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No. 10.


BIENNIAL REPORT of the Board of Trustees of the Michigan Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind, for the years 1859 and 1860.

To the Honorable the Legislature of the State of Michigan:

The Board of Trustees of the Michigan Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind, as required by law, herewith submit their Biennial Report:

At the time of making their last report, the Board confidently expected before this time to have a large portion of the buildings then in progress of erection completed, and to have accommodations for many more pupils of these unfortunate classes than they have as yet been enabled to furnish.

It will be seen by examining our last report that we expected from the Legislature, at its session in 1859, for carrying on the Institution and completing the buildings, as originally designed, an appropriation much larger than that honorable body thought best to grant; and by reference to the report of the Acting Commissioner, hereto annexed, it will be found that the amount granted could not be realized as soon as was anticipated by

the Commissioner and Board. For these reasons, particularly the latter, the completion of the buildings has not been brought so near to a close as the Board would have been pleased to report. However, considerable progress has been made, and for the present condition, so far as can be given in their progressive state, the Board would refer to said report of the Acting Commissioner.

It is presumed in the erection of all buildings of large size, and for the intended accommodation of hundreds of individuals, it will be found, if not absolutely necessary, very convenient to change more or less the original plan of the buildings. Some changes have been made in these. The center building, as will be seen from the Acting Commissioner's report, has been en larged, which will add much to the convenience and benefit of the Institution. In making these changes, it is believed that the true economy of the Institution has been kept in view and promoted.

Not receiving but a small part of the appropriation of 1859 until 1860, and not yet having received any part of the small appropriation for the year 1860, has delayed much the progress of the work, and added considerably to the expense, both of which it would have been gratifying to the Board to have avoided, but could not be by them controlled.

The want of means to press forward the work as early as was anticipated, still leaves the buildings in process of erection so far incomplete as to render it impossible for the Board to furnish the pupils an opportunity of learning any trade. It is with much regret that the Board acknowledge their inability to provide for this branch of the education of the pupils, and they would refer to their last report, showing more fully the necessity of teaching every pupil some method by which to obtain a living.

It is believed that all classes of the citizens of the State of Michigan look with favor upon this and kindred institutions and are satisfied to have their money used with prudence and economy for the purpose of educating the deaf and dumb and the

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