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An error in the B. P. test of Sodium and Calcium hypophosphites. G. W. Typke, of Typke & King, draws attention in the Chemist aud Druggist to an error in the quantity of potassium permanganate used in testing sodium and calcium hypophosphites. He finds that the correct proportions are .50 gms. sodium hypophosphite, and .72 gms potassium permanganate, and .25 gms. calcium hppophosphite and .37 gms. potassium permanganate.

Dr. Jowett has since written in reply to Mr. Typke that there is no error in the quantities; that 5 centigr. of sodium hypophosphite requires by theory 1.19 grms. potassium permanganate, also that the quantity of water, 25 cc is not sufficient.

RAPID METHOD for the preparation of Lysol and Creolin. Belman (Pharm. Zeitung.) gives the following process for the preparation of Lysol :500 gms. of cresol are mixed with 250 gms. Olein and well shaken with a solution of 50 gms. of potash in 200 gms. of water.

Ammonia may also be used as follows: 500 gms. of cresol are weighed into a flask, with 250 gms. of oleic acid, and 160 gms. of solution of ammonia (.960), well shaken together, and water then added to 1000 gms. This mixture is at first cloudy but after some time becomes clear.


We clip the following from the Victoria Daily Colonist and are pleased to note the prosperity attending this popular and enterprising firm.

Changing Premises.-Messrs. Henderson Bros., wholesale druggists, have given notice of their intention to cancel their lease of the premises now occupied by them, and have bought the two-story brick block at No. 8 Yates street from Mr. A. Phillips. They contemplate making extensive alterations and additions, which will give them a floor space about equal to that of their present premises, and more suited to their requirements. This enterprising firm, who established a branch in Vancouver some five years ago, are erecting a new warehouse in that city, which will enable them to carry a much larger stock there than at present carried by them, and will better facilitate the business of their numerous customers, both on the Island and Mainland.

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THE 5 B's.

Read the advertisement of the Bold Pharmacal Co. on another page of the JOURNAL. This turpentine has been on the market but a short time, and is already a good seller. The company will forward advertising matter on application, and the goods can be procured at your jobbers.

"True Fruit"

Has become a household word with every soda water dispenser in the United States, and is almost as well known in Canada, Messrs. J. Hungerford Smith have spared neither time nor expense in bringing these fru't juices up to the highest standard in perfection, and to-day they offer them with confidence, knowing that satisfaction will follow their use.

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In a test of Disinfectants, undertaken on behalf of the American Government, "Little's Soluble Phenyle" was proved to be the best Disinfectant, being successfully active at 2 per cent., whilst that which ranked second required 7 per cent., and many Disinfectants, at 50 per cent., proved worthless.

"Little's Soluble Phenyle" will destroy the infection of all Fevers and all Contagious and Infectious Diseases, and will neutralize any bad smell whatever, not by disguising it, but by destroying it.

Used in the London and Provincial Hospitals and approved of by the Highest Sanitary Authorities of the day.

The Phenyle has been awarded Gold Medals and Diplomas in all parts of the world.

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Violet Flowers,

American Roses,

and Carnation Pink

are peers in the perfume art.

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QUEBEC-W. Brunet & Co.

ST. JOHN-Canadian Drug Co. S. McDiarmid & Co.
PRESCOTT--T. W Chamberlain & Co.
MONTREAL-Hudon, Hebert & Co.

New Remedies.

EUGENOFORM is a product of the action of formaldehyde on eugenol. It is in colorless foliaceous crystals, freely soluble in water, less so in alcohol, and insoluble in ether. It is used as an antiseptic in .5 to 1 gm. doses.

FERRIPTON, an organic iron preparation, is put on the market by E. E. Kunse, of Radebuel. It is a neutral, clear, deep reddish brown liquid containing 3.8 per cent. of iron, and 7 per cent. of protein.

Dr. Berthier suggests the use of woolfat for waterproofing clothing. The process consists of dipping the goods in a solution of wool fat in benzine, I to 21⁄2 per cent, wringing out and drying.

TANOCOL is a new tannin compound introduced by the Actien-gesellschaft für Anilinfabrikation of Berlin. It is a greyish white powder, tasteless, odorless, and almost insoluble in water. It resembles Tannalbin and Tannigen, in that it is insoluble in the stomach and is decomposed into its constituents in the bowels. The dose is 1 gm. for adults, .5 gm. for children, given several times daily.

