civil and quick. Omnibuses to the railway station. Passengers by through trains (in 10 London or Paris terminus. Those going on to Marhours) are now not examined till their arrival at the seilles should declare to that effect, to save delay at Paris. Paris time, 9 minutes before London. (See Bradshaw's Continental Railway Guide.)

W. G. Hawtayne; Lower Town, Rev. W. K, Groves;
English Episcopal Chapels.-Upper Town, Rev.
Rue Royale, Rev. J. Bewsher; Rue de la Lampe

Rev. J. C. Furlong. Wesleyan Chapel-Rev. W.
Toase. Scotch Chapel-Rev. Mr. Stewart. There
-is a French Protestant chapel.
Population, 29,860.

OBJECTS OF NOTICE. - Citadel-Hotel de Ville-Museum - Napoleon Column-Fishermen's Chapel.

Boulogne is a sous-préfecture, (department Pasde-Calais), port, military post of the 2nd class, and packet station, on the Channel, 112 miles from London. In spite of 6,000 of his countrymen who live here, an Englishman feels himself at once in a foreign country on landing, and his first walk up Rue de l'Ecu, is like a scene in a play. The entrance to the harbour lies between two wooden piers or jetties, at the mouth of the Liane, 2,200 feet and 1,640 feet long, which lead up to the Port and Bassin; the former being in the channel of the river. The latter was made by Napoleon, to hold his flat-bottomed transports for conveying his troops to England. Above it are three bridges, beyond which the Liane expands into something like a lake. Boulogne was called Gesoriacum Bononia by the Romans, after Bononia (now Bologna) in Italy. They used it as a military port, and built a light-honse here (the Tour d'Ordre), which was carried away by the sea, 1644, except some traces near the baths. Attila attacked it, as did the Northmen, in the 9th century; and Henry VIII. took it, 1544-one of his knights (buried at Hardres, in Kent,) carrying off its gates, with a famous image of the Virgin from Nôtre Dame, which was afterwards returned, but destroyed with the cathedral at the Revolution. Hence the old signs of Bull and Gate (Boulogne Gate) and Bull and Mouth, in London. Edward VI. gave it up to the French six years later. Napoleon intended to invade England from here, and collected 300,000 men under Soult, for that purpose, but never ventured out of port. In connexion with this, it is curious to note that the British army, when they took Paris, 1814, encamped in the Bois de Boulogne, near that city-a wood, it may be remarked, first named after a branch religious house of this Boulogne by the seaside.

.Boulogne is divided into Haute and Basse Ville (Upper and Lower town); the former, on the hills, being the oldest. Here are Vauban's Citadel, including some older towers, and the old walls, now turned into a pleasant promenade, from which you may catch a glimpse of Dover. Louis Napoleon was, at first, confined in the citadel after his unsuccessful attempt of 1840, when, with a tame eagle on his fist, he landed here almost alone, from one of the General Steam Navigation Company's boats. The best and

newest houses are at Tirtelleries, on the north, where most of the English residents live. Of the gates only three are left, the principal one being Porte des Dunes-after the dunes or sand hills which line the shore towards Calais. Water is supplied by 17 fountains and a reservoir; the lamps are now lit with gas, supplied by a usine à gaz.

Among the chief buildings are, Nôtre Dame church, a Grecian pile, with a cupola built 1827, on the site of the cathedral; the bishop's palace, now a school; the old hotel of the Dukes d'Aumont; and the house which Napoleon stopped at, now rather grandly styled the Palace Impériale; all in the Upper town. In this part also is the Hotel de Ville, with ar old Beffroi or belfry tower, near it, 140 feet high. This stands on the site of a castle of the ancient Counts of Boulogne.

The Museum, in Grand Rue, has a collection of arms, coins, Roman, and other antiquities, natural objects, &c., and is open three days a-week. Among the coins, notice a medal (now exceedingly rare) struck by Napoleon, bearing the vain-glorious inscrip tion, ("hooknosed Caesar's thrasonical boast") Frappée à Londres, 1804,' but really struck at Paris. The public library (bibliothèque) attached to this, contains 22,000 vols. and 300 MSS., some being illuminated.

There are also a palais de justice, hospitals, barracks, many French and English schools, three convents, a house in Rue de Château, replacing one which Le Sage (the author of Gil Blas) died in, and a theatre in Rue Monsigny, on the site of the Cordeliers' convent. Campbell the poet, died in Rue St. Jean. The handsome new Baths have dancing, music, billiard, and reading rooms attached. Subscriptions 20 fr. a month; a bath, 1 fr. The bathkeeper, M. Hennin, is a fine looking man, covered with medals, received at various times for saving the lives of more than seventy persons from drowning. The races in August attract many visitors to Boulogne.

The Napoleon Column, one mile out of the town, was begun 1801, by the Grande Armée, and finished by Louis XVIII.; a statue of Napoleon was put up, 1841. It is in the composite style, 180 feet high, 13 feet diameter, with a staircase within, and commands a fine prospect. Beyond this is a Chapel containing ex voto offerings of the fishermen, who form a distinct class here, as elsewhere. It deserves a visit.

