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THE Editor of the TRAVELLERS' HAND-BOOK TO FRANCE is extremely solicitous that travellers and friends, who make use of this book, should favour the Publishers with corrections of any omission or mistakes that may come under their observation. Tourists, &c., kind enough so to favour them, will please direct their communications to their London Office, 59, Fleet Street. In all cases the name of the writer, in confidence, as a guarantee of the genuineness of the information, will be required.

TO INNKEEPERS AND OTHERS.-The Editor of BRADSHAW'S HAND-BOOK wishes to intimate, that no person or persons are authorised to procure or receive money from Hotel Keepers, Artists, or Tradespeople abroad, under pretence of procuring the insertion of favourable notices of their establishments, &c., in the Hand-Books; recommendations in these books are not to be purchased; they are the result of personal experience, or wellfounded and disinterested information. Nor will self-laudatory letters from Innkeepers in praise of their own houses be received.

The sole Continental Manager is WILLIAM MIDDLETON, 94, Montagne de la Cour, Brussels, through whom all communications concerning Hotels, &c., must be scnt.

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