Imagens das páginas

The pepper grows in this country; the trees which bear this fruit are planted in the fields which surround the towns, and every one knows his plantation. The trees are small, and the pepper is originally white; but when they collect it they put it into basins, and pour hot water upon it; it is then exposed to the heat of the sun and dried, in order to make it hard and more substantial, in the course of which process it becomes of a black colour.

Cinnamon, ginger, and many other kinds of spices, also grow in this country.

The inhabitants do not bury their dead, but embalm them with certain spices, put them upon stools, and cover them with cloths, every family keeping apart. The flesh dries upon the bones, and as these corpses resemble living beings, every one of them recognizes his parents and all the members of his family for many years to come.

These people worship the sun; about half a mile from every town they have large places of worship, and every morning they run towards the rising sun. Every place of worship contains a representation of that luminary, so constructed by machinery that, upon the rising of the sun, it turns round with a great noise, at which moments both men and women take up their censers, and burn incense in honour of this their deity. From BENJAMIN OF TUDELA.



German Language.


Translate the following passages:


"Das ist mir neu," versetzte der Fürst, sich auf seinem Stuhle bewegend.

"Ew. Hoheit würden, ich bin überzeugt, mit dem grössten Antheil die verschiedenen Formen dieser Seelenkrankheit betrachten, und Höchstdieselben würden in andern Zeiträumen der Vergangenheit, ja in früheren Zuständen unseres eigenen Volkes viele bedeutsame Seitenbilder finden."

"Sie nehmen also eine besondere Krankheit an, welche nur die Regenten befällt ?" frug der Fürst, "die Mediciner werden Ihnen für diese Entdeckung besondern Dank wissen."

"In der That," rief der Professor eifrig, "ist die furchtbare Bedeutung dieser Erscheinung noch viel zu wenig gewürdigt, keine andere hat auf das Schicksal der Nationen so unermesslichen Einfluss geübt. Was Pest

und Krieg verdarben, ist wenig gegen die verhängnissvolle Verwüstung der Völker, welche durch dies besondere Leiden der Herrscher angerichtet wurde.'


Gar nicht zu verbergen waren die Schicksale der Frau Raschke, denn sie waren stadtkundig. Man wusste sehr wohl, dass er an einem Markttage in seinem Schlafrock zur Universität gezogen war, in einem leuchtenden Schlafrock, orange und blau mit türkischen Mustern. Und seine Studenten, die ihn zärtlich liebten und seine Gewohnheiten wohl kannten, hatten doch ein lautes Lachen nicht unterdrückt, und Raschke hatte ruhig den Schlafrock über das Katheder gehängt und in Hemdsärmeln gelesen, und war im Ueberzieher eines Studenten nach Hause gekommen. Seitdem liess Frau Kaschke den Gatten niemals ausgehen, ohne ihn noch einmal zu untersuchen. Und ferner kam heraus, dass er sich nach zehn Jahren in den Strassen der Stadt noch immer nicht zurecht fand, und dass sie ihr Quartier nicht wechseln durfte, weil sie überzeugt war, dass ihr Professor sich nicht daran kehren und doch immer wieder in die alte Wohnung zurücklaufen würde. Auch Struvelius machte Sorge.

Translate into German :

I am delighted that you enjoy your sojourn in Dresden so much. It was in my day, and under the Saxon sway, a charming capital; but what the result may be of the Prussian conquest it is hard to foretell. For some people think that before long their grasping ambition will lead them to carry off to their own newfangled capital the curious treasures of art which have so long been the pride of the Saxon capital. I hope the Prussian arrogance is too well tempered with justice for such an action, and that their policy will not be as harsh as their manners. Indeed, in the management of the war, they have shown themselves a civilized nation.

1. Enumerate the changes produced in the map of Germany by the late war.

2. Give some account of the philosophical writers of this century in Germany.

3. Explain the political tone of Freitag's "verlorene Handschrift."

Spanish Language.


Translate the following passage:—

Ese fiero Brutamonte,

Ese gigante furioso,

Que presso, señora, tienes,

Por guarda de tus hermosos
Jardines, porque no robe
Nadie sus manzanas de oro,
Ofendido que á los Griegos
Blanda paz y suave ocio
En tus palacios divierta,
Olvidados de sí propios,
Habiendo sido homicidas
De Polifemo, que asombro
Era monstruo de los hombres,
Y era hombre de los monstruos:
Comunero de tu imperio,

Para vengarse de todos,
Convocó del Lilibeo
Cuantos Cíclopes famosos,
Espurios hijos del sol,
Hoy viven de darle enojos;
Y dándoles paso al Flegra
Brutamonte cauteloso,

Vienen contra tí en escuadras
Mal ordenadas, de modo,
Que viendo vagar los riscos,
Discurrir los promontorios,
Parece que aquestos montes
Descienden unos de otros,
A cuyo estrépito, á cuyas
Voces y suspiros roncos,
El sol se turba, y del cielo
Caducan los ejes rotos.