ANTIPYRETICUM "RIEDEL" is antipyrin as manufactured by J. D. Riedel of Berlin, the name "antipyrin" being still owned by the Lucius, Meister & Brunning Co., although the patent on the process of manufacture expired some time ago.

SANATOGEN is a new food preparation put on the market by Bauer & Co., of Berlin. It is a white powder of an agreeable taste. According to an analysis by C. Bishopp, it contains 91.23 per cent. of casein.


W. W. Short, of Richibucto, N. B., is dead. A. G. Pirt, of Hanover, has sold out to John Ball. Chas. Thompson, of Tilsonburg, died on March 23rd.

Clarke & Jardine have opened a business in Ashcroft, B. C.

G. T. Howard, of Winnipeg, has assigned to S. A. D. Bertrand.

G. W. Andrews, of Harbor Grace, Nfd., has made an assignment.

Henry Miles, Montreal, is registered as sole owner of the Dick & Co. preparations.

W. E. Burnet, of the firm of W. E. Burnet & Co., wholesale jobbers, Quebec, is dead.

Burbidge & Colwell, Halifax, N.S., have dissolved and Mr. Burbidge continues the business.

"The Condensed Milk" plant of W. J. Spettigue & Co., of Norwich, Ont., is offered for sale.

The stock of W. C. Griffiths, Colbourne, Ont., was damaged by removal during a fire on March 13. Miller & Willson, of Dresden, Ont., have dissolved partnership, Mr. Willson continuing the busi


Theo. P. Dane, of Preston, is at present in the Galt hospital, having undergone an operation for appendicitis. Latest reports are that he is progressing favorable,

The estate of A. B. Cunningham, Annapolis, N. S., has been sold to Wm. Cunningham and W. H. Moody.

Grant Jessop was among the sufferers from a fire which consumed the opera house in Wellington, B. C., on March 18th.

Bird & Co., and Rowe & Connell, of Whitewood, Assa., were burned out on the night of March 19th. Losses partially covered by insurance.

Mr. H. Eldridge, formerly with Dr. Wigle, Wiarton, has obtained a situation with C. W. Cryderman, Walkerton. He will be missed by his many friends in Wiarton.


The end of March closes the first quarter of the year, which has been fairly satisfactory to the city pharmacists, "The Revival of Trade" can scarcely be credited with all the improvements experienced. Improved business methods on the part of druggists and a knowledge on the part of the customers that "departmental" bargains in medicines are not always desirable. have had their influence.

The final examination of the Ontario College of Pharmacy will be held from May 1st to 8th inclusive.

Dr. G. B. Smith, of Elm St., an old pharmacist, was recently married. The JOURNAL extends congratulations.

Dr. Harley Smith, of Spadina Ave., is confined to his bed with an attack of blood poisoning, contracted while performing an operation.

Wonder what the Ontario College of Pharmacy will say to their Solicitor for his noble efforts in favor of the departmentals as against the retailer?

The Drug Clerks of the city are organizing an Association for mutual benefit along general lines. Special attention will be given to social enjoyment.

H. E. Shafer has left the employ of Mr. Bingham and gone to take a situation the second time with Brewer & Co., of Worcester, Mass. Mr. Shafer had to return to Toronto about a year ago on account of ill health.

The fire fiend appears to have an especial grudge against Paper Box Manufacturers in Toronto. The third within about a year to feel his wrath was the factory of Elliot & Brooke Co., of Adelaide Street west, which was almost destroyed on the evening of March 22nd.

We are pleased to see Mr. Arthur Greenwood back in his old place again with Mr. Geo. Birgham, Yonge st. Mr. Greenwood is better satisfied with Canada than before his year's experience with Uncle Sam, and we are always gratified to see our estimable young men return.

The city druggists are deserving of credit for the interest they took in the subject of the Turnover Tax" now before the Legislature. A much larger proportion of them attended than from any other line of business,

Mr. F. D. Lyman, of Lyman, Knox & Co., spent the Easter holidays with his parents in Montreal.

J. W. Urquhart, representing J. W. Tufts, Boston, soda water app'iances, has been in the city and reports sales good, and predicts a rapid expansion in the soda water trade of Toronto.

Mr. F. S. Ibbotson, of Montreal, recently with

Show Cases,



Messrs. F. Stearns & Co., is in the city represent- MIRRORS A SPECIALTY.