In the neighbourhood are Mont Lambert, Mont Outreau, Mont St. Etienne, and other points of view, and remains of a Roman road to Vissant, the ancient Portus Itius; the gardens at Denaire, and the châteaux of Cregni, Colombert, and de la Co

cherie; the botanic gardens of Mont Pelé; the quarries of Marquise and Ferques. A good mineral spring on the Wimille road.

Conveyances to Calais, St. Omer, &c.

church has a fine tall buttressed door-way. The

Montreuil peaches are celebrated.]

Rue (10 miles), in department de la Somme, is reached after crossing the Authie, and has the Church [From Boulogne, on the road to Calais (to which of St. Esprit, with a front richly sculptured, besides the telegraph is laid down), you pass through a its carved pillars, roof, &c. It is still a place of pilflat, sandy, and marshy soil, to grimage, and stands on a little stream which runs up WIMILLE (4 kil.), where the two unfortunate æro-to the field of Crécy, a few miles east, and Monties nauts, Rosier and St. Romain, are buried. In forest, where Charles, the favourite son of Francis trying to cross the Channel, 1785, they fell from I., died of the plague, 1545. A coach to Le Crotoy, a height of 3,000 feet. Lower down the stream is down the Somme. the small port of Wimereau. MARQUISE (9 kil.), on the Slack, which has a fine linden tree and marble quarries, is near Ambleteuse, where James II. landed, 1688, in his flight from England. Pop., 2,600. Near it are the quarries of Ferques and Landretun, with some remains of Beaulieu Abbey (founded 1150), and Druid stones near the former. LE HAUT BUISSON (9 kil.)

At 13 kil. further is Calais (see Route 1). A railway
is projected from Boulogne to Calais and the
Marquise quarries, which will shorten the direct
Calais route to Paris by 35 miles.]

Leaving the Boulogne terminus, near Place Bellevue, you ascend the Liane.

Pont de Brique (4 miles). Beyond this is Clocheville, where Napoleon once lodged; then Hardelot forest, and Condotte, with abundance of game and rabbits. Next comes

Neufchatel (4 miles); and

Etaples (8 miles), a decayed fishing port, on a sandy plain, at the Canche's mouth, which the Romans used, having some good old houses, and remains of a château, built 1160. Pop., 2,300. The viaduct across the river is 984 feet long. The flat, marshy sea border of this part of Boulonnais was in old times appropriately called Marquenterre.

Montreuil-Verton (7 miles), or Verton; Montreuil being some distance off, as under. Coach to Hesdin, beyond which lies Agincourt. [MONTREUIL-SUR-MER (8 kil. east), a. sous-préfecture of 3,950 souls, and fortified town of the second class, on a hill by the Canche, where Cæsar built a fort, called Vinacum. It was rebuilt 878, by Heltgaut or Hergot, along with the abbey church and castle, and called Monastoriolum, whence comes the modern name. The houses, divided into Haute and Basse Ville, are of brick. A large citadel, with a view of the river and flat sea-coast, replaces the castle, of which the gate towers are left; and St. Saulve's Abbey is now the Hôtel de Ville. The flamboyant

Noyelle (7 miles) is then reached, with a view of the sea.

From this a branch line of six miles strikes off across the river, to

St. Valery-Sur-Somme, a small bathing place, from which William the Conqueror sailed to England in 1066. Pop., 3,700. Notice the fishermen's chapel and the ruins of Tour de Harold. Hotel.-Les Armes de France.

This line brings Tréport within six hours of Paris. Coaches to that bathing place, to Eu, and Cayeu. [Along the road to Dieppe you pass the Eu (34 kil, west-south-west) and its Château, the noble seat of the Dukes of Guise and of Louis Philippe, who, on his visit to England, embarked at Tréport (a little below Eu), which has some fine old mills and a curious church. Here Queen Victoria landed, 1843.

The Chateau d'Es, standing in a vast park, contains
a large collection of portraits made by the king,
70 principal apartments, 250 inferior ones, with
stables, &c., for 130 horses and 60 carriages.
Hotel.-De Commerce.

At 30 kil. further is Dieppe (see Route 8.)]
From Noyelle it is 7 miles to


49 miles from Boulogne, 120 from Paris. A buffet for refreshments.

HOTELS.-Tete de Boeuf; St. Jacques; De France; Du Lion Noir; Du Commerce.

A sous-préfecture and large fortified town, of 19,200 inhab. on the river Somme, in department Somme, and the old province of Picardy, about 18 miles from the sea. Under the name of Abbatis Villa, it belonged to St. Riquier's Abbey; and was given up to the English as part of king John's ransom, after the battle of Crécy; but it soon returned to the possession of its own sovereign.

Some of the streets are pretty good, but the greater part are old fashioned, narrow, and ill-paved. Its houses are chiefly brick, with a few stone buildings, and several ancient looking ones, of wood. Trees are planted on the ramparts, but the view is not very

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