1. What is the superlative of rico, largo, feliz, sabio, fiel, bajo.

2. State clearly the rules for the use of the terminations se and ra in imperfect subjunctive.

3. Exhibit in sentences, the exact distinction between ser and estar.

4. Give the 3rd plural pres. subj. of buscar, pagar, vencer, escoger, atribuir, caber, caer, hacer.

5. Meaning of the following abbreviations,

B. L. M.; C. P. B.; Q. D. G.; S. S. S.; M. P. S.; Fhō.

6. What are the necessary, and what the optional, cases of the suffixing of pronouns to verbs?

7. How do the following differ: redondilla, seguidilla, letrilla, madrigal ?

8. Write the past participle of abrir, hacer, poner, ver, volver; and give the past tense of venir, traer, tener, querer, poner, poder, ir, and hacer.

Translate the following passage into Spanish:-

The knowledge of a scholar, the courage of a stoic, will be admired; but if the knowledge be accompanied with arrogance, the courage with ferocity, and the virtue with inflexible severity, the man will never be loved. The heroism of Charles the XIIth of Sweden (if his brutal courage deserves that name) was universally admired, but the man nowhere beloved; whereas, Henry IV. of France, who had full as much courage, and was much longer engaged in wars, was generally beloved, on account of his lesser and social virtues.

French Language.


1. Translate into English:

La jeune Captive.

"L'épi naissant mûrit, de la faux respecté;
Sans crainte du pressoir, le pampre, tout l'été,
Boit les doux présents de l'aurore;

Et moi, comme lui belle, et jeune comme lui,
Quoi que l'heure présente ait de trouble et d'ennui,
Je ne veux pas mourir encore."

"Qu'un stoique aux yeux secs vole embrasser la mort,
Moi, je pleure et j'espère; au noir souffle du nord,
Je plie et relève ma tête.

S'il est des jours amers, il en est de si doux !
Hélas, quel miel jamais n'a laissé de dégoûts?
Quelle mer n'a point de tempête."

Ainsi triste et captif, ma lyre toutefois
S'éveillait, écoutant ces plaintes, cette voix,
Ces vœux d'une jeune captive.

Et secouant le joug de mes jours languissants,
Aux douces lois des vers je pliais les accents
De sa bouche aimable et naïve.

2. Translate into French :

(André Chénier.)

At last the clock struck twelve; at that moment the buzzings of the crowd ceased, and a little man, dressed in a green uniform, white trousers, and high riding-boots, appeared all on a sudden, keeping on his head the three-cornered hat, which the people knew so well. On his breast floated the broad red ribbon of the Legion of Honour; a small sword hung at his side. He was perceived by all eyes, and at once cries of "Long live the Emperor' issued from the crowd. The object of their enthusiasm was Napoléon.

3. Comment l'Alsace, la Flandre, la Corse et l'Algérie sont-elles devenues françaises?

4. Faites l'analyse du "Médecin malgré lui," et dites ce que vous pensez du génie comique de Molière.

5. Quelle est dans la poésie française la règle sur l'entrelacement des rimes, celle qui se rapporte à l'hiatus, et celle qui proscrit l'enjambement: Quel est le critique qui a énoncé ces règles ? L'enjambement a-t-il jamais repris faveur depuis ?

6. A quelle épogue ont vécu-Ronsard, Joinville, Froissart, Delille, Lamennais, Retz, Thierry et Pascal? Quels sont les écrits par lesquels ils se sont rendus fameux?

7. Translate into idiomatic French :

If you do not get on, you should blame yourself. Everything at home is turned upside down. Show me, please, how I ought to set about it. Let me hear from you at least once a month.

Italian Language.


Translate the following passage :—

Era il tempo che sotto al procelloso
Aquario il Sol corregge ad Eto il morso,
Scarso il raggio vibrando e neghittoso;
E dieci gradi e dieci avea trascorso

Già di quel Segno, e via correndo in quela
Carriera, all' altro già voltava il dorso;
E compito del dì la nona ancella

L'officio suo, il governo abbandonava
Del timon luminoso alla sorella :
Quando chiuso da nube oscura e cava
L'Angel coll' Ombra inosservato e queto
Nella città di tutti i mali entrava.
Ei procedea depresso, ed inquieto
Nel portamento, i rai celesti empiendo
Di largo ad or ad or pianto segreto;
E l' Ombra si stupía quinci vedendo
Lagrimoso il suo duca, e possedute
Quindi le strade da silenzio orrendo.


1. Write out the present tense indicative of the verbs-uscire, udire, venire, tenere, parere, tacere.

2. Give the 1st and 2nd singular preterite, and the past participle of — piacere, cadere, sapere, dare, venire, rimanere, vedere, conoscere, rompere, mettere, rispondere.

3. Which are the verbs in ire that are conjugated like sentire?


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