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5 and 26 with amendments, and bill No. 21 without amend.


Pending the question to agree to the report of the committee, On motion of Mr. Sholes,

The House adjourned until 3 o'clock P. M.


Three o'clock.

The House resumed the consideration of bills Nos. 5, 21 and 26, reported by the committee of the whole, and

The question being taken on agreeing to the amendments made by the committee to bill No. 5, it was decided in the negative. Mr. McGregor offered the following amendment, which was agreed to.

Strike out all of the first section after the word "of," where it occurs the second time in the fourth line, and insert "the Chippewa river, and running thence a due east course to a point twenty miles west of the Wisconsin river, and continuing thence a due north course to the boundary line of the State of Michigan, be and the same is hereby constituted a separate and distinct county, which shall be named and styled the county of St. Croix."

The bill was then ordered to be engrossed and read a third time.

The question was then taken on ordering bil! No. 21 to be engrossed and read a third time; and the ayes and noes being called, were as follows:

Ayes-Messrs. Conroe, Hoyt, McGregor, Shackelford, Sholes, Stevens, Sutherland and Wells-8.

Nocs-Messrs. Baldwin, Beardsley, Billings, Blackstone, Brunson, Childs, Craig, Cruson, Dewey, Jenkins, Longstreet, New.. man, Ray, Shew, Story, Street and Whiton, speaker—17.

So the said bill was lost.

The House agreed to the amendments of the committee to bill No. 26, and

On motion of Mr. Sholes,

Ordered, That the said bill do lie on the table for the pre


Message from the Council by their secretary :

"Mr. Speaker-The Council have passed the following, viz : "No. 15, A bill to amend the act concerning justices of the peace;' and,


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"No. 24, A bill to establish the county of Sac, and to define its limits;'

"In which the concurrence of this House is requested. And have concurred in bills of this House, as follows:

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"No. 4, A bill to establish certain ferries therein named ;' and,

"No. 18, A bill to repeal an act entitled, 'An act to change the corporate limits and powers of the town of Green Bay,' with amendments, in which the concurrence of this House is requested. And have concurred in

"No. 12, A bill to provide for recording contracts relating to lands, and for other purposes.' And have negatived


"No. 14, A bill concerning attorneys.'

And then he withdrew.

The Speaker laid before the House the report of the AttorneyGeneral of the Territory, and the accompanying document, relating to the proceedings had against the Bank of Wisconsin, in re. sponse to a resolution of the 10th inst,

Which were read, and

On motion of Mr. Sholes,

Ordered, That the report and accompanying document do lie on the table, and that two hundred copies thereof be printed for the use of this House.

Mr. Shackelford, from the committee on enrolment, reported the following to be enrolled, which were signed by the Speaker,

viz :

"Memorial to Congress for an appropriation for the establishment of a penitentiary."

"Memorial to Congress for appropriations for harbors."

On motion of Mr. Shew,

The House resolved itself into the committee of the whole on bill No. 25, entitled "A bill to amend an act to provide for aiding in the construction of the Milwaukee and Rock river canal," Mr. Sholes in the chair.

After a short time the committee reported the progress made therein, and asked leave to sit again on Friday next.

Leave was granted.

Mr. Bracken moved that two hundred copies of the report and documents relating to the Milwaukee and Rock river canal be printed for the use of this House.

And pending the question thereon, and after debate, a motion was made by Mr. Billings that the House do now adjourn.

The ayes and noes being called on the said motion were taken and were as follows:

Ayes-Messrs. Baldwin, Billings, Brunson, Childs, Conroe, Craig, Cruson, Dewey, Hoyt, McGregor, Newman, Shew, Stevens and Wells-14.

Noes-Messrs. Beardsley, Bracken, Jenkins, Longstreet, Ray, Shackelford, Sholes, Story, Street and Whiton, speaker-10. So the House adjourned.

WEDNESDAY, January 1, 1840.

Mr. Sutherland presented a petition from citizens of Jefferson county, relating to the construction of a bridge across the west branch of Rock river in said county.

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Ordered, That the same be referred to the committee on roads.

Mr. Longstreet, from the joint committee on enrolment, reported that the said committe did, on the 31st day of December last, sub. mit to the Governor, for his approval, a "Resolution relating to the appointment of Samuel B. Knapp fiscal agent. 10

Mr. Bracken presented the accounts of Lester H. Cotton, Na.

thaniel C. Prentiss and James L. Thayer, for services as commis. sioners of public buildings.

Mr. Billings presented the account of John Catlin & Co., for rent of store room for Library.

Ordered, That the said several accounts be referred to the committee on claims.

Mr. Story, from the select committee to which the petition of citizens of Brookfield was referred, on the 31st of December last, reported No. 36, "A bill to establish the towns of Pewaukee and Granville, in the county of Milwaukee."

Which was read a first and second time.

Mr. Longstreet, from the select committee to which No. 13, "A bill to amend an act concerning judgments and executions," was committed, reported the same back to the House with amend


Which was read a first and second time; and,

Ordered, That the same do lie on the table and be printed.

Mr. Wells, from the committee on the judiciary, to which the communication from the Governor of the State of New-York, and the act accompanying the same, were referred, reported a bill of the following title,

No. 37, "A bill to provide for the appointment of agents to demand fugitives from justice and for issuing search warrants." Which was read a first and second time, and ordered to be printed.

Mr. Sholes, from the select committee, to which several petitions and remonstrances were referred from citizens of Jefferson county, in relation to the construction of dams across the west branch of Rock river, submitted the following report and bill.

That in the opinion of the committee, it is inexpedient, at the present time, by special act to grant the prayer of the petitioners. The committee have deemed it expedient to present, for the ac. tion of the House, a bill with some general provisions, in relation to the erection of mill dams, which, in their opinion, will obviate the necessity of much special legislation, and, without interfering with the privileges of any, secure to all their just rights.

Bill No. 38, entitled "A bill in relation to mills and mill dams."

Which was then read a first and second time, and ordered to lie on the table and be printed.

On motion of Mr. Sholes,

Ordered, That the report be accepted and the committee dis charged from the further consideration of the subject.

The House then proceeded to the orders of the day.

. The undermentioned resolution and bill, from the Council, were severally read the third time, passed, and titles thereof agreed to,

viz :

No. 3, "Resolution relating to the adjournment of the Legis. lature."

No. 10, "A bill to divide the town of Delevan, and for other purposes."

Ordered, That the chief clerk acquaint the Council therewith, and request their concurrence in the amendment to resolution No. 3.

Bill No. 4, entitled "A bill to establish certain ferries therein named,” returned from the Council with amendments, was considered.

The amendments being read, a motion was made by Mr. Childs, that the House concur in the amendments.

A division of the question being called for, the question was put, "Will the House concur in the first amendment to the bill?" and decided in the negative.

The question was then taken, "Will the House concur in the second amendment to the bill?" and was decided in the affirma. tive.

On motion of Mr. Sholes,

The House concurred in the amendments of the Council to bill No. 18, of this House, entitled "A bill to repeal an act entitled 'An act to change the limits and powers of the town of Green Bay.'

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Ordered, That the chief clerk acquaint the Council therewith.

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