While in

ing Messrs. Armour & Co., of Chicago. the city he is making his home at the Grand Union Hotel.


Mr. McGarrity will replace Mr. Woolley in the East End in the interests of Messrs. Kerry, Watson & Co.

Students are working hard for the examinations which take place on the 18th. The non-arrival of Squire's Companion on which the most of them depend, instead of the official B. P., fills them with dread, the arrangement of the text being more convenient for study.

The sympathy of the drug trade is with Mr. Manson, many years Treasurer of the College and one of the founders of our Association, in the great loss which he has suffered in the death of his wife, which occurred early in this month. The deceased lady left a large family and an extended circle of acquaintances to mourn her decease.

A couple of East End grocers were a little hasty in putting in stocks of patents which they commenced to sell at cut prices. The attention of the Secretary, Mr. Muir, having been drawn to the fact, he wrote them informing them that the law did not come into force for 60 days after the passing of the Act, and that if they did not immediately cease contravening the law he would be compel

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Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communications strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice, without charge, in the

Scientific American.

A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest circulation of any scientific journal. Terms, $3 a year: four months, $1. Sold by all newsdealers.

MUNN&CO.361 Broadway, New York

Branch Office, 625 F St., Washington, D. C.

Special to Retail Druggists

led to take action against them, and they stopped Common Sense Exterminator


Fred Woolley, for the past seven years one of Messrs. Kerry Watson & Co.'s staff of travellers, has resigned his position to go into the commission business on his own account, During the years that he has been calling upon East End druggists he has always been a welcome visitor, his genial ways and business ability making him a prime favorite with all, from the boys up to the proprietors. His success as traveller for Kerry Watson & Co. augurs well for him in his new sphere, and we only echo the wishes of all his friends in wishing Mr. Woolley a successful career as a busi

ness man.

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A good story of a new boy comes all the way from Halifax. He was admiring some new trusses with extra large flat pads, which had just been received, and asked one of the clerks what they were used for. He was told they were a new style of car muffs. A short time after he was sent out with a parcel to one of the hospitals situated a mile or so from the shop. During his absence the clerk noticed that one of the trusses was gone, but what was his surprise to see the boy march back with the truss carefully placed under his chin so that the pads covered his ears confortably. The lad explained that as it was a very cold day he had borrowed one of the new "ear muffs" to keep that part of his anatomy safe from freezing. And it was only when he asked the boss for the loan of it again later in the day, that he discovered that he had been the subject of a joke,

The Gladstone Pharmacy, No. 4110 St. Catherine street, opposite the Arena rink, is one of the best and finest-appointed pharmacies in the city. The fittings of the building inside are of light-colored oak, set off by fixtures of dark cherry, polished in

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piano style, which, along with mirrors and antique Fielding-Kennedy &

oak show cases with plate glass fittings, also rosewood tables, and chairs for comfort of customers, make it one of the latest and best-equipped pharmacies in the city.

The genial proprietor, Mr. W. J. Furse, has had experience in almost all parts of the world, having travelled through the West Indies and the greater part of South America in the interests of the drug trade. He is also a graduate of a N. Y. College of Pharmacy, besides having graduated from Quebec in 1891. He has had twelve years' experience in the best drug stores of Montreal; he also spent a year travelling and two years in New York city. He has also instituted an all-night and Sunday service, with qualified assistants in charge at all times. The prescription department is under his own immediate supervision.

He also has several proprietary articles on the market, such as Gladstone toilet cream for softening and beautifying the skin; Gladstone cough emulsion, an invaluable remedy for coughs and colds; laxative bromo capsules for grippe, cold in the head, etc., and several others.


The Sen-Sen" Co'y., of Rochester, U. S. A., have secured a temporary injunction against the agent of "Senti," a Canadian article which is claimed to be an imitation.

Alderman R. Gibson, ex-Lord Mayor of Manchester, was recently presented with a service of silver plate by the members of the Manchester City Council as a token of their appreciation of his services during his term of office.


121 Simcoe St., TORONTO.






To the Trade

We desire to call the attention of the trade to the above package dyes, which have been on the market for the past 9 years. The sales have increased wonderfully in that period, and they have given every satisfaction, both to retailer and Every LIVE DRUGGIST handles


Turkish Dyes.

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